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“Disusun Guna Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris SD/MI”
Dosen Pengampu : Gadis Herningtyasari, M.Pd.

Disusun Oleh :

1. Arifah Nurul Aini (21106051026)

2. Haniyah Nur Sakhinah (21106051024)
3. Siti Aida (21106051087)




Praise be to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala who has given His grace and guidance so that we can
complete the assignment of the paper entitled "PARTS OF BODY" on time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the task of Mrs. Annisa Agata S.Si., M.Si in the
English course in nursing I In addition, this paper also aims to add insight into nouns for the
readers and also for writers.

We also thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that we can complete
this paper. We realize that the paper we are writing is still far from perfect. Therefore, we
will look forward to constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper

Semarang, 1 Oktober 2023

Kelompok 8


Kata Pengantar......................................................................................................................

Daftar Isi ......................................................................................................................

BAB I PENDAHULUAN.....................................................................................................
A. Latar Belakang..........................................................................................................
B. Rumusan Masalah.....................................................................................................
C. Tujuan .......................................................................................................................

BAB II PEMBAHASAN......................................................................................................
A. Pengertian Pmbelajaran Tematik.............................................................................
B. Landasan Pembelajaran Tematik.............................................................................
C. Landasan Filosofis………………………………………………………...6
D. Landasan Psikologis……………………………………………………….6
E. Landasan Yuridis…………………………...……………………………..7

BAB III PENUTUP ...........................................................................................................

Kesimpulan ....................................................................................................................

Daftar Pustaka......................................................................................................................


A. Background
After mastering English well, then we can communicate with other nations
in this world. Besides that, we will also be able to increase our insight and
knowledge for the progress of our nation and country, because we will be able to
increase our insight and knowledge for the progress of our nation and country,
because we can read English literature, listen to radio broadcasts. abroad, as well
as watching films of other knowledge There are so many rules that must be
considered in its use, especially in the field of writing. Therefore, the author tries
to present three rules of the many rules of the English language, in addition to
fulfilling the coursework, it is also intended that this short article can add to our
knowledge of the English language.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is meant by parts of body"?

2. What are the parts of the body?
3. What teaching methods do you use?
C. Tujuan Penelitian
1. To know what is meant by parts of body
2. To find out what is included in the part of the body
3. To find out what teaching methods are used


A. Understanding Parts of Body

Surely we have heard a Latin expression that reads "mens sana in
corpore sano" which means "in a healthy body there is a healthy soul". In
simple terms, the meaning of this expression is that we should take good care
of our bodies so that we are always healthy and free from disease. In addition
to these Latin expressions, there are English expressions about body parts. But
before that, knowing English vocabulary about parts of the body can be the
first step. There is a lot of English vocabulary about parts of the body, such as
the head, hands, feet, and others in English Vocabulary about body parts is
important for you to know because these are basic vocabulary in English. In
English, body parts are known as parts of the body.
B. Parts of Body

1. Head = kepala
 The human head is an anatomical unit consinting of the skull, hyoid
bone, and neck bones.
2. Hair = rambut
 For protection from external factors hair as friction buffer hair
differentiation and beauty sweat and water diversion hair.
3. Forehead = dahi
 t\The function of the forehead bone as a protector of the brain, forming
a skull protect the contents of the head where stem cells are located.
4. Eyebrows = alis
 Serve as sensitive eye protection from sweat drops that fall from the
forehead, rain, or excessive sunlight.
5. Eye = mata
 As a tool for the sense of sight As a communication tool As a function
of beauty Learn things.
6. Eyelash = bulu mata

