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Chapter I



Student truancy and absenteeism are one of the factors that

affecting the study, grades, and learning capability of

students. To avoid the absenteeism of students, the community

needs to encourage the students to go to school, and also the

friends, classmates, teachers, and especially the support of

their parents. truancy refers to the deliberate and unauthorized

absence from school, whether it be for valid reasons or not. In

this case, a student misses classes on their own free will. It

does not include legitimate excused absences that could occur

due to situations like illness or tragedy. In many states,

absenteeism is clearly defined in the handbook of policies and

procedures that guide the operation of institutions. There are

several consequences of engaging in truancy, the most common

being the inability to graduate and the denial of credits for

certain classes. Absenteeism has many causes, including schools,

parents, and youth-related situations. It has serious personal

and legal implications if not mitigated early. Potential

solutions include mentoring, community-based interventions,

communication training, and the involvement of law


enforcement.Absenteeism a tendency to be away from work or

school without a good reason: the perform or habit of being

absent from work or school. The students who are not come in

schools, colleges and universities regularly and not attend the

classes are called absent. and student’s class participation

becomes affected due to absenteeism. Absence nowadays cannot

be separated from the individual who was called a

student. This absence of phenomena, it is easy to see even

likened it has become a necessity in the nature of the students.

So, it is not surprising if this habit continues to fall

proceeds among school students as examples of primary, secondary

and even at university level, the problems still persist.

According to the states that the difficulty inferring the

effect of absenteeism on performance because, once a student is

absent in a class, he or she may miss the opportunity of

learning other techniques. He found out that missing in class

progress the likelihood off missing examination material covered

that day compared to the students who were present in the class.

The general tendency to engage in such unwillingness is referred

to as absenteeism. 2Student absenteeism defined as a period when

Maburger Retrieved November 19, 2023 from
Teasly November 19, 2023 Retrieved November 19,
2023 from

a student does not attend school, has become a major and

continuous problem among high school students in many countries.

It is well understood, at some point and time in their career,

most students will need to be absent from school on occasion.

The issue is not with occasional absence, but rather, with

absence that is frequent, prolonged, or for illegitimate

reasons. This study searched to identify the risk factors

for student absence, sought answers to the why

behind excessive student. economic activities. Therefore,

the education background of the population is low, thus

parents/guardians support to their ward’s education is

awful, thereby making children in this area take

education for granted. Imagine there is a Physiotherapy

and Orthotics tertiary training Institution in the town

but most of the trainees are from outside the town

applying for admission. The families of the habitual

absentees can also suffer. For a poverty-stricken family,

it may mean a continuation of the poverty and

unemployment cycle that may run in the family. This

also contributes to family conflicts. The society also

suffers, as the children of school age hang around in


the streets. They can be found just gallivanting around.

Since they have nothing to do, they resort to petty

crimes like stealing other people’s belongings and

properties. Others may resort to drug addiction and

other behavior that is detrimental to society. Thus, if

the student keeps on being away from school for too

long, he may grow up to be a liability of his

community and of his country as a whole. It is the aim

of every school to lessen the situation, if not

eradicate absenteeism among its students. One way of

addressing this problem is to identify the causes why

students become truant from school. Once they are

singled out, understood and analyzed, specific actions and

measures can be undertaken. This will eventually redound

to better performance of the students, teachers, the

school, the society and the nation in general. It is in

this context that this action research was undertaken,

that is, to identify the causes why some of the J.H.S

2 pupils in this aforementioned school absent their

selves from class regularly a tendency to be away from work

or school without a good reason: the perform or habit of being


absent from work or school. The students who are not come in

schools, colleges and universities regularly and not attend the

classes are called absent. Some students come in universities

but not attend the classes also called absent. This habitual act

of students is called absenteeism. “Performance means the act of

the point or the state of being performed.” According to my

point of view performance is an action by which an individual

fulfill the task which assign ourselves or assigned by others is

called performance. Although there are many factors which effect

on student’s performance either related to personal life or

educational setting but the effects of absenteeism on student’s

performance is more prone to discuss. Indicator is defined as “A

thing that indicates the position or level of something.”

Indicators of poor performance low GPA, poor class

participation, poor coordination among students. Regular

attendance fulfills several important goals of higher education.

