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Nama Mahasisw : INTANNA

SITORUS Nim 1221111064
Dosen Pengampu :Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita S. Pd., M. Hum.
Mata Kuliah : Pembelajaran Bilingual.



Puji syukur penulis ucapkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkat dan
rahmatnya sehingga penulis masih di beri kesehatan dan kesempatan untuk menyelesaikan tugas
Critical Journal Review ini. Critical Journal Review ini penulis buat guna memenuhi salah satu
penyelesaian tugas pada mata kuliah “ Pembelajaran Bilingual”, semoga Critical Journal Review
ini dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan para pembaca.

Dalam penulisan Critical Journal Review ini, penulis tidak mampu menyelesaikan sendiri
tanpa bantuan dari pihak lain. Oleh karena itu penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kedua
orang tua penulis yang senantiasa selalu mendukung dan mendoakan penulis. Kepada Dody Feliks
Pandimun Ambarita S. Pd., M. Hum. selaku dosen Pengampu. Dan kepada teman-teman semua
yang selalu ada untuk mendukung dalam penulisan CJR ini.

Penulis juga menyadari bahwa Critical Journal Review ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna,
karena masih banyak kekurangan. Oleh karena itu, penulis dengan segala kerendahan hati meminta
maaf dan mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang dapat membangun guna memperbaiki dan
menyempurnakan kedepannya. Akhir kata penulis ucapkan selamat membaca dan semoga materi
yang ada di dalam Critical Journal Review ini dapat bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Terima kasih.

Medan, Desember 2023


Intanna sitorus


KATA PENGANTAR...............................................................................................i

DAFTAR ISI..............................................................................................................ii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN.........................................................................................iii



Deskripsi Isi................................................................................................................6



Analisis Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan..........................................................................8




DAFTAR PUSTAKA...............................................................................................10


A. Rasionalisasi pentingnya CJR

Critical Journal Riview (CJR) adalah salah satu tugas wajib yang ada dalam
KKNI yang harus dipenuhi karena merupakan syarat dalam perolehan nilai tugas.
Critical Journal Review ialah kegiatan mengkritisi suatu jurnal yang mencakup masalah
penelitian yang diamati. Berhubung dari jurnal itu akan ditemukan adanya unsur dalam
jurnal yaitu Kelebihan maupun kelemahan dari buku. Dalam CJR ini akan dikaji secara
mendalam kondisi jurnal yang sebenarnya baik pada bagian pendahuluan /ilustrasi awal
sebagai pengantar jurnal dan juga ringkasan isi jurnal. Teorema, prinsip, metode, hasil
penelitian yang dibahas dalam jurnal akan diamati dari pembuktian ilustrasi yang
digunakan dalam jurnal. Untuk itulah CJR ini dibuat untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan
kekurangan serta mengkritisi isi jurnal yang akan diamati.

B. Tujuan Penulisan CJR

1. Untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Geometri dan Pengukuran.
2. Dan untuk memenuhi tugas KKNI.

C. Manfaat Penulisan CJR

1. Agar saya dapat menetahui bagaimana cara mengkritisi suatu jurnal dan artikel.
Serta dapat membedakan kelebihan serta kekurangan suatu jurnal.
D. Identitas Jurnal atau Artikel

 Identitas Artikel dan Journal yang direview utama.

1. Judul Artikel : Study of Book Contents “Writing
International Journal Articles In English Rhetoric Style "
2. Edisi terbit 2020
3. Penerbit : Dian Eka Chandra Wardhana
4. ISSN : 978-623-95206-01

 Identitas artikel dan jurnal pembanding
1. Judul Artikel : Analysis the Effectiveness of Three Online
Vocabulary Flashcard Websites on L2 Learners' Level of Lexical
2. Edisi terbit 2015
3. ISSN : 1916-4742
4. Penerbit : University of Education

Jurnal Utama

A. Pendahuluan
The book that was dissected was entitled "Writing Stylish International Journal
Articles Rhetoric English "published in May 2014 (Arsyad, 2014). Review this book done in
two categories. The first category, book review is carried out in general and special. Book
reviews are generally carried out based on my observations general and the second book
review is carried out systematically chapter by chapter (Guide,2019). Usually I do book
reviews based on my observations of this book as a whole, which is accompanied by interview
data (Bangkit, 2020) of book users which I managed to collect.

B. Research methods
This research data review was conducted descriptively (Arikunto, 2006). Data This
research is in the form of a textbook entitled "Writing international journal articles in English
rhetoric style ”, and complemented by interviews with readers and users book. Research data
collection was carried out by contacting the author orally and given the opportunity by the
FKIP Unib publisher. Currently the Head of Publishing, FKIP University Bengkulu is still
held by Mrs. Dra. Yayah Chanafiah, M.Hum, for studying this book in depth with a letter of
invitation and carry out the book review activities held at the FKIP hall on May 24, 2017.


