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Section: Grade Level:

LESSON PLAN Group No.: Learning Area:


Learning Competency
Unpacked Objective
Values Integration
A. Reviewing the previous
lesson and or presenting
the new lesson

B. Establishing the
purpose of the lesson

C. Presenting examples or
instances of the new

D. Discussing new skills

or concepts and
practicing it

E. Developing mastery of
new skill or concept

F. Finding practical
application of new skills
or concept
G. Making generalization
and abstraction about the


Prepared by:



Section: BPED Block 2 Grade Level: 8
LESSON PLAN Group No.: 3 Learning Area: PE and Health
Quarter: 2
Date: April 11, 2024
Week: 1


Learning Competency discuss the characteristics of friendships, long term commitments, marriage,
and parenting;
Unpacked Objective Identify the characteristics of friendships.

Values Integration
A. Reviewing the previous
lesson and or presenting Teaching Strategy: Picture + Word
the new lesson
Step 1: Teacher sets the rules of the group game activity.
Step 2: Teacher shows the following sets of pictures and words one at a






Step 3: Learners guess the correct answer.

Step 4: Teacher asks: Based on these words, what was our lesson last

B. Establishing the Teaching Strategy: Jigsaw Activity

purpose of the lesson.
Step 1: Instruction: The teacher will break the students into small groups.
Step 2: Each group has a picture to analyze and only allowed one
representative to share the idea of their group.





Step 3: After the discussion, the teacher will choose one representative
to share the ideas of their group.

C. Presenting examples or
instances of the new Teaching Strategy: Matching Type
Step 1: Instruction: The teacher will present the activity which students
match column A to column B.
Step 2: Teacher shows the following set of pictures.

a. a. Prioritizes
spending time

b. Offers




Step 3: The teacher will ask the students:

• What have you observed to the picture shown in column A?
• Why did you connect category “a” of column A to category “a” of column
• Why did you connect category “b” of column A to category “c” of column
• Why did you connect category “c” of column A to category “b” of column
• Why did you connect category “d” of column A to category “e” of column
• Why did you connect category “e” of column A to category “d” of column
D. Discussing new skills
or concepts and

The teacher will discuss through a PowerPoint presentation the

5 Characterisitcs of Friendship

1. Prioritizes spending time

together There’s no denying that we lead
busy lives, and that the demands
of our fast-paced lifestyle can
leave us with too little time to be
able to connect with friends.
However, true friendships are
based on the mutual desire to
share experiences and spend
quality time together.

2. Accepts you for who you are

True friends accept you the way
you are, and even encourage you
to embrace your imperfections by
bolstering your sense of self-worth
and self-confidence. They believe
in your wisdom and stand behind
your decisions, instead of pushing
you to think and act in the manner
they want you to.

3. Offers unwavering support

Real friends stay with you through
difficult situations like trauma,
setbacks, illnesses, and grief.
Contrary to fair-weathered friends
who tend to be around only when
you’re prospering in life, a real
friend is always supportive and
has got your back no matter what.

4. Encourages you to be your best

self A true friend takes interest in your
personal growth and success.
What's more, they encourage you
to unleash your fullest potential
and achieve your goals, even in
the times when you don’t fully
believe you’re capable of the

5. Is honest and trustworthy

True friendships are based on
honest communication and mutual
trust. Good friends not only listen
mindfully without judgment, but
also believe in open, positive
communication when their advice
is sought.

E. Developing mastery of
new skill or concept Teaching Strategy: “Catch Me, Read Me, Answer Me!”

Step 1: The teacher will play a song and then a ball of paper consisting
of questions will be passed randomly to the students. Once the music
stops, the student who gets the paper ball will get a piece in the paper
ball and will identify what characteristic of friendship is being asked. After
that the students then answer the guide questions that follow.

a.) There’s no denying that we lead busy lives, and that the demands of
our fast-paced lifestyle can leave us with too little time to be able to
connect with friends. However, true friendships are based on the mutual
desire to share experiences and spend quality time together.

b.) True friends accept you the way you are, and even encourage you to
embrace your imperfections by bolstering your sense of self-worth and
self-confidence. They believe in your wisdom and stand behind your
decisions, instead of pushing you to think and act in the manner they
want you to.

c.) Real friends stay with you through difficult situations like trauma,
setbacks, illnesses, and grief. Contrary to fair-weathered friends who
tend to be around only when you’re prospering in life, a real friend is
always supportive and has got your back no matter what.

d.) A true friend takes interest in your personal growth and success.
What's more, they encourage you to unleash your fullest potential and
achieve your goals, even in the times when you don’t fully believe you’re
capable of the same.

e.) True friendships are based on honest communication and mutual

trust. Good friends not only listen mindfully without judgment, but also
believe in open, positive communication when their advice is sought.

