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Executive Summary

Our Wisk & Wow bakery focuses on enhancing brand visibility, engaging consumers, and
driving sales growth through strategic digital marketing, community engagement, and
exceptional customer experiences. By highlighting product diversity, leveraging digital
channels, and fostering local partnerships, we aim to strengthen brand presence and drive
sustained business growth.

Business Overview: Our Wisk & Wow bakery business specializes in offering a diverse range
of freshly baked goods, including bread, pastries, cakes, and cookies. We prioritize quality
ingredients, artisanal craftsmanship, and exceptional customer service to differentiate
ourselves in the market.

Target Markets:

• Local Community: Our primary target market comprises residents of the local
community surrounding our bakery location. We aim to attract families, working
professionals, and individuals who value convenience, quality, and freshness in their
baked goods.
• Health-Conscious Celebrators: With the rising demand for healthier food options, we
target health-conscious consumers seeking alternatives such as whole grain bread,
gluten-free pastries, and low-sugar treats. Our Wisk & Wow bakery offers a variety of
nutritious options to cater to this segment.
• Special Occasion Celebrators: We target individuals and families celebrating special
occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and holidays. Our customizable cakes, themed
cookies, and pastry platters cater to customers looking for unique and indulgent treats
to mark their milestones.
• Corporate Clients: We also target corporate clients, including local businesses, offices,
and event planners, who require catering services for meetings, conferences, and
corporate events. Our bakery provides catering options tailored to their needs, including
breakfast pastries, sandwich platters, and dessert trays.
• Online Consumers: In addition to our physical storefront, we target online consumers
who prefer the convenience of ordering baked goods from the comfort of their homes.

We offer online ordering, delivery, and curb side pickup options to cater to this segment,
leveraging digital marketing channels to reach and engage online customers effectively.
• Management Team: Our Wisk & Wow bakery's management team is comprised of
skilled professionals who bring diverse expertise and experience to drive the success
of our business. Here's a brief overview of each team member:
• Marketing Director: Responsible for overseeing all marketing initiatives, including
strategy development, campaign execution, and performance analysis. Leads a team of
marketing professionals to ensure alignment with business goals and objectives.
Product Manager: Manages the bakery's product portfolio, including new product
development, pricing strategies, and product lifecycle management. Works closely with
the marketing team to identify market trends, consumer preferences, and opportunities
for product innovation.
• Digital Marketing Specialist: Implements digital marketing strategies to enhance online
visibility, drive website traffic, and increase customer engagement. Manages social
media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and online advertising to effectively
reach target audiences and promote bakery products.
• Community Engagement Coordinator: Builds and maintains relationships with the
local community through outreach initiatives, event sponsorships, and partnerships
with local businesses and organizations. Organizes community events, tastings, and
workshops to foster brand loyalty and customer engagement.
• Customer Experience Manager: Focuses on delivering exceptional customer service
and ensuring a positive shopping experience for every customer. Trains staff on
customer service best practices, implements feedback mechanisms, and continuously
improves processes to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• Sales Manager: Oversees sales efforts, including wholesale accounts, corporate clients,
and online sales channels. Develops sales strategies, negotiates contracts, and manages
customer relationships to drive revenue growth and achieve sales targets.
• Operations Manager: Ensures efficient bakery operations, including production
scheduling, inventory management, and quality control. Collaborates with the
management team to streamline processes, optimize resources, and maintain product
consistency and freshness.

• Finance Manager: Manages financial planning, budgeting, and analysis for the
marketing project. Monitors expenses, tracks ROI on marketing investments, and
provides financial insights to support decision-making and maximize profitability.

By leveraging the diverse expertise of the management team, the bakery marketing project can
effectively execute marketing initiatives, drive sales growth, and achieve business objectives
in a competitive market environment.

Financial Projections:

Wisk & Wow Bakery requires Rs.19,10,000 in financing to open its bakery. The cost will be
invested in leasehold improvements, working capital, and opening inventory.

The funds breakdown is as mentioned below:

• Bakery build-out, design, and furniture, fixtures, and equipment – Rs.12,00,000

• Opening inventory – Rs.1,00,000
• Working capital – Rs.1,37,000 (per month)

2. Product/Services

Wisk & Wow Bakery Mixes are premium, pre-packaged baking mixes that bring the joy of
baking into the comfort of your own home. Each mix is expertly crafted with high-quality
ingredients, ensuring consistent and delicious results every time. From classic chocolate chip
cookies to indulgent red velvet cupcakes, our range of mixes offers something for every

Complete and Precise Definition: A Wisk & Wow product refers to any tangible item produced
or sold by a bakery establishment, typically consisting of baked goods such as bread, pastries,
cakes, cookies, and other confectionery items. These products are crafted from ingredients such
as flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and flavourings, and are often baked on-site or in specialized
bakery facilities. Bakery products may be sold directly to consumers through retail outlets,
cafes, or online platforms, or supplied to wholesale customers such as restaurants, hotels, and
grocery stores. They are designed to satisfy consumer preferences for fresh, flavourful, and
visually appealing baked goods, and may vary in taste, texture, shape, size, and presentation to
cater to different market segments and occasions.


• Nutritional Value: Our Many bakery products, such as whole grain breads and pastries
made with fruits and nuts, can provide essential nutrients like fibre, vitamins, and
minerals, contributing to a balanced diet.
• Convenience: Bakery products offer a convenient option for quick and easy meals or
snacks, whether it's grabbing a sandwich on-the-go or enjoying a slice of cake with
coffee during a break.
• Variety: The Wisk & Wow offers a diverse range of products to suit different tastes and
preferences, from traditional favourites like croissants and bagels to innovative
creations like gluten-free and vegan options.

