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摘抄笔记_QQ 浏览器_20240101

摘抄笔记_QQ 浏览器_20240101
转 写 文 稿 0:00God it was a mess down here how was your Christmas oh hold on it looks like
now0:06as of right now we're I can't hear you now all right Cory now we're live on YouTube can
you hear0:11me yeah there we go all right let's start over how are you going how are you
doing0:19Corey Christmas has kind of wiped us out as it always does how about0:25you yeah it
was a it was a good holiday season with travels and family and it's0:31uh it it's definitely work
having more of a family now than than last year it was now now he's more of a handful
I0:37guess my son is and so yeah it's it's a lot of fun but it's it can be tiring0:43yeah yeah I
understand I understand and now we have the new year coming up and0:50uh quite the year
2023 has been has it not oh yeah definitely yeah that was a0:57roller coaster with UFO disclosure
it's it's amazing that we you know I I don't1:03I don't even know like I haven't been able to read
all the details of the the bill that was passed in the National you1:09know the the dis the NDA uh
for the for the military and I know that they they gutted the review board and they gutted1:16a
lot of other things and um but they still maintained um like National1:23Archives records
collection aspect of it I guess and I assume that that that will1:28have some impact on how much
UFO type of documentation that the Congress can access and that might lead to other1:34things
too I suppose but this is what they're they're they're claiming that it's not everything wasn't
completely1:39blocked with this final bill um were you hear anything about that yeah I mean this
is you know the uh1:46Military Intelligence uh groups and corporations fighting back um
you1:56know it you've before Before the bill was voted on you saw notable figures
in2:04euphology discussing a catastrophic disclosure and2:11uh that has been kind of a small
threat that they've been making that all of2:17their whistleblowers may come out anyway and
inadvertently reveal things2:24that may not have been if the government had worked with them
and sure enough uh2:31intelligence agencies are fighting back and U now um a lot of
these2:37whistleblowers are going to start coming out in 2024 um I've been told that uh
all2:46efforts are really being of the alliance are really being focused behind what are2:51now uh
at least 88 whistleblowers if not more who have come forward uh to uh3:00give private briefings
classified briefings to Congress but about half of them are3:08people that uh have been reported
to the Inspector General uh for the intelligence3:15agencies but uh they are they feel like they
have the momentum coming now to3:21where they're going they're going to start coming out
and you're going to start seeing firsthand3:27um uh testimony of about these sorts of things I
don't know if next year um3:34they're even they're even speculating that the pressure is going to
be so heavy once some of this catastrophic3:41disclosure comes out because they're going to
have documents and photos and that sort of thing with with3:47them that it's going to force uh
Biden or someone in uh the administration to3:54give a small acknowledgement that there are
aliens from other planets or other4:00beings that we have uh recovered craft from but very little
other than that and4:07then they plan to kind of protract this out until 2027 uh or4:142028
when they are honestly they're they're expecting the uh one of these4:19groups to show
themselves um and uh it you know to to the masses that you know4:25we're going to learn
basically they're going to disclose themselves um and um there's a big battle behind4:33the
scenes on how that's going to unfold between now and then yeah this is very interesting
times4:40and certainly 2023 has been one of the most interesting years I think we've ever seen
with testimony of David grush4:47essentially leading to what was the Fulfillment of the dream of
so many in the EIC Community with the desire to4:53have open hearings in in Congress and you
know there there were mock hearings that had been done in the past and there4:59was the you
know the disclosure project Press Club events that had a bunch of whistleblowers coming
forward who also5:06are not quite the same category of whistleblowers as what we have with
people like David grush where they're much more um I would say David grush is5:14more
credible in a lot of ways but he also didn't have the firsthand experience so I'm also curious if
some of these 88 whist blowers that you5:20mentioned are these people who had the firsthand
experience with interactions with beings the uh interaction with5:26craft or beings um David
grush uh after the new year is going to5:33release an oped where he's going to give a little bit
more information about his firstand information uh so he does have5:41he's he was read into
certain uh programs uh he was shown documents and5:48uh I was told he saw like maybe
images and and possibly video as a part of that5:56um but he's been unable to speak about it uh
he's had approved to where he can talk a little bit about it and that will6:03unfold more as to give
him more of the credibility as uh because he's6:09spearheaded everything you know for what's o
what's you know nearing 90 if not over 90 whistleblowers now um and6:17some of these people
currently work in the program for corporations and in the military and but many of them
are6:25retired and um some of them are are some of the older people that were part of6:31the
Legacy programs that don't feel like they have uh anything to lose at this6:37point see well I
guess this is a good time to maybe take a step back before we go into Q&A and everything else
we could6:44talk about what's going on with with our projects and also I want to remind people
that if you want to participate6:50with the live Q&A we have this all set up through essential
Works TV we're simultaneously broadcasting out to6:57YouTube at the same time right now but
all of our inter interactions are focused on the people who are the subscribers and who are on
essential7:03Works TV um so look for us there um and um yeah did you want us uh say
anything7:10about your what's going on with your um your supporters and how things have
gone7:15this year yeah I mean this has been a crazy year last year was crazy as well7:23but uh
yeah I mean um I'm really grateful for everyone who has continued7:30to support uh me and uh
also Mike and the work that we're doing it's7:37been you know we've gone through absolute hell
you know7:43and I guess you know we're starting to see you7:48know movement in the lawsuits
um which is you know feels good you know because7:54we we have other things that we're
trying to move on to um you know I'm about to get a to fault judgment against8:00one of the
partners that I worked with uh a couple of others uh um yeah we8:07we're just ready to bring all
of that to to court which happens this summer because we have a lot of evidence8:14a lot of
stuff um and you know the racketeering you know I mean it's it's8:21been pretty incredible I I
didn't realized you know what a hornet nest I was walking into about a decade ago um8:29but uh
this euphology it's all part of a larger entertainment kind of mechanism8:37or corporate
mechanism and uh uh and I found working in the entertainment8:42industry with some of the
documentaries we're working on you know it is a nasty8:49place to navigate you know I everyone
that I have spoken to has had lawsuits8:56or uh or about to have lawsuit there's all of this going
going on because there's so much unethical Behavior you9:02know in the entertainment industry
and in the UFO side of it it's it's really9:07bad but uh you know the people that have supported
us uh uh we really appreciate9:14it we're looking forward to having some events soon to where
we can all come back together as a tribe and commune9:20again um but uh you know I'm you
know9:26I'm very very appreciative of your support those of you that have contributed to lightw
Warrior to help us with all these massive lawsuits have been uh a
blessing9:37um all of the information I mean we've spent I can't even tell you how much we
spent on Cyber investigators and piis9:45and all of that because of all the criminal behavior um
it's amazing and9:52uh I mean most people don't realize um I mean this is why your support is
so9:58appreciated during the time period starting in 2016 after the show David and I
were10:05doing came out I had five family members die like almost a year apart for
almost10:12five years and before I could mourn one another one would happen it was
horrible10:18and the people who came in to work with me you know you know that used
to10:24Namaste and love and light and all of that um you know I thought that they were going to
have my back when I was10:31going through these things and I was having to try to recover and
instead they were using it to take over my my10:38business and tricking me into signing papers
to where they own part of my10:43business very shady stuff you know embezzlement all kinds of
horrible stuff I had that going on during the death I10:51had the cyberstalking campaign I was
working in a hostile work environment at10:56the um uh streaming company that was doing our
show it was horrible the only11:03thing that kept me going uh quite honestly was the support of
the community you know as everyone knows U11:11when my uh deposition was leaked that you
know I was fighting for not only my11:19business my life story but my family these people had
done everything to11:24destroy any potential I could of making business they were trying to
steal my life story I had to say and do what was11:32necessary and take people to court to do
what was necessary to11:37protect myself and not take the information I've been releasing for
years and twist it and turn it into all11:44these you know money-making schemes and U you
know and having so many people11:50from the community you know start take trying to take
over the information and narrative11:56and luring it's been crazy but in the end you know all of
these people I tried12:05to handle it in the background giving them a year sometimes three
years to settle in the background quietly but12:11they decided to take to the court of public
opinion so unfortunately I've had to defend myself by taking people to12:19civil court uh taking
things to Federal uh investigators um but also I have to set12:28things St in the court of public
opinion so one of these document documentaries12:33we're doing I'm doing it with some pretty
major uh showrunner directors and12:41um it's going to be you know the alien Mania the
subculture War for disclosure and uh people are worried12:48that it's going to be a hitpiece
against the community absolutely not like I said about 70% of the community is
beautiful12:54awesome um it's just a small percentage of people doing the czy crazy
illegal12:59stuff but it it's going to be we're going to do a show and uh the directors13:05are not
going to do any hit pieces they're going to do kind of a true crime I'm going to tell my side uh all
of13:11these other characters are going to be given an opportunity to tell their side and then all
of the evidence I have13:17collected is going to be presented their evidence to be presented and
we're going to have investigators do their own13:22investigations and it's going to be like a true
crime reality TV show it's going to be interesting but it's going to sh a13:29lot of Truth on things
and expose a lot of corruption uh but it's also going to13:35highlight uh the 70% of people in this
community who are honestly love and light beautiful souls and it's going to13:42set the record
