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------------------- ĐỀ THI ĐỀ NGHỊ MÔN TIẾNG ANH
LỚP 10
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE (40 PTS) I. WORD CHOICE (5 pts) Choose the best
options to complete the following sentences.
1. The sky darkened and there was a distant____________ of thunder.
A. clap B. clang: tiếng lanh rảnh c. groan: tiếng rên rỉ D. flash: tia
Clap of thunder: tiếng nổ vang của sấm

2. Vietnam ____________ war against French colonial empire has gone down in
history as one of the most epic, destroying the harrowing shackles of tyranny after
nearly a century.
A. emancipation(n): the process of
giving people social or political freedom and rights( sự giải phóng ,thoát khỏi (nô
B. remission (n) a period when a serious illness improves for a time in remission:
sự dịu bớt, thuyên giảm
EX: Her cancer has been in remission for several years.
C. liberation(n) an occasion when something or someone is released or
made free:: sự giải phóng (sự tự do, dùng cho cuộc đấu tranh giữa các nước để
giành quyền độc lập)-> liberty(n): tự do
Ex: Leaving school was such a liberation for me
D. salvation(n) (a way of) being saved from danger, loss, or harm:: sự bảo vệ, cứu
3. Everyone was shocked to hear that a politician of his ____________ would
stoop so low.
A. credence(n) (the belief that something is true): niềm tin, tín ngưỡng
Ex: I'm not prepared to give credence to anonymous complaints.
good reputation a person or organization has, based on their behaviour and ability)
(n): chiều cao, tầm vóc, sự tiến triển, tầm cỡ
Ex: If the school continues to gain in stature, it
will attract the necessary financial support.
C. guile (clever but sometimes dishonest behaviour that you use
to deceive someone) (n): sự lừa đảo, lừa gạt-> guileful(adj)
Ex: The president will need to use all her political guile to stay in power.
D. affinity + for/with(a liking or sympathy for someone or
something, especially because of shared characteristics) (n): mối quan hệ , sự
giống nhau giữa cấu trúc( giữa các loài vật,cây cỏ, ngôn ngữ)
Ex: There are several close affinities between the two paintings.

4. A new treatment ______________ , it became less prohibitive and more

effective to deal with patients infected with tuberculosis.
A. tainted(spoiled; damaged in quality, taste, or value):
(adj): bị hư hỏng
B. assorted(adj)( consisting of various types mixed together): hỗn hợp, đủ loại
Ex: a tin of assorted cakes
C. repudiated(adj): bị từ chối, phản bác
D. effected (adj): được thực hiện-> effect(to achieve something and cause it
to happen) (v): thực hiện, thay đổi->effect(n): hiệu quả
5. On 6th August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing
thousands of citizens and almost____________ the city.
A. overruling((of a person who has official authority) to decide against
a decision that has already been made(v):cai trị, thắng thế
Ex: In tennis, the umpire can overrule the line judge
B. annulling(to officially announce that something such as a law, agreement,
or marriage no longer exists)(v): thông báo rằng cái gì không còn tồn tại nữa
Ex: His second marriage was annulled because he never divorced his first wife.
C. eradicating ( to get rid of something completely or destroy something bad)(v):
triệt tiêu
Ex: to eradicate the venoms of the depraved culture
D. annihilating (to destroy something completely so that nothing is left): phá hủy
Ex: a city was annihilated by an atomic bomb.

6. His smirk suggested some vicious_____________ , which terrified everyone at

the meeting.
A. subtleties(n): the quality of being subtle: sự tinh tế, tế nhị
Ex: Listening to the interview, I was impressed by the subtlety of the questions.
B. allusions(n) something that is said or written that is intended to make
you think of a particular thing or person
Ex: he film is full of allusions to Hitchcock.
C. insinuations(n)( the action of suggesting, without being direct, that
something unpleasant is true)
Ex: We resent these insinuations that we are
not capable of leading the company forward.
D. inertia(n): lack of activity or interest, or unwillingness to make an effort to do
anything: tính ì( lười biếng)
7. She was ____________ with guilt when she realized that the accident had been
her fault.
A. consumed(v): tiêu thụ
To be consumed with: to have so much of a feeling that it affects everything you
Ex: I was consumed with guilt after the accident.
B. ravaged(v): to cause great damage to something
Ex: The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.
C. devoured(v) to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing
is left : ăn tươi nuốt sống
Ex: The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.
D. dazzled (v) If light dazzles you, it makes you unable to see for a short time: làm
lóa mắt

8. That my brother_____________ boasts about his achievements is absolutely

A. inexorably(adv) in a way that continues without any possibility of
being stopped: không lay chuyển được
Ex: These events led inexorably to war.
B. incessantly(adv): in a way that never stops, especially when this
is annoying or unpleasant: không ngừng, không dứt, liên miên
Ex: She talked incessantly about the most trivial things.
C. intricately (adv): in a way that has a lot of small parts that are arranged in
a complicated or delicate way: rắc rối, phức tạp
Ex: The hijacking operation was intricately planned.
D. intrepidly(adv): in
an extremely brave way, showing no fear of dangerous or difficult situations: một
cách can đảm
Ex: We intrepidly tackled the trek's toughest climb.
9. She lifted it over the fence and set off across the little meadow,____________
speed and thoroughly enjoying it.
A. gathering B. collecting c. consuming D. firing
Gather speed= getting faster

10. One of Kim's secretarial works include taking the_________ of the meeting.
A. gist(n) chủ đề chính
B. crux (n) (the most important or serious part of a matter, problem, or argument):
mấu chốt
C. minutes: phút-> take the minutes: nốt lại những ý quan trọng của một chủ đề gì
đó trong 1 cuộc họp
D. fundamentals(n): cái phần cơ bản
II). GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (5 pts) Choose the best options to
complete the following sentences.
1. Everything looks very positive for the company,_____ the current investors do
not default on their agreements.
A. assuming that:giả sử rằng
B. whether=if: nếu, liệu rằng
c. whereas: trong khi
D. as if: như thể là
2. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United
States_____ .
More + than
A. as Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
B. rather than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production,
C. than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
D. more than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
3. ___________ the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were
A. With reference +To+ something: đề cập đến cái gì
B. Akin: hơi na ná, giống nhau-> to be akin to sth= to be similar to sth
C. Prior to: trước đó, trước
D. In addition to+ Ving/N: thêm vào đó
4. Suppose she _________ that outrageous story circulating around the office;
she'd be furious!”
Suppose trong trường hợp này sẽ hiểu là if và đây là cấu trúc câu điều kiện hỗn
hợp loại 1: Giả thiết về một hành động, sự việc sẽ xảy ra ở hiện tại nếu điều kiện
nói tới trong quá khứ có thật.
A. has heard B. were heard C. would hear D. had heard
5. I'd rather you_____ _____ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
Would rather + S+ V(lùi thì)
Trong trường hợp này thì do last night là ám chỉ đến 1 việc xảy ra trong quá khứ
nên ta lùi về QKHT
A. wouldn’t make B. didn’t make C. haven’t made D. hadn't made
6. A new generation of performers, ____those who by now had become household
name, honed their skills before following the same path onto television.
A. no less talented than: không kém tài năng hơn( hợp nghĩa)
B. together with talented with: sai cấu trúc
C. along with talented with: sai cấu trúc
D. having been more talented than
7. We all wished to be treated___________ .
A. as equal: sai vì thiếu s
B. as equally: trong trường hợp equally là sai vì không có so sánh với gì cả( nếu
bỏ as thì sẽ đúng)
C. as equals: như những người công bằng( hợp nghĩa-> chính xác)
D. as equal as: thiếu danh từ
8. _________ the US superiority at that time, it was probable that any threatened
US response would have deterred the Soviet Union.
A. If: nếu
B. Given= considering: xem xét, cân nhắc
C. Although: mặc dù
D. Since: bởi vì
Không dùng although và since được vì vế đằng trước không phải là một mệnh đề
9. Business has been thriving in the past year. Long ______ it continue to do so.
A. could B. does C. may D. might
Trạng từ đứng trước may-> hàm ý nhấn mạnh
10. The man __________ of carrying out the burglary was released__________ by
Cấu trúc mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn
A. to be suspected - following questioning
B. having been suspected - following questioned
C. .suspected - following questioning
D. being suspected - following questioned
1. The love of life shone______ the author’s book, giving me as much inspiration
as I could ever ask for.
A. through B. over C. into D. upon
Shine through: If a quality shines through, it is strong and easy to see, usually in
a particular situation. Ex: take off your make-
up and let your natural beauty shine through.
2. You shouldn’t take______ more than you can handle, otherwise you ’ll suffer
from stress.
A. on-> take on: to begin to have, use or do something: nhân lấy, đảm nhiệm.
Ex: She took too much on and made herself ill.
B. over-> take over: tiếp quản
C. out-> take out: lấy ra
D. away-> take away: lấy đi, thức ăn mang đi

