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“The Gentlemen”

Sort out- Rewilding bears-

Cock smth up- Heir-

Hug it out- Spare-

Superiors- Take smth up-

Amicably- Hereby-

Out of date- Bastard-

Dispatch- Lucid-

It is what it is- Carve up-


A. People in a higher G. Term used as an insult or M. Reintroducing bears to

position or rank - derogatory remark- their natural habitats -

B. Ruin or mess something H. Resolve a problem or N. Divide or distribute

up - situation - something into parts or
portions -
C. No longer current or I. Send off to a destination
relevant - for a specific purpose - O. Resolve a disagreement
through reconciliation -
D. In a friendly and J. Clear and easily
cooperative manner- understood - P. Person entitled to inherit
someone's property-
E. By means of this K. Assume responsibility or
document or statement - start doing something -

F. Accepting a situation as it L. Extra or additional -

is -


1. Let's _____ _____ this disagreement and find a solution.

2. His attempt to fix the machine only ended up _____ _____.

3. After the argument, they decided to _____ _____ _____ and move forward.

4. The company's _____ will review the proposal before making a decision.

5. They parted ways _____ after resolving their differences.

6. The information in that report is _____ _____, we need the latest figures.

7. The package is ready for _____ to our international clients.

8. When faced with difficulties, she often says, "_____ _____ _____."

9. Conservationists are working on _____ _____ bears to their natural habitats.

10. As the eldest son, he is the _____ to the family fortune.

11. Always keep a _____ tire in your car for emergencies.

12. I'll _____ _____ the matter with the authorities and get back to you.

13. _____, we confirm the agreement reached in this meeting.

14. He was called a _____ for his unethical business practices.

15. Her explanation was _____ and easy to comprehend.

16. Let's _____ _____ the responsibilities among team members fairly.

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