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Video Presentation Assignment Guide: Sociological Analysis Video


Title: Understanding [Current Health Issue] through a Sociological Lens (Get Creative!)
The goal of this assignment is for students to critically analyze a current health issue from a
sociological perspective and present their findings in a creative and engaging video format. This
assignment encourages students to apply sociological concepts, demonstrate understanding of the
social determinants of health, and communicate their insights effectively.
1. Select a Current Health Issue:
- Choose a contemporary health issue that is relevant and of interest. This could include topics such
as mental health, obesity, infectious diseases, healthcare access, or any other issue making headlines.
2. Research Sociological Concepts:
- Read your text and conduct a search to identify sociological concepts relevant to the chosen health
issue. Consider factors such as social determinants, cultural influences, structural inequalities, and the
impact of social institutions. You will be required to provide your reference list so be sure that all
claims are evidence based.
3. Develop a Script:
- Write a script for your video presentation that you can present in 5-7 minutes. Organize your
content logically, and ensure it includes an introduction, background on the health issue, sociological
analysis, and potential interventions or solutions.
4. Incorporate Multimedia Elements:
- Enhance your video with multimedia elements such as visuals, images, graphs, and charts. Ensure
that these elements complement and reinforce your sociological analysis.
5. Creativity is Key:
- Infuse creativity into your presentation. You may consider using animations, infographics, or
incorporating relevant music or sound effects. Engage your audience with a dynamic and visually
appealing video.
6. Application of Sociological Concepts:
- Clearly articulate how sociological concepts apply to the chosen health issue. Discuss how societal
structures, cultural norms, and social inequalities contribute to the problem and impact individuals or
7. Highlight Social Determinants:
- Emphasize the role of social determinants in shaping health outcomes. Discuss how factors like
socioeconomic status, education, and cultural influences contribute to disparities related to the health
8. Propose Solutions:
- Offer sociologically informed solutions or interventions. Consider how changes at the societal
level could positively impact the health issue. Encourage critical thinking and reflection on potential
avenues for improvement.
9. Keep it Concise:
- Aim for a video length of 8-10 minutes. Ensure your content is concise, focused, and well-
organized to maintain audience engagement.
10. Practice and Refine:
- Practice your presentation and seek feedback from peers or friends. Refine your script and
multimedia elements based on constructive input.
11. Submission:
- Upload your video to the designated platform as per the instructor's instructions. Ensure the
submission meets any technical requirements specified.
Assessment Criteria:
- Creativity and Engagement (20%)
- Application of Sociological Concepts (30%)
- Clarity and Structure of Presentation (20%)
- Quality of Solutions Proposed (30%)
This assignment not only assesses your understanding of sociological perspectives on health issues
but also hones your communication skills and encourages innovative expression through multimedia.
Have fun with the process and let your creativity shine!

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