3. He’ s so stubborn and stupid. I just couldn’t get________ him that she can never
make money from gambling.
A. over->get over: vượt qua( một căn bệnh,..)
B. out of-> get out of: thoát khỏi
C. across to -> get across: to make sb understand or believe sth: làm cho ai hiểu
hoặc tin tưởng vào điều gì. Ex: We tried to get our point across, but he just
wouldn't listen.
D. out of

4. The success of our project hinges _________ Mike’s ability persuade the locals
to move to the renewal quarter.
A. in
B. on -> hinge on/upon something: to depend on something, or to need something
in order to be successful. Ex: The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of
a witness who died before the trial.
C. about
D. over

5. The government’s plans to reduce crime came __________ for a lot of criticism
from freedom groups. A. across
B. around> come in for: to receive blame or criticism
Ex: The director has come in for a lot of criticism over his handling of the affair.
D. with

6. Before they open the new factory, a lot of the young people round here were
__________ the dole.
A. on-> to be on the dole: the money that the government gives to people who
are unemployed: sống nhờ vào tiền trợ cấp của chính phủ.
B. in
C. over
D. above

7. The two countries met at the conference to iron _ _____ their differences.
A. on
B. out -> iron something out: to remove problems or find solutions.
Ex: We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.
c. over
D. into
8. He tried to paper_______ the country’s deep-seated problems.
A. over-> paper something out:
to hide an unpleasant situation, especially a problem or disagreement, in order to
make people believe that it does not exist or is not serious.
Ex: He tried to paper over the country's deep-seated problems
B. with
C. into
D. down
9. Linda chats so much, she could talk the hind leg_______ a donkey.
A. up to
B. over
C. off-> talk the hind legs off a donkey: to talk without stopping for a long time
D. under
10. I'm going to put my head _______ for a while as I feel very tired.
A. down-> put one’s head down= sleep.
B. over
C. up
D. through
IV. COLLOCATION AND IDIOMS (5PTS) Choose the best options to
complete the following sentences.

1. 1 had to get through a lot of ____tape, but I finally got the documents I needed.
Red tape: thủ tục hành chính phức tạp.
A. red B. blue C. link D. yellow

2. The hospital staff pulled out all the_______ to make sure the children had a
wonderful day.
A. roadblocks(n): a temporary structure put across a road to stop traffic
B. barricades: a line or pile of objects put together, often quickly,
to stop people from going where they want to go.
C. plugs: a small plastic or rubber object with two or three metal pins, attached to
the end of a wire on a piece of electrical equipment and pushed into
a special opening in a wall to connect the equipment to a supply of electricity ( củ
D. stops-> to pull out all the stops: to do everything you can to make
something successful.
Ex: They pulled out all the stops for their daughter's wedding.

3.Neither side is prepared to _____ an inch in the negotiations.

A. stir(v); khuấy, đảo
B. budge(v): nhúc nhích, động đấy
C. push(v): đẩy
D. bend(v): bẻ cong

4. Congressman Saunders fired the opening_______ during a heated debate on

capital punishment.
A. salvo(n): the action of firing several guns at the same time, either in a war or in
a ceremony: cuộc tấn công đột ngột( bằng loạt súng)
B. barrage(n):
the action of continuously firing large guns to protect soldiers advancing on
an enemy: chướng ngại vật=obstacle(n)
cannonade(n):a period of continuous heavy firing of large guns, especially as part
of an attack loạt súng đại bác
D. burst(n): sự nổ tung, vỡ tan
5. I like the way people here always queue up. Back home we just push and shove,
and the devil take the________ !
The devil take the hindmost: cụm từ này dùng để nói tới việc đề cao lợi ích cá
nhân, đặt lợi ích của mình lên trên trước
A. outermost B. foremost C. hindmost D. utmost

6. The manager attached himself to the luncheon club and became a

________fixture there.
A. perennial(adj) lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time:
bất diệt, tồn tại mãi mãi
B. enduring(adj): existing for a long time: lâu dài
C. stable(adj): ổn định
D. permanent(adj): cố định-> permanent thường đi với fixture

7. I was so hungry, and that meal was absolutely delicious! It was just what the
________ ordered.
A. scientist B. doctor C. expert D. healer
8. Although the Government has increased allocations to the social sector by as
much as 40 per cent, State funding still falls ________ short of needs.
Fall short(idm): to fail to reach an amount or standard that
was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment: không đạt được mục tiêu yêu
cầu, dự đoán
A. well B. totally C. severely D. abjectly: một cách tồi tệ
9. Last week's violence was _______ condemned by foreign governments.
A. grimly in a way that is without hope: trong vô vọng
B. roundly
C. roughly: một cách dữ dội
D . bitingly
10. She hasn't had an accident yet but she has had a number of........Shavers.
Close shaves= narrow escape: thoát chết trong gang tấc
A. narrow B. near c. close D. tiny
V. READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) PASSAGE A Question 56 - 65.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the best answer to each of the following questions.
Color in textiles is produced by dyeing, by printing, or by painting. Until the
nineteenth century, all dyes were derived from vegetable or, more rarely, animal or
mineral sources. Since madder plants could be grown practically everywhere, the
roots of some species of the madder plant family were used from the earliest period
to produce a whole range of reds. Red animal dyes, derived from certain species of
scale insects, were also highly value from ancient times through the Middle Ages.
Blues were obtained from woad, a plant common in Europe and 130 also used in
the Near East from the beginning of the Christian era Before the first, nonfading
“solid” green was invented in early nineteenth century, greens were achieved by
the overdyeing or overprinting of yellow and blue. However, yellow dyes, whether
from weld or some other plant sources such as saffron or turmeric, invariably fade
or disappear. This accounts for the bluish tinge of what were once bright greens in,
for example, women tapestry.
The range of natural colors was hugely expanded and, indeed, superseded by the
chemical dyes developed during the eighteen hundreds. By 1900, a complete range
of synthetic colors had been evolved, many of which reached a standard of
resistance to fading from exposure to light and to washing that greatly exceeded
that of natural dyestuffs. Since then, petroleum industry has added many new
chemicals, and from these, other types of dyestuffs have been developed. Much of
the research in dyes was stimulated by the peculiarities of some of the new
synthetic fibers- Acetate rayon, for example, seemed at first to have no affinity for
dyes and a new range of dyes had to be developed; nylon and Terylene presented
similar problems.
The printing of textiles has involved a number of distinct methods. With the
exception of printing patterns directly onto the cloth, whether by block, roller, or
screen, all of these are based on dyeing; that is, immersion of the fabric in a dye

1. The passage mainly discusses the______ ' .

A. Development of synthetic colors for textiles during the nineteenth century
B. Advantages of chemical dyes over dyes derived from plants and animals
C. Differences between dyeing textiles and printing items
D. History of the use of natural and chemical dyes to color textiles
2. According to the passage, what was the source of most textile dyes that were
used before the nineteenth century?
A. Animals.
B. Minerals.
c. Plants. (Until the nineteenth century, all dyes were derived from vegetable or,
more rarely, animal or mineral sources)
D. Chemicals.