It encourages the students to organize their thinking by

comparing new ideas. It plays an important role in enhancing

Merium.Dictionary Retrieved November 19, 2023 from
The American Heritage Retrieved November 19, 2023 from
Oxford.Dictionary Retrieved November 19, 2023 from

student performance because it helps the student to submit

assignment on time, enhance collaboration among student,

increase the test score of the student, improve the student GPA,

increase the student confidence , increase their understanding

of basic concepts, easily understand every point, student

achieve greater understanding and improve coordination with

teachers and peers. These problems can be overcome by improving

the attendance and reducing the absenteeism. Class participation

including being sufficiently prepared, discussion with class

mate and teachers. Student’s class participation becomes

affected due to absenteeism. The effects of absenteeism in class

participation, miss the chance to become a part in class

participate, can’t raise questions about any confusion regarding

topics. Can’t clear the concepts, Poor participation in tutorial

discussion; miss the chance of small group discussion within the

class. They neglect much value able information which students

can gain in class. It leads to poor coordination with teachers,

poor coordination with their class mates in their group studies.

Also affect the performance of students especially when they are

in a team work or group assignments and projects. Unable to

update for their assignments, unable to take the guideline about

preparing the assignments, Absenteeism leads the students to

drop out graded activities. Poor performances in class quiz


which lead to poor GPA. Unable to prepare and the assignments on

due dates which badly effect the GPA of students. Poor

performance during exams leads to poor GPA that’s why they have

to repeat the session or drop out from the university. This

means that student. Students' attendance at school and their

classes plays a decisive role in achieving the desired result

from education and training activities. For policies and reforms

in education to succeed, students must attend school first.

Among the main areas of work for education managers is

determining and eliminating the factors that lead to absenteeism

and their effects on educational environments. This study

investigated the effects of student absenteeism on educational

environments, and existing policies were evaluated. According to

the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), absenteeism refers to

absence from school with or without an excuse. The Ministry of

National Education Regulation on Preschool Education and Primary

Education Institutions and the Regulation on Secondary Education

Institutions of the Ministry of National Education classifies

student absenteeism as “excused absenteeism” and “unexcused

absenteeism.” Excused absenteeism refers to the absenteeism of

children who cannot attend school by documenting their excuses

MoNE Retrieved November 19, 2023 from

due to reasons such as accidents, deaths, natural disasters,

fires, imprisonment, arrests, and illness requiring short- or

long-term treatment. On the other hand, unexcused attendance

refers to all absences that fall outside the scope of excused

absences owing to reasons such as seasonal agricultural labor,

fear of school, or arbitrary circumstances. In this study,

absenteeism is discussed from a broad perspective as the absence

of the student from school with and without an excuse.

Absenteeism is one of the two main causes of class repetition

besides academic failure. Absenteeism is decisive in many issues

such as students' academic success, social development, and

school discipline. According to the PISA performance of students

who are over-absent is low in general (Organization for Economic

Co-operation and Development [OECD]. Before the PISA

implementation, students are questioned about their absences in

the last two weeks. In high-level performing Far Eastern

countries such as South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, the rate of

students’ full-time absence at least one day within the two

weeks preceding the implementation in 2015 was less than 5%,

while in Turkey this rate was 47%. It is noteworthy that the

absenteeism rates of students in Turkey are relatively elevated

MoNE and UNICEF, Retrieved November 19, 2023 from

compared to the countries that demonstrate a high level of

success in PISA evaluations.

Current Situation and Policies Regarding Student

Absenteeism in Turkey. In 2013, the number of permanent

absentee students in primary education institutions (primary

and secondary schools) was 174,625. Since the total number

of primary and secondary school students in the 2012-2013

academic year was 11,160,896, the rate of absentee students

without excuse for 51 days or more is calculated as 1.56%.

Similarly, the number of absentees was 234,932, and the

total number of students was 11,053,315 in 2014, so the rate

of permanent absenteeism increased to 2.13%. Table-1

demonstrates the rate of absentee students for 20 days or

more between the years 2014-2019.

Meanwhile, in OLPCC BS-Crim we see that the reasons for the

absenteeism is the distance between their home to school,

lack of time management, money or allowance and etc.


Conceptual Framework

Table 1.1 Cause of Absenteeism among students in Our Lady of

the Pillar College Cauayan City.






showed the relationship between the factors (Personal,

Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-
esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.
Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)
showed the relationship between the factors (Personal,
Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-
esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.
Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)
showed the relationship between the factors (Personal,
Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-
esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.
Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)
showed the relationship between the factors
(Personal, Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-
esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.
Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)
showed the relationship between the factors (Personal,
Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-

esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.

Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)
showed the relationship between the factors (Personal,
Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-
esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.
Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)
showed the relationship between the factors (Personal,
Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-
esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.
Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)
showed the relationship between the factors (Personal,
Teacher, Friends) to
student that affecting the absenteeism. Personal factors
including addiction to gadgets, low self-
esteem, being bored, taking jobs and helping families.
Teacher factors like lack of motivation to
students, treating the students unequally and lack of
awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly,
Friends factor like being bad influence (not a good model
and do cutting classes)

Figure 1. showed the relationship between the factors

(Personal, Teacher, Friends) to student that affecting the

absenteeism. Personal factors including addiction to

gadgets, low self-esteem, being bored, taking jobs and


helping families. Teacher factors like lack of motivation to

students, treating the students unequally and lack of

awareness in student’s personal life. Lastly, Friends factor

like being bad influence (not a good model and do cutting


Statement of the Problem

Generally, the purpose of this study is to identify the

factors affecting absenteeism and truancy of BS Criminology

students of Our Lady of the Pillar College Cauayan City for

the basis of proposed school solution strategies.


Specifically, this study attempts to provide answers to the

following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

1. Demographic

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Year Level

1.4 General Weighted Average

1.5 Family Monthly Income

1.6 Average Weekly Allowance

1.7 Living Arrangement (while studying)

1.8 Educational Funding

1.9 Health Profile

1.10 Current Health Problem

1.11 Vices

2. What are the factors affecting the absenteeism and

truancy of Our Lady of the Pillar College Cauayan Inc.?

3. Is there a significant difference on students’

absenteeism and truancy when grouped according to profile


4. What school strategies can be proposed to help the

learners improve or maintain attendance in the school?


Research Hypothesis

There is no significant difference on the

students absenteeism and truancy when grouped according to

profile variable.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will especially the

students’ who has a absenteeism hobby and also beneficial to

the following:

Dean of Olpcc Main-campus. As a heads of the

department it will be benefited to him/her because he/she

will be guided on the steps on the problem or what to do on

the absenteeism problem of the students

Future Researchers. As a future Researchers of this study

they will be benefited to get some information on this

study, and they can get some facts information about this


Instructors. It will be benefited to them because they’ll


Researcher. It will be benefited to us because as a fellow

student we will also learn the factors of truancy and

absenteeism of our fellow students

Students. As college student, they should all be

responsible for class hours or on time for class, and also

avoid absenteeism hobby as stated in the research title

Parents. It will be beneficial as it was the parents of the

students even if the child has absenteeism or not, in the

first place they know what to do to encourage their children

to go to school and study well.

Guardians. For instance, a guardian provides a stable and

safe environment for the child ensuring that they receive

proper education medical care, and emotional support,

guardian also provides a sense of security by offering

guidance and support that the child needs to make inform and

positive life decision.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is to find out the reasons and effects of the

Student’s truancy and absenteeism in 4th year BS-Crim at

Our Lady of the Pillar College Cauayan City on how this

situation may affect their future work or career, The


Researchers will provide a survey Questionnaires to all

Students on the said year level and course to answer some

questions about the topic of the study, Results and

observation will be based on the responses of the said

respondents and focused on the general topic of the study

Definition of terms

Factors affecting absenteeism and truancy are complex and

multifaceted. Research suggests that various individual,

family, school, and community factors can contribute to

increased absenteeism and truancy. These include

socioeconomic status, mental and physical health issues,

school climate, and involvement of parents and communities

in education. Furthermore, lack of engagement in school,

academic failure, and peer pressure are also associated with

higher absenteeism and truancy

Overall, efforts to address absenteeism and truancy need to

be multifaceted and address various factors both within and

outside of schools. In particular, interventions should

support and involve parents and families, promote positive

school climates and engagement, and address mental and

physical health needs of students


Absenteeism. It is a consistent pattern of skipping out on

obligations. The issue and causes of students’ absences from

class or from obligations without a valid excuse.

Affecting. It is evoking a strong emotional response.

Criminology. It is the interdisciplinary study of crime and

deviant behavior.[1] Criminology is a multidisciplinary

field in both the behavior and social sciences

Factor. It is a Latin word meaning "who/which acts.

Strategy. It is (from Greek στρατηγία stratēgia, "art of


Truancy. It refers to any intentional, unjustified,

unauthorized, or illegal absence from compulsory education.

Leader. It refers to a person who exercise authority over a

team, nation, or organizations.

Solution. It is a method for resolving an issue or hardling

a challenging circumstance.

Students. It refers to a person who is studying at a school

or college.

Proposed. It is an act of putting forward or stating

something for consideration.


Chapter II


This chapter contains a review of related literature and

studies that the researchers have read to shed light on the

topic under inquiry.

