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Contents P.6
Exercise Text Type Page

HKAT Question Type Analysis 2

1 Listening Comprehension (1) Part 1: A phone conversation 10

Part 2: A speech

2 Listening Comprehension (2) Part 1: A radio programme 12

Part 2: A phone conversation

3 Listening Comprehension (3) Part 1: A conversation 14

Part 2: A conversation

4 Listening Comprehension (4) Part 1: A conversation 16

Part 2: A survey

5 Listening Comprehension (5) Part 1: A radio programme 18

Part 2: A conversation

6 Listening Comprehension (6) Part 1: A story 20

Part 2: An interview

7 Reading Comprehension (1) A timetable 22

8 Reading Comprehension (2) Notices 24

9 Reading Comprehension (3) A poem 26

10 Reading Comprehension (4) An article 28

11 Reading Comprehension (5) An article 30

12 Reading Comprehension (6) An article 32

13 Picture Composition (1) A journal entry 34

14 Picture Composition (2) A story 38

15 Picture Composition (3) A journal entry 42

16 Smart Tips for Writing 46

Writing Checklist 48
1 Listening Comprehension (1)

Review Station
• Make good use of the 30-second preparation time. Highlight the key words in the
• Do not always take the first thing you hear as the answer. Listen carefully for any
changes in the answer.
• In form-filling, sometimes the questions might not be in the same order as the
audio script. So, familiarise yourself with the questions and be prepared to jump to
different questions when necessary.

Part 1 (CD: Track 01)

Jacky is talking to his new friend, Candy, on the phone. Listen to the
conversation and answer the questions.

1. When Candy said ‘I will come with them’, she felt _______ .

A. worried B. calm

C. tired D. overjoyed

2. How many times has Candy been to Hong Kong before?

A. Once
B. Twice
C. Many times
D. She hasn’t been to Hong Kong before.

3. When can Jacky and Candy watch the firework display?

A. On the first day of Chinese New Year
B. On the second day of Chinese New Year
C. On the third day of Chinese New Year
D. On Chinese New Year’s Eve

4. Where does Candy live?

A. She lives in China.
B. She lives in Chinatown.
C. She lives in England.
D. She lives in Singapore.

Date :

Part 2 (CD: Track 02)

Miss Au is talking to her class on what they should do and not do when
preparing for the exam. Jacky is taking notes on what Miss Au is saying. Listen
to Miss Au’s advice and fill in Jacky’s notes.

Should NOT do
 Students should not do revision in the very last
(1) .They will not have enough
(2) for revision.

Should do
 Students should do revision (3) . Then
they can (4) more after the lesson.

 Students should set a (5) to tell them

when and what to revise.

 Students should study in a (6)


HINT: Think of what kind of environment

is good for revision.

12 Reading Comprehension (6)

Michael is reading an article in the school magazine. Read it carefully and choose
the best answers for the questions.

Making a better Hong Kong

Some people think that it is the charities and adults who should make

Hong Kong a better place. However, we, primary students, can also help

make our city better.

There are a lot of things we can do. We can help others every day. 5

For example, we can always offer our seats to people in need on the bus

and the MTR. Every time we see the elderly, the sick and women with

babies, we can make them feel better by offering them our seats. By doing

so, we not only show others how to be good but also help make the city

warm. Besides, we can donate our pocket money to charities. Although 10

Hong Kong is a rich city, there are still many poor people. They need some

help to have a better life. When we give our money, the charities will use it

to help those in need.

We are part of our city. We should try our best to help others. Let’s be

good young citizens and make a better Hong Kong. 15

Mini Dictionary

offer – give
donate – give (usually money)
citizens – members of society

Date :

1. Who should make Hong Kong a better place?
A. The adults B. The charities
C. The primary students D. All of the above

2. Why is it good for students to offer their seats on public transport?

A. The others will know how to be good.
B. The students can get extra marks in the exam.
C. The students don’t have to pay if they offer their seats.
D. Their teachers and parents will praise them.

