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Product Name: AI-Generated Menu Item Art

Product Overview:

Our AI-generated menu item art service offers a simple and effective way for
restaurants to enhance their menus with high-quality, visually appealing artwork. By
using advanced AI algorithms, we can create stunning images that perfectly
complement each menu item, helping to attract and engage customers.


 High-quality AI-generated art that perfectly complements each menu item.

 Fast turnaround times - most menu items can be completed within 4 minutes.
 Affordable pricing - starting at just AUD $10 per menu item.
 Customizable options - choose from a range of styles and designs to perfectly
match your brand.
 Full training and support - we offer a comprehensive training video to teach
you or your content creator how to use our service and create your own AI-
generated art. Alternatively, we can handle the work for you with our recurring
billing cycle option.
 Discounts available for larger volumes or longer-term commitments.


 Initial Setup: AUD $500 flat fee, which includes the creation of a full catalogue
of all menu items with AI-generated art, a training video on how to use our
service, and ongoing support.
 Recurring Billing Cycle for Consistent Work: AUD $5 per menu item, with
discounted rates available for larger volumes or longer-term commitments.


 Enhance the visual appeal of your menu and attract more customers.
 Save time and money by outsourcing your content creation needs to us.
 Customize your artwork to match your brand and style.
 Benefit from our AI technology and expertise to create stunning, high-quality
 Receive ongoing support and training to ensure you can create your own AI-
generated art in the future.
How it Works:

1. Contact us to discuss your needs and get started.

2. Provide us with your menu items and any specific design requirements.
3. We'll create a full catalogue of menu items with AI-generated art and provide
a comprehensive training video on how to use our service.
4. For recurring billing clients, we'll provide ongoing artwork for your menu
items on a regular basis, with a flat fee per image.


With our AI-generated menu item art service, you can enhance the visual appeal of
your menu and attract more customers, all while saving time and money. Contact us
today to get started and experience the benefits of our advanced AI technology and
comprehensive training and support.

Venue/Restaurant Menu Size (approx.)

Fine dining restaurants 50+ items

Fast-casual restaurants 30-40 items

Cafes and coffee shops 10-20 items

Bars and pubs 20-30 items

Food trucks 5-10 items

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