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FULL 3 PARTS (01/2024 – 04/2024)

Đây là bản dự đoán “Sớm” do đội ngũ chuyên môn của IELTS I-Ready đã cập nhật và
biên soạn cùng các chủ đề mới NEW TOPICS. Bản này đã có lời giải mẫu cho đầy
đủ 3 Parts.

Hy vọng bộ đề dự đoán sớm Speaking Forecast này sẽ giúp chúng mình trong quá
trình ôn tập để chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi vào quý đầu năm 2024 được tốt hơn ở kỹ năng

Chúc các em sớm đạt Aim!

* Lưu ý: Quý của IELTS thường tính là 4 tháng, nó khác với Quý của năm ví dụ Quý 1/2024 sẽ là từ
tháng 1/2024 đến hết tháng 4/2024.

❖ Topic 1: Shoes
1. Would you pick a pair of shoes that are comfortable or stylish?
When choosing shoes, I prioritize comfort over style. I believe comfortable footwear
is essential for overall well-being, especially considering the amount of time spent on
my feet throughout the day. While style is a consideration, I find that a balance
between comfort and a decent aesthetic can be achieved.
2. Do you consider shoes to be your priority while going shopping?
While shopping, I do consider shoes a priority, especially because they play a
significant role in completing an outfit. I look for both comfort and style to ensure
practicality and aesthetics.
3. Are shoes expensive in your country?
The pricing of shoes varies in my country. While there are affordable options
available, some brands and styles can be relatively expensive. It depends on the brand,
material, and design. Generally, there's a range of choices catering to different budgets
and preferences.
4. What kind of shoes would you wear on formal events?
During formal events, I prefer to wear elegant and classic shoes, such as dress shoes
or heels, that complement the formality of the occasion. Comfort remains a
consideration, but style takes precedence in such settings.

❖ Topic 2: Candles
1. When do you often use candles?
I often use candles during relaxing evenings or special occasions to create a cozy and
ambient atmosphere. Their soft glow adds a touch of warmth to the environment,
making it more enjoyable and peaceful.
2. Do you think candles are dangerous to use?
While candles can pose a fire hazard if not used responsibly, I believe they are
generally safe when used with caution. It's crucial to follow safety guidelines and
never leave them unattended.
3. Do you think that candles are important for a birthday cake?
Yes, candles hold symbolic importance in birthday celebrations. They not only add a
festive and joyous atmosphere but also create a tradition where the birthday person
makes a wish before blowing out the candles. It's a cherished ritual that enhances the
celebratory spirit, making candles an integral part of a birthday cake presentation.
4. Would you prefer using candles or flashlights when the lights go out?
In the event of a power outage, I would prefer using candles over flashlights. Candles
provide a softer, more calming light, creating a comforting environment during
unexpected moments of darkness.

❖ Topic 3: Chairs
1. What kinds of chairs do you have in your room?
In my room, I have a combination of chairs, including a comfortable armchair for
relaxation and a study chair for more focused activities. Having a mix of chairs allows
me to cater to different needs and activities, balancing comfort and functionality in my
living space.
2. Do you prefer sitting on a wooden chair or a sofa?
I prefer sitting on a sofa. Sofas offer a higher level of comfort compared to wooden
chairs, providing a more relaxed and enjoyable seating experience. The cushioning
and support of a sofa make it a preferred choice for extended periods of sitting,
enhancing overall comfort and well-being.
3. Would you choose a chair that is sturdy or comfortable?
I would prioritize a chair that strikes a balance between sturdiness and comfort. It's
essential for the chair to be durable and provide support, but comfort is equally
important for a pleasant seating experience. This ensures that the chair not only
withstands wear and tear but also contributes to a relaxing and enjoyable sitting
4. Do you think a good chair will improve your health?
Absolutely, a good chair can contribute to better health. It should provide adequate
support to maintain good posture, reducing the risk of back pain and discomfort
associated with prolonged sitting. Ergonomically designed chairs are particularly
beneficial in this regard.

❖ Topic 4: Sky
1. Do you often look at the sky?
Yes, I often find myself gazing at the sky, captivated by its ever-changing beauty.
Whether it's the vibrant hues of a sunrise, the clear blue expanse of a day, or the
mystique of a starlit night, the sky offers a canvas of natural art that never fails to
inspire me.
2. Do you like to watch stars?
Absolutely, I find watching stars to be a truly enchanting experience. The vastness of
the night sky, adorned with shimmering stars, evokes a sense of wonder and awe. It's a
serene and introspective activity that allows me to appreciate the beauty of the
3. Do you prefer to look at the sky during the day or night?
I find both the daytime and nighttime sky fascinating, but if I have to choose, I would
say the night sky captivates me more. The stars, the moon, and the quietness of the
night create a peaceful and mesmerizing atmosphere that I find truly enchanting.
4. Where is the best view of the sky where you live?
The best view of the sky in my hometown is often from the outskirts, away from the
city lights. This allows for a clearer view of the stars, especially on a clear night. The
absence of urban light pollution enhances the beauty of the night sky, providing a
serene and captivating experience.
5. Is star-gazing popular in your country?
Yes, star-gazing is quite popular in my country. Many individuals, from enthusiasts to
families, engage in this hobby, and there are events organized for collective star

❖ Topic 5: Cards and invitations
1. Do you often send cards?
Yes, sending cards is a tradition I value. I usually send cards during festive seasons,
such as Christmas and New Year, to express my warm wishes to friends and family.
Additionally, I find it a thoughtful gesture to send cards for significant life events like
weddings or graduations.
2. On what occasions do you send cards?
I typically send cards on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and festive
holidays. I find that a physical card adds a personal touch and makes the celebration
more memorable for the recipient.
3. Do you prefer to receive cards or emails?
While I appreciate the convenience of emails, receiving cards holds a special place in
my heart. The tangible nature of cards makes them more personal and thoughtful.
Each card is a unique expression, often containing handwritten notes and signatures,
creating a more meaningful and lasting connection.
4. Is sending cards common in your country?
Yes, sending cards is a common practice in my country. It's considered a thoughtful
way to convey emotions and good wishes, and people often take the time to choose or
create meaningful cards for their loved ones.

❖ Topic 6: Boats
1. Have you ever taken a ride on a boat?
Yes, I have had the pleasure of taking a ride on a boat. It was a memorable experience
where I got to enjoy the soothing sounds of the water and witness picturesque views
along the way. Boating provides a unique way to connect with nature and appreciate
the beauty of the surroundings.
2. Do you like traveling by boat?
Yes, I find traveling by boat to be a unique and enjoyable experience. It offers a
different perspective of the landscape, and the gentle sway of the boat on the water
adds a sense of tranquility to the journey. It's a mode of transportation that allows for a
more leisurely and scenic exploration of the surroundings.
3. Will traveling by boats become more popular in the future?
It's quite likely that traveling by boats will become more popular in the future,
especially with the growing emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly modes of
4. Are cruise ships popular in your country?
Yes, cruise ships are popular in my country, especially for leisure travel. Many people
opt for cruise vacations to explore different destinations while enjoying the amenities
and entertainment on board.

❖ Topic 7: Dictionaries
1. Have you ever used a dictionary?
Certainly, I have extensively used dictionaries throughout my academic and
professional journey. Dictionaries are indispensable tools for language learners and
individuals seeking precise definitions, pronunciations, and contextual examples of
words. They serve as valuable resources, aiding in comprehension and language
proficiency development.
2. Do you prefer paper or electronic dictionaries?
I prefer electronic dictionaries due to their convenience and efficiency. They allow for
quick searches, pronunciation guidance, and often include additional features such as
language translation and examples of word usage. The accessibility and
multifunctionality of electronic dictionaries make them my preferred choice in
language learning.
3. Are dictionaries used a lot in your foreign language classes?
Dictionaries are commonly utilized in our foreign language classes. They play a
pivotal role in expanding our vocabulary and ensuring accurate language use. Whether
it's deciphering the meanings of words or understanding nuanced expressions,
dictionaries serve as indispensable tools in the language learning process.
4. Do you think dictionaries are useful?
Undoubtedly, dictionaries are immensely useful tools. They not only provide
definitions but also offer valuable insights into the usage and nuances of words,
making them indispensable for language learners and enthusiasts alike.

❖ Topic 8: Noise
1. Do you mind noises?
I don't particularly mind noises; in fact, I've grown accustomed to the urban
soundscape. The hustle and bustle of city life, including the traffic and people talking,
have become part of my daily routine. However, I do appreciate moments of quiet and
find them rejuvenating, especially when I need to focus or relax.
2. What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?
In my daily life, I encounter various types of noise. Living in a city, there's a constant
background of traffic noise, honking, and the general hum of urban activity.
Additionally, the sounds of people talking, music playing, and electronic devices
contribute to the cacophony of daily life. While these noises are part of the urban
experience, they can sometimes be overwhelming and require moments of respite for
me to recharge.
3. Are there any sounds that you like?
Certainly, there are sounds that I find particularly pleasing. The gentle rustle of leaves
on a breezy day, the soothing patter of rain against the window, and the melodic
chirping of birds in the early morning are some of the sounds that bring a sense of
calm and joy to my surroundings. Nature's symphony has a serene quality that I
appreciate, providing a welcome contrast to the hustle and bustle of daily life.
4. Where can you hear loud noises?
Loud noises are ubiquitous in urban environments, particularly in bustling city
centers. The cacophony of traffic, construction, and various activities creates a
constant backdrop of noise. Additionally, places like busy markets, entertainment
venues, and public events are notable for their loud ambiance. The urban landscape is
characterized by a symphony of sounds that contribute to its vibrant but noisy

❖ Topic 9: Convenient store
1. How often do you shop at convenience stores?
I frequently visit convenience stores, and they have become a regular part of my
routine. The convenience and accessibility they provide make them a go-to option for
quick and essential purchases. The variety of products available, coupled with their
extended operating hours, suits the fast-paced lifestyle of many individuals, including
2. Are convenient stores popular in your country?
Yes, convenience stores are highly popular in my country. They have become an
integral part of the urban lifestyle, offering quick and accessible solutions for various
needs. The convenience stores are well-received due to their extended operating
hours, diverse product offerings, and the convenience of being located close to
residential areas. This popularity is reflective of the changing dynamics of modern
life, where people value time-saving and easily accessible options for their daily
3. What kind of items are often sold in your local convenience stores?
In my local convenience stores, a variety of items are readily available to meet the
immediate needs of customers. These include everyday essentials such as snacks,
beverages, toiletries, and basic groceries. Additionally, these stores often stock ready-
to-eat meals, providing a convenient option for those looking for a quick and easy
food solution. The diverse range of products makes these stores a go-to destination for
people seeking convenience in their daily lives.
4. Are items in convenient stores more expensive in your country?
The prices of items in convenience stores in my country can be slightly higher
compared to larger supermarkets. However, the convenience and accessibility they
provide often justify the slightly higher costs.

❖ Topic 10: Numbers
1. Are you good at memorizing numbers?
Yes, I consider myself adept at memorizing numbers. Whether it's phone numbers,
identification codes, or other numerical information, I find that I can retain and recall
them quite effectively. This skill comes in handy in various situations, especially
when quick access to such information is necessary.
2. What kinds of numbers do you usually have to remember?
I usually have to remember important numbers such as my phone number, bank
account details, and occasionally PIN codes. These are essential for daily tasks like
online transactions and communication. While technology has made some of these
tasks more convenient, having these numbers memorized adds an extra layer of
security and efficiency.
3. Have you ever forgotten your phone number?
Yes, I have occasionally forgotten my phone number, especially when I recently
changed it or got a new phone. However, it's a minor issue as I can easily retrieve it
from my phone or contacts. In the age of smartphones, remembering phone numbers
is less crucial than before.
4. What do you do to memorize different phone numbers?
To memorize different phone numbers, I often associate them with patterns or
sequences, break them down into smaller segments, and repeat them frequently.
Additionally, saving them in my phone with familiar names or descriptions helps
reinforce the memory.

❖ Topic 11: Advertisements
1. Do you like watching advertisements?
Yes, I find advertisements intriguing as they provide insights into trends and
innovations. Clever ads can be entertaining and informative, making me appreciate the
creativity behind them. However, I am mindful not to be swayed solely by advertising
and prefer making informed choices.
2. Will you buy something because of an advertisement?
While advertisements influence my awareness of products, I am cautious about
impulsive purchases. I believe in researching and evaluating the actual value and need
before making a buying decision. Advertisements may grab my attention, but my
purchasing choices are guided by practical considerations.
3. How do you feel when you see pop-up ads on the internet?
Pop-up ads on the internet can be intrusive and disrupt the online experience. They
often feel like an unwelcome interruption, especially when I'm focused on specific
content. I prefer a more seamless browsing experience without constant interruptions
from pop-ups.
4. Do you like funny or serious advertisements?
I appreciate both funny and serious advertisements, but I believe a good advertisement
should be engaging and memorable. Humor can make an ad enjoyable and leave a
lasting impression, while seriousness can convey important messages effectively.
Ultimately, the effectiveness of an advertisement lies in its ability to connect with the
audience and convey the intended message, regardless of the tone.
5. What makes a good advertisement?
A good advertisement, in my opinion, is one that effectively communicates the
benefits of the product or service, engages the audience emotionally, and leaves a
lasting impression. Creativity, relevance, and authenticity are key elements of a
successful ad.

