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FMP Pitch


By Matthew McMillan
My Idea
● My Idea for my Final Major Project I will be creating a short film and also making 3 posters to go with my short film.

● My short film will be looking to engage the audience and create a clear narrative so they can understand and enjoy
the film throughout and my posters for my short film will be to create exciting images to grab the audience’s
attention to the film.

● My short film and poster will be also to showcase my skills in filming and also my photography that I have developed
during my time at Priestley and this unit will showcase the best of my skills.
My Inspiration
● My inspiration for my short film is my love for creating films and working on independent productions where I get
to develop my skills with the camera but also being a director for my own film.

● My inspiration for my short film posters comes from seeing various different iconic film posters such as Jaws, The
Dark Knight and The Joker. I like how they have eye catching photos which show the main protagonist in the centre
so that the audience know who the film centres around.

● My inspiration for my short film is also watching different short films such as ‘The Fence’ and ‘Wasp’ as these are
short films that I have taken creativity on because of there narrative structure and use of micro elements.
Examples of Work
What will I Research?
I will be researching:

● Analysis of short films

● Analysis of short film posters
● Codes and Cons for short films
● Codes and Cons for film poster
● Questionnaire for short film
● Questionnaire for poster
● Focus group on short film and poster
● What makes a good film poster
● What makes a good short film
● Reviews on existing short films
● Reviews on existing posters

My plan will be as follows:

● Weeks 1 and 2 will be spent creating my video for the pitch of my FMP and will be moving on to the primary and
secondary research during (Deadline 27th March)
● Weeks 3 and 4 will be spent outside of college as it is half term but during this I will be working on all of my planning
that will be needed for my short film and posters and will also be conducting experimentation before I go on to my
production work (Deadline 14th April)
● Weeks 5 and 6 will be spent doing my production work where I will be filming the footage for my short film and also
conducting the photoshoot for my posters and then towards the back end of the sixth week I will be moving on to
the post production where I will be editing my products and will also be doing different tasks like logging sheets etc
(Deadline 26th of April)
● Weeks 7 and 8 I will be carrying on with my editing for both of my products and will be gathering audience feedback
to gain a better understanding of what my audience enjoy about my work and what elements they would improve
and also creating the final amendments of my products(Deadline 10th May)
● Week 9 will be spent creating my final evaluation for the unit and also checking back on all previous work to ensure
that there are no errors or missing bits of work (Deadline 17th May)

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