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The process of ejecting semen from the male

reproductory tract is known as ejaculation.
2. Sperm and seminal plasma are expelled from
the male reproductive system during
3. Sperm exits the testis and enters the vas
deferens before passing into the urethra and
4. The seminal vesicle and prostate gland
secretions nourish the sperms while also
facilitating their movement.
5. The path of sperm during ejaculation is as
follows: the sperm travels from the testes to the
epididymis, then to the vas deferens, then to the
The sperm pathway begins in the
testicles, then to the epididymis,
vas deferens, ejaculatory duct,
and then the urethra. Upon
leaving the epididymis, sperm
mixes with fluids released by the
prostate and seminal vescicles.

The sperm enters the female body

through the vagina. From the
vagina, it enters the uterus through
the cervix. From the uterus, the
sperm enter the fallopian tube

where the ovum released by the

ovary will fuse with one of the
sperm resulting in fertilizations.
Sperm are haploid; they contain
one set of 23 chromosomes.
They are created by the cellular
division process known as
meiosis, which creates 4 sperm
from a single germ cell. They're
also very small, only about 50µm
long. Sperm are ejaculated in
semen, a basic fluid with a pH of
about 7.4.
(embryologist). As mentioned
above, they must first pass through
the male reproductive tract and
then, after ejaculation, through the
female reproductive tract. In the
first part of the journey, they leave
the testicle and pass through the
epididymis, the vas deferens and
the urethra.
Sperm are haploid; they contain
one set of 23 chromosomes.
They are created by the cellular
division process known as
meiosis, which creates 4 sperm
from a single germ cell. They're
also very small, only about 50µm
long. Sperm are ejaculated in
semen, a basic fluid with a pH of
about 7.4.
Sperm cells pass through
a series of ducts to reach
the outside of the body.
After they leave the testes,
the sperm passes through
the epididymis, ductus
deferens, ejaculatory duct,
and urethra.
The sperm move into the
epididymis, where they complete
their development. The sperm then
move to the vas deferens (VAS
DEF-uh-runz), or sperm duct. The
seminal vesicles and prostate
gland make a whitish fluid called
seminal fluid, which mixes with
sperm to form semen when a male
is sexually stimulated.
Sperm then travels through the
deferent duct through up the
spermatic cord into the pelvic cavity,
over the ureter to the prostate
behind the bladder. Here, the vas
deferens joins with the seminal
vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct,
which passes through the prostate
and empties into the urethra.
Sperm production in the testes
takes place in coiled structures
called seminiferous tubules.
Along the top of each testicle is
the epididymis. This is a
cordlike structure where the
sperm mature and are stored.
The release process starts
when the penis fills with blood
and becomes erect.
Nickson Mamaradlo
Harvy Mangundayao
Jeremy Ferer Baniqued
Jesus Jr Garci
Jored Denver Bacton
Kevin Ryan Dasalla
Raven Art Madrid
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