❖ Topic 12: Volunteers
1. Have you participated in any volunteer work?
Certainly, I've been actively involved in volunteering, particularly at a local
community center where I organized events for underprivileged children. This
experience has been immensely rewarding, broadening my perspective and fostering a
sense of social responsibility.
2. Why did you do the volunteer work?
I engaged in volunteer work because I believe in contributing to the welfare of my
community. It offers an opportunity to make a positive impact, especially for those
who are less fortunate, and aligns with my values of social responsibility and
3. Do you know any volunteers?
Yes, I know several individuals who actively participate in volunteer activities. They
dedicate their time and efforts to various causes, such as environmental conservation,
education, and community development. These volunteers inspire me with their
commitment to creating positive change, and their stories motivate me to engage in
volunteer work as well.
4. How do you define volunteer work?
Volunteer work, to me, is a selfless act where individuals willingly offer their time,
skills, and efforts to support and improve the well-being of others or contribute to a
cause without expecting financial compensation. It's about fostering a sense of social
responsibility and making a meaningful difference in the world.

❖ Topic 13: Cooking
1. Do you enjoy cooking?
Certainly! Cooking is a source of joy for me. I love experimenting with flavors and
creating delicious dishes. It's not just a routine but a creative and relaxing activity that
brings me satisfaction.
2. Do you like to cook for yourself or other people?
Certainly, I take great pleasure in cooking for both myself and others. There's a unique
joy in preparing meals, experimenting with flavors, and sharing the delightful results
with friends and family. It's not just a personal endeavor but a way for me to express
care and creativity through food.
3. What kind of food can’t you cook?
Well, like any aspiring cook, there are areas where I can improve. For instance, I find
intricate desserts and advanced pastry-making a bit challenging. However, I am eager
to learn and continuously enhance my culinary skills in those areas.
4. Do you think cooking is a way to reduce stress?
Absolutely, cooking serves as a form of relaxation for me. The process of preparing a
meal, experimenting with flavors, and enjoying the end result can be a great stress-

❖ Topic 14: Public properties
1. Does your city have a lot of public parks?
Yes, my city boasts numerous public parks, providing green spaces for recreation and
2. Have you ever been to a public art gallery?
Indeed, I have visited a public art gallery, immersing myself in diverse artistic
expressions and cultural experiences.
3. Do you use public transportations?
I regularly utilize public transportation as it's convenient and eco-friendly.
4. What kind of public transportation is popular in your city?
The most popular public transportation in my city is buses, offering a widespread and
accessible network for commuters.

❖ Topic 15: Gardening
1. Do you want to live in a house with a big garden?
Indeed, I would prefer residing in a dwelling featuring a spacious garden, as it
provides a serene environment and opportunities for outdoor activities.
2. Do you like gardening?
Yes, I have a genuine affinity for gardening, as it fosters a sense of connection with
nature and offers a fulfilling, hands-on experience.
3. Do you think a house with a garden is prettier?
Undoubtedly, I believe that a house adorned with a well-maintained garden possesses
an inherent charm, enhancing its aesthetic appeal and creating a visually pleasing
4. Are box gardens popular in your country?
In my country, box gardens have gained popularity as practical and space-efficient
alternatives, catering to urban dwellers with limited outdoor space while fostering a
growing interest in sustainable and homegrown produce.

❖ Topic 16: Laughter
1. Do you usually make your friends laugh?
I often find myself in the role of a humor catalyst among my friends, as I enjoy
sharing amusing anecdotes and observations to create a lighthearted atmosphere.
2. Do you like to make people laugh?
Absolutely, I derive immense pleasure from eliciting laughter in others, as humor
serves as a universal language that fosters positive connections and uplifts social
3. Do you think it’s important for friends to have the same sense of humor?
While shared humor can deepen friendships by creating common ground, I believe
that a degree of flexibility in appreciating diverse humor styles is equally crucial,
promoting understanding and acceptance among friends.
4. Do you like watching funny TV shows?
Indeed, I have a penchant for humorous television programming, as it not only
provides entertainment but also serves as a source of inspiration for crafting and
appreciating wit in daily life.

❖ Topic 17: Numbers
1. Are you good at memorizing numbers?
I possess a proficiency in memorizing numbers, demonstrated through my ability to
recall and retain numerical information accurately and efficiently.
2. Would you like to have a job dealing with numbers?
Certainly, I am inclined towards a profession involving numbers, as I find joy in
working with numerical data, and I believe my aptitude for precision would be an
asset in roles that require a quantitative focus.
3. What kind of numbers do you often have to memorize?
I frequently engage in memorizing a spectrum of numbers, ranging from personal
identification codes and financial figures to statistical data relevant to my academic or
professional pursuits.
4. Do you remember your relatives’ phone numbers?
Yes, I make a conscientious effort to remember my relatives' phone numbers,
recognizing the importance of familial connections and maintaining the ability to
reach out to them promptly when needed.

❖ Topic 18: Vegetarian
1. Do you eat a lot of vegetables?
Indeed, I prioritize incorporating a substantial amount of vegetables into my daily diet,
recognizing their nutritional value and contribution to overall well-being.
2. What kind of vegetables do you often eat?
I regularly consume a diverse array of vegetables, including leafy greens like spinach
and kale, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, and colorful options like bell
peppers and carrots to ensure a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.
3. Do you want to be a vegetarian in the future?
While I currently maintain a balanced diet that includes both plant and animal-based
foods, I am open to the idea of transitioning to a vegetarian lifestyle in the future,
driven by considerations of health and environmental sustainability.
4. Do you think being a vegetarian makes you healthier?
There is substantial evidence suggesting that adopting a vegetarian diet can contribute
to improved health outcomes, as it often involves a higher intake of fiber,
antioxidants, and lower saturated fats. However, individual health depends on various
factors, and a balanced approach to diet is essential for overall well-being.

❖ Topic 19: Laptops
1. Do you own a laptop?
Yes, I possess a laptop as an integral tool for both academic and professional
endeavors, offering flexibility and mobility in my computing needs.
2. Would you prefer using a PC or a laptop?
While both have their merits, I lean towards utilizing a laptop due to its portability,
enabling me to work or study in various settings without compromising on computing
3. Do you consider laptops to be expensive?
Laptops can be perceived as a significant investment, given their multifunctionality
and advanced features. However, the range of available options allows for varied
budget considerations, making them accessible to a broad audience.
4. Do you think laptops are going to be more popular than PCs in the future?
It is plausible that the popularity of laptops will continue to rise, driven by the
increasing demand for mobile computing solutions. However, the choice between
laptops and PCs may still depend on specific user preferences and requirements,
contributing to a coexistence of both in the foreseeable future.

❖ Topic 20: Flowers
1. Have you ever given anybody flowers?
Yes, I have presented flowers on several occasions as a thoughtful gesture to express
appreciation or celebrate special moments.
2. Is it popular to give flowers to people in your country?
Indeed, giving flowers is a popular and culturally embraced practice in my country,
symbolizing sentiments of affection, congratulations, or sympathy.
3. On what special occasions do people give flowers in your country?
Flowers are commonly exchanged during celebrations like birthdays, weddings, and
anniversaries, as well as during somber occasions such as funerals or to convey
4. What kinds of flowers would you like to receive as a present?
I would appreciate receiving a variety of flowers, but personally, I find the elegance of
roses or the vibrant hues of lilies quite appealing as gifts, adding a touch of beauty to
any occasion.

❖ Topic 21: Musical Instruments
1. Do children have to learn to play a musical instrument at school in your
In my country, the inclusion of musical instrument education in schools varies, but it
is often encouraged as part of a holistic curriculum to foster creativity and cognitive
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
Yes, I have undergone musical instrument training, which not only enriched my
understanding of music but also provided a valuable avenue for self-expression.
3. What do you think would be the most difficult musical instrument to learn to
Mastering the violin is often considered challenging due to its intricate techniques,
requiring precision in both finger placement and bowing. The nuances of the
instrument make it particularly demanding for learners.
4. What do you think is the best age to start learning to play a musical
While there is no definitive age, starting to learn a musical instrument at a young age,
perhaps around 6-8 years old, is often advantageous. Early exposure facilitates better
skill acquisition and a deeper appreciation for music.

❖ Topic 22: Food, Meals and Cooking
1. Do you enjoy cooking?
Yes, I find enjoyment in the culinary process, experimenting with flavors and creating
dishes that cater to diverse tastes.
2. Can you cook any traditional dish from your country?
Indeed, I have acquired the skills to prepare traditional dishes from my country,
preserving culinary heritage and savoring the flavors of home.
3. Do you think cooking reduces stress?
Cooking can serve as a therapeutic activity, offering a creative outlet and a sense of
accomplishment, potentially contributing to stress reduction for those who enjoy the
culinary process.
4. Have you ever skipped meals?
Occasionally, due to a hectic schedule, I have regrettably skipped meals, recognizing
the importance of maintaining a consistent and balanced diet.
5. What meal do you think is the most important in a day?
While all meals are significant, breakfast holds particular importance as it jumpstarts
the day, providing essential nutrients and energy for optimal functioning.
6. Do you prefer having dinner by yourself or with family?
I prefer sharing dinner with family, as it not only fosters familial bonds but also
creates a communal atmosphere where conversations and connections can flourish.

❖ Topic 23: Higher study
1. Do university students in your country find jobs that fit their major they
The alignment between university majors and subsequent job placements varies in my
country, with some students securing positions related to their field of study while
others explore diverse career paths.
2. Do you think university students are more stressful than students in
University students often face heightened academic and career-related pressures,
making their experiences more stressful compared to students in high school who may
be primarily focused on coursework.
3. What major do you consider stressful?
Majors that involve rigorous scientific research or demanding practical applications,
such as engineering or medicine, are often perceived as stressful due to the complex
nature of the coursework.
4. Do university students in your country like to apply for master degree
Pursuing master's degree programs is a common aspiration among university students
in my country, as it is often seen as a means to deepen knowledge, enhance career
prospects, and specialize in a particular field.

❖ Topic 24: Books and Reading habits
1. Do you often read books? When?
I engage in reading books regularly, typically during leisure hours in the evening or on
weekends, immersing myself in literature to unwind and expand my knowledge.
2. Do you read differently now than you did before?
Over time, my approach to reading has evolved, incorporating a more thoughtful and
analytical style. I now appreciate literature not only for enjoyment but also for deeper
comprehension and critical reflection.
3. Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?
Yes, I have read novels that were adapted into films, finding it intriguing to compare
the nuances of the written narrative with its visual counterpart on the screen.
4. Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?
While both mediums offer unique experiences, I find the immersive depth and
imaginative exploration in books particularly appealing. However, I also appreciate
the visual storytelling aspect of movies for a different form of entertainment.

❖ Topic 25: Watch
1. Do you wear a watch?
No, I don't wear a watch as I rely on other devices like my phone to check the time.
2. Have you ever got a watch as a gift?
Yes, I have received a watch as a gift, and it holds sentimental value for me.
3. Why do some people wear expensive watches?
Some individuals wear expensive watches as a symbol of status, craftsmanship
appreciation, or as a collector's item. It can also convey a sense of personal style and
4. Do you think a watch represents a person’s wealth?
While an expensive watch may indicate affluence, it's not always a definitive measure
of someone's wealth. People may choose watches based on personal preferences, style,
or sentimental value rather than solely for showcasing wealth.

❖ Topic 26: Robots
1. Are you interested in robots?
Yes, I find robots intriguing and appreciate their potential in various fields, from
technology to automation.
2. Do you like robots to work at your home?
While I appreciate the efficiency robots can bring, I also value the human touch in
certain tasks at home. A balance of automation and human involvement is ideal.
3. Do you want to be in a car in which a robot is a driver?
The concept of autonomous vehicles is fascinating, and I am open to the idea of being
in a car with a robot driver, provided it ensures safety and reliability.
4. Do you think robots will replace humans in the future?
While robots may increasingly take on certain tasks, I believe the collaboration
between humans and robots is more likely than outright replacement. Each has unique
strengths that can complement one another in various aspects of work and life.

PART 2 & 3

PART 2 & 3
TOPIC 1: Childhood

Describe a memorable childhood event.

You should say
- What event it was
- What do you remember about it
- Why it was memorable

One of the most memorable events from my childhood was my tenth birthday
celebration. It was a day filled with joy, surprises, and the warmth of family and

What stands out vividly in my memory is waking up to find my room decorated with
balloons and streamers, courtesy of my parents. The excitement kicked in as I realized
it was my special day. The anticipation of the day's events made it difficult to focus on
anything else.

The celebration began with a small family breakfast, where I was presented with a
beautifully wrapped gift from my parents. The joy of unwrapping it to find something
I had longed for was indescribable. This moment alone would have made the day
memorable, but it was just the beginning.

Later in the day, my parents had organized a surprise party with my closest friends.
The living room was transformed into a festive space with more decorations, a
delicious birthday cake, and an array of presents. The laughter and joy shared with my
friends created an atmosphere of pure happiness.

The event was memorable not only because of the thoughtful surprises but also
because it marked a transition in my life. Turning ten felt like stepping into a new
phase of growing up, and this birthday became a symbol of that transition.