Local Study
This descriptive study ascertains the dominant predictors of

truancy and absenteeism. Also, to determine the significant

difference and relationship between truancy and absenteeism

and English performance. The 332 purposive selected Grade 11

Senior High School (SHS) students taking Academic and

Professional (EAP) subjects were interpreted and analyzed. The

results revealed that most of the respondents were males

residing in rural, 16 years old, and had a family monthly

income of above Php10,001.00. Family/health reasons dominate.

There was no significant difference in the ranking of

creditors, but the level of performance according to the

profile was satisfactory. Findings revealed that family income

was substantial but not at the level of performance as the

established profile. English performance found no influence;

regardless of the identified reason, students can still

perform well in their studies. The researcher recommends

Maria Leonora S. Sira Retrieved November 28, 2023 from

intervention to prevent future severe problems in truancy and

absenteeism together with community members.

Local Literature
Local Literature Absenteeism and Student Performance

According to Philippine basic Education in 2013. As educator,

it is important to know the threshold. Drawing policies on

school intervention regarding absenteeism requires guiding

information on where to draw the line. Policies cannot be

simply drawn out on thin air three days in a month that

number, are result of research, is a useful guide for teacher

and school administrators. Absences create a dead, tiresome,

unpleasant classroom, environment that makes students who come

to class uncomfortable and the lecturer irritable. Absenteeism

disturbs the dynamic teaching-learning environment and

adversely affects the overall well-being of classes. In

quality terms, absenteeism is a waste of educational

resources, time and human potential. Student absenteeism also

causes rework and wasted time for lecturers. It is described

by the article is only an initial analysis of the data.

Ongoing research will continue to unravel further the

underlying factors that result in absenteeism. This is an


important task since this information is necessary to design

the relevant interventions.

Foreign Study
Truancy can have significant implications for students'

sociolect-emotional development. Research suggests that truant

students are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as

substance abuse, delinquency, and early sexual activity

These behaviors can further hinder their ability to focus on

their educational goals and negatively impact their overall

well-being. Truancy is also associated with increased feelings

of alienation, social isolation, and low self-esteem among


Such emotional distress may lead to disengagement from school,

exacerbating the truancy problem. The consequences of truancy

extend beyond immediate academic and socio-emotional setbacks,

affecting students' long-term educational attainment. Numerous

studies have found a strong correlation between truancy and

high school dropout rates.

Henry,; Tyler & Lofstrom, 2009. retrieved November 28, 2023 from
Kearney, C.A. Retrieved November 28, 2023 from

Foreign Literature
Truancy has been consistently linked to negative academic

outcomes. Several studies have found that students who are

frequently absent from school tend to have lower grades, lower

test scores, and higher rates of grade repetition compared to

their peers who attend school regularly.

Additionally, truant students often struggle to catch up with

missed coursework, leading to a widening achievement gap

between them and their classmates

Students with chronic illnesses or mental health disorders

often face challenges in attending school regularly, leading

to negative academic outcomes.

School-related factors, such as a lack of engaging curriculum,

poor school climate, and inadequate support systems, have also

been associated with increased absenteeism rates. found that

students who reported feeling disconnected from their school

environment were more likely to be absent and had lower

academic achievement

Garry, E.M. Retrieved November 28, 2023 from
Michael A. Gottfried, PhD Retrieved November 28,2023
Gottfried, M. A. Retrieved November 28,2023 from

The analysis included data from multiple studies and

concluded that students frequently absent from school were at

a higher risk of lower academic achievement and were more

likely to drop out of school.

Furthermore, a longitudinal study followed a cohort of

students from middle school to high school and investigated

the effects of chronic absenteeism on graduation rates. The

study found that students who were chronically absent in

middle school were more likely to drop out of high school,

emphasizing the long-term consequences of absenteeism on

academic success.



Balfanz, R. and Byrnes, V. 2012 Retrieved November 28,2023 from

This chapter presents the method used, the respondents of

the study, the instruments used, the data gathering

procedures, and the statistical tools utilized for the

interpretation of data.

Method to be Used

The researchers made use of descriptive survey research

method to examine the factors affecting absenteeism and

truancy of BS Criminology Students of Our Lady of the Pillar

College Cauayan City for the basis of proposed school solution


Respondents of the Study

The respondents were chosen using random sampling from

the BS Criminology students of Our Lady of the Pillar College

Cauayan City.

The researchers engaged One Hundred and Thirty (130)

students from 1st year to 4th year Criminology students in order

to determine the necessary data needed for the purpose of the


Instruments Used

For this research study, the researchers used a survey

questionnaire to the intended respondents to gather the data

needed to determine the pattern in the factors affecting

absenteeism and truancy of BS Criminology Students of Our Lady

of the Pillar College Cauayan City for the basis of proposed

school solution strategies. The tool has two (2) parts.

