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Recognizing Paraphrase

A. The Definition of Paraphrase

Quoting from Wikipedia’s page, the term ‘paraphrase’ is derived from Latin ‘paraphrasis’
which means ‘additional manner of expression’. Paraphrasing is a type of writing technique that
aims to change the structure of sentences into another form by using different styles or ideas
while preserving the original meaning.
The act of paraphrasing has since become widely acclaimed in the area of literature as
more original works of writing come in demand. Some professional roles such as writers, editors,
translators and journalists are indisputably required to be able to rewrite ideas from particular
writing sources by giving indirect quotes to avoid copyright infringement. This is in line with the
purpose of paraphrasing, which is to prevent the likelihood of committing plagiarism and to
create credible works that can be approved in the academic affairs. The way the authors use this
kind of technique won't be considered as an illegal behavior, because such authors only rewrite
the idea using their own words.

According to experts, here are some definitions of paraphrasing:

1. L. Behrens
L. Behrens, the author of a book titled “A Sequence of Academic Writing”, clearly states that
paraphrasing is an act of presenting important details that aim to develop ideas by paying
attention to the source, but does not contain words that directly has same structure.

2. Kridalaksana
Kridalaksana, an expert on Indonesian linguistics and literature, through the third edition of the
Linguistic Dictionary said that paraphrasing is a way of re-expressing concepts in another way
through different linguistic patterns, without changing the actual meaning. The result of
paraphrasing is in the form of text or paragraphs that have the same content of writings, while the
substance does not change.
3. Sudaryanto
Sudaryanto revealed that the term 'paraphrase' refers to another form or meaning of the same

4. Crystal
According to Crystal, paraphrasing is a term in linguistic studies that acts as an alternative
product of a sentence or text that has the same meaning.

5. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Paraphrasing is a way of re-expressing what has been done by someone else by using different
choice of words to make the writing easier to understand. Thus, quoting that is intentionally
done in paraphrasing is a form of citation that uses one's own words to express the same idea, or
is used to maintain the coherence and integrity of the writing flow.

6. OWL purdue
Paraphrasing is the ability to rewrite other people's ideas using one's own words, then show them
as a new composition of writing.

7. Indonesian Big Dictionary

Paraphrase in KBBI (Indonesian Big Dictionary) means rephrasing a text (composition) in
another form or word order with the aim of explaining its implied meaning. Or specifically,
paraphrasing is a way of compiling information from various language structures into other
language forms without changing the content of the source text.
B. The Purpose of Paraphrase

1. Paraphrasing prevents accidental plagiarism

When writing a paper, writers are often accidentally accused of conducting plagiarism
because of the similarities in the writing pattern. Therefore, paraphrasing becomes necessary as it
can help writers avoid plagiarism practices. By presenting ideas using their own language,
writers can be free from possible copyright infringement.

2. Rewriting ideas to get simpler

Texts that are too long and complex can be simplified into short paragraphs with
paraphrasing techniques. In this way, writers can simplify the existing ideas so that they are
easier to understand. Paraphrasing helps writers disseminate source information by using simple
word choices so it becomes easier to grasp the meaning.

3. Improve Writing Skills

By increasing the intensity of the practice of paraphrasing, thus our writing ability will
likely increase over time. While paraphrasing, we learn to use the right choice of words and write
them into a new structure. We are required to be skilled in rewriting using our own language
style but keep the contents simple to understand

4. Sharpen thinking skills

Writing is a form of brain exercise. Our thinking skills will be enhanced more when
practicing paraphrasing. Not only rewriting the information we get, we also have to be able to
process words and sentences into one complete text while maintaining the main ideas of the
original source. The more often we practice paraphrasing, the more the brain will get used to
active thinking, either spontaneously or structured.
C. The Example of Paraphrase
Text 1 (original text)
Lately, demonstrations often occur in various places without specific times (almost every
time). In fact, demonstrations have become a common phenomenon in our society. Responding
to such phenomenon, a regional head stated that the cause of the protests and anarchism was
none other than people's hunger. Then he gave an example of the people of Malaysia and Brunei
who are easy to control, because their prosperity is already fulfilled, the protests are rarely occur
in those countries.
Of course, these unexpected statements sparked reactions from students' side. They
protested and asked the regent to retract his statement. The students did not accept and did not
feel they had such a low motive. They are of the opinion that the protests they usually do are
purely to fight for the truth and fight the evil that is happening in front of them.
Mass demonstrations are not always caused by internal affairs, in fact many events are not based
on that motive at all. In relation to human needs, Abraham Maslow divides it into several levels.
The most basic needs are food and drink. Meanwhile, the most peak is the need for self-
However, in general, mass demonstrations are more based on the needs of the final level.
People demonstrate because they need recognition from the government or other parties so that
their rights and existence are recognized. Because they feel left out, their rights are denied, even
humiliated, then they try to show their identity by demonstrating.
Many facts can prove it. The mass demonstrations at the beginning of the reforms in this country
in 1997–1998 were not carried out by the poor or the hungry. In fact, it was done by residents
from the upper middle class, in this case students and intellectuals. Not to mention when
referring to cases that occurred abroad.
In various scales (large or small), demonstrations are not uncommon for European countries.
The demonstrations they do are certainly not driven by a hungry stomach because they are
generally in a very prosperous condition.
With such facts, it is clear that poverty is not the main cause for the wave of demonstrations.
However, this phenomenon is caused by the critical thinking ability of the community members.
They know about their civil rights, they also understand that there have been violations and
arbitrariness around them. They then protested and submitted a number of demands. If these
factors are not present in them, no matter what is happening around them, they will be like a
buffalo to the nose: nod and say "yes" to whatever actions of their leaders even though they
deviate and even oppress themselves.

