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AI Keynote Presentation Prompt

1. Audience Analysis:

● Objective: To gain a comprehensive understanding of your audience, ensuring

your content is tailored to their needs and background.
● Guidance:
● Have a clear idea of the demographic breakdown:
● Age Group: E.g., 30-50 year-olds.
● Gender Distribution: E.g., 80% male, 20% female.
● Understand the professional hierarchy:
● Level of Experience: Are they senior executives, managers, or
● Industry & Roles:
● Whether it's one industry or multiple, be aware.
● Know the specific roles of your audience. This helps in addressing
their unique challenges.
● Previous Training & Information:
● Engage with event organizers to understand the audience's prior
knowledge. This ensures your content isn't too basic or too
● If multiple personas are present, identify the most influential group and
tailor your content towards them.

2. Understand Audience Issues:

● Objective: To identify the major challenges, both professional and personal,

faced by the audience.
● Guidance:
● Analyze global, industry-specific, and role-specific challenges.
● Recognize personal challenges: E.g., societal events like a pandemic,
personal life changes, or major global events like the Rugby World Cup.

3. Determine Solution Needs:

● Objective: To offer relevant and immediate solutions to the audience's primary

● Guidance:
● From the challenges identified in step 2, prioritize the top three.
● Propose solutions to these challenges, ensuring they're actionable and

4. Define Desired Audience Perception:

● Objective: To guide the audience's thought process and elicit the desired
emotional and action-oriented responses.
● Guidance:
● Think: Your presentation should convey the urgency and relevance of your
● Feel: Recognize that decisions are often emotional. Select a primary
emotion you want to evoke, ensuring it aligns with your message.
● Do: Clearly communicate the desired action. Even if not explicitly stated,
this should be evident in your presentation's tone and structure.

5. Anticipate Possible Objections:

● Objective: To address potential barriers upfront, building trust and ensuring your
message isn't undermined.
● Guidance:
● Proactively address major objections. By acknowledging them, you
demonstrate understanding and empathy.
● Research is vital. While you can hypothesize potential objections, direct
engagement will provide more accurate insights.

6. Select Key Challenges and Solutions:

● Objective: To zone in on the primary challenges faced by the audience and offer
impactful solutions.
● Guidance:
● From the list of issues, pinpoint the three most significant challenges.
These major challenges often encompass or relate to the smaller ones.
● Propose three solutions that are timely and beneficial. These solutions
should offer immediate value, addressing the challenges most effectively.

7. Address and Flip the Main Objections:

● Objective: To confront the audience's primary reservations directly and use them
to reinforce your message.
● Guidance:
● Identify the primary objection from your audience.
● Transform this objection into your presentation's theme, creating an
"anchor phrase." This phrase serves as a memorable representation of
your entire message and helps overcome the objection.
● Examples of powerful anchor phrases include:
● Barack Obama: "Yes, we can" – representing a positive change
● Donald Trump: "Make America great again" – addressing the
sentiment that America needs to regain its greatness.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Keynote Presentation:

1. Invitation (Opening Theme):

● Objective: Set the tone and capture the audience's attention from the start.
● Guidance:
● Begin with a personal story that acts as a metaphor to address their
primary objection and introduce the presentation's theme.
● Alternatively, consider starting with:
● A surprising fact
● A recent newsworthy article
● A poignant quote
● A thought-provoking question
● A "yes set" series of relatable questions

2. Impressed: (Praise) Your Audience:

● Objective: Acknowledge and validate your audience to establish rapport.

● Guidance:
● Address various personality types, ensuring everyone feels acknowledged:
● Thinkers: Highlight the value of their time.
● Persisters: Recognise their strong opinions, values, and encourage
● Harmonisers: Praise their people-focused nature.
● Rebels: Emphasise the fun aspect.
● Imaginers: Acknowledge their reflective nature and provide means
for questions.
● Promoters: Discuss monetary, status, or reward benefits.

3. Imagine (Vision Setting):

● Objective: Paint a vivid picture of the potential benefits they'll gain.

● Guidance:
● Describe a future scenario where they've applied the forthcoming
knowledge, showcasing the positive transformation.

4. Intro (Presenter Introduction):

● Objective: Establish credibility and purpose.
● Guidance:
● Briefly introduce yourself and your organisation.
● State your mission to help them achieve the aforementioned dream

5. Issues (Challenges Addressed):

● Objective: Highlight and empathise with the audience's main challenges.

● Guidance:
● Briefly touch upon the top three challenges they face, ensuring they
resonate with these issues.

6. Index (Agenda Setting):

● Objective: Outline the presentation's roadmap.

● Guidance:
● Detail the three solutions you'll delve into, providing a clear path to nullify
their challenges.

7. Indicate Expertise:

● Objective: Build trust and establish authority.

● Guidance:
● Share your experiences and realisations.
● Emphasise your dedication to aiding others through your career.