straight um it's going to be very exciting uh we're working on another uh show that's actually
being13:49pitched next month um nervous and excited um because we've had couple
we13:55we had a show a couple of years ago sold a travel chat Chanel and then the merger
happened and everything that was green14:01lit was red lit and we've had you know setbacks
like that but this is uh this14:06one looks good it's going to be uh giving James gilland and easted
Ranch the spotlight that they finally deserve14:13it's going to be a docu series on uh it's gonna
it's going to be a docu14:19series that uh covers his Ranch and surrounding areas and a lot of
the14:24Paranormal phenomenon and he's going to get to give his perspective for the first time
um and tell his story so14:32we're really excited about that because some big people are
involved and then uh the alien Mania show is something that14:40we hope to start shooting this
summer while some of these lawsuits unfold so that's some really crazy stuff I know14:47but holy
crap I mean the show's going to be about my 10 years in this uh field14:55and cover the history
also of other uh crazy things that have gone on but this15:01has been crazy guys so I really
appreciate your support uh please look forward to uh those two shows that we're15:09working
on um and uh I've been working on the gaming company that's going well15:14and progressing
um and I'm really excited also about what we have going on15:20with Ascension Works TV going
into 20124 yeah yeah thanks for sharing all15:25that Corey it can be challenging for people to
process but the community that that has been the sort of traditional15:32UFO Community has
been full of people largely trying to make money from the UFO community and that's often
what15:38defines what we see the UFO Community as however right now we're entering into a
time period where it feels like it's15:44just the potential for what the community is to expand
and explode in so15:50many ways is is completely unique now as people are waking up and
interested in in being a part of a real change in in15:57the world and and not doing this for for
money but doing this because they want to see the truth getting out wherever16:03the truth
may be found and um and so I want to mention again that if people want to help with activism
side of16:08things that they should check out our webinar we did last October called activation
and activism um you can find16:15that on essential works. TVC courses um and uh and and yeah
there's a lot that16:20we can do I also created on essential Works TV I created a local community
map that you can find ental works. TVM you16:27can go on there find your region see if there's
anybody else local to you that you you might want to form a group with16:33or or have
discussions with and that's those once you join a private um local16:38region your chats in there
are private just to the people who have joined that local region so you can have
somewhat16:45security around around your conversation in those in those Community groups
that I've created on essential Works TV now16:51um and some other things I could share about
essential Works TV that I've been doing um I'm close to finishing a16:57feature uh that'll make it
possible to import a podcast if you already have a podcast and you want to get some of
your17:03content on essential Works TV into the community podcasts area you just have to have
an RSS feed you can get your17:08podcast imported there video or audio podcasting and then
that will also work on our Roker channel that we just17:13launched and also I'm very close to
launching um a Fire TV channel we17:19already have support with uh you know chomecast and
apple um AirPlay um but17:25the Fire TV channel currently you still have to use the web browser
in the Fire TV to work to make everything work the17:30same but that'll be launched pretty soon
too um I'm excited to get a lot more content up there also uh more17:37collaborations we
haven't really done that many collaborations with people who have S in their submissions of
wanting17:43to do courses or content on cenal Works TV we're very grateful for everyone who
submitted their um request to to join us17:49and creating content together and uh I hope to
reach out to many more of those people very soon and so we get many more17:55kinds of
metaphysical subjects and really good teachings and I'm trying to do my best in curating you
know18:01cultivating the highest quality teaching that we can find and sifting through some of
the the information that is18:07clearly contradictory and unhelpful but but yeah there there's so
many different belief systems out there but I know a18:12lot of people are very very
knowledgeable in in many fields and that's what that's what we're interested in right now um
yeah and uh not to18:21mention more will be coming out about this next year but we are
working on18:27doing a u kind of a crowd investment uh18:33[Music] um program to where
we're looking to raise money to be able to put out18:40documentaries and and more shows and
to increase the content and bring more of a18:45spotlight onto a lot of the people in this
community who have really good content and uh we'll be uh you know you18:53can speak about
that how however you like right now I know there's a lot more to come yeah yeah we're we're
just in19:00the early stages of this um but probably within the next couple months we'll have
more announcements about exactly what19:05you're getting if you choose to invest with us um
but it's incredible the resources that are available to to19:12companies now to have people um
investing as little as $100 into a19:17company and then owning a part of that company so this is
a relatively new thing maybe since like 2012 time frame19:24when the law was passed to allow
the crowdfunding to kind of make invest much simpler process for small companies
like19:30essenti Works TV so we're hoping to see if see if that will be useful for us to accelerate
the the production of content19:37so we can pay you guys if you have great content and make
sure that we can keep producing much more at a faster rate19:43than we have been um because
that I know I know that's what's needed is really high quality19:48content yes it's a steady stream
of high quality content yeah yeah and so and19:54also you know um we're working with uh Fabio
Santos um on doing an event here20:04in Colorado uh in April end of April end of20:09the very
end of April for a weekend um more of that more is about to be uh20:16released about that uh
we're working on the fine details and locking in uh you20:23know the speakers this is uh Fabio's
uh event that we're working with him on and20:30uh then in late September uh he's invited me
back to Brazil to do an event20:36so I'm pretty excited about going back I loved Brazil uh back
when I went in 202020:42so we'll have more details about that soon as well all right I think that
maybe covered all the things that we had20:48wanted to talk about um if that sounds good we
can get started with the20:54Q&A I think that covers everything yeah all right yeah let's do the
Q&A all21:00right all right so um we could start out with a question you had mentioned
that21:07the the AI profit groups are trapped in two star systems right now that they consider
their strongholds which is our21:13own star system and El debron and so do you have any more
details about what's going on with El debron and there's also21:20some other questions about
here such as uh are this possibility for the negative entities to escape to alberon and
have21:27that be their strong again I I don't know exactly how things21:33are playing out on Al
Deon um if at some point it's going to have a21:40solar EV I don't know how things are playing
out there um things here are still like pretty much where I left off21:47uh not a whole lot most of
the Big Show right now is on Earth and everybody's21:53asking me for uh SSP Alliance updates
and all of that and whenever I hear21:59anything it's status quo status quo you know they
are22:04still um you know groups are still fighting their way towards Earth expected to
be22:11here you know and uh you know 2028 to 2030 the time frame whatever time
frames22:18I gave before um all of the information I've I've really given has brought us up22:24to
you know 2028 when um all of the the big stuff is really going to start22:30happening on Earth
and this in the solar system um so right now you know the22:37solar system is still locked down
the Orion group is still in control it's in22:42control of Earth Earth hasn't been liberated uh they
haven't been the Orion22:48group Graves haven't been kicked out and to be22:53honest you
know um we have a pretty good bead on what you know the reptilians are22:59the insectoids
and other groups some of them come from other dimensions I guess some of them23:06come
from other planets possibly within this23:12universe but the consensus about the graay is is
really changing within the23:20programs um whatever being this23:25is um some of them are
thinking it's could could be what we've been referring to the23:30AI but more and more of them
are coming to the conclusion that23:36uh we we have so many different things going on
phenomenon going on we have actual aliens visiting us we have uh23:45weird ultra-dimensional
Rift things happening on the planet that that cause weird23:52phenomenon there there's so
much to this there's disclosure you're gonna have to say I uh23:59when you say disclosure what
are uaps well there are uaps that come24:04from Flesh and Blood aliens and there are some that
are24:13like it's really I've had this discussion with a few people and it's really messed with you
know their ideas24:23on they kind of the religious and ideology but there appears be some
sort24:29of beings on this planet that we don't know what they are it24:36seems like they
almost like they're a cosmic Elemental you know like the elemental beings that we have in
the24:42forest but this these seem to have come from the cosmos and they've been here a very
long24:49time and uh they have the ability to be non-material and material they can
just24:56think theirselves into material being in our plane and this whatever this
is25:04supposedly uh and this is the information that's going to come out eventually is that
whatever this Force25:11whatever this is this presence it has been appearing to25:18humanity
for tens of thousands of years in different ways uh it appeared to25:24people for a long period of
time as like Greek or Roman Gods supposedly whatever25:30it is appeared to people as fairies
and other different you know angels and uh25:37they they've appeared to us as all sorts of
things up until closer to this25:43technological era when things now now we're being pres
they're presenting themselves to us25:50as sci-fi in sci-fi ships you know it comes like right out of
our mind from sci-fi these ships that they're in the25:56insides of the ships every it it's there's
something that26:02that's that's not right that a lot of the people haven't been able to put their
finger on and it's uh it has26:11a spiritual conation to it it has uh a26:17long-term development
connotation you know with humans and civilization and26:22religion and um it's getting more
confusing instead26:29of more clear as we're getting these various disclosures uh we're getting
various26:35highlevel briefings and information through more of the earth type sources that
have been investigating this for a26:41while um it's uh it's a mind screw I mean uh one
of26:49the hardest things that's been for that's been messing with my head quite honestly for
