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NAME : Bhaskar Das

ROLL NO : 26584921020

REGISTRATION NO : 212652484910026 OF 2021-22

SUBJECT NAME : Accomodation Operations


TOPIC : Different training methods in hotel industry

Bhaskar , Reporter , Times of India

5Th September 2023 , Kolkata , do you know different type
of training needed to employee for growth. The hotel industry relies
heavily on a skilled and well-trained workforce to provide excellent
customer service and maintain high standards. Various training
methods are employed to equip hotel employees with the necessary
knowledge and skills. Here are some of the different training methods
commonly used in the hotel industry:
1. On-the-Job Training (OJT): This is one of the most common
training methods in the hotel industry. Employees learn while
performing their job responsibilities. They are mentored and
supervised by experienced staff members. OJT is particularly effective
for roles such as front desk staff, housekeeping, and kitchen staff.
2. Classroom Training: Classroom training sessions are conducted in
a traditional classroom setting. They are used for imparting
theoretical knowledge and can cover a wide range of topics such as
customer service, hospitality ethics, and hotel policies and
3. E-Learning and Online Modules: Many hotels now use e-learning
platforms and online modules to deliver training. This allows
employees to access training materials at their own pace and
convenience. It can be particularly useful for standardizing training
across multiple locations.
4. Simulations and Role-Playing: Simulations and role-playing
exercises are used to simulate real-world situations that employees
may encounter in their roles. This helps them practice problem-
solving, customer interactions, and service delivery in a controlled
5. Cross-Training:Cross-training involves training employees to
perform tasks outside of their primary job roles. For example, a front
desk staff member might receive training in basic food and beverage
service. Cross-training enhances flexibility and can be especially
useful during peak seasons.
6. Mentoring and Shadowing: New employees are paired with
experienced mentors who guide and support them during their initial
days on the job. This method is effective for roles where hands-on
experience and practical knowledge are crucial.
7. Guest Speakers and Workshops: Hotels often invite industry
experts or guest speakers to conduct workshops and seminars on
topics relevant to the hotel industry, such as leadership, guest
satisfaction, or sustainability practices.
8. Customer Service Training: Given the focus on guest satisfaction,
customer service training is a priority in the hotel industry. Training
in dealing with guest complaints, handling difficult situations, and
providing personalized service is crucial.
Each hotel may employ a combination of these training methods
based on its specific needs, the roles of its employees, and the level of
service it aims to provide. Effective training is an ongoing process in
the hotel industry to ensure that staff members remain skilled,
knowledgeable, and capable of delivering exceptional guest

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