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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Quezon City
Physical Education Department

Name: Zabat, Marc Yen A. Instructor’s name: Ma’am Odias

Year& Section: 2nd - ARCH22SB3 Schedule: Wednesday 1:30-3:30 pm


Date(s) Resting Physical Activity Maximal No. of minutes spent per Reflection for the
heart (PA) heart rate Intensity Level week
rate (MHR) (Target: 150 minutes per week)
(RHR) after Low Moderate High
major PA
Day 1: 86 bpm Walking 112 bpm 30
03/24/2024 minutes
I am getting more used to
Day 2: 89 bpm Jogging 124 bpm 30
increased levels of physical
03/25/2024 minutes
activity, and I feel more
Day 3: 85 bpm Exercise 132 bpm 25
energized than last week.
03/26/2024 minutes
Day 4: 84 bpm Walking 117 bpm 45minutes
Day 5: 81 bpm Exercise 131 bpm 15
03/28/2024 minutes
Day 6: 88 bpm Walking 115 bpm 30
03/29/2024 minutes
Day 7: 81 bpm Jogging 128 bpm 45
03/30/2024 minutes

Total no. of minutes spent in a week: 220 minutes


Date(s) Breakfast Lunch Dinner Reflection for the


Day 1: 03/14/2024 Coffee, Fried tilapia, tomato Ginataang This week, I managed to eat a lot
pandesal with and egg soup, rice, kalabasa, rice, healthier, incorporating more veggies into
egg water water my diet. I noticed I’ve been more
Day 2: 03/25/2024 Quaker oats, Chicken fillet, rice, Barbecue, rice, energized this week.
banana, milk water water
Day 3: 03/26/2024 Sinangag, Pork sinigang, rice, Fried tilapia,
corned beef, water sweet potato
egg, coffee leaves with soy
sauce, rice, water
Day 4: 03/27/2024 Rice, hotdog, Beef steak, rice, Roasted chicken,
egg, coffee water mixed veggies,
rice, water
Day 5: 03/28/2024 Pancakes, Giniling with mixed Ensaladang
sausage, veggies, rice, water talong, porkchop,
coffee rice, water
Day 6: 03/29/2024 Pandesal, Ginisang munggo, Beef nilaga, rice,
tuna omelet, rice, water water
Day 7: 03/30/2024 Milk, whole Seafood chopsuey, Chicken curry,
wheat cereal, porkchop, water rice, water
“I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this assignment and that
this work is my own”
STUDENT’S SIGNATURE: _______________________ DATE: March 30, 2024

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