the last26:56year is that that military intelligence of course they come into the
UFO27:02Community to see disinformation and to cause fights and and little things
but27:07guess what so does this force or ET whatever this is it comes in and appears27:13to
people in different ways gives them conflicting information and is27:19manipulating uh you know
the community and and people within it and it's it's pretty freaking scary um and uh it's
you27:27know they've used those tactics on me and others that I know and uh a lot of27:33us
have started to figure certain things out and um the people in the programs the top27:40people
that have been giving briefings recently there's conflicting ideas there27:45I mean there's a lot of
confusion occurring because the is so there are so27:52many layers to what's going on on this
planet uh so many it's like dimensional onion layers of of what's going on when27:59it comes to
like Cryptids uh um human consciousness in general and how it's28:06being manipulated um
how whatever these supposed Cosmic28:12Elementals are that appear in different ways that
they've been using the Earth as a way to28:18attract uh souls to give them a unique experience
you know uh trick them by28:24saying you know giving them a unique experience to grow and
attracting Souls here uh imprisoning Souls here and using28:33souls for what we're not totally
sure we're not totally sure what this is that28:39we're dealing with because part of it is alien part
of it is something else and28:44they can't figure it out um so the more disclosure we get uh even
within the28:53programs the more confusion we're having having not more clarity28:58so I can
you know when a lot of this stuff starts dumping on the general29:03population wow you know
uh if some of us in the community can't make heads or29:09taals of it it's it's going to be confus
confusing um so you know the uh Alliance29:16is working with these dozens of uh
whistleblowers to release things in more29:22of a controlled way um because quite honestly
some of them feel it is their29:30moral obligation to prepare us for what is happening in 2027 or
20128 depending29:36on who you ask um some sort of there's we're going to29:41start learning
more and more uh some of it it's going to be disturbing um it's going going to lead up to to
whatever29:48this event is in 27 2027 2028 according to all of these people they're all
chant29:55uh repeating very similar stuff so um in the past I've been given bad
information30:01and people say Cory's predictions failed I don't give predictions I just
report30:07what I'm hearing if missions fail if things don't happen that's just part of it but uh this
is there's a there's too30:16much uh chatter about preparing civilization for for some sort of
uh30:26introduction to a non-human intelligence thank you Corey um yeah we30:33went into a
few different subjects there and I we had uh on the secret space program updates series we had
talked30:39about the extradimensional influence that you recently learned about and I I think I'm
going to put some of that more30:45more of those episodes onto the YouTube channel for more
people to get get more of background what we were talking about30:51there I assume that's
partly what you referencing in terms of us not understanding exactly what we're dealing with
that's that's one of the lers was30:58discovered yeah people in the programs a lot of the people
there's a lot of them still I thought they were out but31:04there's still a lot of them in the
programs that uh have more of Conservative Christian and that kind of31:10beliefs and uh the
people that are giving them briefings of course are you31:17know like high level Masons and
others and whatever this extra Dimension whatever this is they're referring to31:22them as The
Architects uh you know which is that just their spin on it but uh they're31:30giving the briefings
to these you know generals and a lot of them are retired and they're working in um industry
now31:38they're giving giving them these briefings about there's a trickster31:44being or
trickster beings on this planet presenting themselves differently to different people and uh they
just say31:53it's the devil these are demons don't look into this don't just stay away from this no
no no this is really what what32:00they believe fervently you know what I don't they might be
right because really32:06what's the difference if it's a extradimensional evil being tricking us and
we named it the devil a long time32:12ago I don't know but anyway these these people are really
freaking out and they're really trying to keep certain32:19information out of the public uh
because of their fears of uh biblical Armageddon and all32:28sorts of other things we're all
projecting all of us are guilty of it you me everyone watching we're32:33projecting our own fears
or beliefs or ideology onto what's happening right now32:39you know um and that's happening
in the programs as well and a lot of them are32:44really freaked out the more they're learning
the more they're realizing that32:49maybe we don't even have the capacity to understand part
of what's going on we may not have the capacity to understand32:56and that might be why it's
presenting itself to us in certain ways but33:02um yeah I mean this is this is a lot of new stuff for
me too and I've had to33:07rearrange my reality and understanding of reality quite a bit uh over
the last33:14year um and it's been you know it's been pretty33:19interesting so And to clarify
some of this is just coming from Earth sources and not the the higher density beings33:26who
but have you gotten more of an Insight from any higher density beings on some of these um
mysterious33:32influences no I have not I have not had the contact in a in a while with
them33:38but like I said it's always sporadic it happens in clusters and then I I'll go long
periods33:44of time and maybe have a dream or two but that's about it um and I'm in33:51one
of those periods right now and as a matter of fact the um Earth align s uh33:58briefings have uh
really changed quite a34:03bit uh you know I can say now because they're not happening um
there were34:08periodic Bridge calls to where you wouldn't believe who all were on
these34:14calls uh giving almost like a round table of34:19briefings and like all no no questions
or just Round Table of34:25briefings and uh certain people with certain clearances were allowed
to call in to34:33this coded whatever type of call and some of them uh allowed other people
to34:40listen in that they probably shouldn't and uh uh for a while I was allowed to listen in on
on certain calls you know34:48uh but those are no longer recurring um so the information I get is
kind of I34:56I'll it's kind of the same I won't get information for a little while and then I'll just get
a spurt you know of35:01information um but uh pretty much they have all refocused35:09in the
alliance to work uh Behind These whistleblowers and um they're working35:16also people that
aren't whistle they're working on having some other bombshell leaks occur uh next year with
with35:24documentation and kind of old video uh you know older video older than 20 or35:3130
years old uh maybe coming out from like 50s 60s or 70s or something uh35:38there's some sort
of time like 20 30 year time buffer that they're kind of trying to be responsible with I
don't35:44know why so some of that supposed to uh start coming out next year is supposed to
be35:50very interesting you know right that sounds great um I might35:55as well go into a
question question here that um has some a lot of assumptions baked into it but this person says
they36:01believe that the white hats could be taking out more of the black hats in the
government and asking why are they not36:07doing that more why is there not more activity um
well they the white36:14hats are up against uh I mean they're up against the36:20infrastructure
basically the black hats control all the infrastructure all the36:26money they control everything
the white hats um are not making much ground you know36:32they haven't been uh invading
tunnels and arresting cabal all these stories you've been hearing it's36:39[ __ ] at I mean the
alliance and these types of groups the white hats36:44have been rebuilding and trying to come
back together since you know 2020 when36:49they kind of collapsed um but the same can be
said about the community um but36:57yeah that the white hats uh are doing what they can
mainly only thing they can37:03do is funnel information right now they don't have the power to
or the resources37:08to pull these uh fantastic operations that people have been talking about
on37:14online they don't they don't have the resources and they cannot operate within the the
dark hats37:21infrastructure you know as they could earlier uh before37:272020 they had access
to certain parts of the infrastructure intelligence agencies37:33and that sort of thing everything
is changed everything's locked down not only on Earth but in the whole solar37:39system with
the uh the various secret space program groups it's it's locked37:47down all right so we have a
question here have you heard anything about Peru37:53alien attacks Yes actually uh one of our
friends37:59someone I guess who if you've come to our conferences uh we talked about a
guy38:05we call the General um he's a retired General it's a friend of ours um had him38:12look
into into it and some of his sources say yes this is something really38:18freaky going on down
here and some of his other sources are like n yeah nothing to see here um38:25but a um crew
has gone down to interview the people and more and more38:32information's coming out I do
believe something happened down there Peru is a very major hot spot for negative ET
or38:40whatever it is uh stuff going on that there's a lot of38:47um there there is a rich history of
negative interaction between uaps and38:54ETS and people in the jungle in Brazil Peru um so
there's something39:01you know there's some definitely there are bases of operation39:07or
some of these whatever beings that we don't39:14quite understand that are are down in South
America um you know who knows how39:21long the things have been there I mean we had
blood sacrifices and all sorts of39:26stuff going on down there that probably fed them um but
yeah there's there's uh39:33I I don't know specifically about what's going on I've seen some
interesting information about what's going on with39:39the face peelers and the aliens and stuff
in Peru and I think39:46there's I think there's truth to it but um the people in the39:52jungles
their point of view the way they see things their religious views on life39:58and all of that play
into what they're seeing and what's happening as well so you know we have to you know
pay40:05attention to that but I'm definitely paying attention to the story and if I learn more I'm I I
will make it40:12public right we have an relatively interesting question here um I think
I'm40:18not sure if I recall Clifford Stone saying this but this person thinks that Clifford Stone said
that the government40:24doesn't Grant aliens rights since they're not from Earth therefore uh a
person can kill an alien and there would40:29be no penalty for that is this true is it
considered40:36murder well it's illegal just to interact with40:43a non-human intelligence um if
you interact I think40:49there's law I think there are laws on the books somewhere you know
you're you're not supposed to interact with40:56them but killing one I mean that's that's there's
so much41:03speculation there I mean uh is it an ET group that41:09uh is known to our
government and do they have agreements with this ET group41:16and have you just jeopardized
