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The line graphic shows passenger activities who use the metro from monday to friday in Toronto in

July 2007.

Overall, people mostly used the metro in the morning and evening time. At least one hundred people
used the metro during the day, therefore, It fluctuated and an average of two hundred people used
it. The line picked up twice at different times.

Firstly, one hundred people used the beginning of the day at 6 am, it increased to four hundred and
picked up at 8 am. However, it started to decrease after 8 am around two hundred people, and
around noon stayed stable.

On the other hand, after 2 pm, it decreased to one hundred people at 4 pm, it started to increase to
four hundred people at 6 pm. Mostly, people used the metro in the morning and evening time, they
did not prefer to use 10 am to 4 pm.

Schools concentrate far too much on traditional subjects which do not adequately prepare
students for the realistic demands of the modern working world. Do you agree or disagree?

Schools focused on teaching students old learning stuff instead of preparing them for real life and
showing the modern world. I completely agree with the given idea. Schools should give pratic
subjects and prepare pupils for a hard future. They will learn how to deal with issues.

To begin with, the Education system is supported by the government. They have prepared a topic
with a bunch of teachers and mixed the most important topics from their experiences not including
what is crucial for students in real life. In addition, these teachers prepare exams for the end of the
year. However, school exams do not practice part and focus only on memorable numbers and
verifies. Students probably will forget these topics after only one week because they have many
lessons which have a hard exam.

On the other hand, students have competitive exams at schools. Parents started to complain about
student depression and stressful school life. Moreover, pupils spend most of their time at home
preparing for the exam after school and they do not have free time for playing a game because they
have a hard exam every couple of months. Teachers, could give more flexible lessons and give an
example from life. For example, they are not supposed to learn everything from books and they can
do plant lessons near the forest. This method is more effective than sitting in a classroom and
reading from books and will help students learn easily instead of studying at home for many hours.

In conclusion, teachers should understand remembering numbers is not important for long-term
learning. If they change teach style, students will be happy and more active at school. After school,
students will use a variety of knowledge in real life that they already learned at school,

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