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Title: My Personal Story

Objective: To introduce yourself and share a personal story with the class.
 Choose a personal story that you feel comfortable sharing with everyone.
 Write a speech that is no longer than 2-3 minutes.
 The speech should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It should include information
about yourself, such as your name, where you're from, and any interesting facts about yourself.
 The speech should also include your personal story. This could be a funny or heart-warming
anecdote, an experience that taught you a lesson, or a moment that had a big impact on your life.
 Practice your speech in front of a mirror or with a friend or family member.
 Place your camera at a suitable place and record your video. Share your video (20 MB Max.) as
an assignment, or upload the link of Google Drive.
 Be sure to make eye contact, speak clearly and confidently, and use gestures to emphasize your
Here are some possible topics for your speech:
1. My Journey with Social Media: Navigating Its Impact on My Life
2. Breaking the Silence: Sharing My Mental Health Story
3. Turning Struggles into Strengths: Lessons from My Personal Challenges
4. Leading with Heart: My Experience with Empathy in Relationships
5. Beyond Texts and Tweets: Rediscovering Face-to-Face Communication

Note: You are free to choose your topic. Don't worry if you feel nervous about public speaking.
Remember that everyone had their first time. Just take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the experience
of sharing your personal story with others!

If you have any trouble in submitting your assignment, you can send the video on WhatsApp or email
the same on

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