3. If we donate our money to charities, the money will finally go to

A. our pockets
B. the people we want to help
C. the government
D. the rich cities

4. What does the writer want people to do after reading the article?
A. donate money to women with babies
B. help the poor find a seat
C. help the people in need
D. work in the charities

5. Michael is writing an e-mail to Daniel and telling him about the article he
has just read. Finish the e-mail with only ONE word for each blank.

Hi Daniel,
I have just read an article and want to share it with you. We can
help poor people by donation. We can buy fewer snacks and help
them with our (i) money.
All citizens should help others. We should work together to make
Hong Kong a (ii) place to live.

13 Picture Composition (1)

Review Station
• Look at all three pictures. Link them up and create the whole writing in your head.
• Turn your ideas into words. Make use of the given words.
• Usually there is a problem in Picture 3. You should think of an ending as the solution
or development.

You are Ken. You had your birthday party with your family last week. With the help
of the pictures and the words below, write a journal entry about what happened.
Write at least 80 words. You can use the words in the Word Bank to help you.

a. b.

birthday present / robot wish / hear / drop

c. d.

(What happened next?)

break / angry Word Bank

Picture (a): decorate / celebrate / balloons / banner / surprised
Picture (b): blow / sound / push / floor
Picture (c): tears / comfort / worried / mad

Date :

A. Read the instruction again. Find information to answer the questions.

You are Ken. You had your birthday party with your family last week … write a
journal entry about what happened. Write at least 80 words.

1. What kind of party did you have with your family? It was .

2. When was it? It was .

3. I should write my journal entry in the present tense / past tense / future tense .

B. Study the pictures on page 34 and circle things that help you answer the
questions. Write down words that you can use in your journal entry.

Picture (a)

1. Where did you have your party?

2. What did Dad give you?

3. How did you feel?

Picture (b)

1. What did you do?

2. What did your sister do?

Picture (c)

1. How did you feel?

2. How did your sister feel?

3. How did your parents react?



Answer the questions in the chart below in complete sentences. Use the words
you have written on page 35 to expand your ideas with more details.

Paragraph 1: Picture (a)

1. Where did you have your party? Expand your ideas:
I had my party . My parents decorated
the house with and . What was the
2. What did Dad give you?
Dad gave me .
3. How did you feel?
I was very .
Paragraph 2: Picture (b)
1. What did you do? When did you do this?
At of the party, I .
How could you see this
2. What did your sister do? after making a wish?
When I , I saw my little sister
Paragraph 3: Picture (c)
1. How did you feel?
I was very .
2. How did your sister feel?
What did she do
My sister felt and . with this feeling?
3. How did your parents react?
Dad and Mum .

Paragraph 4 Write a good ending:

1. What did Dad / Mum say? Write an interesting

Why did theydevelopment.
stand still?

Write a happy ending
2. How did everyone feel? How did the party end? that makes sense.

 Rainy 22 October 20XX

   Last week was my birthday.

HINT: After finishing your writing, turn to page 48.

Use the writing checklist to help you proofread.

English Assorted Practices and

Mock Papers for HKAT

Primary 5
Mock Paper 1

1. There are 8 pages in this test booklet.
2. The test has Sections A to C.
3. On the cover of the answer booklet, write your Name, Class
and Class Number.
4. Write all your answers in the answer booklet.
5. For multiple choice questions, choose only ONE answer
for each question. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the
boxes in the answer booklet. Two or more answers will score

Time Allowed for the Test:

Section A (Listening) : 15 minutes
Sections B – C (Reading and Writing) : 35 minutes

English Assorted Practices

and Mock Papers for HKAT © Pan Lloyds Publishers Ltd
(Primary 5)
Mock Paper 1

(B-3) (14 marks)

Sam is reading an e-mail from his friend, Jenny. Read it carefully, choose
the best answers for Questions 29-34 and complete Question 35.

