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Capstone Update #3

To meet the requirements, It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE DETAILS in your updates along
with MULTIPLE pictures or video of your progress.

What I have accomplished so far

I have contacted multiple people to interview. They consist of retired and current firefighters and
RCMP officers. I have compiled an updated list of questions based on the people being interviewed
that I will continue to add to. I also contacted my mentor for some pointers in the interviewing

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

First, I will reach out to each person to determine who is and isn’t comfortable with sharing their name
and rank on record. I will then call and meet with the interviewees to start compiling my video/podcast.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

All I need is set times to contact each individual.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

I had some trouble finding people that were willing to speak with me. I went around to different firehalls
and police stations and had no luck, so I contacted the CEO of Safer Schools Together, Theresa Campbell.
SST is a company that works with first responders, ex-gang members, and retired service members to
keep schools safe online and in person. I reached out for some contacts and was successful in getting 5.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

For privacy and security, names are blacked out.

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