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P: Hi, How is going? What makes you look so tired in such a nice café? What’s wrong ?
T: I’ve just read about Wife kidnapping from a minor ethnic area and been thinking about
it? That does it even mean, I’m kinda hazy about it
P: That’s a custom of Hmong people who live in mountainous area of Viet Nam
T: really, sounds so mysterious. Do they just kidnap a young woman on the street?
P: Not really, the man will take a girl to his house for 3 days. After 3 days, it the girl
accept, they will marry each other. But if the girl doesn’t accept, the man has to let her go
T: Oh I see, How long has this custom been existing?
P: To be honest, It’s hard to say. This custom has been existing for such a long time that
no one can remember exactly when it started
T: Actually, it really gives me mixed feelings.
P: So what do you think? Do you think it is a harmful culture practice?
T: Not really, but I do concern about it. It’s just a blurred lines between custom and
harmful culture practice. I think it is a interesting custom as long as they practice it the
right way
P: What do you mean by that?
T: From the articles I’ve just read, some bad people from other regions did such some
bad things to Hmong girls in the name of wife kidnapping
P: Oh really?
T: Yes, I/m afraid that the issue to this custom is not the extinction as usual, it’s more
about the disguise, people keep practice it wrong way intentionally
H: That’s really horrible, I can’t agree more with you
T: Oh I have to go now, see you later
P: Good bye!

T: Hey, Mrs Hang, long time no see

H: Oh hi there, how is going
T: I’m good, is today your day off
H: No, I’m working from home. I’m processing payment for my customer so have to
come to the office. Don’t you have to meet customer or go to the bank?
H: Just a laptop is enough, because my company has our own system of online payment.
Do you know about it?
T: I think they use IT to create an algorithm using information of customer, bank and also
company to process payment
H: I don’t know whether it’s wrong or right. For me, science is always hard to understand
although I apply it everyday
T: Thanks to science, life becomes easier. I like the usage of science. However, the
abtraction of science is the thing I hate about it
H: I’m with you on that. Is your work related to science?
T: Yes, ofc, nowadays all majors need the appliance of science. Although how they
create the app is really hard to understand, they make the app really user – friendly.
Therefore, I don’t find it hard to apply science into my job
H: That’s good for you. I have to call my clients, I’ll call you back later
T: Bye, see you later

P: Hi, long time no see, how’s going?

T: Tbh, I’m a bit tired of this hot weather. I remember that it wasn’t this hot back in the
P: yeah, I think so. It was just about 33 celcius in the summer 10 years ago. However it is
almost 40*C nowadays and I cant stand it.
T: I supposed it’s because of the global warming. Do you think so?
P: I can’t agree more. It is such a thorny problem
T: It’s the consequence of the rapid growth of buildings without awareness of improving
nature environment
P: In addition, overusing of electricity is also a cause
T;As my health is affected by this hot weather, I started to concern about environment
issue now. Are you worried about it as I am?
P: Yes, absolutely . It directly affects my family’s health. Do you have any action to
protect environment?
T: I tend to reduce the amount of electricity and water that I use because the action of
power generation is said to harm the environment. Also, I am trying to plant more trees
and financially support some planting tree projects. I think you should try too
P: I am reducing time of using air conditioner too. Can you suggest me some
organization that has project of planting trees?
T: Let’s try our best to prevent this problems
P: Oh! It is late now, I have to pick up my kids, see you later
T: Good bye, see you next time

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