3. What was the advantage of using madder plants for different shades of red?
A. It was possible to cultivate madder plants in almost every location.( Since
madder plants could be grown practically everywhere, the roots of some species of
the madder plant family were used from the earliest period to produce a whole
range of reds)
B. Madder plants produced brighter colors than other plant sources.
C. Plant sources produced more lasting colors than other plant sources.
D. Dyes derived from the madder plants were easier to work with than other dyes.

4. One disadvantage of green dyes before the nineteenth century was ________ .
A. The yellow dyes were expensive
B. They lost their original color(Before the first, nonfading “solid” green was
invented in early nineteenth century, greens were achieved by the overdyeing or
overprinting of yellow and blue. However, yellow dyes, whether from weld or
some other plant sources such as saffron or turmeric, invariably fade or disappear.
This accounts for the bluish tinge of what were once bright greens in, for example,
women tapestry)
C. The blue dyes involved lost their color
D. The final color varied
5. The green areas in women tapestries developed a bluish tinge because_____
A. A darker color, like blue, dominates a light color, like yellow
B. Light changed some of the green dye used in the tapestries to blue
C. The yellow dye that was used in the tapestries had faded(However, yellow dyes,
whether from weld or some other plant sources such as saffron or turmeric,
invariably fade or disappear)
D. The dyes used to color woven tapestries were made from minerals

6. Red dyes came mostly from ___________ .

A. animals
B. plants and insects(Red animal dyes, derived from certain species of scale
insects, were also highly value from ancient times through the Middle Ages)
C. indigo
D. minerals

7. How did chemical dyes compare to natural dyes?

A. The chemical dyes had less attractive colors.
B. The chemical dyes were less easy to use.
C. The chemical dyes lost their brightness more quickly when exposed to light.
D. The chemical dyes held up better after washing (. By 1900, a complete range of
synthetic colors had been evolved, many of which reached a standard of resistance
to fading from exposure to light and to washing that greatly exceeded that of
natural dyestuff.)

8. The chemical dyes keep color because they are less prone to _____________ .
A. sunshine (Much of the research in dyes was stimulated by the peculiarities of
some of the new synthetic fibers- Acetate rayon, for example, seemed at first to
have no affinity for dyes and a new range of dyes had to be developed; nylon and
Terylene presented similar problems.)
B. wind
C. restriction(n): sự hạn chế-> restrict(v): hạn chế
D. wear

9. According to the passage, what problem led to the development of the new dyes
after 1900?
A. Previously developed dyes did not work on new types of fibers(Much of the
research in dyes was stimulated by the peculiarities of some of the new synthetic
fibers- Acetate rayon)
B. Dyes derived from petroleum caused damage to new synthetic fibers
C. New synthetic fibers lost required brighter colors than natural fibers did.
D. New fabrics easily lost the its colors when washed.

10. What does the author mean by “block, roller, or screen”?

A. To give examples of textile printing techniques that are based on dyeing.
B. To argue that all methods printing patterns onto textiles involve dyeing,
C. To emphasize the variety of special tools used the process of dyeing textiles.
D. To give examples of textile printing techniques that do not involve dyeing.
It is a commonly held belief that today’s teens are in trouble. They spend
hours communicating via social network sites instead of socializing in person and
send countless text messages that are in a virtually unrecognizable language. In a
study analyzing today’s youth in the digital world, renowned scientist, Susan
Greenfield, laments: “We are raising a generation of children who are shallow,
thrill-seeking and in danger of detaching themselves from reality.” In spite of such
pessimistic beliefs, recent research seems to indicate that social network sites may
not be as detrimental as some may think.
A crucial point is that we need to maintain a broader perspective. New
technologies have always provoked generational panic, which usually has more to
do with adult fears than any real harm they may do. In the 1930s, parents worried
that radio was taking over the lives of their children. In the 60s, the great danger
was the television and then in the 80s, the Sony Walkman was claimed to be
turning teens into mindless zombies.
In fact, social scientists who study young people have found that technology
and the digital world can essentially benefit today's youth. It seems that if teens use
a lot of social media, it has no negative effect on their engaging in face-to-face
contact. Actually, the evidence suggests that the most avid texters are also 132 the
kids most likely to spend time with friends in person. One form of socializing
doesn't replace the other. It augments it. Then, as the young get older and are given
more freedom, they often ease up on social networking. Early on, the web is their
own personal space, but by their late teens, it is replaced as they acquire greater
But isn't all this short-form writing eroding language skills? Studies of first
year college papers from 1917 is show that this is not the case. The rates of gram
mar and vocabulary errors by these freshmen in their compositions were the same
as in the ones written by their modern counterparts. There is one essential
difference, however. Student essays have blossomed in size and complexity. They
are now six times longer and offer arguments supported by a wealth of evidence.
Why? Because computers have vastly increased the ability of students to gather
research, consider different points of view and write more analytically. If truth be
told, the online world also offers kids remarkable opportunities to become literate
and creative because young people can now publish ideas not just to their circle of
friends, but to the whole world. And it turns out that when they write for strangers,
it makes them work harder, push themselves further, and create powerful new
communicative forms.
1. What is meant by the phrase virtually unrecognizable in the first
A. Teenagers use foreign languages when they speak or write.
B. Teenagers are very creative when they communicate with one another,
c. Teenagers enjoy taking on a different identity when they communicate.
D. The language used in text messages has been greatly altered. (countless text
messages that are in a virtually unrecognizable language)
2. Why is Susan Greenfield quoted in the first paragraph?
A. She has teenage children who use computers.
B. She strongly contradicts what society believes.
c. Her research supports that teens are negatively affected by today’s technology.
(In a study analyzing today’s youth in the digital world, renowned scientist, Susan
Greenfield, laments: “We are raising a generation of children who are shallow,
thrill-seeking and in danger of detaching themselves from reality.”)
D. She believes more information is needed to draw conclusions.
3. According to Susan Greenfield, what may be a consequence, of teens using
A. They may become overly cynical about their lives.
B. They may not be connected to what is happening around them. (Susan
Greenfield, laments: “We are raising a generation of children who are shallow,
thrill-seeking and in danger of detaching themselves from reality.”)
c. They may not find pleasure in exciting activities.
D. They may not grow up into mature adults.
4. Why does the author use examples from past decades?
A. to prove that technology has always been harmful
B. to argue that new inventions always seem suspicious (New technologies have
always provoked generational panic, which usually has more to do with adult fears
than any real harm they may do.)
c. to show that teenagers will never obey their parents
D. to present a trend that is getting more dangerous
5. The author implies that a teen who uses a cell phone frequently is ____
A. less athletic B. a poor student c. highly introverted
D. more sociable (It seems that if teens use a lot of social media, it has no negative
effect on their engaging in face-to-face contact. Actually, the evidence suggests
that the most avid texters are also 132 the kids most likely to spend time with
friends in person.)
6. The word augments in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to______
A. substitutes for B. adds to c. explains D. decreases
7. What happens when teenagers get older?
A. They don't need personal space anymore.
B. Their studies become more important to them than their social lives,
C. The digital world becomes increasingly important to them.
D. They do not participate in social networks as much. (Then, as the young get
older and are given more freedom, they often ease up on social networking. Early
on, the web is their own personal space, but by their late teens, it is replaced as
they acquire greater independence.)

