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I have the sign up form ready for you now à https://forms.


It’s got shift details and touches on the various roles volunteers can get assigned.
Because this will be a ticketed event volunteers will help with redeeming tickets at entry,
Event ambassadors will be roaming around the festival as a ‘general hand’, and stage
assistants will mostly help backstage to make the event run smoothly, craft assistants
will be stationed at the traditional crafts zone and will help it run smoothly and assist
attendees with making their crafts.

loggers/Vloggers/Photographers/Social media users – more the merrier would be great please! I

will check in with Major Events to see if there is any special access we can get NZCSA

members who want to shoot . It’d also be great for you guys to do a livestream/video – please
let me know if you need anything from us to be able to do this.

1. Volunteers – We will email you by COB this Friday with specs of what the volunteer role entails,
with a link to a sign up form. Please note that volunteers must be police vetted, which they will
have to attach a photo copy of to the form. I understand all international students are police
vetted and most domestic students are too, apologies students who are not vetted won’t be
able to volunteer this year. All interested students must apply be the 12th of February.
2. NZCSA Branding – Apologies for this change but general volunteers won’t be able to wear
NZCSA shirts as they need to be recognized by the public as volunteers of the event. They will be
given Lantern Festival shirts to wear. Please let me know if you have a pull up banner (branding
that’s mobile) which you’d be able to put up at the event.
3. NZCSA Live stream – Please let me know what your set-up will look like. I think the best way to
do this is to have x1-2 “mc’s” that roam around to chat with volunteers and show off the event
through the day. (Content creators don’t have to be police vetted AND they can wear NZCSA
4. Content Creators – We’d like as many as you can find, creators in all forms of content from
video to blogs to photos etc! There’s not much to see backstage so Major Events have suggested
some highlight times that would be great to capture e.g. fireworks, opening ceremony etc – I
will let you know details of these in a few weeks. Please note that these people DO NOT need
to be police vetted and are more than welcome to wear NZCSA shirts. Can you please let me
know in a few weeks the people who will be capturing content at the festival? I will do my best
to help co-ordinate and highlight good times/place to shoot.
5. Happy Chinese New Year Video – Utilizing ‘Gong Xi Fa Cai’ as the creative flair we’re going
to produce a 15-30second video in vertical, horizontal & 1:1 frames. This video will highlight
what Chinese New Year is, what Gong Xi Fa Cai means, celebrate Auckland’s vibrant
multiculturism and highlight NZCSA’s involvement in Lantern Festival 2020. We will need x2
talent from your member base who would be great on camera, we’re planning on having them
explain what CNY is and what Gong Xi Fa Cai means then fold in B-roll of the festival which will
be a mix of what our videographers and your videographers take. I’m working with my internal
team now to flesh out a media plan, but we’d like this video to go viral.
For volunteers they will get:
 Volunteering and networking experience
 Volunteer certificate
 Meal vouchers

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