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Lecture 3

Oral Information

Lecture Overview

This topic is about oral information, a subtopic under oral traditions. We will focus on
the procedure of collecting oral information which follows a specific procedure as well
how to store and analyse oral information. The lecture will also entail the challenges of
collecting oral information. Lastly we will also discuss various ways though which we
can overcome the challenges associated with collection of oral data.

How to Collect Oral Information

Below are tips on how to collect oral information, say, during interviews or field

1. One must understand the culture of the people one is studying. It is

important to know the language or have someone who knows the
language and translate it.
2. Before going to the field one must research on written material on the
people, otherwise one may find that the information was already
collected somewhere else.
3. The choice of informants must be representative of that particular
group. Various people have various ideas, hence it is of paramount
importance to follow two key principles below:
(i) Not every old person knows about the past.
(ii) One should ask the local people to tell him/her the experts on
a given topic or issue.
4. Create an atmosphere that is conducive to the interview, which shows
appreciation and value for the informants. Make them feel that the

research is good or important for the society and that their contribution
will be acknowledged.
5. It is necessary to have a list of questions or subject area to be covered. It
is important to pre-test your research instruments.
6. Decide whether to carry group or individual interviews. Individual
interviews are carried separately without outside influence.
7. Decide on group or individual interviews and note the following:
(i) Have biographical notes of the informant i.e. name, sex and age.
Remember to indicate the place, time and date of the interview.

Activity 3.1
Explain the process of collecting and storing oral information

Storage of Oral Data and Analysis

Oral data or oral information may stored in various forms. It may be stored in form of
notes. It may also be taped recorded and stored as audio or visual. Analysis of oral data on
the other hand maybe done following the following steps: first step is transcribing, coding,
corroboration and presentation in narratives form, quotes, description etc

Challenges of Collecting Oral information

Cultural challenges

Activity 3.2
Suggest other ways though which we can store oral information.

This includes the limitations of language especially when the researcher is from a different
community. This may be overcome by use of community leaders, elders and interpreters’
who are from the community.

Poor Choice of Informants

Historical researches sometimes demand interrogation of informants exposed to

information sought. The issue of age, gender and proximity of information becomes crucial.
Failure to adhere to this may compromise the quality of information collected.

Failure to maintain privacy and confidentiality of information and informants

Some of the information obtained from informants may be sensitive and requires that source
of information be kept secret and confidential. Failure to that may compromise the quality
of the research.


This is an act of inducement in order to elicit information from potential respondents.

Respondents are more likely to paint an unfavourable picture of a given situation hence
compromising the quality of research.

Biasness and exaggeration of information

This is when both researcher and respondent over praise or underplay happenings in

Cultural trespass

This involves trespassing into sacred areas or failure to observe cultural code of conduct of
a given community.

Activity 3.3
Discuss the challenges associated with collection of oral

Solution to challenges of collecting Oral Traditions

 Rely on group interviews rather than personal interviews

 Collect as many variants as possible of the same narrative.

 Carry out a critique: carry out internal and external critique of the narratives:
question the modes of transmission, the place of transmission; question the content
etc. Internal critique involves analysis of the content of the tradition itself while
external critique involves examining the source of the tradition.
 Compare information with other sources ie. Rely on the inter disciplinary
 Be conversant in the language and culture of the community un under
investigation etc.
 Have a critical mind. Be on the lookout for any exaggerations and biases. Don’t
take the tradition at its face value.

You have come to the end of lecture three. In this lecture you have learnt
the following:
 The meaning of oral information
 How to collect oral information
 The challenges of collecting oral information
 How to store and analyse oral information
 Ways of overcoming the challenge of collecting oral information

Nyanchoga et Al (2008) Aspects of African History Vol. One Catholic University Press

Ogot, B. A. A History of Southern Luo, Vol. I. (Nairobi: East African Publishing House,

Ki-Zerbo, J. (ed.) 1981) A General History of Africa, Vol. I. California, USA: Heinemann.

Ogutu, M. A. and Kenyanchui, S. S. (1991) An Introduction to African History. (Nairobi:

Nairobi University Press.


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