8. Information (Content Delivery) 80% of presentation here:

● Objective: Impart valuable knowledge to tackle challenges.

● Guidance:
● Spend the majority of the presentation on this step.
● Address the three challenges and their solutions using the "PISS" format:
● Problem: Identify the issue.
● Impact: Highlight the effects.
● Solution: Offer a way to tackle it.
● Story & Tip: Provide a relevant narrative and an actionable tip.

9. Identify (Summary):

● Objective: Recap the main points for clarity.

● Guidance:
● Summarise challenges, discussions, and actionable tips, ensuring
10. Interest (Engagement):

● Objective: Encourage further interaction post-presentation.

● Guidance:
● Offer ways the audience can engage with you for deeper insights or

11. Implicate Ideal (Closing Vision):

● Objective: Reinforce the positive transformation they can achieve.

● Guidance:
● Reiterate the "Imagine" scenario, focusing on the long-term benefits of
applying the knowledge shared.

Keynote Presentation Slide Structure:

Invitation (Opening Theme):

● Slides: 1
● Title: "The Invitation"
● Content: Begin with a personal story or another engaging method to
introduce the presentation's theme.
Praise Your Audience:
● Slides: 1
● Title: "Acknowledging You"
● Content: Address and validate the audience, touching on various
personality types.
Imagine (Vision Setting):
● Slides: 1
● Title: "Envisioning the Future"
● Content: Paint a vivid scenario showcasing the potential transformation.
Intro (Presenter Introduction):
● Slides: 1
● Title: "About Me"
● Content: Brief introduction about the presenter and their mission.
Issues (Challenges Addressed):
● Slides: 1
● Title: "Understanding the Challenges"
● Content: Highlight the audience's primary challenges.
Index (Agenda Setting):
● Slides: 1
● Title: "Today's Roadmap"
● Content: Outline the solutions and topics that will be covered.
Indicate Expertise:
● Slides: 1
● Title: "My Expertise"
● Content: Share experiences and realisations, establishing authority.
Information (Content Delivery):
● Slides: 9 (3 slides per challenge-solution pair)
● Titles:
● "Solution 1: [Challenge Name] - Problem"
● "Solution 1: [Challenge Name] - Impact"
● "Solution 1: [Challenge Name] - Solution & Tips"
● Repeat for Solution 2 and 3.
● Content: For each challenge, delve into the problem, its impact, and
provide a solution and actionable tip.
Identify (Summary):
● Slides: 1
● Title: "Recap & Key Takeaways"
● Content: Summarise main points and solutions discussed.
Interest (Engagement):
● Slides: 1
● Title: "Stay Connected"
● Content: Encourage further interaction and provide means of contact.
Implicate Ideal (Closing Vision):
● Slides: 1
● Title: "Realising the Ideal"
● Content: Reiterate the vision and potential positive outcomes.

**Audience Analysis Questions:**

1. How many people are expected in your audience?

2. Which industries do they represent?

3. What specific companies or organisations might be present?

4. Can you estimate the gender distribution (e.g., 60% male, 40% female)?

5. What is the age range of the attendees (e.g., 25-40)?

6. Which specific roles or job titles are predominant in your audience?

7. Where do they typically go on holidays?

8. What hobbies are common among them?

9. Do a majority of them have kids?

10. Can you identify any common pressures or challenges they might be under outside
of work?

11. Is there any specific cultural or regional nuance to be aware of?

**Understanding the Audience's Issues:**

12. What are the broad global challenges that might affect them?

13. Are there any industry-specific challenges they face?

14. Within their specific companies or roles, what obstacles do they frequently

15. Are there any challenges related to your presentation topic that they might be
dealing with?

16. On a personal level, what stresses or pressures can you identify that might influence
their perspective?

**Audience Perception and Objections:**

17. What are the common objections or reservations they might have towards adopting
the products, services, or philosophies you'll present?

18. Are there any misconceptions or myths you need to address?

19. Do you know of any past experiences they've had that might shape their current

**Challenges & Solutions Focus:**

20. What are the immediate challenges they are facing that require urgent solutions?
21. Are there any long-term challenges you foresee for them?

22. What are the top three challenges you aim to address in your presentation?

23. Can you list potential solutions for each of these challenges?

**Main Objection Handling:**

24. What is the primary objection you anticipate from your audience?

25. How do you plan to address this objection head-on?

26. Can you provide examples or case studies that counteract this objection?

27. Are there any testimonials or success stories you can share to build trust?

**Deck Specifics:**

28. How do you envision the layout of your slides? (e.g., one key idea per slide)

29. Are there specific images, graphics, or visuals you want to incorporate?

30. Can you list the key points or takeaways for each slide?

31. How do you plan to ensure clarity and avoid information overload on your slides?

**Overall Presentation Goal:**

32. What is the primary emotional goal of your presentation? (e.g., inspire, motivate,

33. How do you want your audience to feel by the end of your presentation?

34. What actions do you hope they'll take post-presentation?

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