8. What does the word counterparts in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A. compositions
B. first-year college student
C. grammar and vocabulary errors
D. language skills
9. How does a modern college fresh man’s paper compare to one from 1917
A. It has almost no linguistic errors.
B. It has the same amount of content.
c. It has a less complicated writing style.
D. It is based on more information. (Student essays have blossomed in size and
complexity. They are now six times longer and offer arguments supported by a
wealth of evidence.)
10. What is the author’s view of social networks?
A. Their access must be strictly controlled by parents.
B. They play a positive role in young people’s lives. (In spite of such pessimistic
beliefs, recent research seems to indicate that social network sites may not be as
detrimental as some may think.)
C. They are detrimental to young people's relationships.
D. They have evolved faster than most people realize.
PASSAGE 1: Read the passage carefully and choose the answer (A, B, c or D)
that best fits each space.
It only requires the completion of the reconstruction of the human genetic map for
a whole host of hereditary disease to be ___________ (1). Originally, it was
forecast that the venture would take until the beginning of the 21st century to be
___________ (2). At present, it is clear that the task can be finished much earlier.
Hundreds of scholars have gone to ___________ (3) to help unravel the mystery of
the human genetic structure with an ardent hope for __________ (4) mankind from
disorders such as cancer, cystic fibrosis or arthritis. The progress in this incredible
undertaking is conditioned by an accurate interpretation of the information
contained in the chromosomes forming the trillions of the cells in the human body.
Locating and characterizing every single gene may _________ (5) implausible an
assignment, but very considerable _________ (6) has already been made. What
will you know my now is that the hereditary code is assembled in DNA, some of
which may be diseased and ________ (7) to the uncontrollable transmission of the
damaged code from parents to their children? Whereas work at the completion of
the human genome may last for a few years more, notions like gene therapy or
genetic engineering don't_________ (8) much surprise any longer. Their potential
application has already been_________ (9) in the effective struggle against many
viruses or in 134 the genetic treatment of blood disorders. The hopes are, then, that
hundreds of maladies that humanity is _________ (10) with at the present might
eventually cease to exist in the not too distant future.
1. A. terminated. B. interfered C. eradicated D. disrupted
-Terminate (v): to (cause something to) end or stop/bring to an end.
-Interfere (v): to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is
not wanted or is not helpful
-Eradicate (v): to get rid of or destroy/put an end to something completely: Thủ
tiêu E.G: Smallpox has almost been eradicated.
-Disrupt (v): interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or
2. A. accomplished B. discharged C. dismantled D. exterminated
-Accomplish (v): achieve or complete successfully: Hoàn thành
E.G: He had accomplished everything he had intended to do.
-Discharge (v): tell (someone) officially that they can or must leave a place or
situation / to allow someone officially to leave somewhere, especially a hospital or
a law court
-Dismantle (v): to take a machine apart or to come apart into separate pieces
-Exterminate (v): destroy completely / to kill all the animals or people in
a particular place or of a particular type
3. A. maximum B. utmost C. supreme D. extremes
-Go to extremes (idiom): take an extreme course of action = go overboard/go
over the top/not know when to stop: đi đến tận cùng → nỗ lực hết sức mình ;
hành động một cách cực đoan, thái quá
E.G: we may go to extremes to find peace and quiet.
- Maximum (adj): as great, high, or intense as possible or permitted.
-Utmost (adj): used to emphasize how important or serious something is.
- Supreme (adj): having the highest rank, level, or importance.
4. A. liberating B. surviving C. insulating D. averting
-Liberate (v): to help someone or something to be free: Giải phóng
E.G: The political prisoners were liberated by the new government.
-Survive (v): to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or
being destroyed or after being in a difficult or threatening situation.
-Insulate (v): to cover and surround something with
a material or substance in order to stop heat, sound,or electricity from escaping or
-Avert (v): to prevent something bad from happening / turn away (one's eyes or
5. A. sound B. hear C. voice D. perceive
-Sound: vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard
when they reach a person's or animal's ear(n)/In this context:
to seem good, interesting, strange, etc. from what is said or written(v): Nghe
E.G:I know it sounds silly, but I'll miss him when he's gone.
-Hear (v): to (be able to) receive (sounds) by ear
-Voice (n): the sounds from the mouth made in speaking or singing
-Perceive (v): to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about
something (=Believe) /to see something or someone, or to notice something that
is obvious (~see)/ to think of something in a particular way (=Think of)
6. A. headline B. heading C. headway D. headship
-Headline (n): a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in
a newspaper, or the main points of the news that are broadcast on Television or
radio : Đề mục
E.G: The news of his death was splashed in headlines across all the newspapers.
-Heading (n): words written or printed at the top of a text as a title.
-Headway (n): progress, especially when this is slow or difficult.
-Headship (n): the position of being in charge of an organization, especially a
7. A. amiable B. conceivable C. evocative D. conducive
-Amiable (adj): pleasant and friendly.
-Conceivable (adj): possible to imagine or to believe.
-Evocative (adj): making you remember or imagine something pleasant.
-Conducive (adj): providing the right conditions for something good to happen or
exist : Có lợi, có ích
E.G: A quiet room is a more conducive atmosphere for studying.
8. A. evoke B. institute C. discharge D. encourage
-Evoke (v): to make someone remember something or feel an emotion : Gây ra,
Khơi dậy
E.G: That smell always evokes memories of my old school.
-Institute (v): to put into effect; cause to be used/ to start or cause a system, rule,
legal action, etc to exist.
-Discharge (v): To allowed someone officially to leave somewhere, especially a
hospital or a law court.
9. A. examined B. inquired C. accounted D. corroborated
-Examine (v): to look at or consider a person or thing carefully and
in detail in order to discover something about them : Nghiên cứu, xem xét
E.G: The council is to examine ways of reducing traffic in the city centre.
-Inquire (v): to ask for information.
-Account (v): to think of someone or something in the stated way.
-Corroborate (v): to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc. with new
10. A. aggravated B. teased C. persecuted D. plagued
-Aggravate (v): to make a bad situation worse.
-Tease (v): to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either because
you are joking or because you want to upset that person.
-Persecute (v): to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time
because of their race, religion, or political beliefs, or to annoy someone by refusing
to leave them alone
-Plague (v): to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over
a period of time : Quấy rầy
E.G: The child was plaguing her with questions.
PASSAGE 2:Very few of US would admit putting much trust in horoscopes and the
fact that the movements of astronomical bodies _________ (1) to earthly
occurrences affecting peoples' everyday lives. We all know about the zodiac signs
