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1. Define Organic Chemistry.

 The area of chemistry known as "organic chemistry" studies molecules that include carbon and
reveals the characteristics, structures, and reactions of these substances. It acts as a starting point
for learning the language of life and investigating the chemicals essential to business, biology,
and medicine.

2. Why does Organic Chemistry important?

 Because it provides the framework for comprehending the makeup and behavior of carbon-
containing molecules, which are essential to life, organic chemistry is vital. It offers information
on the synthesis of significant compounds with uses in both industry and medical, such as
medications and materials. Furthermore, organic chemistry contributes to advances in many
other scientific domains by acting as a link between chemical concepts and their real-world

3. What makes Organic Chemistry different from other areas of chemistry?

 Because organic chemistry only studies substances that contain carbon, it is distinct from other
branches of science. In contrast to other fields, it explores the complicated processes, structures,
and behaviors of molecules—the building blocks of life—delving into their intricacy. Organic
chemistry is unique in that it places a strong emphasis on carbon-based systems, which are
essential to comprehending biological processes, pharmaceuticals, and the synthesis of many
materials used in daily life.

4. What are the different branches of Organic Chemistry?

 Medicinal Chemistry: In this field, chemical compounds are designed and synthesized with the
aim of creating novel medications. To develop safer and more effective medications, medicinal
chemists investigate the connection between a compound's biological effects and its chemical

 Physical Organic Chemistry: The basic ideas that underpin the behavior of organic molecules are
investigated in this field. Using physical concepts to comprehend and forecast chemical
behavior, it explores the mechanics of organic reactions and the connection between molecule
structure and reactivity.

 Organometallic Chemistry: Focuses on molecules with metal-carbon bonds, is essential to

catalysis and the synthesis of novel chemicals. It investigates the relationships that exist between
organic molecules and metal atoms, frequently assisting in the creation of novel synthetic

 Stereochemistry: Investigates how the characteristics and reactivity of compounds are affected by
the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in molecules. It is focused on stereoisomers and
their distinct characteristics, specifically addressing the spatial arrangement of atoms and groups.

 Polymer Chemistry: Entails researching polymers—large, chain-like compounds. This area of

study examines the synthesis, composition, and characteristics of polymers, which are used in
many materials’ science applications such as biomedical materials, textiles, and plastics.
5. What is the Lewis definition in acids and bases?
 Gilbert N. Lewis was the one who proposed the Lewis definition of bases and acids. In alignment
with this definition:

o Lewis Acid: Anything that has the ability to take in two electrons is considered a Lewis acid.
It is an acceptor of electron pairs, to put it another way.
o Lewis Base: An electron-donating material is referred to as a Lewis base. It is a donor of
electron pairs.

6. Discuss the Development of the Chemical Bonding Theory.

 1916: The Lewis Dot Structures
Gilbert N. Lewis first proposed the idea of Lewis dot structures in 1916. He proposed that atoms
share electrons to create a more stable, filled outer electron shell by representing the valence
electrons of atoms as dots.

 1930s: The Valence Bond Theory

In the 1930s, Linus Pauling introduced the valence bond theory to the world. He described how
atomic orbitals overlapped to allow atoms to share electrons, which is how chemical bonding is
explained. Pauling was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contributions.

 1930s: Valence Bond Theory

John C. Slater made important advances to the valence bond theory during the same period. He
improved the knowledge of chemical bonding by expanding the theory to explain the action of
electrons in complicated compounds.

 1930s–1940s: Theory of Molecular Orbitals

The molecular orbital hypothesis was developed by Friedrich Hund and Robert S. Mulliken in
the 1930s and 1940s. They proposed that molecular orbitals would be formed by the combination
of atomic orbitals, offering a more thorough explanation of electron behavior in molecules.

7. What is the Nature of Chemical Bonds? Explain.

 Chemical bonds emerge from atomic interactions, leading to the formation of stable molecules and
compounds. Atoms form bonds to achieve a lower energy state, enhancing stability. The nature
of chemical bonds profoundly influences substance characteristics, from biological molecule
structures to everyday material properties. Different bonding types illustrate the basic
mechanisms through which atoms reach this lower energy state.
Ionic bonds transfers electrons between atoms, covalent bonds shares electrons between atoms,
while metallic bonds delocalized sharing of electrons among metal atoms.
8. Discuss the following, illustrate and give examples for each:
a. Functional Groups: an atom or set of atoms inside a molecule that consistently exhibits the
same chemical characteristics across different compounds is referred to as a functional group.
Certain functional groups tend to behave in particular ways, even while other sections of the
molecule are very different.

b. Alkanes and its Properties: ( CnH2n+2 ) the most basic class of hydrocarbons, which are just
carbon and hydrogen-containing molecules having carbon-carbon single bonds and carbon-
hydrogen bonds. Alkanes are colorless and odorless compounds that have minimal biological
activity and are not extremely reactive.