Reflecting on that day brings a warm feeling of nostalgia. It was a celebration of love,
friendship, and the simple pleasures of childhood. The memories created on that
birthday remain etched in my mind, reminding me of the joy that can be found in the
company of loved ones and the special moments that shape our lives.

Part 3:
1. What do children often remember from their childhood?
Children often remember joyful and emotionally significant experiences from
their childhood, including special family events, celebrations, vacations, and
moments spent with parents or close friends. These positive memories shape
their identity and influence their perspectives on life.
2. Why do children often remember their childhood?
Children often remember their childhood because it's a formative period filled
with new experiences, learning, and emotional connections, shaping their
identity. The novelty and emotional significance create lasting impressions,
influencing their perspectives into adulthood.
3. Can a bad childhood affect a child’s behavior when they grow up?
Yes, a challenging childhood can significantly impact a child's behavior as they
mature. Adverse experiences, such as trauma or neglect, may lead to emotional
and behavioral issues, affecting their ability to form healthy relationships and
cope with stress. It underscores the importance of a nurturing environment for
positive long-term outcomes.
4. How can parents create a memorable childhood for a child?
Parents create a memorable childhood by prioritizing quality time, meaningful
experiences, and a positive home environment. Encouraging creativity,
maintaining open communication, and offering a balance of structure and
freedom contribute to a nurturing and memorable childhood.
5. Can children be negatively affected by their classmates?
Yes, children can be negatively affected by their classmates, and this influence
can impact their social, emotional, and academic development. Negative

interactions, such as bullying or peer pressure, may contribute to stress and
affect a child's self-esteem. It is essential for parents and educators to promote a
supportive and inclusive environment, fostering positive peer relationships and
teaching children effective coping strategies.
6. What kind of online materials are harmful to a child’s mindset?
Harmful online materials, such as explicit content and violence, can negatively
impact a child's mindset, influencing their behavior and attitudes. To protect
their psychological development, parents should implement digital safety
measures, guide responsible internet use, and educate children about online
risks. Creating a supportive online environment is crucial to promote positive
values and shield children from potentially harmful content.

TOPIC 2: Historical attraction

Discuss a historical place you don’t like to visit.

You should say
- What place it is
- Where it is
- Why don’t you want to visit it

One historical place that I am not particularly inclined to visit is the site of a former
concentration camp during World War II – Auschwitz in Poland. While I
acknowledge the historical significance of Auschwitz and the importance of
remembering the atrocities that occurred there, the prospect of visiting such a solemn
place is emotionally daunting for me.

Auschwitz, located near the town of Oświęcim, stands as a chilling reminder of the
Holocaust, where millions of innocent lives were lost in unimaginable circumstances.
The place is now a museum and memorial, preserving the painful history of genocide
and human suffering. The main reason I hesitate to visit Auschwitz is the emotional
weight that comes with confronting the dark chapters of our past.

The stories and images associated with Auschwitz are profoundly distressing, and I
fear that the experience might be too overwhelming. It's not a matter of disregarding
the historical importance but rather a personal recognition of my emotional sensitivity
to the horrors that transpired there. The remnants of the camp, the exhibits, and the
sheer magnitude of the tragedy would undoubtedly evoke deep emotions.

While I believe it is crucial for people to bear witness to history, especially one as
harrowing as Auschwitz, I also acknowledge that each individual processes and copes
with such experiences differently. For me, the emotional toll of visiting a place with
such a tragic history is a factor that dissuades me from making that journey.

Part 3:
1. Why aren't historical attractions popular with young people nowadays?
Historical attractions may not be as popular with young people nowadays due
to a preference for modern and dynamic experiences. Younger generations
might find historical sites less engaging than contemporary alternatives, such as
technological or adventure-based attractions.
2. Is it expensive to upkeep historical attractions in your country?
The upkeep of historical attractions can be expensive in many countries.
Preservation efforts require ongoing maintenance, restoration, and investments
to ensure the structural integrity and cultural significance of these sites.
3. Why are historical attractions important to a country?
Historical attractions are crucial to a country as they preserve cultural heritage,
offer insights into the past, and contribute to national identity. They serve as
educational resources, fostering an understanding of the nation's history and
4. Should young people be encouraged to visit historical places?
Yes, young people should be encouraged to visit historical places. Exposure to
historical sites enhances cultural awareness, provides educational opportunities,
and instills a sense of pride and connection to one's heritage.
5. How can historical attractions be more popular?
Historical attractions can become more popular by incorporating interactive
and technology-driven elements, making the experience more immersive and
appealing to younger audiences. Educational programs, events, and multimedia
presentations can enhance engagement.
6. How can the government preserve historical attractions?
Governments can preserve historical attractions by allocating sufficient funds
for maintenance, implementing conservation policies, and promoting
sustainable tourism. Collaboration with local communities and international
organizations can also aid in the preservation efforts.

TOPIC 3: Influencing

Talk about a person who has influenced you.

You should say
- Who is he/she?
- How do you know him/her?
- How did he/she influence you?

One person who has profoundly influenced me is my high school English teacher,
Mrs. Johnson. I got to know her during my junior year when she became my teacher
for an advanced literature class.

Mrs. Johnson was not just an instructor; she was a mentor and a guide. What set her
apart was her passion for literature and her ability to make the subject come alive. Her
enthusiasm was contagious, and she had an incredible knack for connecting the
themes in literature to real-life situations.

She influenced me primarily through her teaching style. Mrs. Johnson encouraged
critical thinking and fostered an environment where ideas were valued. Her classroom
discussions were dynamic and challenged us to analyze literature beyond its surface
meaning. She instilled in me a love for reading and a deeper appreciation for the
nuances of language.

Moreover, Mrs. Johnson was supportive outside the classroom. She took a genuine
interest in her students' lives, offering advice on academic and personal matters. This
individualized attention made me feel seen and valued, contributing to my overall
growth and confidence.

The impact of Mrs. Johnson's influence extended beyond the academic realm. It
played a pivotal role in shaping my identity and aspirations. Her guidance inspired me

to pursue literature in my higher education and fueled my desire to become an
effective communicator.

In essence, Mrs. Johnson's influence was transformative. She not only imparted
knowledge but also cultivated a passion for learning that has stayed with me. Her
dedication to her students and the subject matter left an indelible mark on my
intellectual and personal development.

Part 3:
1. How can adults influence young children to be good citizens?
Adults can influence young children to be good citizens by serving as positive
role models and imparting core values through education. Teaching empathy,
respect, and responsibility helps instill a sense of civic duty, fostering good
citizenship from an early age.
2. How can social media influencers bring values to society?
Social media influencers have the potential to bring values to society by
leveraging their platforms for positive messages. They can use their influence
to advocate for social causes, spread awareness, and encourage positive
behavior among their followers.
3. How do you think the rise of influencers has changed the traditional
advertising industry?
The rise of influencers has transformed the traditional advertising industry,
moving away from conventional methods. Influencers offer a more authentic
and relatable approach to marketing, relying on personal connections with their
audience rather than conventional advertising strategies.
4. Do you believe influencers should be more responsible for the products or
services they promote? Why or why not?
Yes, influencers should be more responsible for the products or services they
promote. Given their significant impact on followers, influencers should vet the
products they endorse to ensure they align with ethical standards. Responsible
promotion helps build trust with the audience.

5. In what ways can influencers positively contribute to society, beyond
promoting products?
Influencers can positively contribute to society by using their reach to address
social issues, promote inclusivity, and support charitable causes. Their ability
to amplify messages can make a meaningful impact beyond commercial
6. How has the concept of fame and celebrity changed with the emergence of
social media influencers?
The concept of fame and celebrity has evolved with social media influencers.
Unlike traditional celebrities, influencers often rise to fame through online
platforms, emphasizing relatability and direct audience engagement. This shift
has blurred the lines between traditional fame and online influence.

TOPIC 4: Reading Habits

Describe a book that had a significant impact on you

You should say
- What book is this?
- How do you know this book?
- How did this book influence you?

One book that had a profound impact on me is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper
Lee. I encountered this classic during my high school literature class, introduced by an
insightful teacher.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a powerful narrative set in the racially charged American
South during the 1930s. It explores themes of racial injustice, moral growth, and
compassion through the eyes of a young girl named Scout Finch. The book's poignant
storytelling and rich characters left an indelible mark on my understanding of societal

The influence of this book is multi-faceted. Firstly, it heightened my awareness of

social issues, prompting me to question and reflect on the prevailing injustices in the
world. The moral dilemmas faced by the characters compelled me to think critically
about right and wrong, fairness, and the responsibilities we bear towards one another.

Secondly, "To Kill a Mockingbird" significantly improved my empathy and

compassion. Walking in the shoes of characters facing discrimination and adversity
fostered a deeper understanding of the human experience. This newfound empathy
transcended the pages of the book, impacting my interactions with others and
reinforcing the importance of fairness and kindness.

Lastly, the novel fueled my appreciation for literature as a powerful tool for social
commentary. It spurred my interest in exploring diverse perspectives and the

transformative potential of storytelling. This realization influenced my academic
choices, leading me to pursue literature in higher education.

In summary, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is not just a book; it's an influential force that
expanded my worldview, instilled empathy, and kindled a lasting passion for literature
as a vehicle for positive change.

Part 3:
1. How have people's reading habits changed with the advent of digital
The advent of digital technology has profoundly impacted people's reading
habits, shifting from traditional print to digital formats. E-books, audiobooks,
and online articles have become increasingly popular, providing convenient
alternatives to physical books.
2. How do reading habits vary among different age groups?
Reading habits vary significantly among different age groups. Younger
generations often engage with digital platforms for reading, while older
individuals may still prefer traditional printed books. The ease of access and
interactive features of digital content appeal to younger readers, influencing
their reading preferences.
3. How can parents encourage their children to develop a love for reading?
Parents can encourage their children to develop a love for reading by creating a
positive reading environment at home. This includes having a variety of books
accessible, reading together as a family, and fostering discussions about the
stories. Modeling a love for reading by parents can inspire children to see it as
an enjoyable activity.
4. Do you think the popularity of e-books will eventually replace traditional
printed books? Why or why not?
The popularity of e-books has grown, but it's unlikely to completely replace
traditional printed books. Both formats coexist, catering to different
preferences. Printed books offer a tangible and sensory experience, while e-

books provide convenience and portability. The choice between them depends
on individual preferences.
5. How important is it for schools to promote and encourage reading among
It is crucial for schools to promote and encourage reading among students.
Reading skills are foundational for academic success and lifelong learning.
Schools can achieve this by incorporating diverse reading materials into the
curriculum, organizing reading-related activities, and creating supportive
reading environments.
6. What role do libraries play in fostering reading habits in the community?
Libraries play a vital role in fostering reading habits in the community. They
offer a wide range of books and resources, providing access to literature for
diverse audiences. Additionally, libraries often organize reading programs,
events, and initiatives that promote literacy and a love for reading within the
local community.

TOPIC 5: Cultural festival

Describe a cultural festival in your country.

You should say
- What festival is this?
- When was the festival organized?
- What activities are included in that event?

One of the most vibrant cultural festivals in my country is Diwali, also known as the
Festival of Lights. Diwali is celebrated annually, and the timing is determined by the
Hindu lunar calendar, usually falling in October or November. It's a significant and
joyous occasion that brings communities together.

During Diwali, the festivities span several days, but the main celebration occurs on the
third day. People engage in a variety of activities to mark the occasion. The most
iconic tradition is the lighting of diyas (oil lamps) and candles, which symbolizes the
victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Homes and public spaces are
adorned with colorful rangoli (artistic patterns made on the ground with colored
powders), adding to the festive atmosphere.

Another integral part of Diwali is the exchange of gifts and sweets among family and
friends. This tradition strengthens social bonds and is a way of expressing love and
goodwill. Families also come together for a special feast, preparing a variety of
delicious dishes and sweets.

Fireworks are a spectacular element of Diwali celebrations. In the evening, the night
sky comes alive with vibrant colors as people set off fireworks to celebrate the
triumph of good over evil. However, in recent years, there has been a growing
awareness about the environmental impact of fireworks, leading to discussions about
eco-friendly celebrations.

Diwali is not only a religious festival but also a cultural extravaganza that showcases
the rich heritage of my country. It promotes a sense of unity and joy, transcending
religious and regional boundaries. The festival not only holds immense cultural
significance but also serves as a time for reflection, gratitude, and renewal of

In conclusion, Diwali is a multifaceted cultural festival celebrated with great

enthusiasm, featuring rituals, feasts, gifts, and the dazzling display of lights and
fireworks. It embodies the spirit of togetherness and cultural richness, making it a
cherished and eagerly awaited event in my country.