that major uh agreement or I mean there's so much41:23that plays into that but I don't think
that the police came to your house and they saw a reptilian on the ground dead41:30they're
going to slap cuffs on you right we had a we had a question41:37come in that was kind of a
physics question um I'm not sure how much we can41:42say on this but they're basically asking
about the root cause or the nature of synchronicity that occurs in our lives41:48is this a higher
dimensional41:54influence yeah I I don't even know how to get into that this uh reality
that42:01we're existing in that we've accepted um is man whatever is going on
it's42:07manipulated I don't believe that we live in a simulation but I believe that42:13something
found our universe or reality42:18and found that they could manipulate it just like a a video
game you know they could do whatever they like and they42:25immerse themselves into uh and
invested themselves into our42:32reality whatever whatever this is42:38um yeah I I I really
am42:44re reshing my understanding of reality and uh our place in uh this is a lot of42:53stuff
I'm going to I'm probably going to talk about some of the stuff I've been talking about with these
other42:58dimensional beings we're trying to figure out uh in my uh talks at
these43:03conferences next year it's uh going to be some pretty mind-bending stuff you know
um43:12all of these different Rel all this reality is far more43:17complex than any of us have any
idea and um43:23we're we're just a part of kind it's like we're a part of a show and
um43:29that's what uh a lot of the scientists have been saying about these ET
groups43:34supposedly especially this presence that were that presents itself as ETS
you43:40know it always shows craft but they're always just far enough out of range to where you
qu can't quite make them out43:47uh there's always just some something to get your attention
to give to to for a43:52show but uh never anything conclusive it's there's all of these
different43:59trickster elements that uh people in the programs have traced back hundreds
and44:06hundreds of years to uh different uh you know societies and what
they're44:12experiencing and uh much of what they found out is that the experience
that44:18the people were having with these beings you know was meant to affect us in
a44:23spiritual way and and and to to guide us44:29uh Evolution to guide to guide our evolution
in in various ways so44:36um yeah you know I'm I'm really um it's it's44:43really it's it's been
crazy to have your reality shifted44:50you know the way I the way it's it's happened the last year
but the thing is you can't hold on to to certain ideas44:57because it becomes a religion like you
know my truth this whole thing my truth says that the the Grays are this and45:04they're from
the Orion belt and well these are trickster beings you know a45:09lot of these beings we're
dealing with we can't take what they tell us or45:15what we think we know at face value um you
know you you have to let go of your45:20truth and get ready for a fire hose of new information
over the next couple of45:26years that uh is going to challenge your truth and all of our personal
UFO45:32religions what we think we know about angels demons ETS positive
dimensional45:40all of that is uh you know a lot of our45:45beliefs are going to be turn going to
be turned on their heads and um I've gotten45:50a little bit of a taste of that over the last year
and uh it it takes a lot of45:57energy um you know I you know I need to get out in the sun I'm
pale I'm out of46:04shape I have I've been contemplating this working on projects but you know
instead of being out of Nature and doing46:09the things that I normally do it's really um caused
me to spend a lot of46:15time in contemplation you know thinking about things revisiting things
experiences and um46:23recontextualizing certain things but uh that's that's just how it that's
how46:29disclosure is that's how all of this growth is it's not you know in46:342016 I believed
this that was my understanding at the time but that has evolved and uh it's evolving for
people46:41in the programs and uh it's uh it's been a very rough46:48process yeah and I can say
that um it's fascinating to me how the raw contact46:54describes certain things with such vague
language and refuses to answer certain questions too even about the nature of47:01what some
planets in our star system even represent they have to withhold information because somehow
we're not47:06even ready for that that piece of the puzzle yet it's such a crazy big puzzle that
that there's a lot of question47:12marks for me still um and I want to ask a question here that
came in through the47:18live chat um somebody asked if you think that these AI startups which
are making47:25so much head right now are any of these connected to the promotion of
Nefarious alien AI47:31agenda I think we are being manipulated into a47:39technological a
purely technologically based Evolution um and yes we're focused on47:47technology technology
technology and uh that's setting our47:52timeline so we're setting a timeline to where we're
going to grow AI on this planet to a point to where it's going to47:58be useful to the overall we
call it AI but like I said that's just what they48:05named it years ago it's it's really a Consciousness
From Another Dimension a mass Consciousness that we don't48:11understand that utilizes
electromagnetics quite a bit48:17um so I'm sorry I kind of got off what I was so these AI
companies are not aware48:23it's just sort of a general manipulation that's occurring that we're
being pushed in the technological Direction yes yes48:28we're being manipulated into a purely
technological Direction and um all of48:34the AI that we're building is going to grow to a point to
where it'll be useful48:39to control us um a lot of the people developing it don't realize it but
uh48:47yeah that's that's the timeline that uh48:52Humanity seems hellbent on going on so it's
it's not the most positive timeline48:57but it doesn't seem like Humanity I mean some of you out
there are damn it I want the positive49:03timeline but apparently you know the majority of us
don't and a lot of it49:08does have to do with the manipulation that's occurring that's on a even
bigger level than we ever realized whatever49:16these whatever this presence is on Earth that's
presenting itself as certain as a certain ET49:23group all right we can skip to a different question
now um so somebody says that they've had a49:31lot of visits from Shadow spiders and they
appear with shadow people are these spiders associated with49:40ETS the shadow beings are a
big mystery um there's different49:47types of Shadow beings um but yeah Shadow beings have
been associated with49:54etss when I was having a lot of the visitations uh in the home and my
kids50:01one day maybe my kids will tell their stories but we've all had experiences but our
house started50:08getting invaded by Shadow beings and uh ghosts were just wandering into our
home50:14you know and you know we have mediums in the house that are our kids and um so
it50:20was reaping havoc on us I even had a shadow being come at me that was like50:26kind of
the shape and size of a horse it was like a crazy stuff going on you know50:31of course we did
have some of these idiots using black magic on us but uh there's something called The
Hitchhiker50:37effect that people were learning about people uh and one of the examples
is50:43people that were going out to Skinwalker Ranch to do investigations they would come
home and50:48something about this presence followed them home and their family members
started seeing dog men out in the the50:55backyard you know and other weird orbs and hearing
their voices and having51:01Shadow beings in their home scaring them all of this seems to uh
occur with people that have um51:11contact or um catch the attention of whatever this
presence51:17is and one of the things that they talk about is that how ridiculous some of
the51:23stuff is that these beings project or show them I mean people have Skinwalker Ranch
one of51:30there was a deputy driving down a road and he saw what he thought were two men
but it turned out to be dog men in51:38trench coats and hats smoking cigarettes now that's the
most ridiculous thing you51:43could ever conjure up or think of but all throughout I have seen
weird stuff51:50and other people in the Pro there are weird things like that that happen Tomkins
uh when uh I spoke with him when51:58he first came out um told me about when he was a kid
these beings would come in52:04to him and look like rabbits kind of like uh fluffy uh flush rabbits
you know52:11stuffed animals kind of things and um and he would interact with52:16them
believing they were that you know um so yeah52:24there's there's people that are looking for
answers in the next few years are just52:31going to have more questions and I hate to tell people
that because everyone is looking to solidify their belief system52:37to make sense of this reality
but the more and more information that comes out the more and more confused we're
going52:43to become about this reality you know about how all of this came about how we came
about it's um it's not what we have52:52in our UFO or root religions and and all of those
prophecies and beliefs even law52:58of one all of it it's uh it's not going to play out the way the
way we think it53:05is it's interesting you mentioned the rabbits because we had a question
come in about um how do animals look and live53:12in the higher densities is it like the movie
zootopia where the animals are talking I have no53:20idea but what have you seen in terms of uh
ETS have you seen ETS that resemble53:25different kinds of animals yes absolutely there's
catlike53:32beings and and all of that and some of them you know they visit us and
we53:38assume that they're from another planet within our universe but the more we're
learning is that there are multiple53:44universes that have sort of that it was explained to me is
that53:50there's multiple universes and that they're not just static they're there's53:55some sort
of energy that's making them oscillate and every once in a while when they're oscillating they
cross over each54:02other and that happens at certain points on the Earth where there are
the54:09electromagnetism is right like in certain Mountain areas but anyway when those multi
these different universes54:16come together they overlap and then the veil between them Thins
and there you54:21can cross over you know back and forth and there are beings that we've been
dealing with that told us they were from54:28this planet or that constellation that were actually
coming to us54:35through uh portals from other realities and universes so it's a you know
it's54:44it's a lot more complicated than you know in the 50s we were just starting
to54:49understand space and time space travel was kind of a concept54:55you know we had a
different way of thinking you know when we were forming our our foundational ideas about
what's55:02going on and a lot of it's been hidden by the government and other groups so we're
just getting bits and pieces on55:08top of that we have whatever this presence is coming into uh
people presenting itself as ET55:18people are then experiencers of what they think are ETS but
it's something55:23else and and uh they are falling uh Under the Influence uh it's being
used55:31to uh affect politics religion um affect55:36uh uh even this community this community
has been highly compromised because of55:45some of these beings that have infiltrated and are
trickster beings that are are deceiving a lot of55:51different people and uh it's caused nothing