c. Alkyl and its Properties: ( CnH2n+1 ) they are hydrophobic, colorless, and odorless. Their
melting and boiling points are greater than those of their parent alkanes because of the strong
intermolecular interaction.
d. Isomers: molecules that have distinct structures yet the same molecular formula. Stereoisomers
differ in their spatial arrangement but share the same connection as structural isomers.

e. Cycloalkanes: hydrocarbons that are saturated and have a closed ring of carbon atoms

f.Cis-Trans Isomerism in Cycloalkanes: in cycloalkanes, cis-trans isomerism happens when

substituents on the ring are unable to rotate freely. When two substituents on a ring point to the
same face, they are cis. When the two substituents point to opposite faces, they are trans.
g. Alkenes and its Properties: ( CnH2n ) unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-
carbon double bond are known as alkenes. They go through addition processes.

h. Electronic Structure of Alkenes: in alkenes, the carbon-carbon double bond is made up of one
pi bond and one sigma bond. The side-to-side overlap of p orbitals produces the pi bond.

i.Cis-Trans Isomerism of Alkenes: In alkenes, restricted rotation around the carbon-carbon double
bond results in cis-trans isomerism. Similar groups are on the same side of trans isomers, but
they are on the opposite side of cis isomers.
j.Alkynes and its Properties: ( CnH2n-2 ) unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-carbon
triple bond. They are more reactive than alkenes.

k. Aromatic Compounds: an aromatic ring is an extra functional group made up of only carbon
and hydrogen. It is a six-carbon ring with different double bonds. The unique stability of these
compounds is referred to as aromaticity.

l.Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: multiple fused aromatic rings make up polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, or PAHs. Naphthalene is one instance.
m. Alkyl Halides: are organic compounds in which an alkyl group is attached to a halogen (iodine,
bromine, chlorine, or fluorine).

n. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers and their properties: A hydroxyl (-OH) group is found in
alcohols, an oxygen atom is connected to two alkyl groups in ethers, and a hydroxyl group is
coupled to an aromatic ring in phenols.

o. Carbonyl Compounds: possess an oxygen-carbon double bond (C=O).

p. Aldehydes and Ketones: Ketones include a carbonyl group in the center of the carbon chain,
whereas aldehydes have one at the end. Acetone (C₃H₆O) and formaldehyde (CH ₂O) are two
common examples.

q. Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones: synthesized by oxidizing alcohols, ozonolyzing alkenes,

or by certain processes like Friedel-Crafts acylation.

r.Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives: possess a carboxyl group (COOH), and esters, amides, and
anhydrides are some of their derivatives.
s. Amines and its Properties: organic substances that have an alkyl group or hydrogen atom
bound to them. They can have one or more alkyl groups, making them primary, secondary, or

9. What are Carbohydrates and its classifications? Illustrate and Give examples for each.

 Carbohydrates are organic substances made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually in the
proportions 1:2:1. They are categorized as single sugar units, disaccharides, and polysaccharides,
which are lengthy chains of sugar units that are vital sources of energy and structural elements
for living things.
10. What are Proteins and its classifications? Illustrate and Give examples for each.

 Protein is a complex chemical molecule made up of amino acids, proteins are involved in many
biological processes as signaling molecules, enzymes, and structural parts. Based on how their
amino acid chains are arranged, they are often divided into primary, secondary, tertiary, and
quaternary structures.

11. What are Lipids and its classifications? Illustrate and Give examples for each.

 Lipids are diverse chemical substances that is hydrophobic and have several functions, such as
building cellular membranes, storing energy, and providing insulation. Triglycerides (fats and
oils), phospholipids, steroids, and waxes are the general categories into which they are divided.
Each of these groups has unique structures and roles in biological systems.
12. What are Nucleic acids and its classifications? Illustrate and Give examples for each.

 Nucleic acids are vital chemicals that are responsible for storing and transferring genetic
information in living things. They are divided into two primary categories: RNA (ribonucleic
acid), which is engaged in the translation and expression of genetic information, and DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid), which oversees storing genetic code.

13. Discuss the complete classifications of vitamins. Illustrate and Give example for each.

 Vitamins are essential organic compounds that play crucial roles in various physiological processes
They can be roughly divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. The B-
complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12) and vitamin C are examples of water-
soluble vitamins that are important for collagen formation, energy metabolism, and enzyme
activity. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins that are necessary for blood
coagulation, bone health, antioxidant defense, and eyesight. Every vitamin class has a few
distinct vitamins, each with unique dietary sources and functions. For preserving general health
and avoiding nutritional deficiencies, a balanced intake of these vitamins is essential.

Submitted by:
Pascual, Gabrielle Ruth F.

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