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ENGL 1302 Research Position Outline Assignment

Instructions: Organize your claims and supporting evidence for the argument of your researched position paper.
Complete each chart with information from your “moving from subject to thesis statement” worksheet and
“BEAM worksheet” in order to plot what you need to discuss in each section of your essay.

Section 1: Introduction

A. Provide relevant Information (with citations) on Topic to Set up Research Question:

Topical Intermittent fasting, the effects, benefits and why it is the best way to fast.

B. Describe Research Question as a Statement of Uncertainty, Doubt, or a Gap in Knowledge:

Research Is intermittent fasting beneficial enough for people to try?

C. Identify your (arguable) Answer to the Research Question, your Thesis Statement:
Thesis Possible Scripts: Intermittent fasting is an invaluable nutritional approach for general well-
Statement being because, it provides weight loss, enhanced metabolic health, decreased risk of chronic
diseases, and other health advantages in a simple and flexible way.

Section 2: Body Paragraphs

Sub-Claim A
A. Describe the main point for section #1, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 1 Limiting calorie intake and increasing fat burning, intermittent fasting has the potential to
aid in weight loss.

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted / Agagunduz, et al. states the potential positive effects on obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
Paraphrased disease and some cancer types due to changes and causes in metabolic parameter.
Evidence 1
Guo, et al. States that there is a trend to break away from the typical breakfast-lunch-dinner
pattern towards the adoption of unhealthy eating habits, including the consumption of frequent
snacks and late-night snacking (1)

Intermittent fasting protocol (IFP), a changing in feeding periods characterized by fasting and
feeding cycles, has been suggested as a strategy to change body metabolism and improve
health (Moraes, et al.).

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 1:
Explanation 1 Given reported studies, it can be observed that IF may be a useful tactic for reducing fat
mass and preserving lean body mass, leading to positive changes in overall body
composition. The research points out the beneficial role of fasting on fat loss as well as body
Sub-Claim B
A. Describe the main point for section #2, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 2 One important advantage of intermittent fasting is improved metabolic health, which
includes reduced insulin resistance, improved blood sugar regulation, and the promotion of a
healthy metabolism.

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are making in
this section:
Quoted / Intermittent fasting has distinct metabolic outcomes which may be the case in altering
Paraphrased metabolic health. Guo, et al. on the one hand, provide the mechanism whereby disruption in
Evidence 2 the intake of food, the irregularity of eating patterns and inadequate sleep affect the
circadian rhythm and ultimately, metabolic disorders (1).
Diverse views in this concerns show the heterogeneous interactions between fasting and
metabolic health, and therefore more researches needs to be made in order to fully
understand how fasting mechanism works.

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 2:
Explanation 2 The performed data reveals that fasting treatment programs may allow the body to take
beneficial metabolic responses that contribute to better weight control and cardiac function.
This view of the phenomenon of IF on the metabolic health emphasizes the fact that the
implication of the view also lies in weight loss, conferring wider metabolic improvement
(Moraes, et a. 1341).

Sub-Claim C
A. Describe the main point for section #3, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 3 Intermittent fasting has been demonstrated to provide advantages for mental health as well as
physical health, including enhanced mood regulation and cognitive performance

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted / Moraes, et al. touch on the psychological outcomes that accompany IF and bring to our
Paraphrased attention the connections of being in fasting periods with the mood and cognitive
Evidence 3 functioning alterations (175).

The investigation illustrates the fine-tuned nature of energy intake and mental health,
opining that time-restricted energy intake could have wider implications beyond the physical

Zhongbiao, et al. claim that fasting could be the best solution to improve mental health and
cognitive function (8).

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 3:
Explanation 3 It is necessary to realize these differences in viewpoints so that one can be aware of the
psychological consequences of IF and can develop the methods to enable overall a better
quality of life. The investigation of the psychological impacts as caused by IF shall concern
more effort with the aim of understanding fully those layers of psychological aspects whose
effect on one’s mental health is in doubt.

Sub-Claim D
A. Describe the main point for section #4, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 4 Intermittent fasting is a sustainable nutritional plan that is easy to implement into different
lifestyles and improves overall well-being because of its simplicity and flexibility.

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted /
Evidence 4

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 4:
Explanation 4

Section 3: Conclusion

A. Reiterate thesis statement:

Thesis Possible Script: As this paper has shown intermittent fasting is an invaluable nutritional
Statement approach for general well-being because, it provides weight loss, enhanced metabolic health,
decreased risk of chronic diseases, and other health advantages in a simple and flexible way.

B. Addresses the significance of your argument:

Importance Grasping varied viewpoints of the intermittent fasting process process is important in
ensuring that it does not only have positive results on health but also on the wellbeing of
people. Learning about the topic enables societies to adjust their diets according to their
individual needs and goals, and in the long run, health of an individual and general well-
being is positively affected.

C. Describe what readers should do with this knowledge:

Implications Learning about the topic enables societies to adjust their diets according to their individual
needs and goals, and in the long run, health of an individual and general well-being is
positively affected.
Accordingly, intensive research findings on IF reflect the main points that may be
considered a guideline to reach an individual health status.

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