Part 3:
1. Do you think hosting cultural festivals is an effective way for a community
to attract tourists? Why or why not?
Hosting cultural festivals is an exceptionally effective way for a community to
attract tourists. These events provide a unique showcase of a region's traditions,
arts, and customs, offering visitors an immersive experience. The festive
atmosphere and cultural richness can create a lasting impression, encouraging
tourists to explore and contribute to the local economy.
2. How have cultural festivals evolved over the years in terms of their
significance and participation?
Cultural festivals have evolved significantly over the years, gaining increased
significance and participation. They have transformed into vibrant platforms
for cultural exchange, often incorporating diverse elements such as music,
dance, food, and interactive activities. The modernization of these festivals
caters to a broader audience, making them more inclusive and appealing to
diverse tastes.
3. How important is it for governments to financially support and promote
cultural festivals?
It is crucial for governments to financially support and promote cultural
festivals. Such support ensures the sustainability and growth of these events,

allowing them to reach wider audiences. Government backing also signals the
importance of cultural preservation, attracting both local and international
4. Do you think cultural festivals have a role in fostering international
understanding and cooperation?
Cultural festivals play a pivotal role in fostering international understanding
and cooperation. By bringing people from different backgrounds together,
these events promote cross-cultural dialogue and appreciation. They create
opportunities for shared experiences, breaking down stereotypes and building
connections that contribute to a more globally connected society.
5. How do cultural festivals contribute to preserving and promoting cultural
Cultural festivals are instrumental in preserving and promoting cultural
heritage. They serve as living representations of traditions, customs, and artistic
expressions. By showcasing these elements in a celebratory context, festivals
generate awareness and pride within the community. This, in turn, helps to pass
down cultural heritage to future generations, preventing its erosion over time.

TOPIC 6: Challenging experience

Describe a challenging experience you faced.

You should say
- What was that experience?
- When did you face that challenge?
- What lessons did you get from that experience?

A challenging experience that stands out in my memory is my participation in a

national-level debate competition during my final year of college. The event took
place about two years ago, and it was a profound learning experience for me.

I faced this challenge when I decided to represent my college in a highly competitive

debate involving participants from prestigious institutions across the country. The
topic was complex, and the competition was fierce. I vividly remember the mix of
excitement and nervousness as I stepped onto the stage, facing a diverse panel of
judges and a large audience.

The debate comprised multiple rounds, each requiring in-depth knowledge of the
subject, quick thinking, and effective communication skills. I found myself grappling
with the pressure of articulating my thoughts eloquently while responding to
counterarguments from opponents. It was mentally demanding, and at times, I felt the
weight of the responsibility I had taken on.

However, despite the initial challenges, the experience taught me invaluable lessons.
Firstly, I learned the importance of thorough preparation. Knowing the subject inside
out not only boosted my confidence but also allowed me to respond effectively to
unexpected questions. Additionally, I discovered the significance of remaining
composed under pressure. The ability to think on my feet and respond gracefully to
challenging situations became a crucial skill that I honed during the competition.

Moreover, the competition taught me the value of constructive feedback. After each
round, the judges provided feedback on our performance, highlighting both strengths
and areas for improvement. I embraced this feedback as a tool for personal and
intellectual growth, recognizing that acknowledging weaknesses is a crucial step
towards improvement.

In conclusion, the national-level debate competition was a challenging yet

transformative experience for me. It tested my intellectual abilities, resilience, and
capacity to handle pressure. The lessons I gained from this experience have not only
shaped my approach to public speaking but have also equipped me with valuable life
skills that extend beyond the realm of academia.

Part 3:
1. How do you think facing challenging experiences can contribute to
personal growth?
Facing challenging experiences is a crucible for personal growth, fostering
resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. Overcoming obstacles
provides individuals with insights into their strengths and weaknesses, shaping
their character and enhancing their capacity to navigate life's complexities.
2. In what ways can individuals learn from challenging situations in their
professional lives?
Challenging situations in professional life serve as invaluable learning
opportunities. They compel individuals to stretch their capabilities,
encouraging the acquisition of new skills and strategies. Mistakes and setbacks
become stepping stones to improvement, cultivating a mindset of continuous
learning and innovation.
3. How important is it for parents to expose their children to challenging
situations early in life?
Early exposure to challenging situations is pivotal for a child's development. It
instills essential life skills, including perseverance and resourcefulness. Parents
play a crucial role in creating environments that encourage children to confront

challenges, fostering independence and a proactive approach to problem-
4. Do you think there are cultural differences in how people approach and
handle challenging experiences?
Cultural differences influence how people perceive and handle challenging
experiences. Some cultures may emphasize collective solutions, relying on
community support, while others may prioritize individual resilience. Cultural
attitudes toward risk-taking and failure can shape responses to challenges.
5. Can challenging experiences in education lead to better learning outcomes
for students?
Challenging experiences in education can indeed lead to improved learning
outcomes. They stimulate critical thinking, creativity, and a deeper
understanding of subjects. Overcoming academic challenges equips students
with a robust skill set applicable to various aspects of life.
6. In what ways can employers support their employees during challenging
times in the workplace?
Employers can support their employees during challenging times by fostering
an inclusive and supportive workplace culture. Offering resources for mental
health, professional development opportunities, and flexible work
arrangements can contribute to employee well-being and productivity.
Acknowledging and addressing challenges openly promotes a collaborative and
resilient organizational culture.

TOPIC 7: Hobby

Talk about a hobby you enjoy.

You should say
- What is your hobby?
- When did you start your hobby?
- Why do you enjoy your hobby?

Certainly! One of my most cherished hobbies is photography, which I picked up

around six years ago. It all began when I received a camera as a birthday gift from my
family. Intrigued by its capabilities, I decided to delve into the art of capturing

The joy I derive from photography stems from its multifaceted nature. Firstly, it
serves as a creative outlet, allowing me to express my perspective and emotions
through visuals. Whether it's the play of light during sunset or the candid expressions
of people, I find immense satisfaction in framing moments that evoke emotions.

Moreover, photography has become a means of exploration for me. I've developed a
profound appreciation for the beauty in everyday life. From the intricate details of a
flower to the grandeur of landscapes, my hobby has encouraged me to observe and
appreciate the world with a keener eye.

The process of learning and improving my photography skills has been a journey of
self-discovery. I've experimented with various techniques, learned about composition,
and even dabbled in post-processing to enhance the visual impact of my photos. This
continuous learning aspect keeps me engaged and motivated.

What I particularly enjoy is the storytelling aspect of photography. Each photograph

narrates a unique story, and the challenge lies in capturing the essence of that narrative

in a single frame. It has taught me to be patient, observant, and attuned to the
subtleties of my surroundings.

In essence, photography has become more than just a hobby for me; it's a way of
interpreting the world. It has provided me with a creative outlet, a means of
exploration, and a continuous journey of self-improvement. The joy of freezing
fleeting moments in time and the constant learning process make it a hobby I
genuinely treasure.

Part 3:
1. Why do you think people have hobbies?
Hobbies serve as a refuge from the demands of daily life, offering individuals a
means of relaxation, stress relief, and personal fulfillment. Whether it's
pursuing a creative endeavor, engaging in physical activities, or immersing
oneself in a particular interest, hobbies provide a valuable escape and
contribute to a more balanced lifestyle.
2. How important do you think it is for people to have hobbies?
The significance of hobbies extends beyond mere pastimes; they play a vital
role in enhancing overall well-being. By offering a break from routine and an
opportunity for self-expression, hobbies contribute to mental and emotional
health. They act as a counterbalance to the pressures of work or study, fostering
creativity and providing a tangible sense of accomplishment.
3. Are there any differences between hobbies in the past and present?
The landscape of hobbies has undergone transformation with evolving societal
trends. Traditional pastimes like gardening and reading endure, but
contemporary hobbies often involve technology. Activities such as online
gaming, digital art creation, and content production reflect the influence of
modern tools and platforms on leisure pursuits.
4. In your country, do people usually have specific hobbies based on their

Age often shapes hobby preferences. Younger individuals might lean towards
tech-driven hobbies, including online gaming or social media engagement. In
contrast, older generations may find joy in traditional pursuits like gardening,
painting, or other forms of craftsmanship.
5. Are there traditional hobbies in your culture that are fading away?
Regrettably, certain traditional hobbies are diminishing in popularity as society
becomes more digitally oriented. Traditional crafts, folk art, or activities passed
down through generations face challenges in attracting younger enthusiasts
who may be more drawn to modern forms of entertainment.
6. Are there any new hobbies emerging due to technological advancements?
Technological advancements have spawned a new generation of hobbies. The
digital age has given rise to pursuits such as content creation on platforms like
YouTube or TikTok, participation in online gaming communities, and
exploration of virtual worlds. These hobbies reflect the changing preferences
and opportunities afforded by technology in the contemporary leisure

TOPIC 8: Celebrity

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say
- Who is he/she?
- Where do you know him/her?
- What she/he is like

Certainly! I have always harbored a deep admiration for Elon Musk, a visionary
entrepreneur and innovator. I first learned about him through media coverage and
documentaries that highlighted his role in founding and leading groundbreaking
companies like Tesla and SpaceX.

Elon Musk is a fascinating individual with a unique blend of intelligence, ambition,

and a pioneering spirit. His relentless pursuit of innovation, especially in the fields of
electric vehicles and space exploration, has significantly impacted the world. Musk's
endeavors not only focus on technological advancements but also address critical
global issues, such as sustainable energy and the future of human existence on other

What sets Musk apart for me is not just his success but also his audacity to tackle
seemingly insurmountable challenges. His ability to envision the future and then
actively work towards realizing that vision is truly inspiring. Musk's leadership style,
characterized by a hands-on approach and a willingness to take risks, has shaped him
into an influential figure in the tech and business world.

Meeting Elon Musk would be a unique opportunity to gain insights into his thought
processes, motivations, and perhaps learn valuable lessons about innovation,
leadership, and pushing the boundaries of what is deemed possible. His impact on
various industries and commitment to transformative ideas make him a person I would

love to engage with to understand more about shaping a better future through
technology and innovation.

Part 3:
1. Why do you think people are so interested in celebrities?
People are interested in celebrities for various reasons, including the desire for
escapism, finding inspiration and aspiration in their success, relatability to
shared experiences, societal influence, and the extensive media coverage that
keeps them in the public eye. The fascination with celebrities is a complex
interplay of entertainment, inspiration, and human curiosity.
2. How has the concept of celebrity changed over the years?
The concept of celebrity has evolved significantly, expanding beyond
traditional fields to include online platforms and reality TV. Social media has
democratized fame, allowing individuals to gain celebrity status for various
reasons. This dynamic landscape, characterized by constant exposure and quick
rises and falls, marks a notable shift in how society perceives and engages with
3. Are there any negative aspects to celebrity culture?
Yes, there are notable drawbacks to celebrity culture. One concern is the
potential impact on mental health as celebrities face intense scrutiny and public
pressure. The constant spotlight can lead to privacy invasion, contributing to
stress and emotional challenges. Moreover, the influence of celebrities on
public opinions and trends might not always promote positive values or
behaviors, leading to societal issues. Balancing the admiration for celebrities
with critical awareness is crucial to navigate the potential pitfalls of celebrity
4. Do you think it's healthy for people to be obsessed with celebrities?
While appreciating celebrities for entertainment and inspiration can be positive,
excessive obsession, leading to unrealistic expectations and mental health
issues, is unhealthy. Balancing enjoyment of celebrity culture with a focus on
personal well-being is crucial.

5. How do celebrities influence the choices and behaviors of their fans?
Celebrities exert substantial influence on fans, shaping their choices and
behaviors. Through various channels, they impact fashion, lifestyles, and
consumer preferences. While fans may emulate their idols, maintaining a
critical perspective is crucial to preserve personal autonomy.
6. Should celebrities use their fame to address social issues?
Certainly, celebrities should leverage their fame to address social issues. Their
platform offers unparalleled reach and visibility, enabling them to raise
awareness on crucial matters. By actively engaging in social causes, celebrities
contribute to positive change and inspire their followers to become socially
responsible. However, it's essential for them to approach these issues with
genuine commitment and informed perspectives to maximize their impact.

TOPIC 9: Important decision

Discuss an important decision you made in your life.

You should say
- What was the decision?
- How did you make your decision?
- What were the results of the decision?

Certainly! One of the most pivotal decisions I made in my life was the choice of my
undergraduate major. As a high school graduate, I was at a crossroads, uncertain about
which field to pursue. The decision-making process involved careful consideration of
my interests, skills, and long-term career goals.

To make this decision, I began by reflecting on subjects that captivated my interest

throughout school and those that I found myself naturally excelling in. I also sought
advice from career counselors, teachers, and professionals in various fields to gain
insights into the job prospects and personal fulfillment associated with different

After extensive research and introspection, I decided to pursue a degree in computer

science. This decision aligned with my passion for technology, problem-solving, and
the dynamic nature of the field. The prospect of contributing to innovations in the tech
industry excited me.

The results of this decision have been transformative. I found immense satisfaction
and engagement in my coursework. The challenging yet stimulating environment
pushed me to grow intellectually and develop valuable skills. Additionally, this
decision opened up numerous opportunities for internships and projects, allowing me
to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

In the long term, this decision has shaped my career trajectory positively. I secured a
position in a reputable tech company after graduation, and I continue to find
fulfillment in contributing to advancements in the tech industry. Overall, choosing
computer science as my major has not only influenced my academic and professional
journey but has also been a source of personal satisfaction and achievement.

