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Name: Muhammad Faza Rifda

NIM: 23101050041
Task Factual Writing
1. The definition and function of procedure text.
a. What is a procedure text?
Procedure text is a type of text that is written to explain how to do
something. It’s a step-by-step explanation of a process or a set of
instructions for completing a specific task.
b. Function
Procedure text is used in many contexts, such as manuals, recipes,
scientific experiments, or instructions for assembling products.
2. The structure of procedure text.
a. What is the structure of a procedure text?
a) Goal
The goal is the starting point of a procedure text. It sets the stage by
providing a clear statement of what the reader is trying to achieve by
following the instructions. It gives context and purpose, helping the
reader to understand why they are undertaking the task.
b) Materials or ingredients
This section provides a comprehensive list of everything needed to
carry out the task. It ensures that the reader has everything at hand
before starting.
 Materials: This could include tools, equipment, or other
supplies. For example, if you’re assembling a piece of furniture,
this section would list all the required parts and tools like
screws, nails, a hammer, etc.
 Ingredients: In a cooking context, this refers to all the food items
and quantities needed to prepare a dish. It’s like a shopping list
for your recipe, ensuring you have everything you need to start
The Materials/Ingredients section is essential for preparation and
helps ensure that the procedure goes smoothly from start to finish.
c) Steps
The Steps are the heart of a procedure text. This section provides a
detailed, step-by-step guide on how to achieve the aim or goal. It
breaks down the task into manageable parts, often in a chronological
or logical order.
Each step is usually written in a clear and concise manner, using
imperative language (commands). It’s vital that these steps are easy to
understand and follow, as any ambiguity or complexity can lead to
confusion or mistakes.
3. Common grammar feature of procedure text.
What are the common language features of a procedure text?
a. Simple present tense
The simple present tense in a procedure text makes the action
immediate and relevant. It’s as if the procedure is happening right
now, in real time, guiding the reader as they perform the task.
 Pour the water into the glass
 Mix the ingredients until well combined
b. Imperative sentences
Imperative sentences are command forms that tell someone to do
something. They are direct and to the point, which is essential in
 Knead the dough until smooth, then cover and let it rest for 30
 Apply the paint evenly across the canvas, using broad strokes
for a textured effect
c. Connectives
Connectives (or conjunctions) are words or phrases that link different
parts of a text. They can show the order of steps, the relationship
between different parts, or add additional information.
Examples of connectives in procedure texts include words like then,
next, after that, before, or finally. These words help guide the reader
through the process in a logical and coherent way.
 First, wash the rice; then, soak it for 20 minutes
 Measure the ingredients carefully. After that, mix them in a bowl
d. Adverbs
Adverbs can provide additional detail about how an action is to be
performed, adding precision and clarity to the instructions. They can
describe how, when, where, or to what extent something is done.
 Slowly add water to the flour, stirring constantly
 Thoroughly wash the vegetables to remove any dirt or pesticides
The adverbs ‘slowly’ and ‘thoroughly’ in these examples add nuance
to the action, guiding the reader on how exactly to perform the task.
4. Two examples of procedure text with the analysis of their text
Example 1
How to Make Scrambled Eggs => Aim/ Goal
Ingredients: => materials
1. 2 eggs
2. Milk
3. 1 teaspoon of butter
4. A pinch of salt and water
Steps: => steps
1. First, crack the eggs into a small bowl and add a pinch of salt
and pepper. Whisk until all is well blended.
2. In a frying pan, add butter and let it melt.
3. Pour in the eggs and milk, and wait for around 20 seconds, do
not stir it.
4. After that, fold the eggs to the center and stir it with a spatula.
5. Repeat the previous step until all the eggs are mostly cooked.
6. Remove the eggs from the heat, and continue to fold and stir the
eggs for around a minute.
7. Last, lift the eggs, and put them on a serving plate. Your
scrambled eggs are ready.
Example 2
How to Schedule Zoom Meeting for an Online Class => Aim/
Tools: => Materials
1. PC/Mobile Phone
2. Zoom Application
3. Internet
Instructions: => steps
1. First, open your Zoom App on your PC/Phone
2. Second, click home menu at the top left
3. Then, click schedule
4. Enter relevant details, like time,date, topic and etc.
5. Next, pick your calender of choice
6. Last, share the link to the students

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