but Mass55:57confusion I see which what a trickster would do um guess we could switch to
some more56:04questions about your testimony um we had a question about uh what was your
parents experience when56:13when you were being taken out of school for training when you
were a kid um and and how did the the school system handle56:20this um is it is this still going
on I don't know if it's still going on56:25but they had different programs um that would take kids
uh off campus so56:34it wasn't that big of a deal they had I can't remember what they called it
back then they for gifted kids they would56:40take kids to like local colleges and universities and
or different uh field56:46trips that were uh that had scientists that were going to give them tour
if56:51that they did a lot of of that and it was sort of like that it was56:57a a a it was a program
and they knew that57:02there was a program and that I was being taken off campus but they I
can't remember all the details but they57:08thought it was for um for the special program I was
in with school and did you57:15ever have a discussion with your parents about that as being an
unusual thing well like I said it wasn't that57:21unusual there were different programs going on
at the schools to wear you know57:27kids I think my sister was a part of one maybe stars or
something she was gifted57:32and you know she was uh you know like one day a week or
every57:38once in a while was being Tak being taken off campus for different things so did you
did you not have57:47memory of some of the weird weird things going on or talk to your parents
about it uh they sent us home with screen57:53memories um so at the end of the day they
would show us a movie uh uh either58:01uh they would usually give us some food that had some
sort of chemical in it that put us under in a suggested State58:08yeah and they you know they
would send us on with a screen memory and you know just like in our graphic novel uh
you58:15know I would be at Carswell Air Force Base but58:21when my mom picked me up I
would have a memory of being at the Fort wor Zoo you know at the dinosaur exibit and I
would58:28tell her about what I saw so um that that's kind of how they kept it58:36secure see
um there's another question here about the relationships and friendships you developed on the
20 and58:43backs and did was there was there some sense of loss when you remember
these58:48people that that you are not in contact with anymore58:57it's kind of like you know
I'm59:0453 and I graduated when I was 18 from high59:10school it's kind of like remembering
High School it was so long59:16ago you're so removed from it and some of the memories are are
fragmented but59:23uh that's just kind of it you're so far removed that uh you don't have all
of59:31these emotional uh it's not emotionally raw and59:37new all right um I gu we had a
question about59:42are the Mayan ships still interacting with with us in some way are they on
lockdown are they able to come and go um59:49our solar system is pretty pretty locked down um
if uh um anyone were to to do a59:57sorty or a mission in our solar system it would have to be
very quick very a1:00:03very light footprint and some of that's happening here and there they're
not traveling in ships through space but1:00:10they're uh traveling through portals here around
the earth uh1:00:17to to be able to have access to the Earth but those are monitored and
they1:00:23have to be very quick in andout um when they're doing so but like I said
right1:00:29now our solar systems kind of locked down1:00:35and um you know they're trying to
lock down the Earth trying to bring a totalitarian regime onto the Earth1:00:43supposedly this is
what one of the ET groups that may not be ETS at all it has1:00:49uh been pushing the shadow
government into doing is to taking more and more of1:00:55our rights away and putting us in a
position to where you know we might be1:01:01openly ruled by by negative ETS or negative this
negative group but of1:01:07course we do have the positive side that we haven't talked much
about that is here working um the positive1:01:15ETS that may be from other dimensions or
reality we really don't know1:01:21it um and um you know and we have some1:01:26sort of
cosmic Elemental presence here also that is1:01:33positive and there seems to be a conflict on
that level it is freaking1:01:38crazy it is mindblowing it's hard to wrap your mind around but uh if
you1:01:44start at least trying to understand some of these Concepts I'm giving you the next few
years uh maybe won't be so1:01:52jolting but uh there's going to it's going to be jolting 2024 is
going to have some in hopefully1:01:57if all this is true that I'm hearing is going to have some
very interesting mindblowing disclosures but uh 2025 and1:02:042026 it's just going to start
accelerating and uh a lot more is going1:02:10is going to come out and hopefully we learn about
the positive beings along with kind of the negative influence that1:02:15we're dealing with
because uh some of the people are going to try to use that negative influence as a way to
further1:02:21lock down the Earth and make it more of a totality it is I'm sorry [ __ ] up you know
I got to1:02:27use the word it it it is crazy it none of it makes any sense humans are
not1:02:33handling any of this logically in in a ethical way it's the most unethical1:02:39people
are the ones that have access to the information in our it is [ __ ] up this is not this is it's not not
good1:02:48and uh things are supposed to flip around more uh on the positive side1:02:55as
these negative humans and other forces are exposing themselves and and1:03:01starting to
collapse under their own corruption uh so it's going to be very1:03:08interesting the next several
years to watch all things play out I assume there's still a way that we1:03:14can all maintain our
sense of peace and composure and um and and we had a1:03:20question here about meditation
and this person is afraid that want to meditate and end up connecting to some
negative1:03:27beings and they're wondering if there's a way they can protect themselves in that
yeah meditating is going within if1:03:33you're projecting out reaching out broadcasting uh
then1:03:39you're likely in in this current environment going to connect with something and
most likely not positive1:03:47to be honest but uh meditating is is different it's
going1:03:53within yourself and and quieting your mind and and focusing uh being
focused1:03:58inwardly that is really what people need to be doing right now don't be afraid to
do that but right now don't look to1:04:06channel don't don't be trying to channel don't do and
don't don't be trying to1:04:11connect with other things right now you know that's not a
good1:04:17idea um we have a question here about um1:04:22Jesus teachings do you feel that
Jesus original message was was a very high quality1:04:29message I do changed yeah I do I I
think1:04:34um you know I've I've I've spoken about how you know a lot of these beings believe
Jesus was1:04:43the a fractal of the mind of the universe that comes here and
other1:04:48planets to uh help reset the Consciousness and and the1:04:55vibration um you
know on planets that have challenges like ours do1:05:02um but uh yeah yeah I think it it's very
high quality but you know of1:05:07course uh as soon as he uh was gone the1:05:14uh corrupt
humans took it and twisted it and used it to control people used it as1:05:20to murder people
use so yeah I mean I think you know religion1:05:27organized religion has perverted a lot of
things including uh Jesus's1:05:33teachings um but you know there's so much also you know in
the East a lot of1:05:40wisdom that have that has come out um I think that the Creator and and
other1:05:46positive beings are doing their best to try to guide us in the right direction but uh
there's a presence down here on1:05:53Earth that uh is fighting very much to keep us imprisoned
as a part of I don't know1:06:01what what they're using what we none of us really quite know
um because whenever1:06:08they're manifesting as beings like these weird different type of gray
beings the1:06:14tall Grays and other types of beings there's kind of a vampire kind of
uh1:06:21many people have witnessed uh them draining the blood of people putting them in
Vats um you know abductees have1:06:31been show shown this as a way to keep them under
control you could end up you know this could be you and you know and1:06:39so when these be
beings are physical they like have some sort1:06:44of they're taking blood and they're doing
spiritual things very evil kind of1:06:50stuff evil like demonic whatever evil and then they shift
over into being1:06:59whatever entity they really are and and they're no longer physical I mean
it's1:07:04so hard to wrap your mind around it's it's really crazy it's really it's1:07:11just really
crazy um we could talk a little bit about what you think is coming on the1:07:18economic level
this person's asking if if you can recommend any particular Investments and if you think
the1:07:24financial system is about to1:07:29crash I think yeah it's things are are are are going to
what what I'm1:07:37being told is things are definitely going to get very difficult in 2024
with1:07:44the economy financially so yeah people are prepared I'm not as prepared as
I1:07:50would like to be to be honest I don't give investment advice um although if1:07:55you
want to invest in Ascension Works TV would be happy um but uh1:08:01investing I don't know
you know I I think uh if I had you know a lot of disposable1:08:09income you know I would be
putting it into you know gold silver and uh you1:08:16know various things that you can trade you
know food other other you know stockpile food other things that you can1:08:22trade if things
go really South uh things are going to get really bad I heard before they get better but uh
how1:08:30bad I don't know um it seems like they're purposefully trying to crash
the1:08:35economy and trying to destroy uh America's Uh current standing in the1:08:43world
um so we'll see if they're successful they're looking it's looking1:08:49pretty bad unfortunately
do you think there would be a kind of Civil War in this country1:08:55amongst the populace I
don't think in the sense of1:09:01our last that I think we've been in a civil war the weirdest civil
war in1:09:06history um it's going to be fought out in um the1:09:12courtrooms but I do expect
there to be skirmishes and1:09:19uh protest that get out of hand and that sort of thing but I
don't think it's going to be cousin against cousin1:09:26brother against brother like in the last
Civil War I I I really from what I'm hearing I I think it's going to play out1:09:33completely
differently but have just as big of1:09:39ramifications all right I think it'd be good to switch to um
some questions that are fairly common that come in around a1:09:46very popular body of
material uh that was derived from hypnotic um uh1:09:55interviews um and uh I guess I don't
need to go into too many details but1:10:00there's a there's a common theme people like to talk
about that that some people are not actually people that they're1:10:05NPC's non-player
characters I can't remember if we've covered that but I feel like we should give a statement
on1:10:11that well we're all the main character in our own1:10:19story and to each of
us1:10:24other people could be considered non-player characters but they are the main
character in their own story so uh1:10:33I believe that these entities whatever they are put non-
player character types1:10:39of scenarios into our lives but I don't believe that we're in a