Part 3:
1. How do you approach making important decisions in your life?
Personally, I approach important decisions by striking a balance between
rational analysis and intuitive feelings. I consider the available information,
potential outcomes, and align these with my long-term goals.
2. In what ways can making decisions be challenging?
Making decisions can be challenging due to uncertainties and the pressure of
potential consequences. The fear of making the wrong choice and the
complexity of certain situations contribute to decision-making challenges.
3. Are there cultural differences in decision-making processes?
Cultural differences play a significant role in decision-making processes. Some
cultures may emphasize collective decision-making, while others prioritize
individual autonomy. Understanding cultural nuances is crucial in navigating
diverse decision-making approaches.
4. How important are career-related decisions in a person's life?
Career-related decisions hold paramount importance as they significantly shape
a person's life. The chosen career path influences daily life, financial stability,
and personal fulfillment, making it a pivotal aspect of one's journey.
5. Should people prioritize passion or practicality when making career
The ideal approach lies in striking a balance between passion and practicality
when making career decisions. While passion provides motivation, practical
considerations ensure financial stability and aligning with the demands of the
job market.
6. What role does education play in shaping career decisions?

Education plays a vital role in shaping career decisions by providing
individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and exposure. Informed
decision-making is facilitated through educational experiences, internships, and
exposure to various fields.

TOPIC 10: Film & TV shows

Discuss a film or TV show you enjoyed recently.

You should say
- What type of movie was it?
- What was it about?
- Where did you watch it?
- And explain why you would like to watch it again.

Recently, I had the pleasure of watching an intriguing science fiction film called
"Inception." It falls into the genre of a psychological thriller with elements of action
and adventure. The film is directed by Christopher Nolan and is renowned for its
mind-bending narrative.

The storyline revolves around a skilled thief, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who
specializes in entering people's dreams to steal their deepest secrets. The central plot
involves a complex mission of planting an idea into someone's mind, known as
"inception." As the characters delve into multiple layers of dreams within dreams, the
boundaries between reality and imagination become increasingly blurred.

I watched "Inception" at a local cinema, which provided an immersive experience

with its state-of-the-art audio and visual effects. The film's gripping plot, combined
with Hans Zimmer's powerful musical score, created a captivating cinematic

What makes me eager to watch "Inception" again is its intricacy and the layers of
symbolism embedded in the narrative. Each time I revisit the film, I discover new
details and subtle connections that I might have missed before. The depth of the
characters and the exploration of the human subconscious make it a film that invites
contemplation and discussion.

Moreover, the film's thought-provoking themes about the nature of reality and the
power of the mind add an intellectual layer to the entertainment. It's the kind of movie
that stays with you long after the credits roll, prompting reflection and discussion with
fellow enthusiasts.

In conclusion, "Inception" stands out for its unique storyline, exceptional

cinematography, and the intellectual stimulation it offers. The desire to unravel its
complexities and appreciate its artistic brilliance makes me inclined to watch it again
in the future.

Part 3:
1. In your opinion, what makes a film or TV show successful?
In my view, the success of a film or TV show hinges on its ability to engage
viewers emotionally and intellectually. A successful production resonates with
its audience, leaving a lasting impact through compelling storytelling and well-
developed characters.
2. Do you think technological advancements have influenced the quality of
Technological advancements have undeniably elevated the quality of films.
Innovations in special effects, cinematography, and sound design contribute to
a more immersive cinematic experience, enriching the storytelling and
expanding creative possibilities.
3. How do films and TV shows reflect the culture of a society?
Films and TV shows serve as cultural mirrors, reflecting the values, customs,
and social dynamics of a society. From language and clothing to social issues,
these mediums offer a lens through which audiences can explore diverse
cultural aspects.
4. Can films and TV shows be a tool for cultural exchange between
Yes, films and TV shows can act as powerful tools for cultural exchange. By
showcasing unique perspectives, traditions, and narratives, they facilitate

mutual understanding between countries, fostering a shared appreciation of
different cultures.
5. Do you think films and TV shows can influence people's behavior?
Films and TV shows can indeed influence people's behavior. Characters and
storylines can shape perceptions and attitudes, impacting societal norms.
However, individual responses vary, and viewers often exercise critical
thinking in interpreting media messages.
6. Can films and TV shows be educational? How?
Films and TV shows possess educational value. Documentaries, historical
dramas, and informative programs can convey complex information in an
engaging manner, making learning accessible and enjoyable beyond traditional
educational settings.

TOPIC 11: Music

Describe a piece of art or music that you like.

You should say
- What is a work of art?
- When did you first see it?
- What do you know about it?
- And explain why you like it?

Certainly! One piece of art that has left a lasting impression on me is Vincent van
Gogh's masterpiece, "Starry Night." It is a renowned painting that captures the night
sky over the small French town of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. I first encountered this
artwork during a visit to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

"Starry Night" is celebrated for its vivid and swirling colors, depicting the night sky in
an almost hypnotic manner. The stars in the painting seem to dance and come alive,
creating a sense of movement and energy. The cypress tree in the foreground adds a
vertical dimension, contrasting with the expansive and turbulent sky.

Van Gogh created this masterpiece during a tumultuous period in his life when he was
struggling with mental health issues. The emotional intensity and turbulence conveyed
in "Starry Night" are often interpreted as reflections of his inner struggles.

What fascinates me about "Starry Night" is not only its aesthetic beauty but also the
emotional depth embedded in the brushstrokes. The painting goes beyond a mere
representation of nature; it becomes a conduit for expressing the artist's inner turmoil
and creativity. The swirling patterns and vibrant colors evoke a sense of wonder and

Moreover, "Starry Night" has become an iconic representation of Van Gogh's unique
artistic style. The thick, impasto brushwork and the bold color choices are

characteristic of his post-impressionist approach. This painting, despite being created
more than a century ago, continues to captivate and inspire art enthusiasts worldwide.

In conclusion, "Starry Night" is a masterpiece that resonates with me due to its

emotional depth, unique artistic style, and the timeless beauty it brings to the
interpretation of the night sky. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of
art to communicate the complexities of the human experience.

Part 3:
1. How does music influence people's emotions?
Music serves as a powerful emotional catalyst, tapping into the human psyche
by conveying a range of feelings and experiences. Whether through poignant
lyrics, stirring melodies, or dynamic rhythms, music has the ability to evoke
joy, sadness, nostalgia, or excitement, forming a profound connection with
listeners on an emotional level.
2. Can certain types of music have a calming effect on individuals?
Indeed, specific genres, notably classical or ambient music, are recognized for
their therapeutic and calming effects. The deliberate arrangement of
instruments, slow tempos, and harmonious compositions can induce a sense of
tranquility and act as a soothing balm for individuals seeking relaxation or
stress relief.
3. What are the advantages of attending live music performances?
The allure of attending live music performances lies in the unparalleled
experience they offer. Beyond the auditory stimulation, live concerts provide a
multisensory encounter where audiences can visually connect with the artist,
feel the communal energy of the crowd, and revel in the spontaneity that is
often absent from recorded versions. This engagement fosters a deeper
appreciation for the artistry.
4. How has the popularity of live concerts changed over time?
Over time, the popularity of live concerts has undergone shifts influenced by
technological advancements. While traditional live shows maintain their

appeal, the advent of digital platforms and virtual experiences has altered how
people access and engage with musical performances. This dynamic landscape
reflects changing preferences and the evolving nature of music consumption.
5. Can traditional music coexist with globalized music trends?
The coexistence of traditional and globalized music trends is evident in the
contemporary music scene. Many artists embrace a fusion of traditional
elements with modern styles, creating a harmonious blend that resonates with
diverse audiences. This symbiotic relationship not only preserves cultural
heritage but also contributes to the richness and inclusivity of the global music

TOPIC 12: Future career

Talk about an interesting job or career.

You should say
- What is it?
- How did you know it?
- What skills does it require?

Certainly! One intriguing career that has always caught my attention is that of a
forensic scientist. I first learned about this profession through a television
documentary showcasing the meticulous work these professionals do to solve crimes.
The skills required for this job are as fascinating as the job itself.

Forensic scientists play a crucial role in the criminal justice system by applying
scientific principles to analyze evidence. They work with a variety of materials,
including DNA, blood, hair, and other substances, to provide objective and unbiased
analysis for criminal investigations. The skills demanded for this profession are

Firstly, a strong foundation in the natural sciences, particularly biology and chemistry,
is essential. Forensic scientists must have a deep understanding of how different
substances interact and leave traces at crime scenes. Additionally, attention to detail is
paramount. The ability to carefully collect, analyze, and document evidence without
contamination is crucial to the integrity of the investigative process.

Moreover, problem-solving skills are a key component of this career. Forensic

scientists often encounter complex cases that require creative thinking to connect the
dots and draw conclusions based on scientific evidence. Communication skills are
equally vital, as they need to convey their findings clearly to investigators, legal
professionals, and sometimes, even in a courtroom setting.

One of the aspects that make this career so intriguing is its multidisciplinary nature.
Forensic scientists often collaborate with experts in various fields, including ballistics,
toxicology, and digital forensics, to piece together a comprehensive picture of the
events surrounding a crime.

In conclusion, a career in forensic science captivates me due to its unique combination

of scientific rigor, problem-solving, and the critical role it plays in ensuring justice.
The demand for professionals in this field continues to grow, highlighting its
importance in modern law enforcement and criminal investigations.

Part 3:
1. How do people decide on their future careers?
Individuals often decide on their future careers through a combination of
personal interests, academic strengths, and career opportunities. It involves
self-reflection, understanding one's skills, and exploring potential paths.
2. Do you think it's better to choose a career based on passion or
The choice between passion and practicality in career selection is subjective.
Striking a balance between what one loves and what is feasible in the job
market can lead to a fulfilling career.
3. What factors should someone consider when selecting a career?
Several factors influence career decisions, including personal interests,
financial stability, job prospects, and alignment with long-term goals.
Individuals should assess their values, skills, and the demands of different
4. How important is education in determining one's future career?
Education plays a crucial role in determining a person's career by providing
essential skills and knowledge. However, practical experience, networking, and
adaptability also contribute significantly.
5. Should universities focus more on preparing students for specific careers?

Universities should provide a balanced education that includes both academic
knowledge and practical skills. It's essential to prepare students for a broad
range of careers and foster critical thinking and adaptability.
6. In your opinion, what contributes to job satisfaction?
Job satisfaction often arises from a combination of factors such as a supportive
work environment, opportunities for growth, meaningful tasks, and alignment
with personal values. Achieving a balance between work and personal life is
also crucial.

TOPIC 13: Local area

Discuss a problem in your local area and potential solutions.

You should say
- What is it?
- How serious is it?
- What causes this problem?

One prevalent issue in my local area that warrants immediate attention is the
increasing levels of air pollution. This problem is of significant concern due to its
severity and the adverse effects it poses on both the environment and public health.

The seriousness of air pollution is evident in the deteriorating air quality index, with
levels of particulate matter and harmful gases consistently exceeding recommended
standards. This not only leads to a visible haze over the city but also has severe health
implications, especially for vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly.

The primary causes of air pollution in my area are industrial emissions, vehicular
exhaust, and the burning of fossil fuels for energy production. Rapid urbanization and
industrialization have led to an increase in the number of vehicles on the road, as well
as the expansion of manufacturing facilities. These factors contribute significantly to
the release of pollutants into the atmosphere.

To address this issue effectively, several measures can be implemented. Firstly,

promoting the use of public transportation and the adoption of electric vehicles can
help reduce vehicular emissions. Additionally, enforcing stricter emission standards
for industries and investing in cleaner, sustainable energy sources can mitigate
industrial pollution.

Community engagement and awareness programs are also crucial in fostering a sense
of responsibility among residents. Encouraging practices such as waste reduction, tree

planting, and responsible disposal of pollutants can contribute to improving air

Moreover, governmental intervention is essential to enforce regulations and

incentivize environmentally friendly practices. Implementing and strictly enforcing
emission standards for industries, along with fines for non-compliance, can serve as a

In conclusion, the problem of air pollution in my local area is a pressing concern that
demands immediate attention. By adopting a multi-faceted approach involving public
awareness, policy changes, and technological advancements, we can work towards
mitigating the causes and effects of air pollution, creating a healthier and more
sustainable living environment for the community.

Part 3:
1. How has your local area changed in recent years?
My local area has seen considerable changes recently, marked by urbanization,
modern buildings, and technological advancements. While bringing
convenience, these changes raise concerns about green spaces and community
bonds. Overall, it reflects a dynamic shift towards a more modern and
interconnected community.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an urban area?
Living in an urban area has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive
side, cities offer better job opportunities, diverse amenities, and cultural
experiences. However, urban living may be stressful due to congestion and
pollution. Affordability can also be a challenge. Balancing these aspects,
individuals need to weigh personal preferences and priorities when considering
urban life.
3. How do people's lifestyles differ in urban and rural areas?
Lifestyles vary significantly between urban and rural areas. Urban dwellers
often experience fast-paced lives, characterized by hectic schedules, advanced

technology use, and diverse entertainment options. In contrast, rural residents
may embrace a slower pace, engaging in agriculture or other traditional
occupations, with a focus on community and nature. The choice between these
lifestyles depends on personal preferences, career choices, and cultural factors.
4. Do you think rural areas face different challenges compared to urban
Yes, rural areas face distinct challenges, including limited access to healthcare,
education, and employment opportunities. This is in contrast to urban areas
dealing with issues like congestion and pollution. Balancing development is
vital for achieving equity across both settings.
5. How important is it to preserve the cultural heritage of a local area?
Preserving the cultural heritage of a local area is crucial as it fosters a sense of
identity, history, and community pride. It also attracts tourism, contributing to
the local economy. However, achieving a balance with modern development is
essential to ensure sustainable growth while safeguarding the unique cultural
aspects that make a place special. In this way, a harmonious coexistence of
tradition and progress can be maintained, enriching the overall cultural tapestry
of the region.
6. What environmental issues are prevalent in your local area?
In my local area, prevalent environmental issues include air pollution,
deforestation, and water contamination, mainly due to rapid urbanization and
industrial activities. Solutions involve stricter regulations, community
awareness, and sustainable development practices.

