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CLASS CODE: 3898/3899 SEMESTER ENROLLED: First Semester

ID NUMBER: 2212683


DATE: 12 September 2023

TIME: 8:00am - 5:00pm

ACTIVITIES: Introductory Session and Discussion with the Founder/Principal Stakeholder

On this date, we participated in a company orientation program as part of our internship
requirement. The session commenced with an introduction by Engr. Ronnie D. De Matera Jr.,
who provided an overview of the company's various departments and our potential
deployment locations. Subsequently, we proceeded to the office of Villa Preciosa Reality for a
joint orientation with the company founders. The founders presented the start of the company
and imparted valuable insights to foster both professional and personal development in our
chosen field. Finally, we received a detailed briefing on our responsibilities and duties as interns.

DATE: 14 September 2023

TIME: 8:00am - 5:00pm

ACTIVITIES: Procured Lighting Equipment for the Abalos Project

As part of our assignment for the Abalos Project, we were tasked with procuring lighting
materials from Lighthouse Lamps. During our initial project visit and observation of the
construction activities, we collaborated with the project electrician to finalize the material
selection. Subsequently, a discrepancy was identified upon delivery, necessitating the return of
one item and its replacement with the appropriate component.

DATE: 19 September 2023

TIME: 8:00am - 5:00pm

ACTIVITIES: Market price survey for construction materials

As per our assignment, we undertook market research to identify suppliers and compare prices
of tiles desired by the client for their home improvement project. We visited multiple tile stores,
ultimately locating a supplier on Marcos Highway offering the desired tiles. Subsequently, we
compiled a report summarizing the price comparisons and supplier location information.

DATE: 19 September 2023

TIME: 8:00am - 5:00pm

ACTIVITIES: Progress Report and office works

As part of our project requirements, we were tasked with conducting site visits to three ongoing
construction projects. Our objective was to evaluate the progress of construction activities and
compile comprehensive progress reports for each site. This entailed meticulous inspection and
documentation of all observable progress within each room of the projects.


I, pledge on my honor, that I have not given or received any assistance on this

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