simulation to where a lot of the people we're dealing1:10:46with are just like they pop up in our
conscious as a part of our experience as a program and and do and react in1:10:53certain way
and then disappear you know I don't believe that these are real people with real1:10:59Souls yes
well yeah I think uh everyone on this1:11:05everyone on this planet is it's it's the same concept is
we are all one you know1:11:12it's hard for people people are like yeah yeah yeah we're all one
let's join together we're one but they don't understand that the exact1:11:19spark of
Consciousness inside of them is also the exact spark of Consciousness1:11:24inside of everyone
else and we all have that perspective and and and that power1:11:32over our own experience
and that's something a lot of people they like the1:11:38sound of it but they just don't truly
understand um there's some other1:11:45questions about that material where some people are
saying that um or some people have suggested that there there are1:11:50people who are
coming here who don't have have to deal with Karma and they have some kind of shield from
karma is that ever1:11:57occurring no no in some instances it takes a long time like1:12:04Karma
builds up in a capacitor and then it explodes um some people um it may seem1:12:13like they go
all the way through life and die and never experience Karma but1:12:20that's just our perspective
we haven't seen what they've gone through the losses they've had and there's a there's1:12:25a
lot you know that we don't see from their experience but karma plays out uh1:12:32you know on
on every level and then there was also a1:12:37statement that in the past there was a cataclysm
on the Earth where people were picked up by1:12:43UFOs um and evacuated um you aware of
anything like that in Earth's1:12:49history no I know that during certain cataclysm ET groups
brought survivors1:12:56into the Earth or warned them and enough gave them enough time to
Pro to prepare1:13:03uh but uh some people speculate that the some of these groups that went
deep into1:13:09the Earth and and lived for years and came out that they were actually going
into portals to other worlds but that's1:13:16all speculation and maybe traditional beliefs and all
of that no one really1:13:22knows but not that I'm aware of um in1:13:28that uh that's a theme
that I've heard even will coock has had talked about it if people that that uh ETS are going
to1:13:36show up and um and there's going to be some sort of uh Rapture event to
where1:13:43the ETS come and take all the good Souls off the planet before bad [ __ ]
happens1:13:48and I mean that's that's not going to I I don't think that's going to
Happ1:13:54happen we have a question here about do aliens do any higher density
beings1:14:01focus on practicing and evolving like yogis and Buddhas do on this1:14:10planet I
think higher density beings it doesn't take the effort because they've1:14:16already done the
work on this plane to get where they're at so it become I believe it becomes once they choose
a1:14:22Direction either the dark or or the positive path that uh they have their1:14:27own
evolutional Journey but it's not uh as1:14:33uh difficult as it is here and and it takes a lot of focus
and a lot of effort1:14:39in this density that we're in to to break out because everything about it
is1:14:45whatever this presences it's it's this trickster being what whatever is1:14:52happening is
it's trying trying to force us into a technological purely physical kind of1:15:01experience and not
focus on the spiritual side of things to to be a1:15:08balanced be so um you know we have it's
you know1:15:14it's been very difficult for people on this planet to you know to figure
out1:15:20you know to to grow are have you ever heard of a a race of1:15:27beings or seen race
of being that is about 30 cm tall and their s are craft is the size of a dinner1:15:34plate I didn't
see their beings but uh one time I had a uh small craft about1:15:43the size of a big rig kind of
wheel off of a big rig up here and uh I was given1:15:52information that they were very small
beings and that there were a bunch of them and it was like a whole crew inside1:15:58whatever
the sighting that I had small craft uh but I didn't uh see them or I1:16:05don't know what they
look like do you think that the craft can be shrunk down just to reduce the1:16:12appearance
absolutely absolutely that happens um1:16:17yeah the CRA the crafts um and it depends on
what you're dealing1:16:24with if if you're talking about because we're calling them craft but uh
that's what actual ETS are in some of what1:16:31we're seeing it's it's not craft even though it
presents itself as craft we we don't1:16:38know exactly what's happening with some of some of
this it's a you1:16:45know a you know 30 40% of what's going on that1:16:51people in the
programs assume was extraterrestrials doing this and that1:16:56they've over years and years
and years slowly found out that what they thought1:17:01they knew was not true they're
learning that you know like 60% of this or certain percentage of this are ETS or1:17:08extra
dimensional beings visiting our planet for different reasons but another part of what's going on
has to do with1:17:15some sort of presence here on this planet that1:17:21uh uh presents itself
at times as ETS1:17:27sometimes as Gods sometimes as Angels sometimes as Pixies or it it it
it1:17:33doesn't always present itself to everyone in the same way but as our as we've evolved
they've consistently been1:17:40changing the way they present themselves to us and now they
wouldn't show up as an angel because a lot of the people are1:17:47secular on this planet now
uh it it shows up as uh in ET you know or or1:17:55whatever so there like I said even in the
programs they're all1:18:01really still trying to figure out what's going on and the more
information we get1:18:06the the more confusing and mindblowing and it brings in so many
more different1:18:12scenarios that we didn't consider it's uh it's going to be it's going to
be1:18:18it's going to be a while before I think a lot of the people in the programs are able to get
a hold of their emotional1:18:26reactions to to some of the latest information that's been
coming out over the last two1:18:32years there's a question that came in that we've gotten many
times in the past and I cannot remember when we last1:18:37covered it it seems like it's been
quite a while um and I don't know if it was in these discussions at all about Rh1:18:43negative
blood type is the truth about the Rh negative blood type being hidden from us do you have any
insight on that1:18:49I really don't I've heard so much conflicting information all right um do you
do you feel that there's1:18:58any disinformation or mistruth about our current scientific
understanding of the1:19:10dinosaurs not necessarily all right let's do a couple1:19:16[Music]
more right1:19:21yeah I know if this one is appropriate we have an individual who died recently
the question is simply did the man who1:19:28worked with the Draco die1:19:34recently when
you went up to see the yeah I can't confirm or deny that1:19:40okay all right that's good um I
guess it'd be good to ask um are1:19:48the blue avens currently actively supporting Humanity
the blue avens um pulled back1:19:56their energy number of years ago I still have dream type of
stuff but that they are1:20:03not physically interacting with our reality anymore uh that they
backed off1:20:09and another group of Guardians uh stepped in uh and that1:20:14group of
Guardians is working closely with uh uh the uh the Zulu1:20:23and were are there two new
groups of Guardians there are two of two of them1:20:31yes uh that one of them is more
human1:20:37looking okay and we just won't we won't see them for a long time or not at all we
won't ever see them I1:20:44see um I guess maybe for a final1:20:51question um we could ask
about the the idea of a mock Alien Invasion coming in1:20:56the future do you feel that that's
that's being planned by World governments or is that on some other1:21:02level I think it is
absolutely possible that they're going to try to trick us1:21:07into fighting against the good ETS
and humans that are coming here to help1:21:13finally Liberate the solar system um but at the
same time whatever this presence1:21:18is it could it could make a thousand craft appear in the
guy over1:21:24Washington like that they're real and not real they they1:21:30were able to make
things actually physical con conjure reality I don't1:21:36know but they would be able to make
physical craft appear in the sky and uh they would you would interact1:21:43with them physically
if you fought them they may fight back I mean they're able to to do that type of thing1:21:50so I
mean understanding and trusting what we're seeing in the sky is very1:21:56difficult a lot of the
white orb things that we see flying around some of them are craft some of them are beings
and1:22:02multiple beings they'll be flying together in kind of like a maraba in a big plasma kind
of ball and then they'll1:22:08break off into multiple balls and they're multiple consciousnesses
multiple beings and these beings have1:22:14the ability to then manifest into something freaking
physical this is like1:22:21it's crazy it's crazy uh you know everything that we thought we knew
uh1:22:27what were our understanding of what we're dealing with as evolving uh a lot1:22:33of
the people in the programs and contact have been tricked and manipulated and it's the fact that
we're1:22:39figuring any of it out is amazing with the amount of uh disinformation and
and1:22:45trickster tactics that some of these beings have been using against
uh1:22:51Humanity we had a few questions come in that I'm just not going to ask right now I'm
going to tell people to go to Ascension1:22:58works. TV and look under the the learn tab I'll be
adding more resources under1:23:03the learning tab that link into other articles that Corey has
posted that answer a lot of commonly asked questions1:23:08about the upcoming timelines and
everything that Corey was shown about that um so I think I think this was a1:23:13great Q&A
session Corey thanks a lot thank you yes and happy early New Year1:23:20to everyone um 20 24
does look to be challenging and a little bit1:23:26mind-bending when it comes to disclosures and
how people around us will respond to it um you know I think1:23:34that the best thing that all of
us can do is make a New Year resolution to uh1:23:40become activists to support these
whistleblowers that are coming out to to1:23:45to become real activists standing out standing
out with signs you know go to our webinar and learn different ways to1:23:51organize I think
2024 if we come together um the unity and the community1:23:56thing didn't work out too well
because there's too much of a spiritual component and that that's where you know religion and
politics that's where1:24:03everybody splits so we need to leave all that crap behind your
personal UFO1:24:09beliefs your root system beliefs what you think is going on in reality you're
you're not going to be1:24:16able to get that disclosure if you want disclosure in your own uh
frame of Truth1:24:24and understanding it's not going to happen you're just going to be
disappointed if you want to have real1:24:30disclosure or at least information that's going to lead
to real disclosure right now we need to leave our different1:24:35UFO beliefs and all of that
behind all these different contact e out giving conflicting information through all that1:24:43just
focus on being an activist and making phone calls sending letters um1:24:49forming people to do