Text 2 (original text)

Hearing the word ‘flood’ is already familiar to our ears. Flood is a natural phenomenon
that originates from rainfall with high intensity and long duration in watersheds (DAS). Floods
can occur due to nature and human actions. Natural causes of flooding are erosion and
sedimentation, rainfall, physiographic/geophysical effects of rivers, river capacity, land drainage,
and tidal effects. The causes of flooding due to human actions are changes in land use, garbage
disposal, densely populated areas along rivers, and damage to flood control buildings.
As a result of changes in land use, erosion occurs so that sedimentation enters the river and
the river's capacity is reduced. Rain that falls to their homeland will become run-off above the
ground and some seep into the ground, which of course depends on the condition of the soil.
When a forest area is converted into a settlement, the forest that can withstand a large enough
runoff is replaced with a settlement with a small runoff resistance. As a result, there is surface
runoff towards the river and this results in a large increase in river flow discharge.
Land use change is the main cause of flooding compared to others. If a forest in a river is
converted into a settlement, the peak flow of the river will increase between 6 and 20 times.
Numbers 6 and 20 depend on the type of forest and the type of settlement. Likewise for other
changes there will be a significant increase in peak discharge. Deforestation, environmental
degradation, and urban development filled with concrete buildings and asphalt roads without
taking into account drainage, catchment areas, and without paying attention to rain intensity data
can cause natural disasters to flood.
Disposal of garbage in the watershed makes the river clogged with garbage. If the water is
abundant, the water will come out of the river because the capacity of the channel is reduced.
Densely populated areas along the river/drainage can be an obstacle to the flow and capacity of
the river. The problem of slum areas is known to be very important as a social factor to the flood
problem in urban areas.
Floods have indeed become one of the disasters that cause great damage to humans. The greatest
damage occurred when the flood occurred in residential areas so that it dragged and damaged
everything in its path. Therefore, we must always be vigilant and prepare for this disaster.

The results of paraphrasing texts above are as follows:

Text 1
An Indonesian regent issued a controversial statement which was immediately protested
by students. This person argues that the rise of demonstration cases in Indonesia is caused by the
lack of welfare levels as well as the high rate of hunger amidst people so that it leads to increased
acts of anarchism. No doubt, the students’ community did not agree. Generally speaking, these
students think that the demonstrations they do are purely to fight for justice. It's not that they
don't like being regulated by the government at all.
Instead of being related to hunger, the majority of mass demonstrations occurred because
of the existence of people's need to be recognized by the government for their rights.
Demonstrations are a way for the community to remind the government of their duties and
obligations of the state in maintaining the sovereignty of the people.
In fact, mass demonstrations do not only occur in developing countries. Developed
countries such as those in Europe did not escape from being the object of their citizens' protests.
This further proves that poverty and hunger are not the only factors for driving the wave of
demonstrations. Because, basically, people can judge whether their rights have been fulfilled or

Text 2
As a country with high rates of rainfall every year, flood has become a common natural disaster
in various parts of Indonesia. The main cause of flooding is the lack of public awareness in
preserving the environment.
One example is the change in regulations on land use, which indirectly results in erosion. Dense
population settlements, as well as increasing cases of deforestation, have led to reduced water
absorption areas and river capacities.
In addition to such factors, littering also contributes to the prevalence of flood disasters.
Therefore, it is important for the community to have a high level of cautions if at any time a
flood occurs.
Kata Pengantar
First of all, we as the writing team would like to express our deepest gratitude to the almighty
God for His grace and faithful love. We were able to work on this document at full length is
solely because of the blessing we got.

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