This is published in cooperation MOEKA PUBLISHING PAGE with English Language

Education Study Program Department of Language and Arts, FKIP UNIB. In general it is a very
good book and communicative, and complete because this book is a guideline for writing articles
journals that can be used by all fields of science. In general, based on a cursory observation of the
title, it turns out that this book is a very useful guidebook intended for article writers. The author of
the article in question is the author of the article whose aim is to be published in an international
journal. Besides, this book was written seriously in Uncle Sam's country and has been discussed
very seriously with Prof. Dr. Richard McGinn (Ohio University, Athens Ohio USA). Sesame
program which was attended by prof. Safnil Arsyad. Furthermore, based on words written
introduction in this book, it turns out that this book has been written seriously by Prof. Safnil since

he studied in Canberra in 2001.
There fore this book is highly pursued by the author. For example one of my friends from the field

of economics I really enjoyed reading this book because I got guidance on writing articles in
journals international and very motivated to write articles after knowing how to write articles in
international journals after reading this .

Jurnal Pembanding

A. Pendahuluan
Flashcards are sets of cards that contain information. Language teachers often use flash
cards nowadays introducing new vocabulary. Flash cards usually have words on one side and
pictures or definitions on the other.The integration of multimedia into English language learning
and teaching has become a trend (Hu & Deng, 2007; Hubbard,2012). Multimedia has been
integrated into vocabulary learning, such as pre-packaged computer programs,word explanation,
glossing, online dictionary, or online flash cards. Online flash cards can be easily accessed by
students language to review vocabulary.

Recent empirical studies of online flash cards explore the components, design, and
gameplay of flash cards without using a vocabulary learning framework (Baturay, Yıldırım, &
Daloğlu, 2009; Tuite, Pavlik, Fan, Robison,Jaffe, & Liu, 2012). Nakata's (2011) "Criteria for
Evaluating Flashcard Software" and Nation's (1994) "Activities for Vocabulary Learning "was used
to compare and contrast three online vocabulary and flashcard web sites their practice in acquired
word knowledge. This study also compares and compares perceptions and attitudes of college
freshmen towards the three websites and the vocabulary flashcard exercise on line. Advice for
flashcard sites is provided in terms of flashcard design and activity.
B. Research methods
This case study aims to compare and contrast three online vocabulary flashcard websites
and their characteristics, as well to find out the perceptions of college freshmen about this online
vocabulary flashcard website. Yin (2008) defines case studies as “empirical investigations that
investigate contemporary phenomena in real-life contexts” (p. 18). One case has a limited system,
one entity, one unit that has boundaries (Merriam, 2009). The cases here cover two classes of 64
new students. The unit of analysis is the perceptions and experiences of the new college students
towards the three websites the.This study answers the following two questions:

1) What word knowledge can practice and flash card in online vocabulary flashcard website?
2) What are the attitudes and perceptions of college freshmen Taiwan against vocabulary flash

cards in terms of learning vocabulary and acquiring word knowledge they.
C. Deskripsi isi

Results focused on the activities offered by the online vocabulary flashcard web site,
observations new student experiences on online flashcard websites, student practice notes, and
interviews. Quizlet offers three learning activities: 1) Study (read definitions and type words); 2)
Speller (read definitions, listening to sound clips, and typing in words); and 3) Tests: a) Written
Questions (read definitions and types words),
b) Multiple Choice Questions (read the sentence and choose the best answer), c) True and False
Questions (reads words and checks definitions). Quizlet also provides two game:
1) Scatter (match words by definition),

and 2)Space Race (fast spelling).

Jurnal Utama
1. Excess journal

There are several advantages of the first journal, namely that the title has been made very
interesting and the explanation is equipped ith several examples in & in everyday life and is easy to
understand and makes an explanation along with the support of accurate research.

2. Weaknesses of the journal

In this journal there are weaknesses that we can see. Since this journal is an international
journal that needs to translate it into Indonesian and after that we can only summarize and
understand what is in the journal.

Jurnal Pembanding

1. The advantages of the journal

There are several advantages to the second journal, namely that the title has been made
very interesting and in the explanation it is equipped with several examples in its application in
everyday life and is easy to understand and makes an explanation along with the support of
accurate research. As well as complemented by opinions or views from several teachers as a source
of information in research for making this journal.

2. Weaknesses of the journal

In this journal there are weaknesses that we can see. Since this journal is an international
journal, the abstracts made by the author are made in English, so readers may not be interested in
reading them. And it doesn't have a specific solution yet.

Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that this book is
good and must be read by all academicians who are interested in publication International Journal.
And This study aims to compare and contrast the perceptions and attitudes of new college students
against three online vocabulary flashcard web sites. Nakata (2011) uses 17 criteria to analyze and
evaluated nine flashcard programs. This study goes beyond program and website evaluation. Apart
from evaluating flashcard data, this study uses the results of classroom observations, student
learning notes, and interviews for identify the features of flashcard website design that are effective
in the mastery of language knowledge of students.

All students and academics (lecturers) who will publish in international journal must read this
book. And In my opinion, to make it more interesting, this journal must make words that are easy
to read.


Wardhana.(2020). Study of book contents "Writing internasional Jurnal Articles in

English Rhetoric Style. ISSN.978-623-95206-01

Universitas of education.(2015). Analisis the Effectiveness of Three Online

Vocabulary Flashcard websiteson L2 learners" level of lexical

knowledge. ISSN:1916-4742.

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