which reflect the position of the sun, the moon and the planets at the moment of a
man's birth and about the peculiar characteristics_________ (2) to them by
astrologers. We say we will take these phenomena with a pinch of salt while we
keep________ (3) our eyes over them in every tabloid we lay our hands on. Most
frequently, we expect horoscopes to predict the future, to ____________ (4) our
optimistic mood with a piece of comforting information or to _____________ (5)
our ego by confirming the superlative features that we tend to attribute to our
zodiacs. However, there's no scientific evidence to ___________ (6) the assumption
that human existence is so closely__________ (7) with the parameters of the
celestial bodies. Our curiosity in horoscopes may, then ,_________ (8) our sheer
fascination with the unexplained or the unpredictable as well as in the enticing
insight into the future that the horoscopes offer, thus establishing the sense of our
__________ (9) an extreme power over our own lives. An additional explanation is
that humans tend to have a soft ____________ (10) for any form of flattery, which
is the fact to which astrologers and the horoscope writers seem to attach the greatest
deal of weight.
1. A. rely B. correspond C. match D. compare
-Rely (v): Depend on with full trust or confidence.
-Correspond (v): to match or be similar or equal : Tương ứng, xứng, phù hợp
E.G:The money I've saved corresponds roughly to the amount I need for
my plane ticket
-Match (v): To be as good as someone or something else.
-Compare (v): to examine or look for the difference between two or more things.
2. A. identified B. associated C. incorporated D. ascribed
-Identify (v): To recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what
that person or thing is.
-Associate (v): to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or
something else.
-Incorporate (v): to include something as part of something larger.
-Ascribe (v): to think of as done or caused by someone or something : Gán cho, đổ
E.G: He ascribed his success to the help of his friends
3. A. running B. sending C. fixing D. putting
4. A. restore B. adjust C. upgrade D. reassure
-Restore (v): To repair (a building, a painting, a piece of furniture etc) so that it
looks as it used to or ought to : Khôi phục
E.G:The church is going to be restored
-Adjust (v): (often with to) to change so as to make or be better suited.
-Upgrade (v): To improve the performance of a computer or other machine by
installing better components or parts.
-Reassure (v): To take away the doubts or fears of sth.
5. A. boost B. escalate C. revitalize D. improve
-Boost (v): to improve or increase something : Làm tăng
E.G: This publicity will give our sales a real boost.
-Escalate (v): to become or make something become greater or more serious.
-Revitalize (v): to give new life, energy, activity, or success to something : Làm
sống lại, phục hưng,…
E.G:Japanese investment has revitalized this part of Britain.
6. A. conclude B. concede C. corroborate D. confound
-Conclude (v): To end a speech, meeting, or piece of writing.
-Concede (v): to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true/to admit that you
have lost in a competition.
-Corroborate (v): to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc. with
new information : Chứng thực, làm chứng
E.G: There is a possibility that your claims might be corroborated by another
-Confound (v): to confuse and very much surprise someone, so that they
are unable to explain or deal with a situation : Làm bối rối, Gây lẫn lộn
E.G: The singer confounded her critics with a remarkable follow-up album.
7. A. fused B. adhered C. coalesced D. intertwined
-Fuse (v): To join together physically, or to join things together physically.
-Adhere (v): to stick firmly/ believe in and follow the practices of: Gia nhập,Bám
chặt vào.
E.G: Paint won't adhere well to a greasy surface./ I do not adhere to any organized
-Coalesce (v): If two or more things coalesce, they come or grow together
to form one thing or system : Hợp nhất, kết lại.
E.G: The theory is that galaxies coalesced from smaller groupings of stars.
-Intertwine (v): to twist or be twisted together, or to be connected so as to
be difficult to separate : Bện, Quấn vào nhau
E.G: The trees' branches intertwined to form a dark roof over the path.
8. A. stem B. crop C.rear D. dawn
-Stem (v): to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasing : ngăn cản,
chặn, ngăn trở.
E.G: These measures are designed to stem the rise of violent crime.
-Crop (v): to make something shorter or smaller, especially by cutting.
-Rear (v): to care for young children or animals until they are able to care for
themselves/ to rise up or to lift up.
-Dawn (v): to become known or obvious : Trở nên rõ ràng
E.G: Gradually the truth about him dawned.
9. A. disposing B. wielding C. effecting D. committing
-Dispose (v): to make someone feel a particular, and often bad, way toward
someone else, or to influence someone in a particular way
-Wield (v): To hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use it : Nắm
và sử dụng
-Commit (v): To do something illegal or something that is considered wrong/To
promise or give your loyalty, time, or money to a particular principle, person, or
plan of action.
10. A. pit B. dot C. spot D. nick
-Pit (n): a large hole in the ground, or a slightly low area in any surface/a
very untidy or dirty place.
-Dot (n): a very small round mark.
-Spot (n): a small, usually round area of colour that it
is differently coloured or lighter or darker than the surface around/ In this
context?: A particular place: nơi, chốn.
E.G: This looks like a nice spot for a picnic.
-Nick (n): a small cut in a surface or an edge: Cắt, nấc, khía; làm mẻ.
E.G: Apart from a few nicks in the varnish, the guitar is in very good condition.
B. WRITTEN TEST (70 pts)
I. OPEN CLOZE TEST (20 pts) Read the texts below and think of the word
which best fits each space. Use only ONE WORD for each space.
The citizens (0)...of... four major European countries think the (1).impacts of
climate change such as severe floods and storms are already affecting them,
according to a major new polling study. The research dispels the idea that global
warming is widely seen as a future problem, and also shows strong support for action
to tackle global warming, (2).including subsidies for clean energy and big financial
penalties for nations that refuse to be part of the international climate deal signed in
Paris in 2015 - (3).as US president Donald Trump has threatened. There was also
strong support for giving financial (4).aid to developing nations to cope with the
impacts of climate change. Renewable energy was viewed very positively in all
nations, but fracking had little support, with just 20% of people seeing it positively
in the UK, 15% in Germ any and 9% in France. Nuclear power was also unpopular:
only 23% of those in France, (5).where it supplies the vast majority of electricity,
have a favourable opinion. Over whelming majorities of people in the UK, Germany,
France and Norway said climate change was at (6).least partly caused by human
activities, such as burning fossil fuels. But only a third thought the vast majority of
scientists agreed with this, despite about 97% of climate scientists doing so. “It is
encouraging to see that most people in this very large study recognise that climate
change is happening, and that support for the need to tackle it remains high
(7).amongst the people we surveyed,” said Prof Nick Pidgeon at Cardiff University,
who led the international project. He said the firm backing of the public could be
important in the light of Trump’s opposition to climate action: “ (8).With the
recently shifting political mood in some countries, climate policy is now entering a
critical phase. It is therefore even (9).more important that the public’s clear support
for the Paris agreement is carried (10).through by policymakers Europe and
