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Technological University of the Philippines





My Unique Picture Album

Think about the people, places, and experiences in your life that are very special to you. This is where you get
your psychological needs met. Write two examples in each box of how you meet this particular need.

Belonging Recognition
1. A bracelet my father gave me. It cannot be 1. My first poster making contest because it
replaced, and I will tressure it for as long as I really started the eagerness and my passion for
can. art.
2. The laptop my family gave me. They have 2. My kindergarten Recognition. I look so happy
worked hard to give me this for my course so I the picture and life feel so simple yet so happy.
will treasure it dearly

Self-Esteem Safety
1. When my family tell me I can do the things 1. My mother and Father are strict yet not so
I’m having hard time at doing. strict.
2. When people important to me tell me their 2. How my parents protect me and how they
proud of me. show that they care for me.

Freedom Fun
1. Me being with the person that I love. 1. How me and my friends spends quality time
2. My parents not dictating my future or the 2. How my family get together in our house and
career I want to take. bond or go to vacations at times and enjoy

Paulo Manuel L. Macapagal, PhD, RPm, RPsy UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Page 1 of 2
1. In terms, of physical changes, describe the major changes in your body, before, during and after
• Skinny
• Short
• Pimples
• Gained height
• Gained weight
• Larger breast
• Gained curves specially on the hips
• A little less pimple
• A little bit larger breast

2. What is your opinion of the following: (Explain your position)?

1.1 Sex
Sex is not for people who are not ready for responsibilities and people who are not mature enough to
handle consequences after that fleeting moment. Sex is a union between 2 married couples and for
married couples only. That activity should be respected and can only be done when the time is right.

1.2 LGBTQI +
I do not support this community. However, I do not also judge nor discriminate against them because
they are only being true to themselves. For me, it doesn’t matter what your gender is as long as you
have a good heart. But I will also not encourage them to do certain things because a man is created for
a woman and a woman is created for a man alone.

1.3 Early pregnancy

Clearly, they did not expect a baby when having sexual intercourse and they did not consider the
possible consequences before doing such things. I’m disappointed that in today’s generation, lots of
teens who are about my age are pregnant. If they have waited a little longer, they may have
accomplished more things in life including finishing their education.

1.4 Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs

These are the most toxic substances in our society. Lots of people think it's cool but is the fuels that
burn and destroy a human’s body. Alcohol and cigarettes should be limited by the government
because millions of lives are being destroyed because of this. The war on drugs must continue but it
should be done in a proper manner with respect to the lives of the people. It doesn’t have to be a blood
bath. I just hoped that people are less exposed to these substances to have a more peaceful community.

Paulo Manuel L. Macapagal, PhD, RPm, RPsy UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Page 2 of 2

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