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International TEFL Academy

Activity B

Level & Number of Students: high beginners/ 12 students

Activity Duration: 15-20 minutes
Assumptions: Students have already studied vocabulary related to food, specifically vegetables. They
will be able to recall most of the vocabulary. Students have already learned the imperative form of verbs
and some basic verbs related to cooking and food preparation.
Aims/Objectives: By the end of this activity, the students will be able to…
• use the following food-related vocabulary to “shop” at a market and talk food prep: lettuce,
cabbage, tomato, carrots, radishes, dry herbs, onion, cucumber, dressing.
• use the following imperative form of basic verbs related to cooking and food preparation while
they follow a recipe and prepare a salad: wash, peel, cut, slice, chop, mix, sprinkle, pour.

Materials: Plastic utensils and real or toy food that represent the target vocabulary. There should be
enough utensils and vegetables for all four groups.

Step 1 (5 min) Vocab Review

The teacher shows food-related vocabulary flashcards and pronounces the words for students to
repeat. The teacher repeats a second time but calls on volunteers to say the word first. The teacher
then acts out each of the cooking verbs and asks students to mimic the motions and repeat the
words. This is repeated two or three times, while periodically asking students to act out verbs in
front of the class.

Step 2 (5 min) Directions and Pairing

The teacher tells students that they are going to go to the market (motion to the teacher’s desk that
has all the food items) to get food to make a salad. The teacher puts students into groups of three
and gives them a grocery list (see materials) and tells them to cross off the food after they find it
and then return to their desks.

Step 3 (5-10 min) Listen and Act

After the students have found the food and are back at their desks, the teacher gives one recipe
card to each group (see materials). One student from each group is to read the directions to the
other two students, who then are to act out the directions. The teacher should model the first line
with the students. (Additional vocabulary words may need to be reviewed with students before
beginning: recipe, pieces, slices.)

Materials: (see next page)

International TEFL Academy

A Grocery List

Grocery List

dry herbs

A Recipe

Simple Green Salad

1. Wash all the vegetables with cool water.
2. Peel the carrots.
3. Cut the carrots, radishes, and onion into small pieces.
4. Slice the tomato and cucumber.
5. Chop the lettuce and cabbage.
6. Mix all the vegetables together in a bowl.
7. Sprinkle the dry herbs on top.
8. Pour the dressing on slowly.
9. Mix everything together one more time.
10. Eat and enjoy!

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