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1 As a Horse Blanket/Placed beneath Saddle: Rider will never be thrown 51 Living Vines form this Cloak: Travel through

ak: Travel through Tree Species 1/week for 10 miles

2 Becomes embroidered with the Name of any Spellcaster who Targets you 52 Made Magnetic with a Command Word: Force of a Frost Giant

3 Billows to slow Falls, treat them as one-tenth Height 53 Mantle drawn: Wearer can Read without Light, gains 2 Dead Languages

4 Blanket for Picnics: Rations Heal 1 Hit Point for up to three diners 54 Mere sight of it causes Doppelgängers to revert to true forms for 3 rounds

5 Bright & Colorful: Wearer can turn into Swarm of Butterflies 1/week for 1 Turn 55 Moss covered: Touch a Boulder and learn Who/What passed by in the last Day

6 Bugbear Hide improves Surprise by 1, but they won't be Friendly to you 56 Moth like Eye Markings warn Wearer: Backstab damage halved

7 Bundled around Firewood, can store up to 3 Campfire's worth (12 Torches) 57 Nixie Hair Lace imbues wearer with ability to Breath Water for 1 Day/Week

8 Can store your Shadow, Reflection, or make you Un-copiable while worn 58 Normal Insects trouble no one within a Spears' length of this Cloak

9 Capable of being Commanded to don Owner dramatically, up to a Mile away 59 On Command: Can transform into a 20-foot Wooden Ladder for 3 Turns

10 Cast into Water as a Net: double number of Fishes caught 60 Once a Year, elaborate stitching can be read as Random Protection Scroll

11 Chameleonically alters Cut, Color, Style, Patterns, and Fabric to suit Fashion 61 Ooze/Slime Repellant: Green turns to Water, Grey to delicious Honey

12 Climbing in this Cloak: On Fall, 5-in-6 chance of sticking to Wall 62 Owner can Hide among a Battle Scene on the Hem for up to an Hour, 1/month

13 Coated in fine, dusty powder: Grants Reaction Rolls to Undead 1/day 63 Perpetually Perfumed: Foul Odors/Troglodytes/Ghasts/etc. trouble you not

14 Colorful Frogs are cross-stitched throughout: Leap as one thrice daily 64 Piece of Tapestry: Tightens around shoulders near Doors concealed by Cloth

15 Comfortable in the Coldest of Climes, but vulnerable to Fire 65 Placing a Pile of similar Objects atop it will reveal their Number in stitching

16 Confers Halfling Wilderness ability 1/month: Shrink in stature for 1 week 66 Potions (up to 4) can be poured upon it: Staining it. Can be wrung out later

17 Corpse wrapped in Cloak will never Putrefy or Rot 67 Protects the Wearer from up to 1d6 Level Drain attempts: Tearing with Each

18 Covered in Seasonal Leaves (no Winter): 1/week Bearer can Speak w/ Plants 68 Provided it remains Unwashed: Wearer is Immune to Disease

19 Cowled, the Wearer is immune to being Scried upon 69 Quicksand can be walked upon as solid ground

20 Crocheted Crab can be animated (as Giant Crab) once per Week for a Day 70 Renders the Wearer Invisible to Infravision above Ground

21 Dances: Can instruct Wearer in complicated Dances/Steps via lessons 71 Reproduces any Carvings/Mosaics it's placed upon in fine needlework

22 Dimension Door 1/week: leaves behind Statue of Wearer that lasts 'til next use 72 Repurposed as Tablecloth: Any Poisoned Food glows Sickly Chartreuse

23 Draped over a Statue's Shoulders, it can speak for up to twenty words 73 Scarlet Lining has a strangely soporific effect on Minotaurs/Gorgons/Bulls

24 Drawn tight around your Neck, you can hold your Breath for up to 1 Turn 74 Score of Arrows (or 2d10/Δ20) embed harmlessly in Cloak before power fades

25 Each Week, wearer can Extinguish a Light Source in line of Sight 75 Sewn from Mummy Wrappings: Can wilt Plants with Touch. Trees take a day