Note Vocab
-Impact (n): a marked effect or influence.
E.G: Our regional measures have had a significant impact on unemployment.
-Aid (n): help, typically of a practical nature.
E.G: He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid
-Amongst (preposition): in association or connection with; surrounded by.
E.G: Hidden among the trees
The first of our three brains to evolve is what scientists call the reptilian cortex. This
brain sustains the elementary activities of animal (1).survival such as respiration,
adequate rest and a beating heart. We are not (2).required to consciously “think”
about these activities. The reptilian cortex also houses the 136 “startle centre”, a
mechanism that facilitates swift (3).reactions to unexpected occurrences in our
surroundings. That panicked lurch you experience when a door slams shut
somewhere in the house, or the heightened awareness you feel when a twig cracks
in a nearby bush while out on an evening stroll are both examples of the reptilian
cortex at work. When it comes to our interaction with others, the reptilian brain
offers up only the most basic impulses: aggression, mating, and territorial defence.
There is no great difference, in this (4).sense, between a crocodile defending its
spot along the river and a turf war between two urban gangs. (5). Although the
lizard may stake a claim to its habitat, it exerts total indifference toward the well-
being of its young. Listen to the anguished squeal of a dolphin separated from its
pod or witness the sight of elephants mourning their dead, however, and it is clear
that a new development is at play. Scientists have identified this as the limbic cortex.
Unique (6).to mammals, the limbic cortex impels creatures to nurture their offspring
by (7).delivering feelings of tenderness and warmth to the parent when children are
nearby. These same sensations also cause mammals to develop various types of
social relations and (8).kinship networks. When we are with others of “our kind” -
be it at soccer practice, church, school or a nightclub – we (9).experience positive
sensations of togetherness, solidarity and comfort. If we spend too long away from
these networks, then loneliness (10).sets in and encourages US to seek
-Survival (n): The state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an
accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances.
E.G: The animal's chances of survival were pretty low.
-Required to (idiom): To demand or stipulate as obligatory that s.o or sth to sth
E.G:The law requires you to disclose any and all assets held in foreign banks.
-Reaction (n): Something done, felt, or thought in response to a situation or event.
E.G:My immediate reaction was one of relief.
-In a sense (idiom): in a certain way of looking at it.
E.G: In a sense, the book's story stands as a metaphor for the American dream.
-Deliver (v): provide (something promised or expected)
E.G: He had been able to deliver votes in huge numbers.
-Kinship (n): a sharing of characteristics or origins.
E.G: They felt a kinship with architects.
-Set in (phr.v): To become established as an internal or external condition,
especially one that brings suffering or hardship to a person or group of people.
E.G: Panic set in when the people realized the building was on fire.
PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in
1. I'm not against vivisection , but obviously we all want to avoid animals
suffering unnecessarily. (SECTION)
Note Vocab:
-Vivisection (n): the practice of performing operations on live animals for the
purpose of experimentation or scientific research (used only by opponents of such
work) = Dismemberment/ Anatomy/ Zootomy (animal): Sự mổ xẻ động vật sống
E.G: They 'give' their lives in vivisection and the food industry.
2. The administration announced that the U.S. would no longer produce anti-
personnel landmines or acquire new ones, including replacing expiring munitions
in its stockpile. (PERSON)
Note Vocab:
-Administration (n): {the management of public affairs}, In This Context:
(the people who carry on) the government of a country
= Cabinet /Ministry/Regime/Executive/Authority: Thể chế
-Anti-personnel (n): (of weapons, especially bombs) designed to kill or injure
people rather than to damage buildings or equipment.
E.G: An antipersonnel mine
- Landmines (n): an explosive mine laid on or just under the surface of the
ground: Mìn
-Expire (v): comes to an end or stops being in use = Become invalid/Become
void/Lapse/ Become obsolete/Cease: Hết hạn
-Munition (n): military weapons, ammunition, equipment, and stores: Đạn dược
E.G: bullets /shells /projectiles/missiles/rounds/slugs/cartridges/ rockets/ bombs
-Stockpile (n): a large accumulated stock of goods or materials, especially one
held in reserve for use at a time of shortage or other emergency =
Supply/Accumulation/Collection/Reserve/Hoard/ Cache/Pool/Reservoir/
Arsenal/Amassment: Hàng dự trữ
3. And lastly, it provided the authorities with an opportunity to dispose of
troublesome true believers or neighborhood malcontents (CONTENT)
Note Vocab:
-Authority (n): a person or organization having political or administrative power
and control = officials/officialdom /the administration/the establishment/ the
bureaucracy/the system: Người có thẩm quyền
-Dispose of
(idiom):To eliminate someone or something; to get rid of someone or something:
E.G:After our basement flooded, we had to dispose of most of the boxes we'd
stored down there.
-True Believer (n): a person who professes absolute belief in something/ a zealous
supporter of a particular cause =(?)
Crusader/ Fanatic/Ideologue/Militant/Partisan/Red hot/Zealot: tín đồ chân
chính/đích thực, người nhiệt tình ủng hộ
E.G: Naturally, as a personal stylist, I am a true believer in the power of clothes .
-Malcontent (n): a person who is not satisfied with the way things are, and
who complains a lot and is unreasonable and difficult to deal with
=troublemaker/ mischiefmaker/agitator/dissentient/ dissident/ rebel/ disruptor
/complainer/grumbler/moaner/fault-finder/carper: Người ko bằng lòng, người
bất mãn, bất bình.
4. She hopes to parlay her success as a model into an acting career. (LAY)
Note Vocab:
-Parlay into (phr.v): to use or develop something such as money or a skill to
make it more successful or worth more / to achieve success by using
a small advantage or opportunity in an effective way.
E.G:When I was an intern, I parlayed my tech skills into a parttime job overseeing
the publishers' e-book production.
5. Mohammed Zardah, 26, a slim, bespectacled man with an academic mien,
studied computer engineering in Damascus, he says. (SPECTACLE)
Note Vocab:
-Bespectacled (adj): wearing glasses = bespectacled, monocled
-Mien (n): a person's appearance or manner, especially as an indication of their
character or mood = appearance/ look/ expression/ countenance /front/
aspect /aura / demeanour/comportment /attitude/air/ presence/manner/
deportment/ stance
E.G: a colonel with an imperious mien.
-Computer engineering is a branch of engineering that integrates several fields of
computer science and electronic engineering required to develop computer
hardware and software : Kĩ thuật máy tính.
-Damascus: Capital city of Syria → Syria (Country at Middle East)
6. Hunger and a slap-up meal did not sit happily side by side. (SLAP)
Note Vocab:
-Hunger (n): a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled
with the desire to eat
=Hungriness/ Ravenousness/ Starvation/Famine/ Malnutrition/
Malnourishment /Undernourishment/ Famishment/ Inanition : Cơn đói
-Slap-Up (n): (of a meal or celebration) large and sumptuous = Lavish/Sumptuous/
Elaborate/ Princely/ First-class :(thông tục) Rất ngon (về bữa ăn)
-Side by side (idiom):
In a line next to each other, close together and facing the same direction/ In This
Context: In unison; simultaneously,United or banded together : Song song, bên
cạnh, cùng nhau.