To : Sam Au <>
From : Jenny Li <>
Date : 20 April 2016 8:30 p.m.
Subject : Greetings from New York

Dear Sam, 5

How are you? It’s so nice of you to send me a postcard. I received it a few days
ago. I really like it!
Two weeks ago I flew to New York from my hometown Vancouver with my
family. We went there for five days. I felt really sleepy after the seven-hour flight.
However, the moment I stepped into the airport, I was not tired at all. I just 10

couldn’t explain how excited I was. It was my first time visiting New York City!
Just the same as your hometown Hong Kong, New York is an international city
and well-known for its tall buildings. Two of the most famous buildings are the
Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. One night, I went to the Empire
State Building. It was a bit scary to stand on the top floor but the beautiful view 15

was breathtaking! The whole city was there in front of me.

New York is a big city and their meals are also huge. I think the portions of food
or drinks in New York must be much larger than those in Asian cities. At the
same time, they are delicious. Once I had a bun with a thirty-centimetre-long
sausage inside. It was so big. The ketchup and mustard in it made it taste 20

really yummy. After our meals, we had to give tips to the waiter or waitress
who served us. Tipping is a common practice in America. It means we are
satisfied with the restaurant service. Do people tip in Hong Kong?
Do you have anything interesting to tell me about Hong Kong? I’d like to visit
Hong Kong someday. Please write soon. 25


Reading 1 (Primary 5)
29. How did Jenny feel when she was in the airport?
A. tired B. bored
C. hungry D. excited

30. In paragraph 3, what does ‘the same’ refer to?

A. building an airport
B. being an international city with tall buildings
C. being a crowded city
D. being a shoppers’ paradise

31. In paragraph 3, what does ‘breathtaking’ mean?

A. scary B. hard to breathe
C. cold and windy D. great and exciting

32. The food Jenny had is .

A. a piece of toast B. a hot dog
C. a piece of cake D. an ice cream

33. In America, tipping .

A. shows that the service is good
B. is to give hints
C. annoys people
D. is not common

34. Which is NOT true about New York?

A. There are many tall buildings.
B. It is seven hours from Vancouver by bus.
C. The Empire State Building is one of the famous buildings.
D. The portions of food and drinks is large.

35. Read Jenny’s e-mail on P.6. Arrange the pictures in the order of the things
mentioned. Write A, B, C or D in the boxes in the answer booklet.
A. B. C. D.

7    © Pan Lloyds Publishers Ltd

Mock Paper 1

Section C Writing (30 marks)

36. You are Sam. You were making breakfast yesterday morning in the kitchen. Based
on the pictures below, write a journal entry about what happened. Write at least
80 words.

a. b.

kitchen / stove / fry call / put down

c. d.

(What happened next?)

sitting room / smoke / burnt

End of Test

Writing 1 (Primary 5)
English Assorted Practices and

Mock Papers for HKAT

Primary 5
Mock Paper 1

Answer Booklet

Name : (English) (中文)

Class : Class No. :

Score Sheet

Testing Area Section Max. Marks

A (Part 1) /10

Listening A (Part 2) /10

A (Part 3) /12

B-1 /12

Reading B-2 /12

B-3 /14

Writing C /30

Total: /100

English Assorted Practices

and Mock Papers for HKAT © Pan Lloyds Publishers Ltd
(Primary 5)
Mock Paper 1

Part 2 (CD: Track 14) (10 marks @2 marks)

Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the below.

Sam is listening to an interview between Andrew Chan and Jenny Chow on the radio. Listen
carefully and answer Questions 6 to 10. You have 30 seconds to study the questions. You may
start now.

6. Jenny is .
A. the host of a radio programme
B. an actress and a movie director
C. a Hong Kong student
D. a tourist

7. How did Jenny feel about the success of her latest movie The Waltz?
A. excited
B. surprised
C. angry
D. worried

8. Which of the following is TRUE about The Waltz?

A. It is an action film.
B. It is about how to dance.
C. The two main characters meet in a club.
D. Jana does not like Steve because he is bad-tempered.

9. Andrew and Jenny think learning new things can .

A. help us understand movies
B. be boring
C. help us understand the world
D. bring new challenges

10. The radio programme is on air .

A. every day
B. every week
C. every two weeks
D. every month
Go on to the next page

Listening 1 (Primary 5)

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