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Class Activity

Max Bravo

Andrew Weiler

Austin Munchbach

Austin Anta

2a) The excerpt is discussing the study of rhetoric and how rhetoric can differ based on if it is being

discussed to a formal, professional audience, or if it is being discussed to more of an informal audience,

like online users on TikTok

2b) The main points in the excerpt are genre theories, publishing books, diversity, the fandoms of social

media, and impact of social media influencers.

3) The author connects The different studies in the article by using social media as an example. The

author uses specific examples of social media in the article like the popularity of influencers, the creation

of fandoms, and book communities.

4) Raghunand uses in-text citations in the excerpt. When she provided information or research she did not

conduct, she gave credit to the sources where she found the information. After paraphrasing specific ideas

from her sources, Raghunand uses the MLA in-text citation to save herself from being accused of


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