TOPIC 14: Cultural celebration

Describe an important celebration in your culture.

You should say
- When does this celebration take place?
- What do people do during this celebration?
- Why is it important?

In my culture, one of the most significant celebrations is Diwali, also known as the
Festival of Lights. Diwali usually takes place between October and November,
depending on the lunar calendar, and it lasts for about five days.

During Diwali, people engage in various festive activities. One of the key traditions is
illuminating homes with oil lamps and decorative lights, symbolizing the victory of
light over darkness and good over evil. Families come together to clean and decorate
their houses, creating a vibrant and joyous atmosphere. The exchange of gifts and
sweets is common, fostering a sense of unity and goodwill.

The celebration also involves the preparation of traditional meals and sweets, and
many people visit temples to seek blessings for the coming year. Fireworks are a
hallmark of Diwali, lighting up the night sky with colorful displays, adding to the
festive spirit.

Diwali holds immense cultural and spiritual significance. It commemorates the return
of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and loyal companion Lakshmana, from exile
after defeating the demon king Ravana. The lighting of lamps symbolizes the triumph
of good over evil and the dispelling of darkness with the light of knowledge.

Beyond its religious roots, Diwali has become a celebration of togetherness and
prosperity. It brings families and communities closer, fostering a sense of belonging
and shared joy. The values of compassion, gratitude, and the victory of righteousness

are reiterated during this celebration, making it an essential and cherished part of our
cultural heritage.

In essence, Diwali is not just a festival; it is a celebration that embodies the core
values of our culture, promoting unity, joy, and the triumph of light over darkness.

Part 3:
1. Why do you think cultural celebrations are important?
Cultural celebrations are vital for preserving traditions, fostering unity, and
strengthening social bonds. They showcase unique customs, values, and
histories, promoting understanding among diverse communities. These events
contribute to cultural exchange and transmit ancestral knowledge, playing a
crucial role in maintaining cultural diversity and fostering a sense of identity.
2. Are there any differences in the way various cultures celebrate important
Certainly, there are notable differences in how various cultures commemorate
important events. These distinctions often manifest in rituals, ceremonies, and
the significance attached to specific occasions. Cultural nuances influence the
choice of symbols, traditional practices, and even the ways in which
communities come together to mark significant milestones. Such diversity not
only reflects the rich tapestry of global cultures but also enhances mutual
understanding and appreciation among people from different backgrounds.
3. Are there any drawbacks to the modernization of cultural celebrations?
Certainly. Modernizing cultural celebrations can risk diluting traditions and
eroding cultural authenticity. Commercialization and globalization may
contribute to a loss of unique cultural elements. Balancing innovation with the
preservation of cultural identity is essential to prevent the drawbacks of
4. Can globalization lead to the loss of cultural identity in celebrations?
Globalization can indeed contribute to the loss of cultural identity in
celebrations. As cultures intertwine and adopt global trends, traditional

practices may diminish. This could be due to the influence of dominant global
cultures or the commercialization of celebrations. As traditional customs fade,
there is a risk of homogenization, where distinct cultural elements become
diluted or replaced. While globalization fosters cultural exchange, it is crucial
to strike a balance to preserve the uniqueness of local celebrations and maintain
a diverse cultural landscape.
5. Are there any challenges in maintaining the authenticity of cultural
Yes, globalization can contribute to the loss of cultural identity in celebrations.
As traditions become more exposed to external influences, there is a risk of
dilution and homogenization. The influx of global practices and
commercialization can overshadow distinct cultural elements, challenging the
authenticity of traditional celebrations. Striking a balance between embracing
global influences and preserving cultural identity is crucial to mitigate the
impact of globalization on traditional celebrations.
6. How do religious and secular cultural celebrations differ?
Religious celebrations are rooted in specific faiths and involve sacred rituals,
while secular cultural celebrations are more diverse, focusing on shared
customs and values. Religious celebrations have a spiritual dimension, whereas
secular cultural celebrations are inclusive and bring people together based on
shared cultural identity rather than religious affiliation.

TOPIC 15: Soft skill

Talk about a soft skill you would like to learn.

You should say
- What is it?
- Who do you want to learn it from?
- How are you going to learn it?

One soft skill I'm eager to acquire is effective communication. In today's

interconnected world, the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and connect with others
is invaluable.

I believe mastering effective communication involves not only expressing ideas

coherently but also active listening and understanding diverse perspectives. It's about
being concise yet comprehensive, ensuring that my message resonates with different

To enhance this skill, I've started attending communication workshops and online
courses. These platforms provide insights into non-verbal communication, the art of
persuasion, and how to adapt one's communication style to different situations.

I consider effective communication crucial in both personal and professional realms.

In the workplace, it fosters better collaboration, reduces misunderstandings, and
enhances teamwork. On a personal level, it strengthens relationships and enables me
to express myself with clarity.

I envision that mastering effective communication will not only make me a more
proficient team member but also positively impact my interactions in various aspects
of life. It's a skill that transcends boundaries and is fundamental to success in the
diverse and dynamic environments we navigate today.

Part 3:
1. How do soft skills differ from hard skills?

Soft skills and hard skills differ in that soft skills are interpersonal and relate to
how individuals interact with others, while hard skills are specific, teachable
abilities or knowledge related to a particular task or industry.
2. Why do you think soft skills are important in the workplace?
Soft skills are crucial in the workplace as they facilitate effective
communication, collaboration, and relationship-building. They contribute to a
positive work environment and are often essential for leadership, problem-
solving, and adaptability.
3. How can individuals develop their soft skills?
Individuals can develop their soft skills through various means, including
seeking feedback, participating in training programs, practicing active
listening, and engaging in real-world experiences that require interpersonal
4. Are soft skills something that people naturally have, or can they be
Soft skills can be learned and developed over time. While some individuals
may naturally possess certain soft skills, intentional effort, practice, and a
willingness to adapt are key to enhancing and refining these skills.
5. Why is the ability to work in a team important in many professions?
The ability to work in a team is important in many professions because it
promotes synergy, fosters creativity, and enhances productivity. Effective
teamwork leverages the diverse strengths and skills of team members to
achieve common goals.
6. What kind of projects require strong teamwork?
Projects that require strong teamwork include complex problem-solving
initiatives, product development, research projects, and any task that benefits
from diverse perspectives, collaboration, and the pooling of skills and

TOPIC 16: Traveling to another country

Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.

You should say
- Where is it?
- What is it like?
- Why do you want to visit that place?

A destination I aspire to visit in the future is the serene and culturally rich Kyoto,
Japan. Known for its historical significance, Kyoto is a city that seamlessly blends
traditional Japanese architecture with the vibrant hues of modern life.

One of the primary attractions that draws me to Kyoto is its plethora of well-preserved
temples and shrines. The Fushimi Inari Shrine, with its iconic vermilion torii gates,
and the Kinkaku-ji, a stunning Zen Buddhist temple covered in gold leaf, are among
the many historical gems I hope to explore.

Kyoto's traditional tea houses, where the elaborate Japanese tea ceremony is
performed, also intrigue me. Experiencing this ritual firsthand, surrounded by the
city's enchanting ambiance, would be a cultural immersion that goes beyond the
ordinary tourist experience.

The city's gardens, like the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove and the Ryoan-ji Rock
Garden, promise a tranquil escape, offering a unique blend of nature and meticulous
design. The concept of wabi-sabi, finding beauty in imperfection, is intricately woven
into Kyoto's landscapes and architecture, creating an aesthetic that resonates with me.

In essence, Kyoto represents a perfect harmony between tradition and modernity,

offering a glimpse into Japan's rich cultural heritage while embracing the
advancements of contemporary life. It is this duality that makes Kyoto a place I dream
of exploring in the future.

Part 3:

1. In what ways can travel promote global awareness and appreciation?
Travel promotes global awareness and appreciation by exposing individuals to
diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Experiencing different ways of
life firsthand fosters a deeper understanding and respect for the richness of
global diversity.
2. Should governments implement measures to control the number of
tourists in popular destinations?
Governments should consider implementing measures to control the number of
tourists in popular destinations to mitigate environmental impact, preserve local
culture, and ensure sustainable tourism. Striking a balance is crucial for both
the destination and the well-being of its residents.
3. How important is it for travelers to learn some basic phrases in the local
Learning basic phrases in the local language is important for travelers as it
demonstrates respect for the host culture. Even a few words can go a long way
in facilitating communication and building positive interactions.
4. Can language barriers affect the overall travel experience?
Language barriers can significantly affect the overall travel experience, making
it challenging to navigate, understand local customs, or seek assistance.
Overcoming language barriers enhances cultural immersion and fosters positive
connections with local communities.
5. What steps can travelers take to be culturally sensitive when visiting
another country?
Travelers can be culturally sensitive by researching and respecting local
customs, dressing appropriately, and adapting to local norms. Being open-
minded, observing local behavior, and avoiding ethnocentrism contribute to
positive cross-cultural interactions.
6. Are there any behaviors that might be considered disrespectful in your
Behaviors considered disrespectful vary across cultures, but common examples
include disregarding local customs, being overly loud, or displaying

inappropriate attire. It's essential for travelers to familiarize themselves with
cultural norms to avoid unintentional disrespect.

TOPIC 17: Eating out

Describe a meal you enjoyed in a restaurant.

You should say
- Where was the restaurant?
- What food did you order?
- Who was/were with you?
- and explain why you enjoyed it so much.

One memorable dining experience that stands out in my mind was at a quaint Italian
restaurant nestled in the heart of the city. It was a celebration, and my friends and I
chose this establishment for its reputation for authentic Italian cuisine and a cozy

To start, we indulged in a shared platter of antipasti that featured an array of cured

meats, artisanal cheeses, and marinated olives. The combination of flavors, from the
saltiness of the prosciutto to the creamy richness of the mozzarella, set a delightful
tone for the evening.

For the main course, I opted for a classic dish, the Risotto ai Funghi. The Arborio rice
was perfectly cooked to a creamy consistency and infused with the earthy flavors of
wild mushrooms. Each bite was a symphony of textures and tastes, leaving a lasting
impression of the chef's culinary mastery.

The highlight of the meal was undoubtedly the dessert. We shared a Tiramisu that was
nothing short of heavenly. The layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone
cream were a delicate balance of sweetness and bitterness, creating a sublime
conclusion to the dining experience.

In reflection, that dining experience was not just about the food; it was a sensory
journey through the culinary delights of Italy. It's a meal that I reminisce about fondly,
and it has become a benchmark for the kind of dining experience I seek when
exploring new restaurants.

Part 3:
1. What is the impact of fast food on people's eating habits?
The impact of fast food on people's eating habits is often associated with
convenience and speed. Fast food can contribute to a less balanced and
nutritious diet, leading to potential health issues such as obesity and related
2. How has the availability of fast food affected traditional dining habits?
The availability of fast food has influenced traditional dining habits by
providing quicker alternatives, altering the pace and style of meals. Traditional
family dinners may be replaced by on-the-go or takeout options, impacting the
communal aspect of shared meals.
3. In what ways can dining out be a social activity?
Dining out can be a social activity in various ways. It provides opportunities for
people to gather, share meals, and engage in conversation. Restaurants, cafes,
and food events serve as social spaces, fostering connections and relationships.
4. Do you think people prefer dining out alone or with others? Why?
Preferences for dining out alone or with others vary among individuals. Some
enjoy the solitude and independence of dining alone, while others prefer the
social aspect of sharing a meal with friends or family. It often depends on
personal preferences and circumstances.
5. Can people maintain a healthy diet while frequently dining out?
While it can be challenging, people can maintain a healthy diet while dining
out by making mindful choices, opting for nutritious options, and being aware
of portion sizes. Balancing indulgence with healthier selections is key to
maintaining overall health.
6. Are there cultural differences in the perception of healthy eating when
dining out?
Cultural differences exist in the perception of healthy eating when dining out.
Some cultures prioritize specific ingredients or cooking methods, while others
may have different views on portion sizes or the importance of communal

dining. Cultural norms shape dietary preferences and expectations in various

TOPIC 18: Sports

Talk about a sport or physical activity you like.

You should say
- What is it?
- How did you first know about it?
- How often do you practice?
- and explain why you enjoyed it so much.

One sport that has been a source of both joy and physical well-being for me is cycling.
Riding a bicycle is not just a physical activity; it's a lifestyle that I have grown to love
for its numerous benefits and the sheer enjoyment it brings.

I first delved into cycling a few years ago when I decided to incorporate more physical
activity into my routine. What started as a fitness regimen soon transformed into a
genuine passion. One of the reasons I appreciate cycling is its versatility whether it's a
brisk ride through scenic trails, a challenging uphill climb, or a leisurely journey
through the city streets, there's always a form of cycling that suits my mood.

