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As a teacher at GEANHS, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the

exceptional character and professionalism that Mr. Joseph R Cruz brings to the
classroom and to his colleagues.

The deep understanding of Mr. Cruz on the subject matter, given that TLE is a complex
area, amazes me. Not only does he have a thorough awareness of the curriculum, but
he also recognizes that learners have diverse learning styles. He uses this knowledge
to adjust instructional strategies and make sure that he effectively engages all students
in the classroom. Because of this, his classes are consistently well-planned and
dynamic, grabbing students' interest and enthusiasm for learning.

But aside from being a teacher, Mr. Cruz is also an inspiring and generous colleague.
As much as he helps students grow, he also takes good care of his subordinates. He
encourages us to always take a step further into growth as teachers and be leaders in
the future. He is always willing to help us by sharing his knowledge and expertise in
curriculum, instruction, and even research writing. I am personally amazed at the
number of innovations he has created for his classes and for the school. He never fails
to collaborate with teachers and administrators, making him a true leader in our school
community. He never forgets to motivate us to strive for excellence.

I am very fortunate to work alongside Mr. Cruz and witness his dedication and
commitment to research. He is a true asset of our school, an exceptional educator who
consistently goes above and beyond for learners and fellow teachers.

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