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Places of literature in the life of children and of an adolescent

a) values

I. Definitions
II. functions of children's literature on the personal and academic values of children and
A. Provide pleasure
B. Develop emotional intelligence
C. Language development
D. Stimulate aesthetic development
E. Understand and value cultural heritage
III. Situations that affect the development of values among children and adolescents.
A. Exposure to stimulating stories and books.
a. Appreciation of good literature
b. Developing into citizens and well-rounded personalities
c. Fulfill basic emotional need
B. Dearth of reading materials
a. Depraved child with questionable values in life
C. Educational environment
IV. Factors Influencing the Values of the Child and Adolescent

I. External factors

A. Parents | Guardians
1. Functions
2. Setting
a) Home
3. How parents/guardians influence the child and adolescent?
a) Early exposure of stories or literature
b) Reading aloud to their children

B. Teachers

1. Responsibilities

2. Setting
a) School
3. How teachers influence the child and adolescent?
a) Giving books and literary pieces
b) Teaching from experiences
c) Growing Academically
d) Guiding children and adolescents for appropriate materials

C. Librarians
1. Function
2. Setting
a) Pubic Librarians, School libraries
3. How librarians influence the child and adolescent?
a) Giving access to a wide range of media
i. Books
ii. Digital resources
iii. Multimedia
b) Providing safe spaces for children and adolescent

II. Internal Factors

A. Motivations
1. Definition
2. Two types of Motivation
a) Intrinsic Motivation
b) Extrinsic Motivation
3. How motivations influence the child and adolescent?
a) Desire in learning
b) Positive behavioral choices
B. Interests
1. Definition
2. How interests influence the child and adolescent?
a) Development of attitudes and behaviors
b) Influence from relationships
C. Perspectives
1. Definition
2. How perspectives influence the child and adolescent?
a) Social Interaction
b) identity Formation
c) Decision Making
d) Values and Beliefs
V. Benefits of Literature in the Life of Children and Adolescent
a. Emotional Release
b. Reading Taste
c. Sense of fulfillment
d. Enrichment of language
e. Creative development
f. Personality development
g. Entertainment

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