7. The machine must be expeditious, executing as fast as a mower is able to cut.

Note Vocab:
-Expeditious (adj): done with speed and efficiency =
Speedy/Swift/Quick/Rapid/Fast/Prompt/Immediate: Chóng vánh, mau lẹ, khẩn
-Execute (v): to kill someone as a legal punishment/ In this context: to do
or perform something, especially in a planned way = accomplish/achieve/bring
off/carry off/carry out/commit/compass/follow through
(with)/ fulfill/negotiate/perform/perpetrate/prosecute/pull off : Thực hiện
-Mower (n): A machine for cutting grass/ A person who cuts grass with a
mower.=(?) Cutter/Grass cutter/Trimmer: Máy/Người cắt cỏ
8. Anticoagulants are medicines that lower the chance of blood clotting.
Note Vocab:
-Anticoagulants (n): Thuốc chống đông tụ. (Ex: Heparin or Warfarin)
-Blood clotting (Coagulation) (n): The process in which blood changes into a
solid state to form a thick mass or lump : Sự đông máu
E.G: Platelets are essential for blood clotting → Platelets (n): A very small cell in
the blood that makes it thicker and more solid in order to stop bleeding caused by
an injury: Tiểu cầu
9. With the great achievement of U-23 Vietnam team, many international
newspapers wrote encomia praising our heroes. (COME)
Note Vocab:
-Encomia (n) (plural: encomium): A speech or piece of writing that praises
someone or something highly = Citation/Eulogy/Panegyric/Tribute: Bài tán
tụng, lời tán dương
E.G: Their work fully deserves the encomia passed on it in this debate.
-Praise (v): To express adminration or approval of the achievements or
characteristics of a person or thing = Express approval of/ Express admiration
of/Commend/Applaud: Khen
10. In the countryside, farmers try to demarcate their land with a view to keeping
out their neighbors' cattle. (MARKER)
Note Vocab:
-Demarcate (v): To show the limits of something =(?) Delimit/Divide/Mark off/
Separate/Detach: Phân ranh giới
E.G: Parking spaces are demarcated by white lines
-Cattle (n): A group of animals that are often kept for their milk or meat (E.G:
Cows,Buffalo and Bison,Oxen,Calves): Gia súc
PART 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given
in the box.
1.Produce 5.utile 9.replace 7.infect 8.depend
2.Luminaire 10.extract 4.temporate 3.orient 6.respect
The natural uses of bioluminescence vary widely, and organisms have learnt to be
very creative with its use. Fireflies employ bioluminescence primarily for
(1).reproductive means - their flashing patterns advertise a firefly's readiness to
breed. Some fish use it as a handy spotlight to help them locate prey. Others use it
as a lure; the anglerfish, for example, dangles a (2). luminescent flare that draws in
gullible, smaller fishes which get snapped up by the anglerfish in an automated
reflex. Sometimes, bioluminescence is used to resist predators. Vampire squids eject
a thick cloud of glowing liquid from the tip of its arms when threatened, which can
be (3). disorientating. Other species use a single, bright flash to (4). temporarily blind
their attacker, with an effect similar to that of an oncoming car which has not dipped
its headlights. Humans have captured and (5).utilized bioluminescence by
developing, over the last decade, a technology known as Bioluminescence Imaging
(BLI). BU involves the of a DNA protein from a bolus ignescent organism, and then
the integration of this protein into a laboratory animal through transgeneticism.
Researchers have been able to use luminised pathogens and cancer cell lines to track
the (6). respective spread of (7). infections and cancers. Through BLI, cancers and
infections can be observed without intervening in a way that affects their (8).
independent development. In other words, while an ultra-sensitive camera and
bioluminescent proteins add a visual element, they do not disrupt or mutate the
natural processes. As a result, when testing drugs and treatments, researchers are
permitted a single perspective of a therapy's progression. Once scientists learn how
to engineer bioluminescence and keep it stable in large quantities, a number of other
human uses for it will become available. Glowing trees have been proposed as (9).
replacements for electric lighting along busy roads, for example, which would
reduce our dependence on (10).Non-renewable energy sources.
Note Vocab:
-Bioluminescence(n): light created by the body of a living creature,
for example by some sea creatures and insects such as fireflies: Sự phát quang sinh
E.G: Bioluminescence is one of the oldest and most prevalent languages on Earth.
-Reproductive(adj): relating to the process of reproduction =
Fruitful/procreative/generative: Có khả năng, thuộc sinh sản
-Luminescent (n): (of a substance) producing light without being heated: Phát
sáng, Phát quang
E.G: The luminescent watch hands glow 100 times brighter than those on standard
watches, allowing wearers to read the time in complete darkness.

-Disorientating (adj): causing a feeling of confusion = Befuddling/Blurring:

Gây khó hiểu
-Utilize (v): make practical and effective use of (sth) = Harness/Exploit/Exercise:
Sử dụng, tận dụng
E.G: Vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet.
-Respective (adj): belonging or relating separately to each of two or more people
or things = Separate/Personal/Own/Individual: Tương ứng
E.G: They chatted about their respective childhoods
-Infections (n): An infectious disease = Disease/Contagion/Afflicton/Ailment: Căn
-Non-renewable (adj): (of a natural resource or source of energy) existing in finite
quantity; not capable of being replenished : Ko thể tái tạo
-Breed (v): Sinh sản, gây giống – Prey (n): Con mồi – Lure (n): Mồi Nhử -Dangle
(v): Treo lủng lẳng – Flare (n): Chớp – Gullible (adj): Cả tin, Dễ mắc lừa – Reflex
(n): Phản xạ - Eject (v): Phóng – Dip (v): Hạ thoáng xuống – Intergration (n): Sự
hội nhập – Pathogen (n): Mầm bệnh – Mutate (v): Biến đổi, Đột biến – Stable
(adj): Ổn định – Propose (v): Đề nghị, yêu cầu
III. ERROR CORRECTION (10 pts) The following passage contains 10
errors. Identify and correct them.
1. It is not easy to have a rational discussion with people about the nature of their
language. They feel that the language belongs to them, and they are therefore
entitled to hold cut and dry opinions about it. And when opinions differ, emotions
run high. Arguments can easily stem from
5. minor points of usage as from major education policies. In English, the origin of
many popular misconceptions lies in the work of the linguists of the eighteenth
century who first attempted to codify the English grammar. Unfortunately, they
worked under the premise that English grammar is derived from Latin grammar
and that the rules of
10. the latter are to determine the former. It was this fundamentally
misunderstanding that resulted in the absurd but ‘time-honored’never-end -a-
sentence-with-a-preposition' type of rule that many people still cling to. These
days, many people complain that the Internet is the source of much unforgivable
distortion of English, and such the ease
15. and speed of email communication engenders a lazy approach to writing. This
is possibly a short-sighted view: perhaps we should be more broad-minded and
view such changes as potential enrichment other than corruption of the language.
Perhaps those who argue it is only the latter are guilty of stick-in-the-sand
mentality which is often
20. not confined to their own language. The American linguist Leonard Bloomfield
tells the story of a doctor who was so firm in his view that the American language
Chippewa had only few hundred words. When Bloomfield tried to dispute the
point, the doctor had no thoughts of losing down. He turned away and refused to
1.Dry → dried(*) (Line 3) → educational(adj đứng trước n) (Line 5)
3.under → on (Premise ở đây đi với on) (Line 8)
4. Fundamentally → fundamental (Misunderstanding là n -> Fundamentally (adv)
sai -> fundamental (adj)) (Line 10)
5.such → that(Sai ngữ pháp) (Line 14)
6. Other → rather(Sai ngữ pháp) (Line 17)
7.Sand → mud(**) (Line 18)
8.So → quite(Sai ngữ pháp) (Line 21)
9.few → a few(Sai ngữ pháp) (Line 22)
10.losing → backing(Sai ngữ pháp)(***) (Line 23)
Note Vocab:
(*)-Cut and dried (idiom): (of a situation) completely settled/
Prearranged, unchangeable, and dull = Definite/Decided /Fated/Ordained :
Không có gì mới mẻ.
E.G: the championship is not as cut and dried as everyone thinks.
-Premise (n): an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
=(?)Assumption/Basis/Ground: Tiền đề
E.G: if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true
-Under the premise(idiom): influenced by the supposition: Dưới tiền đề?
E.G: All this should be understood under the premise that I mentioned at the
beginning of my speech.
→ Supposition (n): The fact of believing something is true without any proof or
something that you believe to be true without any proof = given/hypothetical/if
/postulate: Giả thuyết,Giả định
E.G: They were working on the supposition that his death was murder.
(**)-Stick-in-the-mud (idiom): a person who is dull and unadventurous and who
resists change: Người bảo thủ, người chậm tiến, người lạc hậu
E.G: They see many of their colleagues as stick-in-the-muds and sentimental
→ Neanderthals (n): uncivilized, unintelligent, or uncouth person (typically used
of a man)
~lout/boor/ barbarian/churl /gawk/hulk/bumpkin/ yokel/ fool/dolt/dullard/
bosthoon /clodpole/lubber
E.G: The stereotype of the mechanic as a macho Neanderthal.
_Original meaning: An extinct species of human that was widely distributed in
ice-age Europe between c. 120,000 and 35,000 years ago, with a receding forehead
and prominent brow ridges.
-Fundamental (adj): forming the base, from which everything else develops =
Rudimentary/ Cardinal/Vital/Primary: Cơ bản,Chủ yếu
(***)-Back down (phr.v): To retreat from a particular idea or course of action,
often in a conflict: Thoái lui = Give in/Concede/Yield/Submit/Backtrack.
E.G: Party leaders backed down and rescinded the resolution.
→Rescind (v): to make a law, agreement, order, or decision no longer have any
(legal) power = Annul/Nullify/Disannul/…: (pháp lý) huỷ bỏ, thủ tiêu, bãi bỏ
(luật hợp đồng..)
-Rational (adj): Có lí trí – Entitled (adj): Bố đời, Cho mình là cái rốn của vũ trụ,
ATSM – Stem (v): Xuất phát từ - Misconception (n): Sự hiểu sai – Linguist (n):
Nhà ngôn ngữ học – Codify (v): Lập điều lệ, Hệ thống hoá – Derived (v): Được
suy ra – Latter (adj): Sau cùng – Former (adj): Trước-Cling (v): Bám chặt vào-
Distortion (n): Sự bóp méo – Engender (v): Gây ra,Sinh ra,Tạo ra,Đem, Nảy
sinh,Mang lại – Short-sighted (adj): Thiếu tầm nhìn – Broad-Minded (adj): Có tư
tưởng rộng rãi – Enrichment (n): Sự làm giàu – Corruption (n): Sự mục nát, sự
tham nhũng – Mentality (n): Tâm lí – Confine(v): Giới hạn, hạn chế, giam cầm-
Firm(adj): vững chắc – Dispute (v): Tranh luận.
IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20PTS> For each of the sentences
below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original
one, using the word given.
1. Going to and fro with all the cases is what I can’t stand about holidays.
-> It’s all toing and froing with all the cases that I can't stand about holidays.
Note Vocab:
-To and Fro (adv + n)-(adj): in one direction and then in the opposite direction, a
number of times = From side to side/Backward and forward/Seesaw?: Đi lùi và
tiến, đi qua đi lại.
E.G: They ran to and fro in the street
-Can’t stand (idiom): Thoroughly dislike = Abhor/Despise/Detest/Loathe/Scorn
→Shun (v): to avoid something/to ignore someone and not speak to that person
because you cannot accept their behavior, beliefs, etc.
E.G: After the trial he was shunned by friends and family alike
2. The village shop is now being managed by a national supermarket chain.
—> A national supermarket chain has taken charge over the management.
Note Vocab:
-Take charge (of sth) (idiom) : To accept responsibility for sth and have control
over it: Đảm đương, chịu trách nhiệm
E.G: The department was in chaos until he took charge
-Chain (n): {A series of things of the same type connected in a line, or a series of
people standing in a line},In this context: A group of shops, restaurants, hotels or
other businesses owned by the same company: Chuỗi
→Conglomerate (n): Tập đoàn (A company that owns several smaller businesses
whose products or services are usually very different) ----Off the chain (Idiom) :
extremely good
3. This door is an emergency exi t and must never be locked for any reason.
—> On no account must this door ever be locked because it is an emergency exit.
Note Vocab:
-On no account (idiom): sth that must not be done at any time or for any reason =
Not in any event/ By no means
4. Yolanda’s family persuaded her to enter the competition.
—> Yolanda was talked into entering the competition by her family.
Note Vocab:
-Persuade (v): to make someone do or believe something by giving them a
good reason to do it or by talking to that person and making them believe it/cause
(someone) to do something through reasoning or argument =
Advise/Entice?/Coax/…: Thuyết phục, làm cho tin
→Persuasion (n) ---- Persuasive (adj):( making you want to do or believe a
particular thing) ---- Persuasiveness (n):(the quality of being persuasive)
-Talk (s.o) into (sth) (Phr.Verb): to persuade someone to do something =
E.G: He’s against the idea, but I think I can talk him into it
5. So many people were really delighted when the government lost the election.
->There was (much) jubilation when the government lost the election.
Note Vocab:
-Jubilation (n): A feeling of great happiness, especially because of a success =
Gladness/Merriment/Triumph/Exultation/Festivity: Sự hân hoan
E.G: There was jubilation in the crowd as the winning goal was scored.
→Jubilant (adj) ----- Jubilee (n): (The celebration of the day which an
important event happened many years ago): Ngày lễ đại xá -E.G: The Queen’s
diamond jubilee
6. The board had a secret meeting in order to discuss changes in company policy.
- > The board met behind closed doors in order to discuss changes in company
Note Vocab:
-Board (n): the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing
a company or organization =Jury/Committee/Cabinet/Council: Ban, Hội đồng
E.G: Every decision has to be approved by the board (of directors)
-Behind closed doors (idiom): hidden or kept secret from the public ,or without
an audience or crowd watching= In chambers/In closed meeting/In executive
session: Trong bí mật
-Policy (n): a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has
been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization,
a government, or a political party / a course or principle of action adopted or
proposed by a government, party, business, or individual
=Procedure/Tactics/Code/…: Chính sách ,Đường lối ,Luật lệ ,Điều khoản
7. Peter was in trouble with his boss because he didn’t finish an important project
by the deadline. (HOT)
- > Peter was in hot water because he didn’t finish an important project by the
Note Vocab:
-Deadline (n): a time or day by which something must be done: hạn chót
-Be in hot water (idiom): to be in or get into a difficult situation which you are in
danger or being criticized or punished = Up the creek/In a tight spot/ Out on a
limb: Lâm vào tình cảnh khó khăn
E.G: He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration.
8. She told everyone that she had been fired by the company. (SACK)
—> She let it be known that she had been given the sack by the company.
Note Vocab:
-Let it be known (idiom) : to make certain that people know something.
-Give (s.o) the sack (idiom): to dismiss (s.o) suddenly from a job/ fire (s.o)
E.G: The company gave him the sack for improper conduct.
9. Should there be a problem, contact US at all costs. (LINE)
—> In the event of a problem, drop a line at all costs.
Note Vocab:
-Drop a line (idiom): to send someone a brief note or message = Dangle a line
E.G: i hope you’ll drop me a line soon.
-At all costs (idiom): if something must be done or avoided at all costs, it must be
done or avoided whatever happens.
10. Although the manager is sluggish, he is a smooth speaker. (GIFT)
—> Sluggish as the manager is, he has the gift of the gab.
Note Vocab:
-The gift of the gab (idiom): the ability to speak easily and confidently in a way
that makes people want to listen to you and believe you = Flowing tongue: Tài ăn
E.G: Lawyers are often born with the gift of the gab.
-Sluggish (adj): moving or operating more slowly than usual and with
less energy or power = Inactive/Lethargic/Stagnant: Chậm chạp,Uể oải, Lờ đờ,
Lờ phờ.

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