 Protects the eyes from dust, sand and other small particles that will
enter the eyes.
7. Nerve = urat syaraf
 The function of the nervous system that you often hear is to think, see,
move to regulate the various organs of the body.
8. Eyelid = kelopak mata
 The eyelids function to close as well as protect andd guard against the
entry of foreign objects from outside the eye, such as dust smoke, sand
or debris.
9. Temple = pelipis
 Its function is to protect the frototemporal lobe and the cerebrum.
10. Ear = telinga
 The function of the car as the sense of hearing. The car functions as an
instrument of hearing if there is incoming sound which is then received
by the brain.
11. Nose = hidung
 Nose is a tool for breathing for humans The function of the nose is to
breathe, inhale air, and Smell.
12. Nostril = lubang hidung
 The nostrils are the entrance to the respiratory tract, meaning that
during breathing. air enters the body through the nostrils and exits in
the same way as when exhaling.
13. Moustache = kumis
 protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays, thereby slowing down
14. Lips = bibir
 The function of the lips is to keep food from spilling out, to feel hot
and cold food, to speak clearly, and last but not least to smile.
15. Tooth/teeth = gigi
 The function of teeth is to cut food, pronounce words clearly, and
encourage jaw growth so that the face shape becomes symmetrical.
16. Tongue = lidah

 The function of the tongue is to stir chewed food, to taste or taste food
and drink, to swallow, also to speak (control the sound and in
pronouncing words).
17. Mouth = mulut
 The mouth functions to chew food to become smoother so that it is
easily digested. It contains the accessory organs, namely the tongue,
teette and salivary glands.
18. Chech = pipi
 Checks function to perfect the shape of our face and also to keep the
food that is being chewed from spilling out of the mouth.
19. Chin = gadu
 The function of the chin is to help us deal with pressure or fight the
pressure generated when we make a chewing motion.
20. Jaw = rahang
 The jaw helps define the shape of the face It is also the place where the
upper teeth grow and form the roof of the mouth and the lower part of
the eye sockets. Thus, the jaw plays a major role in supporting the
process of chewing and speaking.
21. Beard = jenggot
 The hairs on the beard act as a filter when dust or pollutants enter It
can also make the mouth and nose area free from dift. In addition,
maintaining a beard is also able to prevent acne on the face.
22. Neck = leher
 The function of the neck in general is to connect the head and body or
function as a head support so that the head can be upright, can nod,
look and others.
23. Throat = tenggorokan
 The esophagus, which carries food to the stomach and the trachea,
which carries air to the lungs.
24. Shoulder = bahu
 The function of the shoulder is as a buffer to keep the upper limbs
away from the chest so that the arms can move more freely.

25. Arm = lengan
 The function of the arm is to form a ball joint with the lever bone and
the hinge joint with the ulna.
26. Armpit = ketiak
 The function of armpit hair is to protect the body and show the level of
27. Hnd = tangan
 The function of the hand is to grip so that the movements are carried
out precisely and this organ functions as a touch or palpation.
28. Wrist = pergelangan tangan
 Serves to assist the movement of the hands, but also serves to connect
the fingers and hands so that they can be used for normal activities.
29. Elbow = siku
 Function of the elbow: Connects the bones of the upper and forearm.
30. Finger = jari
 The functions of the finger bones are typing, writing, and grasping
food are some of the functions of the finger bones.
31. Nail = kuku
 The main function of nails is to protect the fingertips.
32. Chest = dada
 The function of the chest is to protect the organs in it namely the lungs,
heart, Iiver.
33. Breast = payudara
 The main function of the breast is for breastfeeding.
34. Stomach = perut
 The function of the stomach is to accommodate all the organs in the
digestive system.
35. Hips = pinggul
 The hip functions as a connector between the upper body and lower
body and as a support for internal organs in the abdomen (small
intestine and large intestine).
36. Waist = pinggang

 The functions of the waist include making the body stand straight,
movement, and protecting several important organs and serves as a
support for most of the body's weight.
37. Back = punggung
 The function of the back is to protect the spinal cord, which contains
many nerves, and also to support other body parts.
38. Buttocks = pantat
 The buttocks act as a cushion for the coccyx, which is the bone that
supports sitting.
39. Leg = kaki
 The foot which is one of the lower limbs helps to walk, climb, run, and
other activities.
40. Thigh = paha
 The function of the thigh is to connect the body to the hips and knees.
41. Knee = lutut
 Knee functions, namely Helping when standing, squatting, and
climbing Increases the strength to propel the body when moving.
42. Heel = lulut
 heel function to support weight, especially when walking and running.
43. Toes = jari-jari kaki
 The main function of this toc bone is to transmit pressure and body
weight to the heel.
44. Foot/feet = kaki
 The legs have the function of standing and walking to move the body
from one place to another.
45. Ankle = pergelangan kaki
 The Ankle Function Connects the Lower Arm with the Foot.
46. Skin = kulit
 Skin has a protective function in the body, which is to protect muscles,
bones, ligaments, blood vessels, nerve cells, and organs in. the body.
47. Heart = jantung