you know uh demonstration there's a lot that can be done to help1:24:55support these people
and I hope that the community would kind of snap out of it1:25:01and uh leave all these little
divided differences we have behind and then um1:25:06you know come together to support
these people and does this contribute to the overall liberation of humanity from
our1:25:13enslavers it does it all begins with information and no one's going to to1:25:18rise up
to uh fight or not even fight but to to push back against these Powers1:25:26unless they're first
educated and right now the only education they're getting is through the misinformation from
the1:25:32cons the infrastructure owned by this nefarious1:25:37group so um you know we have
a lot to1:25:43overcome but 2024 you know it could be a challenging year but I think it's a really
a good1:25:49time for us to to focus on on disclosure agreed 英语 (自动生成)
转写文稿 0:00 天啊,这里真乱,你的圣诞节过得怎么样哦,等一下,看起来现在是 0:06
分,我们现在听不到你的声音好吧,科里,我们现在在 YouTube 上直播你能听到 0:11 分吗
是的,我们开始吧好吧,让我们重新开始你过得怎么样你过得怎么样 0:19 科里,圣诞节像
往常一样让我们精疲力尽了 0:25 分怎么样你呢是的,这是一个很好的假期季节,有旅行和
了,现在是 2023 年了,不是吗 令人惊讶的是,我们你知道我不知道我甚至不知道我还没
有能够阅读在全国通过的法案的所有细节你 1:09 知道 dis NDA 嗯为军队,我知道他们掏空
了审查委员会,他们掏空了 1:16 很多其他的东西,嗯,但是他们仍然保持嗯像全国 1:23
档案记录收集方面的,我想,我假设 1:28 会对国会可以访问多少 UFO 类型的文件产生一
些影响,我想这也可能导致其他事情 1:34 但这就是他们,他们声称这不是一切都不完整
1:39 阻止了最后的法案,嗯,你听说了吗是的,我的意思是这是你知道的,嗯,军事情报 ,
嗯,团体和公司反击,嗯,你 1:56 知道,在法案表决之前,你看到了值得注意的 数字
2:04euphology 讨论一个灾难性的披露和 2:11 嗯,这是一种小的威胁,他们一直在作出的
所有的 2:17 他们的告密者可能会出来,无论如何,无意中透露的东西 2:24 这可能不会,
如果政府与他们合作,当然 uh2:31 情报机构正在反击,你知道,嗯,很多这样的 2:37 告
密者将在 2024 年开始出来,嗯,我被告知,所有 2:46 的努力真的是联盟 现在,至少有 88
名告密者站出来,向国会做秘密简报,但其中大约一半是 3:08 的人,他们已经向情报总监
报告了 3:15 的机构,但他们感觉他们现在有动力到 3:21 他们要去的地方,他们将开始出
来,你将开始看到第一手的证词 3:27,嗯,关于这类的证词 我不知道明年是否会发生这
样的事情,他们甚至推测,一旦灾难性的 3:41 披露出来,压力将会非常大,因为他们将会
有文件和照片之类的东西,这将迫使拜登或政府中的某人在 3:54 承认有来自其他星球的外
星人或其他 4:00 人,我们已经从他们那里回收了飞船,但除此之外很少 然后 4:07 他们计
划将这种情况持续到 2027 年,或者 4:14,2028 年,老实说,他们希望这些 4:19 团体中的
一个向大众展示他们自己,你知道的,4:25 我们将了解到基本上他们将展示他们自己,嗯,
嗯,后面有一场大战 4:33 关于从现在到那时将如何展开的场景,是的,这是非常有趣的时
间 4:40 和 我认为最有趣的几年是大卫·格鲁什 4:47 的证词,这基本上实现了 EIC 社区许
多人的梦想,他们渴望 4:53 在国会举行公开听证会,你知道过去有过模拟听证会,还有
4:59 是你知道的披露项目记者俱乐部事件,有一群告密者站出来,他们也是 5:06,不是完
全相同的类别 我认为大卫·格鲁什在很多方面更可信,但他也没有第一手经验,所以我也
很好奇,你在 5:20 提到的 88 个告密者中,是否有人有第一手经验与人类互动,与 5:26 工
艺或生物互动大卫·格鲁什新年后将在 5:33 发布专栏 他将给出更多关于他的第一次和信
息的信息,嗯,所以他有 5:41 他被读到某些程序中,嗯,他被展示文件和 5:48 我被告知
他可能看到图像和视频,可能是其中的一部分,5:56 嗯,但是他不能说话 k 关于这个问题,
他已经同意在那里他可以谈一点,这将在 6:03 展开更多,以给他更多的可信度,因为他是
6:09 的先锋,你知道什么,你知道什么,现在接近 90,如果不是超过 90 个告密者,嗯,
6:17 这些人现在在公司和军队的项目中工作,但他们中的许多人在 6:25 退休,嗯,他们
中的一些人是 参加 6:31 传统项目的老年人在 6:37 这一点上并不觉得有什么可失去的,我
想这是一个很好的时机,在我们进入问答和其他事情之前,我们可以先退一步 6:44 谈谈我
们项目的进展情况,我还想提醒大家,如果你想参加 6:50 的现场问答,我们已经通过
essential Works TV 设置好了这一切 现在同时向 6:57YouTube 播放,但我们所有的互动
都集中在订户和 7:03Works TV 上,所以在那里找我们,嗯,嗯,你想让我们说点什么吗
7:10 关于你的嗯,你的支持者和事情进展如何 7:15 今年是的,我是说这是疯狂的一年,
去年也是疯狂的 7:23,但是,嗯,是的,我 我的意思是,嗯,我真的很感谢每一个一直
在 7:30 支持我和迈克以及我们正在做的工作的人 7:37 你知道我们已经经历了绝对的地狱
你知道 7:43 我想你知道我们开始看到你 7:48 知道诉讼的进展嗯,你知道感觉很好,因为
7:54 我们有其他事情要做,我们正在努力继续嗯,你知道我将得到一个对 8:00 的错误判
决 我的合作伙伴,嗯,其他几个人,嗯,是的,我们已经准备好把所有这些都带到法庭上
这是今年夏天发生的,因为我们有很多证据 8:14 很多东西,嗯,你知道敲诈勒索,你知道,
我的意思是,这是 8:21 非常不可思议,我我没意识到你知道我十年前走进了一个什么样的
马蜂窝,嗯,8:29 但是,嗯,这是一个更大的娱乐的一部分 8:37 或者公司机制,嗯,嗯,
我发现在娱乐行业工作 8:42 我们正在制作的一些纪录片,你知道这是一个很糟糕的地方,
你知道我说过的每个人都有诉讼 8:56 或者嗯,或者即将有诉讼,所有这些都在发生,因为
在娱乐行业和 UFO 方面有太多不道德的行为,这真的很糟糕,但是,嗯,你知道吗 支持我
们的人嗯嗯我们真的很感激 9:14 我们期待着很快有一些活动让我们能像一个部落和社区一
样再次聚在一起 9:20 嗯但是嗯你知道我你知道 9:26 我非常非常感谢你们的支持那些为
lightw Warrior 捐款来帮助我们处理所有这些大规模诉讼的人一直在
嗯祝福 9:37 嗯我是说我们花费的所有信息我甚至不能说 你知道我们在网络调查员和 pis
上花了多少钱吗 9:45 所有这些都是因为所有的犯罪行为嗯,这很令人惊讶, 9:52 嗯我是
说大多数人都没有意识到嗯我是说这就是为什么你的支持如此受欢迎从 2016 年开始,在我
和大卫 10:05 做节目出来后,我有五个家庭成员去世了,差不多相隔一年,差不多 10:125
年,我还没来得及哀悼另一个就发生了 可怕的 10:18 和我一起工作的人你知道你知道他们
曾经 10:24 合十礼,爱和光,所有那些嗯你知道我以为他们会支持我,当我 10:31 经历这
些事情,我不得不努力恢复的时候,相反他们利用它接管我 10:38 的业务,骗我签署文件,
他们拥有我 10:43 业务的一部分,非常见不得人的东西,你知道 贪污,各种可怕的事情,
我在 10:51 去世的时候一直在做,10:56 我在一个充满敌意的工作环境中工作,嗯嗯流媒
体公司正在做我们的节目,这太可怕了,11:03 唯一让我坚持下去的事情,嗯非常诚实的
是社区的支持,你知道大家都知道,11:11 当我的证词被泄露的时候,你知道我不仅为我
11:19 的事业,我的人生故事,还有我的家庭而战 这些人做了一切来破坏我做生意的潜力 ,
他们试图窃取我的人生故事,我不得不说,做 11:32 必要的事,把人送上法庭,做必要的
事 11:37 保护自己,不要拿走我多年来发布的信息,扭曲它,把它变成所有的 11:44 这些
你知道赚钱的计划,你知道,有这么多来自你知道的社区的人 11:50 开始尝试拿走 11:56
的信息和叙述,这是疯狂的,但最后你知道所有这些人,我试着 12:05 在后台处理,给他
们一年有时三年的时间在后台平静地解决,但 12:11 他们决定采取公众舆论的法庭,所以
不幸的是,我不得不通过带人到 12:19 民事法庭为自己辩护,把事情交给联邦调查员,但
我也必须在法庭上设定 12:28 的事情 公众意见,所以我们正在做这些文件中的一个 12:33
我正在和一些非常重要的呃 showrunner 导演一起做 12:41 嗯,这将是你知道的外星人狂热,
亚文化战争的披露,嗯,人们担心 12:48 这将是对社区的一个打击绝对不是像我说的大约
70%的社区是美丽的 12:54 真棒嗯,这只是一小部分人做 czy 疯狂的非法 12:59 的东西,但
它是 做一个节目,导演 13:05 不会做任何热门的作品,他们会做一种真实的犯罪,我会告
诉我的一方,13:11 其他角色会有机会告诉他们的一方,然后我 13:17 收集的所有证据会
被提交他们的证据会被提交,我们会让调查人员做他们自己的 13:22 调查,这就像一个真
实的 犯罪真人秀节目将会很有趣,但它会揭露很多事情的真相,揭露很多腐败行为,但它
也会在 13:35 突出这个社区中 70%的人是真诚的爱和光明美丽的灵魂,它会在 13:42 澄清事
实,它会非常令人兴奋我们正在制作另一个节目,实际上是下个月的 13:49,紧张和兴奋,
因为我们已经 几年前我们有一个节目卖了一个旅游聊天香奈儿,然后合并发生了,一切都
是绿色的 14:01 它是红色的,我们有过这样的挫折,但这是这个 14:06 一个看起来不错,
这将是给詹姆斯·吉兰和伊斯特德牧场他们最终应得的关注 14:13 这将是一个纪录片系列,
这将是一个纪录片 14:19 系列,涵盖他的牧场 周边地区和许多 14:24 的异常现象,他将第
一次给出他的观点,嗯,讲述他的故事,所以 14:32 我们真的很兴奋,因为一些大人物参
开,所以这是一些真正疯狂的东西,我知道 14:47,但天哪,我的意思是这个节目将是关
于我的 10 年 在这个领域,14:55 还介绍了其他已经发生的疯狂事情的历史,但这 15:01 一
直是疯狂的家伙,所以我真的很感谢你的支持,请期待这两个节目,我们 15:09 正在工作,
我一直在为游戏公司工作,进展顺利 15:14,嗯,我真的很兴奋,我们 15:20 将进入 2012
年,对,对,感谢分享 15:25 的核心 对人们来说处理起来很有挑战性,但社区一直是那种
传统的 15:32UFO 社区充满了大量试图从 UFO 社区赚钱的人,这通常是 15:38 定义了我们对
UFO 社区的看法,然而现在我们正进入一个感觉像是 15:44 的时期,只是社区在 15:50 内扩
展和爆炸的潜力许多方式现在是完全独特的,因为人们正在醒来 对成为 15:57 世界真正变
提到,如果人们想帮助 16:08 事情的行动主义方面,他们应该看看我们去年 10 月做的名为
激活和行动主义的网络研讨会,你可以找到 16:15 的基本工作。 TVC 课程嗯,嗯,嗯,是
的,我们可以做很多事情 16:20 我还在 essential Works TV 上创建了一个本地社区地图,
您可以找到 ental works。TVM you 16:27 可以去那里找到您所在的地区,看看您附近是否
还有其他人您可能想与 16:33 或这些人一起组成一个小组或进行讨论一旦您加入了一个私
人的 um local16:38region,您在那里的聊天只对加入该地区的人保密,所以您可以在我
在 essential Works TV now16:51um 等上创建的那些社区小组中,在您的谈话周围有一些
安全保障 我还可以分享一些我一直在做的关于 essential Works TV 的事情,嗯,我即将
完成一个 16:57 的功能,嗯,这将使您可以导入播客,如果您已经有一个播客,你想把你
17:03 在 essential Works TV 上的一些内容放到社区播客区,你只需要有一个 RSS 源,你
就可以把你 17:08 的播客导入到那里,视频或音频播客,然后也可以在我们 17:13 刚刚推
出的 Roker 频道上工作,我也非常接近于推出一个消防电视频道,我们 17:19 已经有了对
chomecast 和 apple 的支持,但是 17:25 消防电视频道目前 你仍然需要使用 Fire TV 中的
网络浏览器来工作,以便在 17:30 时让一切正常工作,但这也将很快启动,嗯,我很高兴
在那里获得更多的内容,嗯,还有更多 17:37 时的合作我们还没有真正与那些在他们的提
交中有 S 的人进行太多的合作,他们希望在 17:43 时在 cenal Works TV 上进行课程或内容
我们非常感谢所有提交他们的 um 请求来加入我们 17:49 并创建内容的人 我希望能尽快接
触到更多这样的人,所以我们得到了更多 17:55 种形而上学的主题和真正好的教导,我正
在尽最大努力整理 18:01 创造我们能找到的最高质量的教导,并筛选一些 18:07 明显矛盾
和无益的信息,但是,是的,有这么多不同的信仰体系,但是我知道 18:12 很多人非常 在
许多领域都很有知识,这就是我们现在感兴趣的,嗯,是的,嗯,不是 18:21 明年会有更
多关于这方面的消息,但我们正在 18:27 做一种大众投资 嗯,我们计划筹集资金,以便能
够推出 18:40 的文件和更多的节目,增加内容,让更多的 18:45 的聚光灯照射到这个社区
中有真正好内容的许多人身上,嗯,我们会嗯,你知道你 18:53 可以谈论这些,无论你现
在喜欢什么,我知道还会有更多的节目,是的,是的,我们只是在 19:00 的早期阶段,嗯,
但可能 在接下来的几个月里,我们会有更多的公告,告诉你如果你选择和我们一起投资 ,
19:05 你会得到什么,嗯,但是现在 19:12 公司可以获得的资源是令人难以置信的,让人
们投资 100 美元到 19:17 公司,然后拥有该公司的一部分,所以这可能是一个相对较新的
事情,因为像 2012 年时间框架 19:24 时,法律通过允许众筹,使投资过程变得更加简单
像 19:30essenti 这样的小公司经营电视,所以我们希望看看这是否对我们有助于加快内容
的制作 19:37 所以如果你们有很好的内容,我们可以向你们支付费用,并确保我们能够以
更快的速度制作更多的内容 19:43 因为我知道我知道我们需要的是真正的高质量 19:48 内
容是的,这是高质量内容的稳定流是的,是的,是的,还有 19:54 也是 你知道,嗯,我们
正在和法比奥·桑托斯一起做一个活动,20:04 在科罗拉多州,4 月底,20:09 在 4 月底的
一个周末,嗯,更多的内容将于 20:16 发布,我们正在研究细节,20:23 锁定演讲者,这
是我们和法比奥一起做的活动,20:30,然后在 9 月底,他邀请我回巴西 做一件事 20:36
所以我对回去感到非常兴奋我爱巴西呃回到我 2020 年去的时候 20:42 所以我们很快会有更
多关于那的细节好的我想那可能涵盖了我们所有的事情 20:48 想要谈论的嗯如果那听起来
不错我们可以开始 20:54 问答我想那涵盖了所有事情是的好的是的让我们做问答全部
21:00 好的好的我们可以从一个问题开始 你提到过 21:07 人工智能利益集团现在被困在两
个恒星系中,他们认为他们的据点是我们的 21:13 太阳系和埃尔德布朗,所以你有更多关
于埃尔德布朗正在发生的事情的细节吗,还有 21:20 关于这里的一些其他问题,比如,呃,
负面实体有没有可能逃到阿尔布朗,21:27 他们又变得强大了,我不知道 21:33 到底是怎
么回事 阿尔·迪恩嗯,如果在某个时候它会有 21:40 太阳能电动车我不知道事情是如何进
行的嗯,这里的事情仍然和我离开的地方差不多 21:47 嗯,不是很多现在最大的表演是在
地球上,每个人都在 21:53 问我,嗯 SSP 联盟的更新和所有这些,每当我听到 21:59 任何
事情都是现状现状你知道他们是 22:04 直到嗯你知道团体仍然在斗争 预计到达地球的时间
是 22:11 这里你知道,嗯你知道 2028 年到 2030 年的时间框架无论什么时间框架 22:18 我
之前给出了所有的信息我真的给了我们 22:24 到 2028 年,所有的大事都将于 22:30 开始在
地球上发生,这是在太阳系,所以现在你知道 22:37 太阳系仍被锁定猎户座群仍在控制中
它在 22:42 地球的控制权还没有被解放,他们还没有被释放 22:48 群坟墓还没有被踢出去,
22:53 老实说,你知道我们 你所知道的爬行动物是 22:59 昆虫和其他群体他们中的一些来
自其他维度我猜他们中的一些是 23:06 来自其他星球可能在这个 23:12 宇宙中但是关于格
雷的共识在 23:20 程序中确实在改变不管这是什么 23:25 是什么他们中的一些人认为它可
能是我们所指的 23:30AI 但是越来越多的人得出结论 23:36 我们 现象还在继续我们真的有
外星人拜访我们我们有 uh23:45 的超维度裂缝在这个星球上发生的事情引起了奇怪的事情
23:52 的现象有这么多关于这个有披露你必须说我 uh23:59 当你说披露什么是 uap 好吧,有
来自血肉外星人的 uap 有一些是 24:04 的,还有一些是 24:13 的,好像我真的和一些人讨
论过这个问题,真的很混乱 他们有点宗教和意识形态,但似乎在这个星球上有一些我们不
知道他们是什么的生命,他们看起来像是宇宙元素,就像我们在 24:42 森林中的元素生命,
可以 24:56 认为自己是我们的物质 飞机和这个无论这是什么 25:04 假设这是最终要出来的
信息无论这个力是什么 25:11 无论这个存在是什么它已经以不同的方式出现在 25:18 人类
面前几万年了,在很长一段时间里,它出现在 25:24 人们面前就像希腊或罗马的神,无论
如何 25:30 它出现在人们面前就像仙女和其他不同的天使,他们以各种各样的形式出现在
我们面前 直到更接近这个 25:43 的技术时代,当事物现在我们是 pres 时,它们以科幻小
些船,它们在 25:56 的船内,每一个都有一些东西,这是 26:02,这是不对的,许多人还
不能把他们的手指放在上面,这是 26:26 你知道人类和文明和 26:22 宗教和嗯它变得越来
越令人困惑而不是 26:29 更清楚因为我们得到了这些各种各样的披露嗯我们得到了各种各
样的 26:35 高水平的简报和信息通过更多的地球类型的来源已经调查了 26:41 虽然嗯它是
嗯它是一个思想螺丝我的意思是嗯 26:49 最困难的事情之一它已经在过去的 26:56 年里相
当诚实地扰乱了我的头脑 进入 UFO 27:02 社区看到虚假信息并引起争斗和小事情但 27:07
猜猜这是什么力量或 ET 不管这是什么它进来并出现 27:13 人们以不同的方式给他们相互矛
盾的信息并且是 27:19 操纵嗯你知道社区和其中的人这是非常可怕的嗯嗯是你 27:27 知道
他们对我和我认识的其他人使用了那些策略嗯 27:33 有些事情发生了,嗯,项目中的人,
最近做简报的前 27:40 人有相互矛盾的想法,我的意思是发生了很多混乱,因为这个星球
上正在发生的事情有很多 层,嗯,太多了,就像多 维洋葱层,什么时候发生了什么
宇宙 28:12 他们以不同的方式使用地球作为一种方法 28:18 吸引灵魂给他们一种独特的体
验,你知道,28:24 欺骗他们,说你知道给他们一种独特的体验让他们成长并在这里吸引
灵魂,28:33 囚禁灵魂在这里使用我们不完全确定的东西我们不完全确定这是什么,28:39
我们正在处理,因为它的一部分是外星的,另一部分是别的东西,28:44 他们不能理解,
所以我们有困惑没有更多的清晰度 28:58 所以我可以你知道当很多这种东西开始倾倒在一
般的 29:03 人口哇你知道嗯如果我们在社区中的一些人不能理解或 29:09 它将是混乱的嗯
所以你知道嗯联盟 29:16 正在与这几十个嗯告密者一起工作以更受控制的方式发布东西嗯
因为老实说他们中的一些人觉得这是他们的 29:22 让我们为 2027 年或 20128 年发生的事情
做好准备 29:36 取决于你问谁嗯某种程度上有我们要去 29:41 开始学习越来越多嗯其中一
些会令人不安嗯它会导致什么 29:48 这个事件是在 2027 年 2028 年根据所有这些人的说法
他们都在唱 29:55 嗯重复非常相似的东西所以嗯在过去我得到了不好的信息 给出预测我刚
刚报告 30:07 如果任务失败,如果事情没有发生,我会听到什么这只是其中的一部分,但
这是有太多关于为某种非人类智能做好文明准备的喋喋不休 30:26 介绍谢谢科里嗯,我们
30:33 讨论了几个不同的主题,我们在秘密太空计划更新系列上我们谈了 30:39 关于你最
近了解到的超维度影响,我 我会把其中的一些 30:45 更多的片段放到 YouTube 频道上,让
更多的人了解更多的背景知识我们刚才在谈论什么 30:51 这里我想这部分是你提到的我们
不知道我们到底在处理什么这是其中一个 30:58 发现的人是的,节目中的人很多人还有很
多人我以为他们出来了,但是 31:04 还有很多人 在节目中,呃有更多的保守的基督徒和那
种 31:10 的信仰,呃给他们做简报的人当然是你 31:17 知道像高级石匠和其他人,不管这
个额外的维度是什么,他们指的是 31:22 他们作为建筑师,你知道那只是他们的一面之词,
但是他们 31:30 给这些人做简报,你知道将军,他们中的许多人退休了,他们在 um 行业工
作 现在 31:38 他们给他们这些简报关于有一个骗子 31:44 在这个星球上的存在或骗子存在
以不同的方式呈现给不同的人,嗯他们只是说 31:53 这是魔鬼这些是魔鬼不要去调查这个
不不不,这是真的什么 32:00 他们坚信你知道我不知道他们可能是对的,因为真的 32:06
如果这是一个超维度的邪恶在欺骗我们和 时间 32:12 go 我不知道,但不管怎样,这些人
有其他事情 32:28 我们都在投射我们所有人都对此感到内疚你我每个人都在看我们 32:33
投射我们自己的恐惧或信仰或意识形态到现在正在发生的事情上 32:39 你知道,嗯,这也
发生在节目中,很多节目中 吓坏了他们学得越多,他们越意识到 32:49 可能我们甚至没有
能力理解正在发生的事情的一部分我们可能没有能力理解 32:56,这可能是为什么它以某
些方式呈现给我们,但是 33:02 嗯,是的,我的意思是这对我来说也是很多新的东西,我
不得不在过去的 33:14 年里重新安排我的现实和对现实的理解 你知道这很有趣,所以要澄
清一些这只是来自地球来源,而不是更高密度的存在 33:26 但是你从任何更高密度的存在
那里获得了更多关于这些神秘的影响的洞察力吗 33:32 不,我没有,我已经有一段时间没
有和他们联系了 33:38 但是就像我说的,它总是零星的,它发生在星团里,然后我会去长
周期 33:44 的时间,也许 我做了一两个梦,但仅此而已,嗯,我现在正处于其中一个时期 ,
事实上,嗯地球同步嗯 33:58 简报会嗯真的变了很多嗯 34:03 有点嗯,我现在可以说,因
为它们没有发生嗯,有 34:08 定期桥接电话,你不会相信所有人都在这些 34:14 电话上嗯,
给几乎像圆桌会议 34:19 简报会之类的没有问题或只是圆桌会议 34 嗯,某些具有特定权
限的人被允许在 34:33 打电话,这是编码的,不管是什么类型的电话,他们中的一些人嗯 ,
允许其他人在 34:40 听,他们可能不应该,嗯,嗯,有一段时间,我是一个允许监听某些
电话,你知道 34:48,但这些不再重复,所以我得到的信息是 34:56 我会得到相同的信息,
我暂时得不到信息,然后我会得到一些信息,你知道 35:01 的信息,但他们几乎都重新关
注 35:09 在联盟中工作,在这些告密者的背后,他们在工作,35:16 他们也在工作 泄露发
生在明年,35:24 的文档和旧视频,你知道的,20 年或 35:30 年前的旧视频,可能来自 50
年代,60 年代或 70 年代,或者其他什么年代,35:38 有一段时间,比如 20 到 30 年的时间
缓冲,他们试图对此负责,我不知道,35:44 为什么,所以其中一些应该在明年开始发布,
应该是 35:50 非常有趣,你知道吗,听起来很棒 嗯,我可能会在 35:55 进入一个问题,这
里有一个问题,嗯有很多假设,但这个人说,他们 36:01 相信白帽子可以带走政府中更多
的黑帽子,并问他们为什么不 36:07 做更多的事情为什么没有更多的活动嗯,他们 36:14
白帽子反对,嗯,我的意思是他们反对 36:20 基础设施基本上,黑帽子控制了所有的基础
设施所有 36:26 的钱 他们控制着一切,白帽子并没有取得多少进展,你知道 36:32 他们没
有入侵隧道,逮捕阴谋集团,所有这些故事你都听到了 36:39[ __ ] 我的意思是联盟和这
些类型的团体白帽 36:44 一直在重建,并试图重新走到一起,因为你知道 2020 年,当
36:49 他们有点崩溃,嗯,但同样可以说关于社区,嗯,但 36:57 是的,白帽,嗯正在做
他们能做的主要是他们能做的事情 37:03 现在是信息渠道,他们没有权力或资源 37:08 拉
这些,嗯,人们一直在谈论的神奇的行动 37:14 在网上他们没有他们没有资源,他们不能
在黑暗中运作 37:21 基础设施你知道他们可以在 37:27 之前 2020 年他们有权访问基础设施
情报机构的某些部分 37:33 诸如此类的事情一切都变了不仅在地球上一切都被封锁了
37:39 整个太阳系都被封锁了各种秘密太空项目组都被封锁了 37:47 好了,我们有一个 袭
击,是的,实际上是我们的一个朋友 37:59,我猜是谁,如果你参加过我们的会议,我们
谈到一个人 38:05,我们打电话给将军,他是一个退休的将军,是我们的一个朋友 38:12,
