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Óraterv – Ambition (Jobs)

A tanárjelölt neve: Szőcs Gábor
Mentortanár: Illés Bence
Műveltségi terület: Élő idegen nyelv
Tantárgy: Angol nyelv
Osztály: 7/G
Az óra témája: The field of jobs 3, Practice of the vocabulary
Az óra cél- és feladatrendszere
a) Fejlesztendő attitűdök: munkahely értékelése munkavállalóként; véleményformálás a
tanulók számára fontos szempontok alapján; munkahelyek előnyeinek és hátrányainak
b) Készségek és képességek fejlesztése: hallott szövegértési stratégiák (globális és részletes
hallás utáni szövegértés), szóbeli szövegalkotás (véleménykifejtés), memóriafejlesztés
c) Tanítandó ismeretek: szókincs (fontosabb, ismertebb munkák nevei angolul)
d) Nyelvi szint: KER szerinti B1 szintű szókincsbővítés, B1 szintű készség- és
Az óra didaktikai feladatai
a) az előző órán tanultak felfrissítése: szókincsgyakorlás
b) ismeretbővítés: szókincsbővítés
c, képességfejlesztés: hallásutáni- és szóbeli készségek fejlesztése
Tantárgyi kapcsolatok
Társadalmi, állampolgári és gazdasági ismeretek: a munkavállalói szerep; Életvitel és
gyakorlat: pályaorientáció és a munka világa
Felhasznált források
Solutions 3rd Edition. Pre-Intermediate audio: Student’s book. (letöltés ideje: 2024.03.09.)
Dátum: 2024.03.12. 11:15-12:00
time phase aim activity form materials
The teacher welcomes the group and tell them that
they are going to play a game. Everybody must stand
up and pay attention to the teacher. The teacher will
choose a student, and the chosen one will choose
another student. They will be each other’s opponent.
to set the mood in the
Introduction – The teacher will read out loud a definition regarding
classroom, to make sure questions from
10 Elimination the field of jobs, and the student who knows the whole group
students have learnt the the notes
game answer and says it quicklier will win. The winner can
necessary vocabulary
remain standing, and the ‘loser’ has to sit down. The
game ends when there’s just one student left standing.
The teacher tells the definitions from the workbook. +
some from his notes. The questions can be read at the
end of the lesson plan*
The teacher asks the students to open their students’
book on page 53 and look at ex. 6. The teacher asks
the students to take a look at the 4 photos. Then the
teacher asks the students to turn into their neighbours
and talk about the photos.
‘What can you see on the photos?’
Vocabulary to deepen the students’ ‘Which is your favourite?’
pair work SB p. 53 ex. 6
6 presentation, vocabulary in the field of ‘Would you like to do these jobs or not? Why? Why
whole group pen
and speaking jobs not?’
After the discussion, the teacher chooses some
students to share their thoughts about the pictures.
Then the teacher asks whether they know the meaning
of the phrases next to the pictures, or not. Then the
teacher helps the students translate all the given
The teacher asks the students to look at ex. 7 from the
SB. The students will listen to four teenagers talking
Listening for to understand the recording SB. p. 53 ex. 7
about their holiday jobs. They have to match one individual
6 specific and find the right answers for pen
adjective from exercise 5 with each speaker’s job. work
information every question Recording 2.07
1, tiring; 2, repetitive; 3, rewarding; 4, stressful

The teacher asks students to take a look at the recycle

box. Then the teacher will explain the past form again
to students and asks questions from them like:
‘How would you negate ‘I liked playing basketball’’.
‘You studied French in the secondary grammar
to ensure that students know
Grammar school’. WB, p. 53.
8 how to use the past simple whole group
revision ‘Anna visited Australia 4 years ago. Recycle box
affirmative and negative.
How would you say it in the past affirmative:
‘They didn’t do their homework.’
‘We weren’t tired on Monday morning’.
‘You didn’t feel the way I did’
The teacher asks the look at ex. 8. on page 53 in the
to understand the recording
Listening for SB. They will hear the recording once more and their
and to fill in the gaps with individual pen, SB p. 53.
5 specific exercise will be to complete the sentences with the
the correct grammatical work ex. 8
information correct verbs in the past simple affirmative or
The teacher draws the students’ attention to the last
to ensure that the students
two exercises on page 53. The main aim of it will be SB. p. 53. ex.
Speaking are able to elaborate their
6 to make students speak. First, they have to circle their pair work 10-11
exercise thoughts with the help of the
preferences in the questionnaire, then the students
questionnaire on page 53.
should share theirs with their neighbour.
4 End of the to close the lesson, and to If the students have any question, they can ask the - -
lesson, give homework for the teacher within the remaining time.
HW students HW: WB. p. 52, ex. 2, 3


1. Waiter: Someone who serves food and drinks in a restaurant or café.

2. Cleaner: A person who cleans homes, offices, or public areas.
3. Travel agent: A professional who helps people or groups plan and book flights, hotels, and tours.
4. Architect: A person who designs buildings.
5. Engineer: A professional who designs, builds, or maintains machines, structures, or systems.
6. Solicitor: A legal professional who represents people in court.
7. Receptionist: Someone who greets visitors, and answers phones at a front desk.
8. Sports coach: A person who teaches and trains people or teams in sports.
9. Sales assistant: A person who helps customers in stores.
10. Paramedic: A healthcare professional who provides emergency medical care to people in critical situations outside of a hospital.
11. Doctor: A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses and injuries.
12. Hairdresser: A person who cuts, styles, and colours hair.
13. Farmer: Someone who works with animals in a little village.
14. Pilot: Someone who flies aeroplanes.
15. Programmer: A person who creates software or applications.
16. Dentist: A healthcare professional who diagnoses and treats problems with teeth and gums.
17. Driving instructor: A person who teaches individuals how to drive safely and pass driving tests.
18. Painter: Someone who paints surfaces, such as walls.
19. Translator: A person who translates written or spoken content from one language to another.
20. Vet: A healthcare professional who treats and cares for animals.
21. Chef: A person who cooks professionally, often in restaurants or hotels.
22. Miner: Someone who uses a shovel to get minerals, or other valuable materials from the earth.

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