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fatigued (adj) - tired over a long period of time

I feel fatigued after a week of exams at school.

When's the last time you've felt fatigued?

hectic (adj) - very active and never stopping

I've had such a hectic day! I had 4 exams and 3 competitions!

How do you feel during hectic times?

reprimand (v) - tell someone off (tell them they've been bad) but formally

Jason was reprimanded by his boss for coming late to work.

Have you ever been reprimanded? What for?

to vacillate (v) - hesitate when choosing between two things

I've been vacillating between getting an iPhone or a Samsung.

Have you ever vacillated between something? What did you decide?

lethargic (adj) - to feel like you have very low energy

I've felt so lethargic for the past few days because of the hot weather.

How often do you feel lethargic? What usually causes it?

dichotomy (noun) - two contrasting things that are seen as opposed to each other

The premium smartphone market is dominated by the dichotomy between Apple and Samsung.

Can you come up with other examples of dichotomies?

bliss (noun) - state of complete happiness and total joy

I was in bliss during the holiday. It was perfect.

Have you ever experienced bliss? How?

This task creates a dichotomy to write about. What is it?

callous (adj) - cruel, not caring how others feel

Our teacher is a very callous woman. She doesn't care if she makes a student cry.

Who's the most callous person you've encountered? How did you deal with them?

inexorable (adj) - unstoppable, impossible to prevent

Maggy's inexorable march towards getting a promotion at work.

When is it good and when bad to be inexorable?

to procrastinate (verb) - to do other stuff to avoid doing what you don't want to do

When I procrastinate, I clean the entire house.

What do you do when you procrastinate?

truancy (noun) - the act of skipping school without good reason.

Mike's parents were called to school after a week of truancy.

Have you ever been punished for truancy? How?

to opine (v) - to express opinion

He opined about the future of video games, saying they'll all be VR eventually.

What topic do you feel confident opining about? Why?

Elated (adj) - filled with great joy or happiness, often to an exhilarating degree.
I was elated when I received the news that my favorite band was coming to town for a concert.

Share a memory of a moment when you were truly elated, experiencing a burst of happiness or

infatuated (adj) - intensely and often irrationally fond of or attracted to someone or something

I found myself infatuated with the captivating melody of the song, playing it on repeat for hours.

Have you ever been infatuated with a book or movie that you couldn't get enough of?

whimsical (adj) - playful and fun, with a touch of imagination and creativity

Example: Sarah's whimsical drawings of smiling animals and colorful landscapes always bring a
playful and imaginative vibe to her art class.

Share a whimsical moment from your life when you had fun in a playful and imaginative way.
What made it so enjoyable for you?

xenophobic (adj) - fearing or disliking people from other countries or cultures without reason

Example: Jake's xenophobic comments at the global gathering showed an unfounded dislike for
different cultural practices.

Share a time when you saw or experienced xenophobia. How did you respond, and what can be
done to encourage understanding and acceptance among diverse communities?

level-headed (adj) - calm and rational in stressful situations

Even in challenging situations, Sarah remained level-headed, making thoughtful decisions

without letting emotions cloud her judgment.

Share an example of someone being level-headed in a difficult situation. How did their
composed approach contribute to a positive outcome?

Festivity (noun) - the celebration of an event or occasion with joy and merriment.
Amelia's family organized a grand festivity for her birthday.

Share your most memorable festivity experience. How did you celebrate?

Merriment (noun) - the state of being cheerful and full of joy, often expressed through laughter
and lively activities.

At the holiday party, the room echoed with the sound of merriment.

What's your favorite source of merriment during festive seasons? Share a joyful memory!

Malarkey (noun) - informal and exaggerated language or behavior intended to deceive or


During the negotiation, the salesman tried to convince us with a lot of malarkey about the
product's miraculous benefits.

Have you ever encountered someone using malarkey to sell you something? Share your
experiences with persuasive but dubious talk!

Aspire (verb) - to have a strong desire or ambition to achieve something significant.

In her graduation speech, Sarah encouraged her classmates to aspire to greatness.

What is one thing you aspire to achieve in the next year? Share your aspirations and goals!

Gregarious (adjective) - enjoying being with other people, friendly and sociable.

At the picnic, Lisa's gregarious personality made everyone feel welcome.

How do you like to spend time with friends? Share a fun social memory!

Dashing (adjective) - stylish, attractive, and full of confidence.

At the party, James made a dashing entrance in his sharp suit.

Describe someone you find dashing and the impact they have on a room!
Daredevil (noun) - a reckless person who seeks out thrilling and dangerous activities.

During the adventure trip, Emily proved to be a daredevil, trying every challenging activity with

Share a story about someone you know or an experience involving a daredevil moment!

Lambast (verb) - to strongly criticize.

After the messy room inspection, Mom began to lambast the untidy habits of the kids.

Share a time when someone got strongly criticized for something. What happened?

Completely Spent (phrase) - very tired and worn out.

After the long hike, Tim sat down, completely spent.

Share a time when you felt completely spent. What were you doing?

Verisimilitude (noun) - the appearance of being true or real.

The movie's attention to detail gave it a sense of verisimilitude, making the viewers feel
immersed in the story.

Can you think of a book, movie, or story that impressed you with its verisimilitude? What
elements made it feel believable?

Frigid (adjective) - extremely cold or lacking warmth.

Walking through the snow-covered forest, Emma couldn't help but shiver in the frigid air.

Describe a time or place where you experienced frigid weather. How did you cope with the

Yelp (verb) - to give a sudden, sharp cry or shout, especially from pain or surprise.

As the kitten accidentally stepped on a thorn, it couldn't help but yelp in distress.
Share a moment when you or someone else let out a yelp. What happened, and how did you

Rustic (adjective) - simple and charming, like the countryside.

The little bakery had a rustic feel with wooden tables and a warm atmosphere.

Think of a place you've been that had a rustic vibe. What made it feel simple and charming?

Irreverent (adjective) - not showing much respect, often in a playful way.

At the formal dinner, Sarah made an irreverent comment that made everyone laugh.

Can you recall a time when someone was irreverent in a lighthearted way? What happened?

Scoundrel (noun) - a tricky or dishonest person who likes to play pranks.

In the schoolyard, Alex was seen as a bit of a scoundrel for his playful tricks.

Do you know someone who acts like a scoundrel? Share a funny or mischievous story about

Aggravate (verb) - to make things worse.

By pointing fingers, she only aggravated the argument.

Share a situation where someone's actions aggravated a problem. What happened next?

Solitude (noun) - spending time alone.

He found solitude at the beach, away from the crowd.

When do you like to have some solitude? Where is your favorite place to be alone?

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