 The function of the heart is to pump blood from the heart to the lungs
and throughout t the body
48. Brain = otak
 The brain functions as the body's control center and composes the
central nervous system (CNS). This nervous system then works
together with the peripheral nervous system to give humans the ability
to carry out various activities, such as walking, talking, breathing, to
eating and drinking.
49. Blood = darah
 Blood has an important function for human health, one of which is to
supply important substances throughout the body, such as sugar,
oxygen, and hormones.
50. Lungs = paru-paru
 The function of the lungs is to exchange oxygen fromm the air for
carbon dioxide from the blood.
51. Liver = hati
 Liver function for the body is very important, ranging from destroying
toxins in the blood to aiding the digestive process.
52. Kidney = ginjal
 Another function of the kidneys is to filter and remove wastes, such as
toxins, excess salt, and urea, which is nitrogen-containing waste
resulting from protein metabolism.
53. Intestine = usus
 intestinal functions, such as absorbing fluids and vitamins, producing
antibodies and preventing infection, and forming stools.
54. Muscle = otot
 Functions as an active tool of movement because it has the ability to
contract and relax.

C. Learning Strategy
1. Cognitive theory
The theory of cognitive development was developed by Jean Piaget, a
Swiss psychologist who lived from 1896-1980. His theory provided many
of the main concepts in the field of developmental psychology and
influenced the development of the concept of intelligence, which for
Piaget, meant the ability to more accurately represent the world and
perform logical operations on representations of concepts based on reality.
This theory discusses the emergence and acquisition of schemata-schemas
of how a person perceives his environment-in stages of development,
when a person acquires new ways of mentally representing information.
This theory is classified as constructivism, which means that, unlike the
theory of nativism (which describes cognitive development as the
emergence of nate knowledge and abilities), it argues that we build our
cognitive abilities through self- motivated actions towards the
environment. For the development of this theory, Piaget received the
Erasmus Prize Piaget divided the schemas that children use to understand
their world through four main periods that correlate with and become more
sophisticated with age:
 ensorimotor period (age 0-2 years)
 Preoperational period (ages 2-7 years)
 Concrete operational period (ages 7-11 years)
 Formal operational period (11 years old to adulthood)
2. Collaborative Approach
Collaborative Problem Solving learning model is a learning method that
involves joint intellectual efforts to seek mutual understanding, solutions,
meanings, and produce a product based on mutual agreement.
Collaborative learning is learning that is carried out in groups, but the
main goal is not to achieve unity obtained through group activities, but
students in groups are encouraged to find various opinions or ideas issued
by cach individual in the group.
3. Direct method

Direct Method is derived from the word Direct which means direct. The
direct method or direct model is a way of teaching foreign language
subject matter in which the teacher directly uses the foreign language as
the language of instruction, and without using the language of the students
at all in teaching. If there are words that are difficult for students to
understand, the teacher can interpret them by using props, demonstrating,
describing and others

4. Demonstration technique

Demonstration method is a teaching method by demonstrating items,

events, rules, and sequences of carrying out an activity either directly or
through the use of teaching media that are relevant to the subject or
material being presented.


A. Conclusion


Syakur, H.M. Pembelajaran Tematik Untuk Kelas Rendah. Pesona Bahasa, n.d.
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Widyaningrum, Retno. “Model Pembelajaran Tematik Di MI/SD.” Cendekia 1,
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Assingkily, Muhammad Shaleh, M. Rofi Fauzi, Mikyal Hardiyati, and Salmadina
Saktiani. Desain Pembelajaran Tematik Integratif Jenjang MI/SD
(Dari Konversional Menuju Kontekstual Yang Fungsional).
Yogyakarta: K-Media, 2019.


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