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On March 27, 2024, at 9 in the morning, San Sebastian Elementary School actively participated in the 1 st

Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill. The event aimed to raise awareness about earthquake preparedness
and enhance the community's readiness in case of a real seismic event. This exercise was organized in collaboration
with the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Team.

The school, together with the school head, teachers, and pupils, worked closely with the Barangay DRRM
Team to ensure a successful and well-organized event. As the clock struck 9:00 am March 27, 2024, the earthquake
drill commenced:

The drill began with a simulated earthquake alert signal broadcast throughout the school. All participants
were instructed to "Drop, Cover, and Hold " as they would in a real earthquake.

After the initial shaking, the evacuation alarm sounded, signifying the start of the evacuation phase.
Teachers guided their students to the designated evacuation routes, emphasizing the importance of staying calm and
moving quickly.

Upon reaching the assembly areas, a roll call was conducted to ensure that all students, teachers, and staff
were accounted for.

The 1st Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill at San Sebastian Elementary School on March 27,
2024, was a resounding success. The drill effectively tested the readiness and response capabilities of the school's
pupils and teachers in the event of an earthquake. his exercise served as a valuable learning experience for everyone
involved, emphasizing the significance of earthquake preparedness and the importance of working together as a
community to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents. San Sebastian Elementary School remains
committed to further enhancing its disaster preparedness efforts in collaboration with the Barangay Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management team.

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