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Drew Cottingham

Trusting | Growth-Oriented | Driven

Culture Map Encourage new ideas and
show teammates why they
can influence projects in
Trusting positive ways
Trust that everyone will
complete tasks to the best of
their abilities
Lead others through rough
patches and encourage

About Me
My name is Drew Cottingham and
I am a junior at the University of
Arizona. Currently, I am studying Amiable Expressive
marketing at the Eller College of
Management. As I get closer and
closer to my professional career, it
is vital to understand who I want
to be, how people perceive me,
and how I communicate with
Analytical Driver
others. The following summary
outlines primary and preliminary
data I have collected. I collected
relative data through 360-degree
feedback from my team members,
a professional reputation survey
taken by fellow coworkers, and Inner Styles Outer Styles
I completed a People Styles survey to
lastly a map of cultural and people After sending the People Survey to
determine how I communicate with
styles I convey. Being able to coworkers, they surprised me with their
others within my classes and work
collect all of the data has allowed responses and feedback. All of them
environment. After I completed the
me to analyze who I am as a advised that I was an expressive and
survey, I discovered I was an amiable assertive person when communicating.
professional and how I can build person. An amiable person is usually An expressive person is someone who is
within my future career. I see shy and not very assertive when social, energetic, and positive. Polar
myself as a trusting, growth- communicating. These results made opposite on how I conveyed myself
oriented, and driven person and sense because I perceived myself as an within a conversation. With the
want to continue constructing off anxious and private person that takes understanding from my teammates I can
time getting comfortable around use alter utilize my traits to reach others
of these three principles I abide
others. that I am a welcoming person.
Personal Perception Peer Percpetion

360 Degree Perception Anxious Poised

The adjectives that I used for myself and the
adjectives used by my peers were quite similar Involved
Competitive Oriented
with a few differences. Collectively, we agreed
that I am growth-oriented, trusting, and Trusting
driven, which are the three main adjectives I Adventurous Problem-
want people to know about myself. However, Solver
adjectives that they used for me as well were Driven
Senesitive Social
poised, involved, even-tempered, and social.
Being an amiable person, these adjectives
surprised me and seems that my peers are
able to get me out of my comfort zone and
express new personalities within myself.
Improving Myself
When looking at the venn diagram and
seeing how I see myself and how others
see me, it’s important to develop. With
valuable feedback, I want to be more
Growth- outgoing and continue being involved
Trusting Driven within my professional career and
company. Along with maintaining my
calm, trusting, and growth-oriented
mindset. These improvements can
“The biggest room in the world is room motivate myself to become an effective
for improvement.” - Helmut Schmidt and reliable employee that can
positively influence a company.

Within these clouds, there are quotes from classmates that I have worked with on projects and group assignments. Through the 360
Degree feedback surveys, they have illustrated what it’s like to work with me as a teammate. Seeing these quotes have encouraged me
to keep a positive mindset throughout all situations Along with ensuring that I exemplify leadership and trust within my professional

“Continue helping others with “Drew is a great person to

“Drew is a great teammate, he
slide design and continue to work with, he always brings
always does great work and is
support teammates inside and the energy up and show up
everyone else's cheerleader. He
outside of class.” prepared. He is supportive
is super flexible and receptive to
and thoughtful.”

After completing my professional persona executive summary and receiving vital feedback from various trusted teammates
and coworkers. I have learned it is important to understand the skill of getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Pushing
yourself to reach new heights and discover different talents can reveal pristine information about yourself.

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