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Detailed Lesson plan in Science Grade 6

Beed gen (Colegio de Montalban)

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In the end of the 30 mins, lesson the pupils should be able to :

1.Identify the different forms of energy.
2.Describe how Heat Sound Light and electrical energy are produced.
3.Appreciate the importance Heat,Sound,Light and Electrical energy in
our daily lives.


1. Different forms of Energy

2. Science Grade 6 Textbook,
Power Point Presentation , Pictures
4. Values Integrated : Appreciation
5. Strategy used : Disscusion/Individual activity

III. Procedure
Teacher Activities Student Activities

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A. Preliminary Activities

Good Morning class!
How are you today ? - Were Ok ma’am
Everybody rise and let us pray. - Done Praying
(Say Amen)
Checking of Attendance
Who are absent for today? -No Absent for today mam

Developmental Activities

B. Review of Past Lesson

C. Motivation
Before we discuss our lesson
for today we had a game that’s
called 4 pics 1 word

The teacher will demonstrate how

to play the game and afterward

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those students who wants to

answer will say his/her name
and once after she call her name
he/she will be able to answer.

D. Presentation of the Lesson

Did you know Energy comes in many form or different forms?

E. Proper Lesson
When we say energy it is the ability to do work.
The Differents forms of Energy are ;
Heat , Chemical, Mechanical, Sound, Light, Electrical, and Thermal

1.Heat energy, also called thermal energy, is the energy an object has
because of the movement of its molecules, and heat can be
transferred from one object to another object. Heat energy on Earth
comes from the sun.
-Can you give an example of Heat Energy?

2.Sound is the movement of energy through a substance – like air or

water – and is caused by vibrations. Solids, liquids and gases transmit
sound as waves.
-Can you give example of Sound energy?

3.Light energy is a visible form of radiant energy that travels in waves. It

is the only form of energy that can be seen by the human eye.

4.Electrical energy is the the energy produced by moving electrons

Example Appliances. Can you give some example of appliances?

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F. Application
Lets try this! Directions: Analyze the pictures and Give what forms of
energy is pictures shown.

G. Generalization

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Based on our discussion earlier what are the different forms of energy?
What are this?
- Heat , Chemical, Mechanical, Sound, Light, Electrical, and Thermal

Those forms of Energy are classified into two big groups what is it?
- The Kinetic and Potential Energy

Why we need to understand the importance of these in our daily living?

- To know what are the uses and purposes of it in our daily activities or
task that help to us in our daily living.

IV. Evaluation
Identify the word or words being described.
1. ____ It is the ability to do work.
2.The energy that makes materials hot enough to burn is called_____?
3.It is a form of energy that helps in the transformation of mechanical
energy into electric energy used to run electric motors, electric fans,
refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners. ______
4. It is the only form of energy that can be seen by the human eye.
5.Is the movement of energy through a substance like air or water and
is cause by vibrations. ______

Prepared By: Mariel Delos Santos

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