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Significance of the study

The results of the study can benefit the following:

The Students

The study can raise awareness among students about the potential risks of internet addiction and
escapism. It can educate them about the signs, consequences, and strategies to manage their online
activities more responsibly. Early Intervention by identifying students at risk of internet addiction, the
study can pave the way for early intervention and support. Students who may be struggling can receive
assistance, counseling, and guidance before their issues escalate. Understanding the impact of internet
addiction on mental health can lead to improved mental health resources within the school. Students
experiencing stress, anxiety, or depression due to online behaviors can access the help they need.

The Teachers

The study can help teachers identify students who may be struggling with internet addiction and
escapism. Early detection allows them to provide timely support and interventions. Teachers can use the
study’s findings to offer personalized support to students dealing with addiction or escapism issues. This
support might include modified assignments, additional counseling, or referrals to relevant resources.
Understanding the impact of internet addiction on academic performance, teachers can make
adjustments in the classroom, such as implementing strategies to keep students engaged or offering
extra help to those who are falling behind.

The Parents

The study can raise parents’ awareness of the prevalence and risks associated with internet addiction
and escapism. It helps parents understand the challenges their children may face in the digital age.
Armed with knowledge about the signs and symptoms of internet addiction, parents can detect potential
issues in their children early on. Early detection allows for timely intervention and support. The study can
open channels of communication between parents and their children. Parents can use the findings as a
basis for discussing responsible internet use and its potential consequences with their children. Parents
can create a more supportive home environment for their children. They can offer understanding and
assistance to help their children manage their online activities in a healthier way.

Statement of the problem

As the usage of the Internet is growing rapidly each year, Internet addiction has become a problem
among some users. As a known form of disorder, the common reasons and consequences of this disease
can be similar to that of alcohol addition, drug abuse, compulsive gambling, chronic overreacting
behavior, sexual compulsions, and obsessive viewing of television. Addicted persons may come from all
walks of life and as a result they are suffering in the main aspect of everyday life in situations such as
school, family, work and relationships. There are at least four major studies documenting this growing
1. To what extent are BNSHI senior high school students affected by internet escapism and
2. How does internet addiction impact the academic performance of BNSHI senior high school
students, and what are the associated consequences?
3. What are the mental health implications of internet escapism and addiction among these
students, and how do these behaviors affect their overall well-being?
4. In what ways do internet escapism and addiction influence the social relationships of BNSHI
senior high school students, including interactions with peers, family, and the broader
5. What are the coping mechanisms and triggers associated with internet escapism and addiction
in this student population, and how can these behaviors be effectively addressed?
6. What are the potential long-term consequences of unaddressed internet addiction among BNSHI
senior high school students, both in terms of their future in the workforce and societal well-
7. What factors contribute to or mitigate internet addiction among these students, and how can
this knowledge be harnessed to develop tailored interventions and educational programs?

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