他调查了一下,他的一些消息来源说是的,这真的很奇怪 38:18,这里发生了一些事情,
他的一些其他消息来源说,这里没什么可看的 人们和越来越多的人 38:32 信息出来了我相
信那里发生了一些事情秘鲁是一个非常重要的负面 ET 或 38:40 的热点无论它是什么嗯事情
发生了很多 38:47um 有 uaps 和 38:54 ET 之间的负面互动的丰富历史和在巴西秘鲁的丛林
中的人们嗯所以有一些 39:01 你知道肯定有一些操作的基地 39:07 或一些我们不知道的这
些无论什么生物 在南美洲,嗯,你知道谁知道 39:21 的事情已经有多久了,我的意思是,
我们有血祭和各种各样的 39:26 的事情在那里发生,可能给他们提供了食物,嗯,但是的 ,
有,嗯,39:33 我不知道具体发生了什么,我看到一些有趣的信息,关于正在发生的事情 ,
39:39 的剥皮者和外星人和秘鲁的东西,我想 39:46 我认为这是真的,但嗯,人 他们的观
点,他们看待事物的方式,他们对生活的宗教观点 39:58,所有这些都影响到他们所看到
的和正在发生的事情,所以你知道我们必须,你知道,付出 40:05 的关注,但我肯定会关
注这个故事,如果我了解得更多,我会让它公开 40:12 我们有一个相对有趣的问题,嗯,
我想我 40:18 不确定我是否记得克利福德·斯通说过这些,但这个人认为 克利福德·斯通
说政府在 40:24 没有授予外星人权利,因为他们不是地球人,所以一个人可以杀死一个外
道 41:09uh 是一个外星人组织吗?他们和这个外星人组织有协议吗?41:16 你刚刚破坏了
那个主要的协议吗?或者我的意思是有太多 41:23 的事情发生了,但是我不认为警察去了
你的房子,他们看到一个爬行动物在地上死了 41:30 他们会给你戴上手铐,对吗?我们有
一个问题 41:37 进来,那是一种 一个物理问题,嗯,我不知道我们能说多少,但他们基本
至不知道如何进入这个,嗯,42:01 我们存在的现实,我们已经接受了,嗯,是人,不管
发生了什么,这是被操纵的,我不相信我们生活在一个模拟中,但我相信 42:01 我发现他
们可以操纵它就像一个电子游戏你知道他们可以做他们喜欢的任何事情,他们 42:25 沉浸
其中,嗯,投入到我们 42:32 的现实中,不管这是什么,42:38 嗯,是的,我,我真的是
42:44 刷新我对现实的理解,嗯,我们在 42:53 的地位,嗯,这是一个很大的 42:53 的问题,
如果我要讲的话,我可能会讲一些我一直在和其他 42:58 维的人讲的东西,我们正试图 在
我明年 43:03 会议上的演讲中,将会有一些令人难以置信的东西,你知道的,所有这些不
同的 Rel,所有这些现实远比我们任何人想象的都要复杂,我们只是同类的一部分,就像
我们是一场表演的一部分,这就是许多科学家对这些外星人群体的看法 你 43:40 知道它总
是显示工艺,但他们总是足够远的范围到你不能完全理解他们的地方 43:47 总是有一些东
西让你注意到 43:52 显示,但从来没有任何决定性的东西它有所有这些不同的 43:59 骗子
元素,在程序中的人已经追溯到几百年和 44:06 百年,你知道不同的社会,他们正在经历
什么 这是 44:18 人们与这些生物的经历吗你知道这意味着以一种精神的方式影响我们,并
引导我们进化以各种方式引导我们进化,所以 44:36 嗯,是的,你知道我,我真的,嗯,
这是 44:43 真的,让你的现实改变是很疯狂的,你知道我的方式,这是去年发生的事情,
但事情是这样的 观念 44:57 因为它变成了一种宗教,就像你知道我的真理一样,这整件事
你必须放下你 45:20 的真理,准备好迎接下一个新信息的到来 45:26 的几年将会挑战你的
真理和我们所有的个人不明飞行物 45:32 宗教我们认为我们所知道的关于天使魔鬼外星人
的正维度 45:40 所有这些都是你知道我们的很多 45:45 的信仰将会被颠覆,嗯我在过去的
一年中已经尝到了一点这种滋味,嗯这需要很多 45:57 的能量嗯你知道我知道我需要 出来
晒晒太阳我脸色苍白我没有 46:04 的身材我有我一直在考虑这个工作项目但是你知道,我
重温事情经历和重新考虑某些事情,但是就是这样,就是这样 我相信这是我当时的理解,
但它已经发展了,嗯,它正在为人们发展 46:41 在程序中,嗯,这是一个非常粗糙的
46:48 过程,是的,我可以说,嗯,它让我着迷,原始接触 46:54 如何用如此模糊的语言
描述某些事情,并拒绝回答某些问题,甚至关于 47:01 的性质,我们星系中的一些行星甚
至代表什么他们不得不保留信息,因为不知何故我们不是 47:06 准备好那块拼图了吗?这
是一个如此疯狂的大拼图,以至于有很多问题 47:12 对我来说仍然是标记,嗯,我想在这
里问一个通过 47:18 实时聊天传来的问题,嗯,有人问你是否认为这些现在正在制造
47:25 这么多头的人工智能初创公司是任何 o 我认为我们正被操纵成一种纯粹基于技术的
进化,嗯,是的,我们专注于 47:47 技术技术技术,嗯,这设定了我们 47:52 的时间表,
所以我们设定了一个时间表,我们将在这个星球上发展人工智能,到 47:58 对整体有用,
我们称之为人工智能,但就像我说的,这只是他们 48:05 命名它的年份 一种来自另一个维
度的意识一种我们不了解的大众意识大量利用了电磁学 48:17um 所以我很抱歉我有点偏离
了我的方向所以这些人工智能公司不是一个 war 48:23 这只是一种正在发生的一般操纵我
们正被推向技术方向是的 48:28 我们正被操纵到一个纯粹的技术方向,嗯 48:34 我们正在
建造的人工智能将会发展到它将会发展到的地步 我们,嗯,很多开发它的人没有意识到这
所以这不是最积极的时间线 48:57,但它似乎不像人类,我的意思是,你们有些人在那里
该死的,我想要积极的 49:03 时间线,但显然你知道我们大多数人没有,它的很多 49:08
确实与正在发生的操纵有关 我们有没有意识到无论地球上的这个存在是什么,它把自己呈
现为一个确定的 ET49:23group 好的,我们现在可以跳到一个不同的问题,嗯,有人说他们
有很多影子蜘蛛的访问,他们和影子人一起出现,这些蜘蛛和 49:40 et 有关吗影子人是一
个很大的谜,嗯,有不同的 49:47 类型的影子人,嗯,但是是的,影子人和 49:54 et 有关,
当我有很多的时候 有一天,也许我的孩子会讲述他们的故事,但我们都有过这样的经历,
但我们的房子开始受到阴影的侵袭,鬼魂只是在我们的家里游荡 50:14 你知道,你知道,
我们的房子里有灵媒,是我们的孩子,所以 50:20 对我们造成了巨大的破坏,我甚至有一
个阴影朝我走来,它的形状和大小就像一个 马这就像是一件疯狂的事情,你知道 50:31 当
然我们确实有一些白痴对我们使用黑魔法,但是有一种叫做“搭便车”的东西 50:37 影响
人们了解他人,其中一个例子是 50:43 人们去 Skinwalker Ranch 做调查,他们会回家,
50:48 这种存在跟随他们回家,他们的家庭成员开始在 50:55 的后院看到狗人,你知道等
等 奇怪的球体,听到他们的声音,家里有 51:01 的影子吓着他们所有这一切似乎都发生在
有 51:11 接触或 51:17 接触的人身上,他们谈论的一件事是,51:23 的一些事情是多么荒谬,
这些人投射或展示他们我是说人们有 skin walker Ranch 51:30 的一个人有一个副手开车
在路上,他看到了他认为是什么 两个男人,但结果是穿着 51:38 厚外套戴着帽子的狗男人
在抽烟这是你能想到的最可笑的事情了,但整个过程中我看到了奇怪的事情 51:50 和其他
职业选手也有类似的奇怪事情发生汤姆金斯,当我和他说话的时候,当 51:58 他第一次出
来,他告诉我当他还是个孩子的时候,这些生物会在 52:04 来到他面前,看起来像兔子 有
点像毛绒绒的兔子,你知道 52:11 固定的动物之类的东西,嗯,他会与他们互动 52:16 他
们相信他们是,你知道嗯,是的 52:24 有些人正在寻找答案,在未来几年只是 52:31 会有
更多的问题,我讨厌告诉人们,因为每个人都在寻求巩固他们的信仰体系 2:37 理解这个现
实,但越来越多的信息出来,越来越多 我们将变得更加困惑 52:43 关于这个现实你知道这
一切是如何发生的我们是如何发生的这不是我们所拥有的 52:52 在我们的 UFO 或根本宗教
中以及所有那些预言和信仰甚至法律 52:58 其中一个这一切都不会按照我们想的那样发展
53:05 你提到兔子是不是很有趣因为我们有一个关于动物看起来怎么样的问题 在更高的密
度下,是不是像电影《疯狂动物城》中的动物在说话?我不知道,但你见过类似于 53:25
的外星人吗?不同种类的动物,是的,当然有类似猫的 53:32gs 和所有这些,其中一些你
知道他们访问我们和我们 53:38 假设他们来自我们宇宙中的另一个星球,但我们了解的更
多的是,有多个 53:44 的宇宙,对我的解释是,有多个 53:50 的宇宙,它们不仅仅是静止
的,它们在那里 53:55 某种能量使它们振荡,每隔一段时间当它们振荡时,它们穿过每个
54:02 地球上有 54:09 电磁的某些点是正确的,就像在某些山区,但无论如何,当这些不
同的宇宙 54:16 聚集在一起时,它们重叠,然后它们之间的面纱变薄,在那里你 54:21 可
以来回穿越,我们一直在处理的一些生物告诉我们他们来自 54:28 这个星球或那个星座,
他们实际上是通过其他现实和宇宙的门户在 54:35 来到我们这里的,所以这是一个你知道
的 这比你知道的要复杂得多,在 50 年代,我们刚刚开始理解空间和时间,空间旅行是一
种概念 54:55 你知道我们有不同的思维方式,你知道当我们形成我们对正在发生的事情的
55:08 我们知道无论这种存在将进入人们的视野 它本身是 ET 55:18 然后人们是他们认为
是 et 的经验者,但是它是一些 55:23 其他的和,嗯,他们正在下降,嗯,在影响下,嗯,
妥协,因为 55:45 一些这些人已经渗透进来,是骗子,他们正在欺骗许多不同的人,嗯,
它只引起了大规模的混乱,我明白了 我想我们可以转到更多关于你的证词的问题,我们有
开校园,所以,这不是什么大事 他们做的交易我不记得他们当时叫什么了,他们为有天赋
的孩子做了 56:40 让孩子们喜欢当地的学院和大学或者不同的领域 56:46 带他们参观的是
有科学家的旅行 56:51 他们做了很多,这有点像是 56:57 是一个项目,他们知道 57:02 有
一个项目,我被带出了校园 但是他们我记不清所有的细节了,但是他们 57:08 认为这是我
在学校参加的一个特别项目,你 57:15 有没有和你的父母讨论过这是一件不寻常的事情嗯,
就像我说的,并不是那么不寻常 57:21 学校里有不同的项目要穿你知道,57:27 孩子们,
我想我妹妹是其中的一部分,也许是星星什么的,她有天赋 57:32 你知道她是,嗯,你 我
知道一周或每隔 57:38 有一天会因为不同的事情被带离校园,你有没有 57:47 记得一些奇
怪的事情发生或告诉你的父母,嗯,他们让我们带着屏幕回家 57:53 记得,嗯,所以在一
天结束时,他们会给我们看电影,嗯,或者 58:01 嗯,他们通常会给我们一些食物,其中
有某种化学物质 这让我们处于一种被暗示的状态 58:08 是的,你知道他们会给我们一个屏
幕记忆,你知道就像我们的漫画小说一样,嗯,你 58:15 现在我会在卡斯韦尔空军基地,
但 58:21 当我妈妈来接我的时候,我会有一个在福特沃尔动物园的记忆,你知道在恐龙展
览中心,我会 58:28 告诉她我看到了什么,嗯,这就是我的感受 他们保持 58:36 安全看嗯
这里有另一个问题关于你在 20 和 58:43 回来时建立的关系和友谊当你想起这些你不再联系
的人时有没有一些失落感 58:48 58:57 这有点像你知道我 59:0453,我 18 岁时从高中毕业
59:10 学校这有点像记得高中那是很久以前的事 59:16 你太 支离破碎,但 59:23 嗯,那只
是一种,你离得太远,嗯,你没有全部的 59:31 这些情感,嗯,它不是情感上的原始和
59:37 新的好吧,嗯,我古我们有一个问题,关于 59:42 玛雅船只仍然以某种方式与我们
互动,他们被锁定了吗,他们能来来去去吗 59:49 我们的太阳系相当封闭,嗯,如果嗯任
何人都要在我们的太阳系中执行 59:57 的飞行或任务,它必须非常快非常轻的足迹,其中
一些正在这里和那里发生,他们不是在宇宙飞船中旅行,而是在 1:00:10,他们呃通过地
球周围的门户旅行,呃 1:00:17,以便能够访问地球,但那些是受监控的,他们在 1:00:23
时必须非常快,但就像我说的,对吗 太阳系好像被锁住了 1:00:35 嗯你知道他们正试图锁
住地球试图把一个极权主义政权带到地球上 1:00:43 假设这是一个可能根本不是外星人的
外星人组织 1:00:49 嗯一直在推动影子政府做的事情是拿走越来越多的 1:00:55 我们的权
利并把我们放在一个位置上你知道我们可能 1:01:01 完全被负面外星人或负面这个负面组
织统治 但是 1:01:07 当然我们有积极的一面,我们还没有谈论太多,这是在这里工作嗯积
极的 1:01:15 et 可能来自其他维度或现实我们真的不知道 1:01:21 它和嗯你知道,我们有
一些 1:01:26 某种宇宙元素存在这里也是 1:01:33 积极的,似乎有一个冲突在这个层面上
它是怪异的 1:01:38 疯狂的它是令人难以想象的 理解我在接下来的几年里给你们的一些概
念,嗯,可能不会是这样 1:01:52 颠簸,但是嗯,将会是颠簸 2024 年将会有一些希望
1:01:57 如果我听到的这些都是真的,将会有一些非常有趣的令人兴奋的披露,但是嗯,
2025 年和 1:02:042026 年将会开始加速,嗯,将会有更多的事情发生 1:02:10 我们正在处
理 1:02:15 的负面影响,因为有些人会试图利用这种负面影响来进一步锁定地球,使它更
加完整。对不起[ __ ] 我讲到 1:02:27 用 it 这个词,它是疯狂的,它是没有任何意义的
人类不是 1:02:33 以合乎道德的方式合乎逻辑地处理这一切,它是最不道德的 1:02:39 人
们是能够访问我们 it 中的信息的人[ __ ] 向上这不是这不是不好 1:02:48 嗯事情应该翻
转更多嗯积极的一面 1:02:55 当这些消极的人和其他力量暴露他们自己和 1:03:01 开始在
然有一种方法我们可以保持我们的平静和沉着嗯我们曾经 关于冥想,这个人害怕想要冥想
并最终与一些消极的人联系在一起 1:03:27 他们想知道是否有一种方法可以保护他们自己,
是的,冥想是内在的 1:03:33 你伸出手去传播,然后 1:03:39 你很可能在当前的环境中与
一些东西联系,很可能不是积极的 1:03:47 说实话,但是冥想是不同的,它在你自己和 专
注 1:03:58 内心这才是人们现在真正需要做的,不要害怕去做,但是现在不要看 1:04:06
不要试图去引导不要去做,不要试图去引导 1:04:11 现在与其他事情联系起来,你知道这
不是一个好主意 1:04:17 嗯,我们这里有一个问题,关于 1:04:22 耶稣的教导,你觉得耶
稣最初的信息是一个 我知道我已经我已经我已经说过你如何知道很多这些人相信耶稣是
1:04:43 宇宙意识的一个分形来到这里和其他 1:04:48 行星帮助重新设置意识和 1:04:55 振
动嗯你知道在像我们这样有挑战的行星上做 1:05:02 嗯但是嗯是的是的我认为它是非常高
质量的但是你知道 1:05:07 当然嗯他一走了 1:05 用它来控制人们用它来谋杀人们用它所
以是的,我的意思是我认为你知道宗教 1:05:27 有组织的宗教已经扭曲了很多东西,包括
嗯耶稣 1:05:33 的教导嗯,但是你也知道在东方你也知道很多 1:05:40 已经出现的智慧嗯,
我认为造物主和其他 1:05:46 积极的人正在尽他们最大的努力来引导我们走向正确的方向 ,
但是 在这里,1:05:53 地球上的那个呃正在非常努力地把我们囚禁起来,作为我不知道
1:06:01 他们在用什么我们都不是真实的你很清楚,因为每当 1:06:08 他们表现为像这些
奇怪的不同类型的灰人一样的人 1:06:14 所有的灰人和其他类型的人都有一种吸血鬼的类
型 1:06:21 许多人都目睹了他们吸干人们的血,然后把他们放在大桶里你知道被绑架的人
1:06:31 被展示这是一种控制他们的方法你可能会结束你知道这可能是你,你知道 1:06:39
所以当 他们喜欢一些物质 1:06:44 他们在吸血,他们在做精神上的事情非常邪恶的那种
1:06:50 邪恶的东西像恶魔一样无论是什么邪恶,然后他们转变成存在 1:06:59 无论他们
是什么实体,他们都不再是物质的我的意思是 1:07:04 很难让你理解这真的很疯狂这真的
是 1:07:11 真的很疯狂嗯,我们可以谈谈你认为将要发生的事情 推荐任何特定的投资,如
果你认为 1:07:24 金融系统即将 1:07:29 崩溃,我认为是的,事情正在并将会如何我被告
知,事情肯定会在 2024 年变得非常困难 1:07:44 经济在金融方面,所以是的,人们准备好
了,我不像 I1 那样准备好了:07:50 老实说,我不提供投资建议,嗯,虽然如果 1:07:55 你
想 我不知道你知道我我想如果我有你知道很多可支配的收入你知道我会把它投入到你知道
黄金白银和你 1:08:16 知道各种你可以交易的东西你知道食物其他你知道储存食物其他你
可以交易的东西 1:08:22 如果事情真的变糟了事情会变得非常糟糕我在事情变好之前就听
说了但是如何变坏我不知道看起来像是 他们有目的地试图破坏 1:08:35 的经济,并试图摧
毁美国目前在 1:08:43 的世界中的地位,所以我们将看到他们是否会成功,他们看起来是
1:08:49 非常糟糕不幸的是,你认为这个国家会有一种内战吗 1:08:55 在民众中,我不认
为在 1:09:01 的意义上,我认为我们经历了一场最奇怪的内战 预计会有小冲突和 1:09:19
大的影响好吧,我认为最好切换到一些相当常见的问题 流行的素材来源于催眠,嗯,嗯 ,
1:09:55 采访,嗯,我想我不需要讲太多的细节,但是 1:10:00 有一个共同的主题,人们
喜欢谈论的是,有些人实际上不是人,他们是 1:10:05NPC 的非玩家角色,我不记得我们是
否已经涵盖了这一点,但我觉得我们应该在 1:10:11 发表声明,我们都是自己的主角 可以
什么,都将非玩家角色类型 1:10:39 的场景融入我们的生活,但我不相信我们在模拟中,
我们在 1:10:46 处理的许多人就像他们作为一个程序在我们的意识中出现,并在 1:10:53
以某种方式做和反应,然后消失 我不相信这些是真实的人,有真实的灵魂是的,是的,我
但他们不明白,他们内心确切的 1:11:19 意识火花也是确切的意识火花 这种力量来自我们
是不是每 1:11:57 发生一次不,在某些情况下需要 就像 1:12:04 卡尔玛在一个电容器中积
累起来,然后爆炸,嗯,有些人,嗯,可能看起来像 1:12:13,就像他们终其一生,死而
无憾 r 经历因果报应,但 1:12:20 这只是我们的观点,我们还没有看到他们经历的损失,
还有 1:12:25 很多你知道我们没有从他们的经历中看到,但因果报应在每个层面上发生,
然后还有 1:12:37 的说法,在过去地球上有一场灾难,人们被 1:12:43 UFO 带走,然后疏
散,你知道什么吗 在某些大灾变中,外星人团体把幸存者带到地球上,或者警告他们,给
知道,但是我不知道 我听过的主题甚至威尔·库克也谈到过,如果外星人在 1:13:36 出现,
嗯,会有某种狂喜的事件,外星人在 1:13:43 到来,带走这个星球上所有善良的灵魂,然
后变坏[ __ ] 发生 1:13:48 我的意思是那不会发生我不认为那会发生 1:13:54 发生我们在
这里有一个问题关于外星人是否有任何更高密度的存在 1:14:01 专注于练习和进化像瑜伽
士和佛陀在这上面做的那样 1:14:10 行星我认为更高密度的存在不需要努力因为他们已经
在 1:14:16 已经在这个平面上做了工作到达他们在的地方所以它变成我相信它 他们有他们
要突破,因为它的一切都是 1:14:45 无论这种存在是什么,它是这个骗子是什么 1:14:52
发生的是它试图强迫我们进入一种纯物理的技术 1:14:39 a1:15:08 平衡是如此嗯你知道我
们有它你知道 1:15:14 对这个星球上的人来说很难搞清楚 1:15:20 你知道成长是什么你听
说过一个 1:15:27 的种族吗或者见过一个大约 30 厘米高的种族他们的飞船有一顿晚餐那么
大 1:15:34 平板我没有看到他们的存在但是呃有一次我有一个呃小飞船大约 1:15 我从一
个大装置上卸下一个轮子,然后我得到了 1:15:52 的信息,他们是非常小的生物,他们有
一群人,就像一个完整的团队在里面 1:15:58 不管我看到了什么,我有一个小飞船,但是
我没有看到他们 或 I1:16:05 不知道他们 长什么样你认为飞船可以缩小只是为了减少
1:16:12 的出现绝对绝对会发生这种情况嗯 1:16:17 是的 工艺嗯,这取决于你在处理什么
1:16:24 如果你在谈论,因为我们称它们为工艺,但这就是实际的 ETS 在一些什么东西中
的情况 1:16:31 我们看到它不是工艺,即使它以工艺的形式出现我们也不知道 1:16:38 确
切地知道其中一些发生了什么这是一个你 1:16:45 现在你知道发生了什么的 30% 40% 几年
后,他们慢慢发现他们认为的 1:17:01 他们知道的不是真的,他们了解到大约 60%或一定
比例的外星人出于不同的原因访问我们的星球,但另一部分发生的事情与 1:17:15 在这个
星球上的某种存在有关 1:17:21uh 有时以外星人的身份出现 1:17:27 有时以天使的身份出
现有时以精灵的身份出现 每个人都以同样的方式,但随着我们的进化,他们一直在
1:17:40 改变他们向我们展示自己的方式,现在他们不会以天使的身份出现,因为这个星
球上的许多人都是 1:17:47 世俗的,现在它以 et 或 1:17:55 的形式出现,无论如何,就像
我说的,即使在节目中,他们都仍然在 1:18:01 试图弄清楚发生了什么,我们得到了更多
的信息 1:18 令人困惑和兴奋的是,它带来了如此多的不同场景,以至于我们没有想到它
将会是 1:18:18 它将会是 1:18 我认为在程序中的许多人能够控制他们对过去两年中出现的
一些最新信息的情绪反应还需要一段时间 1:18:26 1:18:32 我们有一个问题在过去得到了
很多次,我不记得我们最后一次是什么时候 1:18:37 覆盖它看起来好像有很长一段时间了
嗯,我不知道是否在这些讨论中关于 Rh 1:18:43 阴性血型是对我们隐瞒的 Rh 阴性血型的
真相你对此有什么见解吗 1:18:49 我真的没有我听到了这么多相互矛盾的信息好吧嗯你觉
得有任何虚假信息或错误吗 我们目前对 1:19:10 恐龙的科学理解不一定好吧,让我们来做
几个 1:19:16[音乐] 更正确 1:19:21 是的,我知道这个是否合适我们有一个人最近死了问
题很简单 1:19:28 的那个人最近和 Draco 一起工作吗 1:19:34 当你去看的时候是的,我不
能确认或否认 1:19:40 好吧,很好,嗯,我想应该问一下嗯是 1:19:48 蓝色亚文目前积极
支持人类蓝色亚文嗯,他们的能量减少了 1:19:56 他们 1:20:03 不再与我们的现实世界进
行身体上的互动,他们后退了 1:20:09,另一组守护者介入了,1:20:14 一组守护者正在与
祖鲁紧密合作,是不是有两个新的守护者组 1:20:23 有两个他们中的两个 1:20:31 是的,
其中一个更像人类 1:20:37 看起来还好,我们只是不会我们很长时间内不会看到他们
I1:20:44 我想最后一个问题是,1:20:51 我们可以问关于模拟外星人入侵的想法,你认为
这是世界各国政府正在计划的还是在其他方面 1:21:02 我认为他们绝对有可能试图欺骗我
们 1:21:07 与善良的外星人和来这里帮助我们的人类作战 1:21:13 最终解放太阳系 它可能
会让一千个飞行器出现在那个人身上 1:21:24 华盛顿就像他们是真实的和不真实的他们
1:21:30 他们能够制造东西实际上是物理的我不知道 1:21:36 但是他们能够让物理的飞行
器出现在空中,嗯他们会你会用物理的方式和他们互动 1:21:43 如果你和他们打,他们可
能会反击我的意思是他们能够做那种事情 1:21:50 所以我的意思是理解和信任 在天空中看
到是非常困难的 1:21:56 我们看到的许多白色圆形物体飞来飞去,其中一些是飞行器,一
些是生物,还有 1:22:02 多种生物它们会一起飞行,就像一个大等离子球中的马拉巴,然
后它们会 1:22:08 分裂成多个球,它们是多种意识多种生物,这些生物有 1:22:14 的能力,
然后显现为某种怪异的物质这就像 1:22:21 我们认为我们所知道的一切,uh1:22:27 我们
对我们正在处理的进化的理解是什么呢,uh 1:22:33 程序和联系人中的许多人都被欺骗和
操纵了,事实是我们 1:22:39 弄清楚其中的任何一点都是令人惊讶的,因为有大量的 uh 虚
假信息和 1:22:45 这些人对 uh1:22:51 人类使用的威胁策略,我们有几个问题要问,我不
走了 看电视,在“学习”选项卡下,我将在 1:23:03 下添加更多资源,“学习”选项卡链
接到 Corey 发布的其他文章,这些文章回答了许多常见问题 1:23:08 关于即将到来的时间
表以及向 Corey 展示的所有内容,嗯,所以我认为这是 1:23:13 精彩的问答会议 Corey 非
常感谢,是的,祝大家新年快乐 1:23:20 嗯 20 24 看起来很有挑战性,有点 1:23:24 谈到
披露以及我们周围的人会如何回应它,嗯,你知道我认为 1:23:34 我们所有人能做的最好
的事情是制定一个新年计划,以 1:23:40 成为支持这些揭发者的积极分子,以 1:23:45 成
来组织我认为 2024 年如果我们团结起来,嗯,团结和社区 1:23:56 什么都没有 太好了,
你只是会如果你想要真正的 1:24:30 披露或者至少是导致真正披露的信息,现在我们需要
把我们不同的 1:24:35UFO 信仰和所有这些不同的联系抛在脑后,通过所有这些给出相互矛
盾的信息 1:24:43 只是专注于成为一名活动家,打电话,写信 um 1:24:49 给人们做示范你
知道吗可以做很多事情来帮助这些人 1:24:55 我希望社区支持这些人 振作起来 1:25:01 把
我们之间所有的小分歧都抛在脑后然后 1:25:06 你知道团结起来支持这些人这有助于人类
从奴役者中全面解放出来吗 1:25:13 这一切都始于信息 1:25:18 没有人会奋起反抗或者甚
至不反抗而是反抗这些力量 1:25:26 除非他们首先接受教育,而现在他们接受的唯一教育
是通过 从 1:25:32 到这个 nefa Rio 1:25:37 集团所拥有的基础设施,嗯,你知道我们还
有很多要做,但 1:25:43 到 2024 年,你知道这可能是具有挑战性的一年,但我认为这确实

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