Cycling not only offers an excellent cardiovascular workout but also allows me to
immerse myself in the beauty of the outdoors. The feeling of the wind against my
face, the rhythmic whirring of the wheels, and the sense of freedom as I pedal along
contribute to a holistic and refreshing experience. It's a form of exercise that doesn't
feel like a chore but rather an adventure.

Beyond the physical benefits, cycling has a therapeutic effect on my mental well-
being. It serves as a stress reliever, allowing me to clear my mind and gain a fresh
perspective. Whether it's a solitary ride during sunrise or a group outing on weekends,
the sense of accomplishment and the endorphin rush from cycling contribute
significantly to my overall happiness.

Cycling has become an integral part of my life, offering a blend of fitness, adventure,
and social interaction. It's a sport that I look forward to each day, knowing that it not
only keeps me physically active but also brings immense joy and a sense of freedom.

Part 3:
1. Why do you think sports are important in society?
Sports are important in society for various reasons, including promoting
physical health, fostering social connections, building character, and providing
entertainment. They contribute to a well-rounded and active lifestyle.
2. How do sports contribute to community building?
Sports play a significant role in community building by creating a sense of
identity and belonging. They bring people together, encourage teamwork, and
provide a platform for shared experiences, fostering a strong sense of
3. In what ways do sports contribute to a healthy lifestyle?
Sports contribute to a healthy lifestyle by promoting physical fitness, reducing
the risk of chronic diseases, and enhancing mental well-being. Engaging in
sports activities helps maintain weight, improve cardiovascular health, and
boost overall vitality.
4. Can sports be a form of healthcare?
Yes, sports can be considered a form of healthcare. Regular physical activity
through sports helps prevent and manage various health conditions, including
obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, contributing to overall well-
5. Are there any drawbacks to the increasing use of technology in sports?
The increasing use of technology in sports has benefits such as performance
analysis and injury prevention, but drawbacks include concerns about fairness,
privacy issues, and the potential for over-reliance on technology, affecting the
purity of the sport.
6. What challenges do women face in the world of sports?

Women in sports face challenges related to unequal opportunities, pay
disparities, and gender bias. Breaking stereotypes and promoting gender equity
in sports remain ongoing challenges, but efforts to address these issues are
gaining momentum to create a more inclusive sporting landscape.

TOPIC 19: Development in community

Discuss a change you would like to see in your community.

You should say
- What is it?
- How can it be done?
- How do you feel about it?

One significant change I would like to witness in my community revolves around the
promotion of sustainable practices, with a particular focus on waste management and
environmental conservation.

Currently, like many communities, mine faces challenges related to improper waste
disposal and a lack of awareness about the environmental consequences. I envision a
community where every individual is educated and motivated to adopt eco-friendly
practices, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.

Firstly, I would advocate for comprehensive waste separation and recycling programs.
Implementing separate bins for recyclables, organic waste, and non-recyclables, along
with educating residents on the importance of sorting their waste, can significantly
reduce the environmental impact. Collaborating with local authorities and waste
management services would be essential to ensure the efficient collection and
processing of these segregated wastes.

Secondly, community-wide initiatives could be established to promote the use of

renewable energy sources. Encouraging the installation of solar panels on rooftops and
the adoption of energy-efficient appliances can contribute to a reduction in the
community's carbon footprint. Workshops and educational campaigns would be
instrumental in fostering a culture of energy conservation.

The change I aspire to see in my community is a shift towards sustainability and

environmental consciousness. By fostering a sense of responsibility among residents,
implementing effective waste management strategies, and promoting the use of

renewable energy, we can create a community that not only thrives economically but
also nurtures and protects the environment for future generations.

Part 3:
1. Why is community development important for the well-being of society?
Community development is crucial for the well-being of society as it fosters
social cohesion, economic stability, and an improved quality of life. It
empowers individuals, enhances community resilience, and contributes to
overall societal progress.
2. In what ways can a community benefit from ongoing development?
Ongoing community development can benefit a community in various ways,
such as improved infrastructure, increased access to education and healthcare,
job opportunities, and a stronger sense of community pride and identity.
3. What challenges might communities face when trying to implement
development projects?
Communities may face challenges in implementing development projects,
including limited resources, resistance to change, conflicting interests, and
inadequate infrastructure. Balancing the needs of diverse community members
can also be a complex task.
4. How can communities overcome obstacles to development?
Communities can overcome obstacles to development through effective
communication, inclusive decision-making processes, collaboration with
external partners, and capacity-building initiatives. Community engagement
and empowerment are key to successful development projects.
5. How can communities balance preserving their cultural traditions with
embracing modern development?
Balancing cultural preservation with modern development requires thoughtful
planning. Communities can achieve this by integrating traditional values into
development plans, promoting cultural education, and fostering a sense of pride
in heritage alongside progress.

6. Do you think modern development always leads to the dying of traditional
Modern development doesn't necessarily lead to the dying of traditional values.
With strategic planning, communities can embrace progress while actively
preserving and celebrating their cultural traditions. It's a matter of finding a
harmonious balance between the old and the new.

TOPIC 20: Festivals

Describe a festival or event you attended.

You should say
- What was the festival?
- Where was it held?
- When was it held?

One of the most memorable festivals I attended was the traditional Lunar New Year
celebration, also known as Tet, in Vietnam. This festival is a significant and joyous
occasion that marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year, typically falling in late
January or early February.

The celebration extends for several days, and the buildup to Tet is as exciting as the
event itself. Streets are adorned with vibrant decorations, and there's a palpable sense
of anticipation and joy in the air. Families engage in thorough cleaning and decorate
their homes with colorful flowers, particularly the iconic peach blossoms and kumquat
trees, symbolizing prosperity and good luck.

The festival is marked by various customs and traditions. Families gather for a festive
meal on the eve of Tet, enjoying traditional dishes like banh chung and gio lua.
There's a strong emphasis on paying off debts and resolving conflicts before the new
year to start afresh.

The festival not only highlights the importance of family and community but also
signifies the hope and optimism that come with the start of a new year. The vibrant
colors, delicious food, and the warmth of shared celebrations make Tet a festival that
leaves a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to experience it.

Part 3:
1. Why are festivals important in various cultures?

Festivals are important in various cultures as they serve as occasions for
communities to come together, celebrate shared values, and express cultural
identity. They often provide a platform for rituals, performances, and festivities
that strengthen social bonds.
2. How do festivals contribute to preserving cultural traditions?
Festivals contribute significantly to preserving cultural traditions by
showcasing and passing down rituals, customs, and artistic expressions from
one generation to another. They act as living repositories of a culture's history
and values.
3. Is there a difference between traditional and commercial festivals?
Traditional festivals are rooted in cultural or religious practices, while
commercial festivals are often driven by economic interests and consumerism.
Traditional festivals emphasize heritage and community, while commercial
ones may prioritize entertainment and profit.
4. Can commercial festivals still serve cultural and community purposes?
Despite their commercial nature, festivals can still serve cultural and
community purposes. Commercial festivals often incorporate elements of
traditional celebrations, providing opportunities for people to connect and
celebrate while also contributing to local economies.
5. How do festivals contribute to social cohesion within a community?
Festivals contribute to social cohesion within a community by fostering a sense
of belonging and shared identity. They bring people together, promote
inclusivity, and create a positive communal atmosphere, strengthening social
6. How have technology and social media impacted the experience of
Technology and social media have impacted the experience of festivals by
facilitating broader access to information, promoting events, and enabling
virtual participation. While this can enhance the reach and visibility of
festivals, it may also influence the nature of in-person interactions and the
authenticity of the festival experience.

TOPIC 21: Environmental issues

Discuss an environmental issue and possible solutions.

You should say
- What is the problem of environmental pollution ?
- What causes this environmental pollution?
- What are the solutions for environmental pollution ?

An environmental issue that deeply concerns me is plastic pollution, which has

become a global crisis with severe consequences for ecosystems and human health.
Plastic waste, especially single-use plastics, poses a significant threat to marine life,
terrestrial habitats, and the overall health of the planet.

Plastic pollution is pervasive, and it adversely affects marine ecosystems. The oceans
are filled with discarded plastic items, leading to the death of marine animals through
ingestion or entanglement. Additionally, plastics break down into microplastics, which
can enter the food chain, potentially impacting human health.

Several solutions can be implemented to address this environmental issue. Firstly,

there is a need for a significant reduction in the production and consumption of single-
use plastics. Governments and businesses should explore alternative, biodegradable
materials for packaging. Public awareness campaigns can educate people about the
environmental impact of plastic and encourage the use of reusable alternatives.

Effective waste management systems are crucial to prevent plastic from entering
water bodies. Recycling programs need to be improved and made more accessible to
communities. Incentives for businesses that adopt eco-friendly packaging practices
and penalties for those contributing to plastic pollution could be effective measures.

While plastic pollution is a formidable environmental challenge, concerted efforts at

individual, community, and governmental levels can bring about positive change. By
reducing our reliance on single-use plastics, improving waste management practices,

and fostering global collaboration, we can work towards a more sustainable and
plastic-free future.

Part 3:
1. What do you think are the most critical environmental issues facing the
world today?
The most critical environmental issues facing the world today include climate
change, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution, and
depletion of natural resources.
2. How can individuals contribute to addressing global environmental
Individuals can contribute to addressing global environmental problems by
adopting sustainable practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy,
supporting eco-friendly products, and raising awareness within their
3. What role should governments play in tackling global environmental
Governments play a crucial role in tackling global environmental challenges.
They should implement and enforce policies that promote sustainable
development, invest in renewable energy, regulate pollution, and participate in
international collaborations to address transboundary environmental issues.
4. How is climate change affecting the environment?
Climate change is affecting the environment through rising temperatures,
extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and disruptions to ecosystems. These
changes have widespread impacts on biodiversity, agriculture, and human
5. Can individuals make a significant impact in addressing climate change?
Yes, individuals can make a significant impact in addressing climate change
through lifestyle choices, advocacy, and supporting policies that prioritize
environmental sustainability. Collective individual actions contribute to a
broader positive impact.

6. What actions can governments take to mitigate the effects of climate
Governments can take various actions to mitigate the effects of climate change,
including setting and enforcing emission reduction targets, investing in
renewable energy infrastructure, promoting sustainable land use practices, and
participating in global agreements to address climate issues collectively.

TOPIC 22: Family tradition

Talk about a family tradition.

You should say
- What is the tradition?
- When does it occur?
- What do you do?

One cherished family tradition in my household is the annual family reunion that takes
place during the holiday season. Every year, usually around Christmas, family
members from various parts of the country gather to celebrate together. This tradition
has been passed down through generations, fostering a sense of connection and

The reunion typically begins with a festive meal where everyone contributes a dish.
It's a potluck-style feast with a diverse array of dishes, representing both traditional
family recipes and new favorites. The shared meal is a centerpiece for the celebration,
creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Following the meal, we engage in various activities that cater to all age groups. There
are games for the children, storytelling sessions where the older members share
anecdotes and wisdom, and sometimes even a talent show where family members
showcase their unique skills and talents. This diversity of activities ensures that
everyone, regardless of age, finds something enjoyable to participate in.

The exchange of gifts is also a significant part of our family tradition. We draw names
to determine who will be our "Secret Santa" for the year, adding an element of
surprise and anticipation. This not only brings joy through the act of giving and
receiving gifts but also reinforces the idea of thoughtful gestures and consideration for
one another.

What makes this tradition special is not just the celebration itself but the underlying
values of togetherness, love, and continuity that it represents. It has become a time for

strengthening family bonds, sharing experiences, and creating lasting memories. As
each year passes, the tradition evolves, incorporating new members and adjusting to
the changing dynamics of the family, making it a living, breathing part of our shared

Part 3:
1. Why do you think family traditions are important?
Family traditions are important as they provide a sense of continuity, stability,
and shared identity. They create a framework for family members to connect
with their heritage, values, and each other across generations.
2. Can family traditions help strengthen relationships among family
Absolutely, family traditions play a vital role in strengthening relationships
among family members. Engaging in shared activities fosters a sense of
belonging and reinforces emotional bonds, contributing to a supportive and
connected family unit.
3. How have traditional family practices changed over the years?
Traditional family practices have evolved over the years due to changing
societal norms, lifestyles, and cultural influences. There is often a shift towards
more inclusive and flexible traditions that accommodate diverse family
structures and dynamics.
4. How do these traditions influence family life and relationships?
Family traditions have a profound influence on family life and relationships by
providing a sense of predictability and shared experiences. They contribute to a
positive family culture, creating lasting memories and promoting a strong sense
of unity among family members.
5. Do you think younger generations value and participate in family
traditions as much as older generations?
While the importance of family traditions remains, younger generations may
approach them differently. Cultural shifts, geographic mobility, and evolving

lifestyles can impact the extent to which younger generations value and
participate in traditional family practices.
6. Are there new traditions emerging in families today?
Indeed, new traditions are emerging in families today. These may be influenced
by contemporary trends, technology, or unique family circumstances.
Flexibility and creativity in establishing meaningful rituals contribute to the
formation of fresh traditions that resonate with modern family dynamics.

TOPIC 23: Landmark

Describe a famous landmark in your country.

You should say
- Where is it?
- How old is it?
- How does it look?

