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[The teacher stands at the front of the room, a projector displaying the words "National Service
Training Program."] FOCUS THE CAM TO TEACHER


The National Service Training Program embodies our college's commitment to service, citizenship, and
community engagement. It's not just about academic excellence; it's about fostering a spirit of
empathy, responsibility, and leadership among our students.

[The screen behind THE TEACHERS lights up, displaying images of students participating in various
community service activities.]

Through this program, you will have the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of
others. Whether it's through volunteering, service-learning projects, or disaster preparedness training,
you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to be active agents of positive change.

[The screen behind THE TEACHERS lights up, displaying images of students participating in various
community service activities.]

But the National Service Training Program is about more than just individual growth; it's about
fostering a sense of unity and solidarity within our college community. Together, we can leverage our
collective efforts to address pressing social issues and build a more inclusive and resilient society.


[BLOCK OFF THEN opens with the teacher standing in front of a classroom PERO MAY MGA STUDENTS
NA, facing the camera.]


Hello, ICCTnians! Today, I'm excited to talk to you about a program that goes beyond traditional
academics and truly makes a difference - the National Service Training Program, or NSTP. Let's explore
how NSTP benefits not just students, but also teachers, our school, and the wider community.


[SCENE 1: Benefits to Students]

[The video transitions to various scenes showcasing students engaged in NSTP activities.]

TEACHER (voice-over):

Firstly, let's talk about the benefits to our students. [insert students sharing experience about their nstp
(3 stduents)] NSTP offers hands-on experiences that develop essential life skills like leadership,
teamwork, and problem-solving. It provides opportunities for personal growth and helps students gain a
deeper understanding of societal issues.


[SCENE 2: Benefits to Teachers]

[The camera focuses on the teacher as they speak directly to the camera.]

As educators, NSTP enriches our teaching experience. We get to see our students apply what they've
learned in the classroom to real-life situations. [ insert teacher – short testimony about his/her
experience in teahceing nstp (2 teachers)] It fosters a deeper connection between theory and practice
and allows us to witness the growth and development of our students firsthand.


[SCENE 3: Benefits to the School]

[Images of the school campus and students engaging in NSTP activities are shown.]

TEACHER (voice-over):

For our school, NSTP strengthens our commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.
It enhances our reputation as an institution that produces socially-conscious graduates who are ready to
make a positive impact in the world.


[SCENE 4: Benefits to the Community]

[The video shifts to scenes of students participating in community service projects.]

TEACHER (voice-over):

And finally, NSTP has a profound impact on the community. Through service projects, our students
become agents of positive change, addressing local needs and fostering unity and solidarity within the


[SCENE 4: Conclusion]

[papakita ang lahat ng pictuces ng mabilisan lang]

NSTP is an opportunity for all of us to make a meaningful impact in the world. I encourage each of
you to embrace this program with enthusiasm and dedication. Together, let's make a difference and
create a brighter future for everyone.


HELLO AGAIN, everyone! I hope you found that video informative and insightful about
the NSTP program. Now, let's engage in a little interactive session. I'll be asking you some
questions related to what you've just watched. Please take out a scratch paper and pen.
Write down your answers for each question, and after each question, we'll review the
correct answer together. Are you ready? Let's get started!

[The teacher returns to face the camera.]

What does NSTP stand for?

a) National Service Training Program

b) National Student Training Program

c) National Skill Training Program

d) National Social Training Program

Answer: a) National Service Training Program

What is the main focus of NSTP?

a) Academic excellence

b) Community engagement and service

c) Sports training

d) Career development

Answer: b) Community engagement and service

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of NSTP to students?

a) Leadership development

b) Academic specialization

c) Teamwork skills

d) Social responsibility

Answer: b) Academic specialization

How does NSTP benefit teachers?

a) By providing additional teaching resources

b) By offering professional development opportunities

c) By reducing their workload

d) By increasing their salaries

Now, let's see if your answer is correct.

Answer: b) By offering professional development opportunities

In what ways does NSTP strengthen the school's commitment to social responsibility?

a) By providing financial support to students

b) By organizing cultural events

c) By engaging students in community service projects

d) By focusing solely on academic achievement

Answer: c) By engaging students in community service projects

What is the primary goal of NSTP in relation to the community?

a) To create employment opportunities

b) To foster unity and solidarity

c) To generate revenue for the college

d) To promote international relations

Answer: b) To foster unity and solidarity

Which of the following is NOT a component of the NSTP curriculum?

a) Classroom lectures

b) Internships

c) Community service

d) Social media marketing

Great job, everyone! Let's move on to the next question.

Answer: d) Social media marketing

How can students get involved in NSTP activities?

a) By paying a fee

b) By volunteering

c) By attending workshops

d) By taking online courses

Answer: b) By volunteering
What role do students play in NSTP service projects?

a) Observers

b) Participants

c) Spectators

d) Critics

Answer: b) Participants

Which aspect of NSTP are you most excited about?

a) Developing essential life skills

b) Making a positive impact in the community

c) Engaging in hands-on experiences outside the classroom

d) Strengthening the school's commitment to social responsibility

Answer: b) Making a positive impact in the community


TEACHER: Well done, everyone! I'm impressed by your engagement and understanding
of the NSTP program. Remember, the National Service Training Program isn't just about
learning—it's about taking action and making a positive impact in our communities.
Keep that spirit alive as you continue your academic journey.


TEACHER: Thank you for participating in today's activity. I encourage you to keep
exploring opportunities for service and growth, both inside and outside the classroom.
Together, let's strive to be active citizens and agents of change. Until next time, keep
learning, keep serving, and keep making a difference. Goodbye for now!


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