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1. Media is significant because it provides us with a sense of being.

We all want to feel like we're a

part of something bigger than ourselves, which is why social media sites like Twitter and
Facebook are so popular. That you are a part of a larger community that is constantly interacting
with one another. Social media represents environments in which different social norms and
rules can be established and followed by adolescents outside of their parents' control, which can
pose additional risks if their use and consequences are not adequately discussed among family
members, as those norms can influence adolescents' decision-making processes.
2. More cheap labor for outsourcing by developed countries
3. Resources can’t be available for everyone, especially for poor countries.
4. Providing sufficient quality jobs, providing quality, affordable housing, creating opportunities for
education, learning and development. Enabling young people to be engaged and productive
citizens, ensuring the physical and mental health of the people.

5. Climate Change

What I can do: To be more efficient, I will ride a bicycle as a means of transportation to avoid polluting
the air with the fuel of the motorcycle. I will make sure to reduce my carbon footprint, proper disposal
of garbage and other stuff that can lessen pollution.


What I can do: I will be joining organizations that helps prevent deforestation and restoring Philippine
rainforests and I believe that it will mitigate global warming and it will also bring the endangered
animals back to their natural habitat.


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