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Materials Required:

- Oxford Business Result textbook (Unit 14 - Processes)

- Intercambio Level 4 Left book (Lesson 1 - What's Up)
- Storytelling props or illustrations for TPRS

Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Greet the students and ensure everyone is comfortable with the video conferencing platform.
2. Review the previous lesson briefly to refresh their memory.

Warm-Up (10 minutes):

1. Use TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) to introduce the target
vocabulary of the unit. Create a simple, interactive story related to processes, using props or
illustrations to engage the students.
2. Ask students to identify the verbs used in the story and list them on the virtual whiteboard.

Presentation (20 minutes):

1. Open the Oxford Business Result textbook to Unit 14: Processes.
2. Introduce the grammar objective of the lesson, which is a review of past, present, and future
3. Go through the grammar rules and examples provided in the textbook.
4. Provide additional examples of sentences using past, present, and future tenses to describe
processes related to business activities.
5. Ask students to share their own examples or experiences related to processes in the
business field.

Practice (30 minutes):

1. Divide students into pairs or small groups through breakout rooms on the video conferencing
2. Provide a set of discussion questions related to business processes.
3. Instruct students to discuss and answer the questions, using a variety of verb tenses.
4. Monitor the breakout rooms and provide help or guidance as needed.
5. Bring the students back to the main virtual classroom and allow some groups to share their

Application (20 minutes):

1. Open the Intercambio Level 4 Left book to Lesson 1: What's Up.
2. Introduce the class objectives for this part of the lesson: talking about and explaining
processes using passive forms, and dealing with questions after a presentation.
3. Assign a specific topic related to business processes to each student or small group.
4. Instruct them to prepare a short presentation explaining the process using passive forms and
discussing potential questions that may arise from it.
5. Allow time for preparation and rehearsal.
6. Students present their explanations, and the rest of the class asks questions afterward.
7. Provide feedback and correct any errors in grammar or pronunciation.

Conclusion (5 minutes):
1. Summarize the main points covered in the lesson and highlight the importance of effective
communication in business processes.
2. Assign homework, such as writing a short paragraph about a process they are familiar with
using the past, present, and future tenses.
3. Thank the students for their participation and encourage any additional questions or

Note: Adapt the lesson plan as per the number of students, their proficiency level, and their
familiarity with the materials used.

The story
Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a man named John who decided to
cut down on his expenses and lead a more minimalist lifestyle. He picked out all
the unnecessary items in his house and set up a garage sale to get rid of them.
He took away all the clutter that had been occupying his space for too long.

While John was busy organizing his sale, his neighbor, Sarah, noticed his efforts
and decided to pick up a few items for herself. She dropped off her money and
thanked John for turning his unwanted belongings into something useful for her.
Feeling motivated, Sarah decided to throw away old items she no longer needed
and signed up for a recycling program to properly dispose of them.

A few days later, John ran into Sarah on the street. He greeted her with a warm
smile and asked, "What's up?" Sarah replied, "Not much, just taking a walk.
What's going on with you?" John enthusiastically shared his garage sale success
and how much he had simplified his life. Sarah said, "That's great! What's new
with you?" John chuckled and replied, "Same old, same old, but now with less

Curious about John's new lifestyle, Sarah asked, "How are you doing with your
minimalist approach?" John happily responded, "It's all good! I feel a sense of
freedom and contentment. How's it going with you?" Sarah nodded and said,
"Not bad at all. I feel inspired to declutter my own space."

As they continued their conversation, John and Sarah discussed their plans for
the future. John expressed his desire to focus more on experiences rather than
material possessions, while Sarah shared her aspiration to lead a more
environmentally friendly life. They both agreed that by simplifying their lives, they
could achieve these goals.

From that day forward, John and Sarah became close friends, supporting each
other in their journeys towards a more meaningful and sustainable lifestyle. They
realized that by cutting down on unnecessary things, one could make room for
what truly mattered – genuine connections, personal growth, and a happier,
clutter-free life.

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