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John Mark B.

Tabuso BSBA 1K

Business Reason Comments Recommendations

1.Insider Sometimes, there aren't strong When the rules aren't Make the rules stronger
Exploitation enough rules to make sure strong enough, some and make sure they're
businesses treat their employees people might take followed. This way, it's
fairly. This means some workers advantage of that to harder for people to take
might take advantage of their benefit themselves advantage of others.
position to benefit themselves unfairly.
unfairly. Encourage honesty and
If people see others fairness by teaching people
In some places, people see others getting away with unfair about doing the right thing
getting away with unfair behavior, behavior, they might think and making sure there are
so they think it's okay for them to it's okay for them to do consequences for bad
do the same. This can create a the same. It's important to behavior. Also, protect
culture where cheating or taking encourage fairness and people who speak up about
advantage of the system becomes honesty to stop this cycle. wrongdoing so they feel
common. safe reporting it.

2.Unsanitary When street vendors handle food This means making sure Wash hands with soap and
Street Food with dirty hands or without the food doesn't make water before touching food.
Handling gloves, it can make people sick. people sick. When Wear gloves when handling
Germs from dirty hands can get vendors keep their hands food to keep it clean. Clean
into the food and make customers clean and use gloves, they cooking tools and surfaces
ill. By using gloves and keeping prevent germs from regularly to prevent germs
their hands clean, vendors help getting into the food, from spreading.
prevent this from happening. which keeps customers
healthy. Wear clean clothes and
Customers want to buy food from aprons. Use gloves and
vendors they trust. If a vendor's This means making sure utensils to handle food
food looks dirty or if they don't customers feel good about visibly. Display certificates
seem clean, customers might not buying food from the showing the stall is clean
want to buy from them. By vendor. When vendors are and safe to reassure
staying clean and using gloves, clean and use gloves, it customers.
vendors show customers they care shows customers they care
about their health and safety, about their health, making
which makes customers happy them happy and more
and keeps them coming back for likely to come back.

3.Unprofessional In the Philippines, being polite Filipinos believe in being Train your staff to always
behavior and respectful to others is a big nice to others. Being rude be kind and respectful to
deal. When businesses are rude to to customers goes against customers, even when
customers, it goes against this this idea and can make things get busy. This helps
idea of treating people with them feel bad. create a positive
kindness. Customers expect to be atmosphere that customers
treated well, and when they're not, will appreciate.
it leaves a bad impression.
Businesses want people to come Happy customers come Teach your employees how
back and buy from them again. back to buy more. Being to deal with tough
When customers have a good nice to them ensures they situations calmly and
experience, they're more likely to have a good experience kindly. Offering rewards
return. But if they're treated and want to come back for great customer service
rudely, they'll probably go again. can also encourage them to
somewhere else next time. So, keep customers smiling.
being nice to customers is not just
the right thing to do, it's also good
for business.

4. Favoritism When a family member gets a It's important for everyone The boss should make sure
job, they're not qualified for, like to have the right skills for everyone, including family
managing a restaurant, they might their job. When someone members, knows how to do
struggle to do it well because they doesn't, they might not be their job well. They can
don't have the needed skills and able to do their job well, help the family member
experience. which can cause problems learn by teaching them or
for the business. sending them to train.
Imagine you work hard and know
a lot about running a restaurant, Fairness is important at It's important for the boss
but then your boss hires their work. If someone gets a to treat everyone fairly.
cousin to be your boss instead of job just because they're Hiring or promoting
you. You might feel really related to the boss, it can someone just because
frustrated and like your hard work make other employees they're family can make
doesn't matter as much. feel like their hard work others feel left out. The
isn't valued. That can hurt boss should explain why
morale and teamwork in they made the decision to
the restaurant. avoid causing bad feelings
among the staff.

5. Unfriendly When people feel good at work, When people are happy at Businesses should be nice
Work they do better. Unfriendly work, they do better. So, to their employees, listen to
Environment workplaces can make employees it's important to make sure their problems, and make
feel stressed and unhappy, which everyone feels good about the workplace a friendly
isn't good for anyone. By making coming to work. and supportive place where
the workplace friendlier and more everyone feels good.
supportive, employees are When people like each
happier, and that's good for other and work well Businesses should
business. together, they do better encourage people to talk to
work. Fixing problems at each other, give them tools
When people work well together work helps everyone get to solve problems together,
and feel valued, they do better along and do their best. and reward them for doing
work. Unfriendly workplaces can good work.
make people not want to work
together or try their best. By
fixing these issues and making the
workplace nicer, everyone can
work better together and get
better results.

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