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It can’t be denied that studying alone is very effective in the development of each student

. However , from my point of view , I prefer studying with a group instead of studying alone .
There are many reasons which make me think like that .

In general , when you study with a group , you can enrich your knowledge and improve
your productivity . Specifically , when you study with a group , they can help you improve your
disadvantages and develop your advantages , which will cause a good effect on your study .

Futhermore , if you study with a group , you can also develop the team building in your
group . Particularly , when we work together , we can become more sympathetic and tolerant
with other people in our group , which can increase the productivity in our work

Finally , studying with a group also gives you the encouragement to do the work . In
other words , studying with a group will be more encouraging than studying alone. Because
when you study alone , you may soon find the studying boring . Whereas , you can become more
interested in it if you study with a group .

To summary , studying with a group has a lot of good effects on our development .
However , taking everything into consideration , studying alone can also become very effective
for some people . Therefore , you should make the best choice to ensure the best effects on your
study .

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