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### Week 2: Self-Awareness

#### Key Concepts:

- **Self-awareness**: Understanding one's own thoughts, emotions, strengths, weaknesses,
values, and beliefs.
- **Personality types**: Different frameworks for categorizing personality traits and their impact
on behavior and relationships.
- **Self-reflection**: The process of introspection and examining one's thoughts, feelings, and
- **Self-assessment**: Tools and techniques for evaluating personal strengths, weaknesses,
and areas for growth.

#### Objectives:
1. Explore the concept of self-awareness and its significance in personal and academic
2. Introduce different personality typologies and their relevance to understanding oneself and
3. Facilitate self-reflection and self-assessment activities to promote self-awareness.

#### Activities:
- **Lecture**: Provide an overview of self-awareness and its importance in personal and
academic success. Discuss the benefits of self-awareness in various aspects of life.
- **Personality Typologies**: Introduce popular personality typologies such as MBTI (Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator), Big Five personality traits, or Enneagram. Discuss how these
frameworks can help students better understand themselves and their interactions with others.
- **Self-Reflection Exercise**: Guide students through a self-reflection exercise where they
journal about their values, interests, and goals. Encourage them to reflect on past experiences
and how they have shaped their identity.
- **Personality Assessment**: Administer a personality assessment tool (e.g., MBTI, Big Five) or
provide resources for students to take online assessments. Discuss the results and help
students interpret how their personality traits influence their behavior and decision-making.
- **Group Discussion**: Facilitate a group discussion where students share insights from their
self-reflection and personality assessment experiences. Encourage them to discuss similarities
and differences in their personality profiles.
- **Reflection Essay**: Assign a reflection essay where students analyze their self-awareness
journey so far. Prompt them to discuss what they have learned about themselves and how they
plan to apply this self-awareness to their personal and academic endeavors.

#### Resources:
- **Articles and Readings**: Provide articles and readings on self-awareness, personality theory,
and self-reflection.
- **Personality Assessment Tools**: Provide access to online personality assessment tools or
recommend books/resources for further exploration.
- **Journaling Prompts**: Create a list of journaling prompts to guide students in their self-
reflection exercises.
- **Group Discussion Guidelines**: Prepare discussion prompts and guidelines to facilitate
meaningful group discussions.

#### Assessment:
- **Self-Reflection Journal**: Evaluate students' self-reflection journals based on depth of
insight, clarity of expression, and relevance to course topics.
- **Personality Assessment Reflection**: Assess students' reflections on their personality
assessment results, focusing on their ability to integrate this knowledge into their self-
awareness journey.
- **Group Discussion Participation**: Evaluate students' participation in group discussions,
considering their engagement, contribution, and ability to connect course concepts to personal

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