Part I. It is used to obtain personal information of the

respondents such as age, sex, Year Level, General Weighted

Average, Average Weekly Allowance, Living Arrangements,

Educational Funding.

Part II. This part is used to gather data on the factors

affecting the absenteeism and truancy of the respondents such

as physical factor, health factor, personal attitude, teacher

related factors, classroom atmosphere and home related


Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers have undertaken the following steps and

procedures in order to gather the most important data:

1. The researchers asked permission from the BS

Criminology Students in Our Lady of the Pillar College

Cauayan City, Isabela, before conducting the present


2. Purposive sampling was used by the researchers to

identify their respondents.

3. Asked permission from the respondents to answer the

questionnaire provided and explained the significance

in examining the factors affecting the absenteeism and

truancy of BS Criminology students in Our Lady of the

Pillar College Cauayan City, Isabela.

4. The survey questionnaires were explained to the

respondents and the purpose of the study was to easily

respond using a Likert scale.

5. The data collected were analyzed, interpreted, and

organized by the researcher.

Statistical Tools Used

The researchers adopted the following statistical tools

in treating the data gathered.

Percentage. This was used in analyzing the distribution

of the respondents per category.

P = ──────── X 130
P = Percentage
N = Total Number of Respondents
F = Frequency

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the pattern in

the budgeting practices of van drivers in Cauayan City,



x = ∑ f/n

x = is the mean symbol
∑fx = is the summation of x
n = number of respondents.

Likert Scale. This was used to determine the factors

affecting the absenteeism and truancy of BS Criminology

students in Our Lady of the Pillar College Cauayan City,

Isabela. Likert Scale is a scale that is used to allow the

respondents to express how much they agree or disagree with a

particular statement.

The researchers made use of the Likert Scale to level the

factors affecting the absenteeism and truancy of the

respondents, which is described as follows:

4 3 2 1

Always Often Rarely Never


(A Survey Questionnaire)
Direction: Please fill up or check the best answers that are

correspond to each of the following items. Please do not leave any

item blank. Your answers will be kept in the strictest confidence.

I. Profile of the Respondents

Age: ( )18 years old below

( )19 years old
( )20 years old
( )21 and above

Sex: ( )Male ( )Female

Year Level: ( )1ST YEAR( )2ND YEAR ( )3RD YEAR ( ) 4TH YEAR

General Weighted Average: ( ) 75 below

( )76-80
( ) 81-85
( ) 86 and up

Average Weekly Allowance: ( )Php 500 below

( )Php 501 to Php 699
( )Php 700 to Php 999
( )Php 1000 to Php 1,299
( )Php 1300 and above

Living Arrangements: ( )Apartments ( )Bording House

( )Own House ( )With Relatives

Educational Funding: ( )Sponsorship

( )Scholarship
( )Education Loans
( )Part Time Jobs

II. What are factors affecting the absenteeism and truancy of BS

Criminology students of Our Lady of the Pilar College Cauayan.

a. Physical Factors

Always Often Rarely Never

1 Our House is far from the


2 It is unsafe to go to

b. Health Factors

Always Often Rarely Never

1 I have toothache
2 My stomachache
3 I have headache

4 I’m down with fever/flu

5 I have other disease like
diarrhea, etc.

c. Personal Attitude

Always Often Rarely Never

1 I’ am not interested in
my studies

2 I feel lazy

3 My friends influence me
to be absent from my
4 I cannot concentrate in
my studies
5 I did not wake up early
6 I did not study the night
7 I got fond in playing

computer/mobile games

d. Teacher-Related Factors

Always Often Rarely Never

1 My Teacher scolded me
2 I cannot understand my
teacher lessons
3 I do not like my teachers

e. Classroom Atmosphere
Always Often Rarely Never
4 Our classroom is hot and
5 It is noisy inside our
6 I have no friends in
7 A classmate/batchmate
bullies me

f. Home-Related Factors
Always Often Rarely Never
8 My parents ask me to be
absent from class
9 My parents quarreled
10 My parents do not care
about my studies
11 I’m too pre-occupied with
household chores
12 I have no money to buy
snacks in school
13 We have no food/ I did
not eat

g. Psychological factors
Always Often Rarely Never
1 I have anxiety
2 I feel stressed when I
go to school
3 Depression
4 Trauma
5 I can’t concentrate to
6 Social Isolation
7 Experiencing

8 Your peace of mind
is not in school
Thank You for Your Cooperation!!!

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