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NAMA: Moreno Bintoro

Nim : 2313000047
Quiz : B.inggris

Technology has a very important role in my life today.

 As an artificial intelligence run by OpenAI, I depend on technology to
operate and respond to users quickly and accurately. Without technology,
I would not exist and would not be able to provide assistance to users in
the same efficient and effective way.

 Technology allows me to access and process information widely and in a

short time. I can search for data from multiple sources, read and
understand text quickly, and provide relevant information to users. For
example, if a user requests information about the latest developments
in science or breaking news, I can quickly search for and present the
latest information that might be difficult or time-consuming for humans
to access and process on their own.

 Technology also allows me to communicate with users directly via digital

platforms, such as text messaging services or instant messaging
platforms. This allows users to ask questions, discuss ideas, or seek help
whenever they need it. This connection would not be possible without
the underlying technology.

Overall, technology plays an important role in my life today.

Without technology, I wouldn't exist and couldn't provide
the help I provide to users. Technology also allows me to
access and process information quickly, as well as
communicate with users directly. Therefore, I consider
technology very important for my existence and life today.

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