One of the most renowned landmarks in Vietnam is the Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO
World Heritage Site located in the northern part of the country. Ha Long Bay is
famous for its stunning natural beauty, featuring thousands of limestone karsts and
islets that rise dramatically from the emerald waters of the Gulf of Tonkin.

The bay covers an extensive area with around 1,600 limestone islands, many of which
are topped with thick jungle vegetation. The unique landscape has earned Ha Long
Bay its name, which translates to "Descending Dragon Bay" in Vietnamese folklore.
Legend has it that the islands were created by dragons spitting out jewels and jade to
form a barrier against invaders.

Visitors to Ha Long Bay can explore its breathtaking scenery by taking boat cruises,
kayaking through the narrow channels, and visiting some of the larger islands that
house beautiful caves and grottoes. The bay is not only known for its natural beauty
but also for its cultural and historical significance, with evidence of ancient human
presence dating back to prehistoric times.

Ha Long Bay's mesmerizing landscape, rich biodiversity, and cultural heritage make it
a must-visit destination for both domestic and international tourists. The bay's
recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site underscores its importance, and it
stands as a symbol of Vietnam's natural wonders and cultural identity.

Part 3:
1. Why do you think landmarks are important to a city or a country?

Landmarks play a crucial role in defining the identity of a city or country by
serving as iconic symbols that represent its history, culture, and values. They
often become focal points for locals and tourist attractions, contributing to a
city's overall character.
2. How can landmarks contribute to a sense of identity for a community?
Landmarks contribute to a sense of identity for a community by embodying
shared history and cultural significance. They provide a common ground for
residents, fostering a sense of pride and unity, as people identify with the
landmarks that hold sentimental and historical value.
3. How do landmarks contribute to the architectural identity of a place?
Landmarks contribute significantly to the architectural identity of a place by
showcasing distinctive styles, materials, and design elements. They often serve
as architectural masterpieces, influencing the aesthetic character of a city or
4. Are there specific architectural styles in your country?
Yes, specific architectural styles often characterize different regions or
countries. For instance, Gothic architecture in Europe, traditional pagodas in
Asia, or colonial architecture in the Americas. These styles contribute to the
cultural and historical identity of the respective areas.
5. Can landmarks be considered works of art?
Landmarks can undoubtedly be considered works of art. Architects infuse
creativity, vision, and artistic expression into their designs, turning landmarks
into aesthetically pleasing and culturally significant structures that evoke
emotions and admiration.
6. What challenges might architects face when designing new landmarks?
Architects face various challenges when designing new landmarks, including
balancing functionality with aesthetics, addressing environmental
sustainability, and meeting the diverse needs of a community. Additionally,
creating something distinctive while respecting the context of the surrounding
architecture can be a delicate balance. Budget constraints and public opinion
also play roles in shaping the final design.

TOPIC 24: Customer service

Discuss a positive experience with a customer service representative.

You should say
- When did it happen?
- What do you discuss?
- Why was it a positive experience?

One positive experience I had with a customer service representative was when I
encountered an issue with a product I had purchased online. I contacted the customer
service hotline, and I was pleasantly surprised by the representative's professionalism
and willingness to help.

The representative listened attentively to my concerns, showed empathy towards my

situation, and assured me that they would do their best to resolve the issue. They took
the time to explain the steps they would take to address my problem, providing a clear
timeline for resolution.

What stood out the most was their commitment to follow up. They promised to keep
me updated on the progress of the solution, and true to their word, I received timely
emails informing me of each step taken. This proactive communication made me feel
valued as a customer and instilled confidence that my issue was being handled with

In the end, the problem was resolved satisfactorily, and I was not only pleased with
the resolution but also with the overall customer service experience. This positive
encounter left me with a favorable impression of the company and increased my trust
in their commitment to customer satisfaction.

Part 3:
1. Why is customer service important for businesses?

Customer service is pivotal for businesses as it directly influences customer
satisfaction and loyalty. It serves as a key differentiator, impacting a company's
reputation and long-term success.
2. How can good customer service contribute to the success of a company?
Good customer service significantly contributes to a company's success by
fostering positive customer experiences. Satisfied customers are more likely to
remain loyal, recommend the business to others, and contribute to increased
sales and profitability.
3. What impact can poor customer service have on a business?
Poor customer service can have severe repercussions for a business. It may
result in customer dissatisfaction, negative word-of-mouth, and damage to the
company's reputation. This, in turn, can lead to customer attrition, impacting
revenue and hindering overall business success.
4. What qualities do you think define excellent customer service?
Excellent customer service is defined by qualities such as responsiveness,
empathy, and effective problem-solving. It involves understanding and meeting
customer needs, clear communication, and maintaining a professional and
positive demeanor, even in challenging situations.
5. How can companies ensure that their employees provide a high level of
customer service?
Companies can ensure a high level of customer service by implementing
comprehensive training programs. This includes teaching employees to
understand customer perspectives, communicate effectively, and resolve issues
efficiently. Ongoing skill development and a customer-centric organizational
culture are crucial.
6. Are there cultural differences in the expectations of good customer
Cultural differences indeed influence expectations of good customer service.
Businesses operating in diverse markets must adapt their customer service
approach to align with local cultural norms. This requires a nuanced

understanding of cultural preferences, communication styles, and expectations
to provide universally satisfactory customer experiences.

TOPIC 25: School subject

Talk about a subject you enjoyed studying in school.

You should say
- What subject was it?
- What class were you then?
- How interesting was it?

One subject that I thoroughly enjoyed studying in school was literature. Literature,
with its diverse range of genres, authors, and themes, captivated my imagination and
provided a profound understanding of the human experience.

What made literature so engaging for me was the opportunity to explore different
cultures, historical periods, and perspectives through the lens of storytelling. Whether
it was delving into the complexities of Shakespearean tragedies, deciphering the
symbolism in classic novels, or analyzing contemporary works, each piece offered a
unique insight into the intricacies of human emotions and societal dynamics.

The discussions in literature classes were particularly enriching. They encouraged

critical thinking, allowing me to express my interpretations and learn from the
perspectives of my classmates. Literature, as a subject, not only honed my analytical
skills but also fostered a deep appreciation for creativity and the power of words.

Moreover, literature provided a platform for self-expression through creative writing.

Crafting essays, poems, and short stories allowed me to explore my own voice and
develop effective communication skills.

The study of literature was more than an academic pursuit; it was a journey through
the depths of human thought and imagination. It instilled in me a lifelong love for
reading, learning, and the beauty of storytelling.

Part 3:

1. Do you think the current school curriculum adequately prepares students
for the future?
The current school curriculum, while foundational, may need adaptation to
better equip students for the rapidly changing future, incorporating essential
life skills and critical thinking.
2. Should the focus of education be on preparing students for specific
While career preparation is vital, education should also foster well-rounded
individuals, emphasizing adaptability and problem-solving skills applicable to
various fields.
3. Are there subjects that you believe should be given more or less in schools?
There could be a reevaluation of subjects, with increased emphasis on practical
skills, digital literacy, and subjects promoting creativity, alongside maintaining
a balanced foundation in traditional disciplines.
4. Is it more important for students to acquire practical skills or theoretical
Striking a balance is key; students benefit from a blend of practical skills and
theoretical knowledge, as both contribute to a comprehensive and adaptable
skill set.
5. How has technology affected the teaching and learning of school subjects?
Technology has significantly transformed education, providing access to vast
information and fostering interactive learning experiences, but it requires
careful integration to ensure equitable access.
6. Can technology enhance the educational experience in certain subjects?
Yes, technology can enhance the educational experience, particularly in
subjects like science, where simulations and virtual experiments offer practical
understanding, and in languages, with interactive tools aiding language

TOPIC 26: Wedding

Describe a memorable wedding you attended

You should say
- Where was it?
- Who was getting married?
- Why did you attend this wedding?

The most memorable wedding I attended was that of my close friend, Linh. It was a
spectacular event that took place in a picturesque garden setting, bathed in the golden
hues of the setting sun.

The ceremony itself was a blend of tradition and modernity. Linh, in her stunning
white gown, looked radiant, and the groom, Long, was equally dashing in his classic
suit. What stood out was the heartfelt exchange of vows. The couple spoke words of
deep love and commitment, and you could feel the sincerity in every promise made.

The venue was adorned with elegant decorations, from fairy lights hanging in the trees
to flower arrangements that created a dreamlike atmosphere. The attention to detail
was remarkable, reflecting the couple's personalities and style. The ambiance was
further enhanced by a live band playing soft melodies that added a touch of romance
to the air.

What made this wedding particularly memorable was the palpable sense of happiness
that enveloped everyone. Laughter, tears of joy, and heartfelt speeches created an
atmosphere of warmth and unity. It wasn't just a celebration of two people coming
together; it was a celebration of love, friendship, and the shared journey that lay
ahead. The memory of Linh and Long' wedding remains etched in my heart as a
testament to the beauty of love and the joy that accompanies the union of two souls.

Part 3:
1. How important are weddings in your culture?

Weddings hold significant cultural importance in my society, symbolizing the
union of two individuals and their families.
2. How have wedding traditions changed over the years in your country?
Over the years, wedding traditions in my country have evolved, embracing
modern influences. There's a noticeable shift towards personalized ceremonies,
departing from strictly traditional customs.
3. Are there any aspects of traditional weddings that you think should be
While embracing change, preserving certain aspects of traditional weddings is
crucial for maintaining cultural identity and values, fostering a sense of
continuity and connection.
4. How much time and effort do people typically spend planning a wedding
in your culture?
Planning a wedding in my culture demands considerable time and effort.
Couples often invest months in preparations to ensure a memorable and
culturally relevant celebration.
5. Are there professional wedding planners in your country, and are they
commonly used?
Professional wedding planners have become increasingly common in my
country, providing expertise to streamline the planning process. Many couples
opt for their services to alleviate stress and enhance the overall experience.
6. Can the financial aspects of weddings lead to stress for couples and their
The financial aspects of weddings can indeed lead to stress for couples and
their families. Striking a balance between creating a memorable event and
managing expenses is a common challenge, often necessitating careful
budgeting and financial planning.

TOPIC 27: Happy place

Describe a place where you feel relaxed and happy.

You should say
- Where is it?
- What is it like?
- How often do you go there?

A place where I feel profoundly relaxed and happy is my own home. It's not just a
physical space but a sanctuary that resonates with warmth, familiarity, and a sense of

My home is a modest yet cozy abode, filled with memories and personal touches. As I
step through the front door, I'm greeted by the comforting scent of familiar aromas
from the kitchen and the soothing ambiance of soft lighting. The walls, adorned with
cherished photographs and artwork, tell the story of our family's journey and

The living room, with its plush furniture and soft throw blankets, invites relaxation.
The gentle hum of family conversations, the occasional laughter, and the soft
background music create a harmonious atmosphere. The bookshelf, filled with
favorite novels and mementos, is a testament to the intellectual richness that defines
this space.

The kitchen, a hub of activity and culinary creativity, is another source of joy. The
aroma of homemade meals and the clinking of utensils echo the shared moments of
preparing and enjoying food together. The dining table becomes a center of
connection, where stories are shared, and bonds are strengthened.

My bedroom, with its soft linens and familiar surroundings, offers a retreat for rest
and rejuvenation. The personal artifacts and books on the nightstand provide a sense
of individual identity and comfort. As I sink into the pillows, surrounded by the
quietude of my personal space, the worries of the outside world seem to dissipate.

What makes my home truly special is not just the physical structure but the intangible
sense of security and love it provides. It's a haven where I can be myself, surrounded
by the people and things I cherish most. The walls may enclose the space, but it's the
love, laughter, and shared moments that truly make it a place where I feel not only
relaxed but genuinely happy.

Part 3:
1. Do you think everyone needs a happy place?
Yes, I believe everyone benefits from having a designated happy place,
providing a mental sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation.
2. Can a person's happy place change over time?
Absolutely, an individual's happy place is dynamic, influenced by evolving
preferences, experiences, and personal growth throughout different life stages.
3. Are there specific environments that tend to make people happier?
Research suggests that natural environments, such as parks or coastal areas,
often contribute to increased well-being. Additionally, spaces fostering positive
social interactions tend to enhance happiness.
4. How can individuals create a happy place for themselves in daily life?
To establish a daily happy place, one can integrate activities they enjoy into
their routine, surround themselves with uplifting elements, and prioritize self-
care practices like mindfulness or hobbies.
5. Can a person's home be considered their happy place?
Indeed, a person's home can serve as their primary happy place, offering
familiarity, comfort, and a personalized environment conducive to positive
6. How do personal belongings or memories play a role in creating a happy
Personal belongings and memories play a vital role in cultivating a happy
space, as they evoke positive associations and contribute to a sense of identity,
security, and joy within one's surroundings.

Các khóa học IELTS Online Cá nhân hóa tại IELTS I-Ready:

 Khóa học IELTS Mất gốc 4 kỹ năng – Pre IELTS:

 Khóa học IELTS Nền tảng 4 kỹ năng – IELTS Foundation:

 Khóa học IELTS Bứt tốc 4 kỹ năng Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – IELTS Intensive:

 Khóa học IELTS Speaking bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Speaking Acceleration:

 Khóa học IELTS Writing bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Writing Acceleration


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