Step 2: The teacher will ask the Guide Questions.

1. Based on our activity, who can enumerate the characteristics of

2. Does finding a good friend have a good impact on your mental health?

F. Finding practical
application of new skills “Oo Na, Pinipili na Kita!”
or concept
Step 1: The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will pick 1
piece of paper that has a corresponding characteristic of friendship in it.

Step 2: After they have picked, each group must choose one
representative that will explain in front of the class on how that specific
characteristic of friendship affects one’s well-being, behavior, and
mental health.

Step 3: The teacher will have a “spin the wheel” to determine what
group will present first.


50 points 75 points 100 points

Group Through peer Through peer Through peer
Cooperation assessment, assessment, assessment,
group group group
members members members
have indicated have indicated have indicated
minimal some complete
participation participation participation
and and and
cooperation cooperation cooperation
Creativity A lack of Creativity is Creativity is
creativity is somewhat evident in the
evident in the evident in the execution of
execution of execution of ideas and use
ideas and use ideas and use of techniques.
of techniques. of techniques.
Presentation The project is The project is The project is
not cohesive somewhat cohesive or
or organize cohesive or organize
effectively. organize effectively.
The group effectively. The group
does not The group demonstrates
demonstrate a demonstrates a clear
clear a clear understanding
understanding understanding of the process
of the process of the process and product
and product and product
Completeness Includes less Includes some Includes all of
than half of of the the
the information information
information students were students were
students were asked to asked to
asked to include in the include in the
include in the project. The project. The
project. The product does product meets
product does not meet the the
not meet the assignment assignment
assignment criteria. criteria.

(8 minutes)

G. Making generalization
and abstraction about the Learning Task 3: “Let’s Try!”
Step 1: In the table below, enumerate the 5 characteristics of friendship
and how does it effect on the well-being of a person. Write it in a ½
crosswise paper.

Characteristics of Friendship Effect on Well-Being

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Step 2: The teacher will ask the guide questions pertaining to the

1. Do you think being aware of the 5 characteristics of friendship can

help you determine who are the friends that you must be close with?
2. What specific characteristic of friendship do you like the most?

(3 minutes)

Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. True friendships are based on the mutual desire to share

experiences and spend quality time together.

a. Prioritizes spending time together

b. Accepts you for who you are
c. Offers unwavering support
d. Encourages you to be your best self
e. Is honest and trustworthy

2. True friends accept you the way you are, and even encourage you
to embrace your imperfections by bolstering your sense of self-
worth and self-confidence.

a. Prioritizes spending time together

b. Accepts you for who you are
c. Offers unwavering support
d. Encourages you to be your best self
e. Is honest and trustworthy

3. Contrary to fair-weathered friends who tend to be around only

when you’re prospering in life, a real friend is always supportive and
has got your back no matter what.

a. Prioritizes spending time together

b. Accepts you for who you are
c. Offers unwavering support
d. Encourages you to be your best self
e. Is honest and trustworthy

4. True friends encourage you to unleash your fullest potential and

achieve your goals, even in the times when you don’t fully believe
you’re capable of the same.

a. Prioritizes spending time together

b. Accepts you for who you are
c. Offers unwavering support
d. Encourages you to be your best self
e. Is honest and trustworthy

5. True friendships are based on honest communication and mutual

trust. Good friends not only listen mindfully without judgment, but
also believe in open, positive communication when their advice is

a. Prioritizes spending time together

b. Accepts you for who you are
c. Offers unwavering support
d. Encourages you to be your best self
e. Is honest and trustworthy

Prepared by:

Greg Jefferson D. Cardiño

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