26 Employed as a Torniquet for severed Limbs, they have a 3-in-6 of reattaching 76 Sharkskin and perpetually Slick: Swim 2x as fast wearing this

27 Enchanted Ram Wool used in manufacture grants a x3 on Charges 77 Sheds as a Snake Annually: Skin can be eaten as Antidote for Venoms

28 Endowed with ability to Command other Cloaks to trip or bumble: 1/week 78 Should any Vampire sup on your Blood whilst wearing this: Rendered Mortal

29 Every Season, Sleep upon it as a Pillow and Commune (three ?s) via Dream 79 Stitched to a Sail: Vessel Travels 2x as Fast with Favorable Winds

30 Extradimensional Sleeve Concealment: anything smaller than a Rabbit 80 Stored with other Fabrics in a Closet or Chest, Moths/Wear are eliminated

31 Exudes a slippery/stinging Oil whenever Wearer is Pinned or Grappled 81 Stows up to 2 Weapons (no larger than Sword) for instant retrieval

32 Eye Tyrant Embroidery renders you immune to their Anti-Magic 82 Swiftly transforms into a Coracle seating Four once per week

33 Feathered Neck Fringe grants Wearer the Language of Raptors 83 Swirled on Off-Arm, functions as Shield +2 for those trained in such things

34 Fibula changes into a Skeleton Key (works on Doors in 3-in-6) until 3 failures 84 This Cloak Eats Curses, dines on one a Year and is sometimes choosy

35 Forced Marches result in only half as much Rest for you if Cloak is worn 85 Thrown over an Invisible Target: Suppresses Invisibility for 3 Hours

36 Friendly Cloaker companion: Eats Vermin, loves Bawdy Music, Trainable 86 Unfurled over a Pit, up to a Dozen can walk across it

37 Gazes or Spells that Petrify affect the Cloak and not the Wearer 87 Up to 3 Spell Names stitched on lining: Wearer is immune to these Spells

38 Gnome Figure appliqué seems to change dress according to upcoming Weather 88 Used as a Standard in Battle: Morale Checks for Mercenaries improved

39 Gossamer strands form a Healing Cocoon 1/week (as Cure Moderate, 3 hours) 89 Uttering the Command Word causes it to weigh as much as an Ogre

40 Healing Magic administered/received while wearing is doubled 90 Victim of Drowning wrapped in this Cloak within 1 Hour will be Revived

41 Hem can be torn into Bandages that Heal 1d6+1 (up to 20 left) 91 Wearer is utterly unaffected by the Dragon Breath of one specific Color

42 Hood worn prevents Speech, but creates Silence for up to 2 Turns for wearer 92 Web-wefted and whisper-thin: Produces Edible Spiders for the un-squeamish

43 Hung on a Door, functions as a Hold Portal for up to a Day 93 When laid on the ground, Sleeping atop it is incredibly comfortable

44 Hunter's Friend: Make yourself imperceptible to Game Animals 1/day 94 While wearing the Cowl, Locks are intimidated (can flip d100s)

45 If struck by Lightning, no harm comes to Wearer and Bolt can be stored/used 95 Wicks in any Rain, can be squeezed to supply two Skins worth of Water

46 Incapable of falling asleep during Watches or Guard Duty 96 Will Absorb up to 25 damage... Inflicted on another within Line of Sight

47 Infant or Child Swaddled with this will never Cry, Fuss, or come to Harm 97 With Hood Drawn, most have a harder time remembering your Face

48 Instantly smothers up to a Campfire's worth of Flame when covered 98 Worn by Saint: Bestows 1 Lower Order Prayer/week if Ablutions are followed

49 Let’s the Wearer become Ethereal for up to 5 Turns under Moonlight 99 Woven with Holy Symbols in Fabric: Turn Undead amplified (2d8)

50 Limited Levitation for up to 3 (lasts 3 Turns) if soaked completely with Blood 100 Wrapping a Charged Item in it for a week restores 1 Charge

Draft Version (05.26.2022) |

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