• Comfort and Satisfaction: Baked goods often evoke feelings of comfort and
satisfaction, making them a popular choice for indulgence and celebration, as well as
providing a sense of nostalgia and familiarity.
• Customization: Many bakery products can be customized to meet individual
preferences, whether it's adjusting the level of sweetness in a cake or choosing specific
fillings and toppings for pastries and sandwiches.
• Social and Cultural Significance: Bakery products play an important role in social
gatherings, celebrations, and cultural traditions, serving as a focal point for sharing food
and creating memorable experiences with friends and family.
• Local and Artisanal Appeal: Consumers are increasingly drawn to bakery products
made with locally sourced and artisanal ingredients, supporting small businesses and
fostering a sense of community.
• Creative Expression: Baking allows for creativity and innovation, whether it's
experimenting with new Flavors and ingredients or designing intricate decorations and
• Freshness and Quality: Bakery products are often made fresh on-site or in small
batches, ensuring superior taste, texture, and quality compared to mass-produced
• Healthier Alternatives: With growing awareness of dietary preferences and health-
conscious eating habits, bakeries are offering healthier alternatives such as whole grain,
low-sugar, and gluten-free options to cater to diverse consumer need.

Legal Requirements

Wisk & Wow Bakery will need to consider several legal protections to operate smoothly and
minimize risks.

• Business Licensing and Permits: Bakeries are typically required to obtain business
licenses and permits to operate legally. These may include general business licenses,
food service permits, health permits, and zoning permits. The specific requirements
vary by location, so bakery owners should check with their local government

• Ingredient Labelling and Allergen Declarations: Bakeries must accurately label their
products with ingredient lists and allergen declarations to comply with food labelling
regulations. This helps consumers make informed choices and prevents allergic
• Intellectual Property Protection: Bakery owners should be aware of intellectual
property laws related to trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Registering trademarks
for bakery names, logos, and product designs can help protect against unauthorized use
by competitors.

Governmental Approvals

• Food Safety Regulations: Compliance with food safety regulations is essential for
bakeries. This includes proper handling, storage, and preparation of ingredients, as well
as adherence to hygiene standards for staff and equipment.
• Health Department Permits: Bakeries typically need permits from the local health
department or relevant regulatory authority. This may involve inspections of the facility
and food handling practices to ensure compliance with health and safety standards.
• Labelling Requirements: Products sold by bakeries may need to comply with labelling
regulations, including ingredient lists, nutritional information, and allergen warnings.
• Sales Tax Permits: Obtain a sales tax permit from your state or local government if you
plan to sell products directly to customers.
• Trademark and Copyright Compliance: Ensure that your bakery's branding, including
logos, names, and product packaging, complies with trademark and copyright laws.
• Insurance Requirements: Consider obtaining liability insurance to protect your business
against potential claims related to food safety to other issues.
• Contractual Agreements
• Supplier Agreements: Contracts with suppliers outline the terms of purchasing
ingredients, packaging materials, equipment, and other supplies. These agreements
typically cover pricing, delivery schedules, quality standards, and dispute resolution

• Distribution Contracts: Bakeries may enter into contracts with distributors or
wholesalers to distribute their products to retailers or other customers. These
agreements specify terms such as distribution territories, pricing, promotional support,
and product returns.
• Employment Contracts: Contracts with employees establish the terms and conditions
of employment, including job roles, compensation, benefits, working hours,
confidentiality agreements, and termination clauses. These contracts help protect both
the bakery and its employees' rights and obligations.
• Non-Compete Agreements: Bakery owners may require employees, particularly key
staff involved in recipe development or customer relationships, to sign non-compete
• Lease or Rental Agreements: If the bakery operates from a rented or leased commercial
space, a lease or rental agreement with the landlord is necessary. These contracts
outline terms such as rent, lease duration, maintenance responsibilities, and provisions
for lease renewal or termination.
• Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): NDAs are crucial for protecting sensitive
information, such as recipes, formulas, proprietary processes, or business strategies,
shared with employees, suppliers, contractors, or other third parties.
• Insurance Contracts: Contracts with insurance providers detail the coverage, premiums,
deductibles, and terms of various insurance policies, such as general liability insurance,
product liability insurance, property insurance, and business interruption insurance.
• Intellectual Property Agreements: Contracts related to intellectual property, including
trademarks, copyrights, and patents, help protect the bakery's branding, logos, product
names, recipes, and other proprietary assets. These agreements may include licensing
terms, usage rights, and infringement provisions.

Market Tends

• Health and Wellness: Increasing consumer awareness of health and wellness has led to
a growing demand for healthier bakery products. This trend has driven the popularity
of whole grain, gluten-free, organic, and low-sugar options. Bakeries are incorporating

healthier ingredients and offering nutritional information to cater to health-conscious
• Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices: Environmental consciousness is driving
demand for sustainable and eco-friendly bakery products. Consumers are increasingly
concerned about the environmental impact of food production and packaging.
• Online And Direct-to-Consumer Sales: The growth of e-commerce and online food
delivery platforms has transformed the Wisk & Wow's distribution channels.

Market Size and Growth

The Wisk & Wow encompasses a wide range of products and segments, making it challenging
to provide a precise global market size.

• Global Bakery Market Size: According to market research reports, the global bakery
market was valued at approximately USD 380-400 billion in 2020. The market is expected
to continue growing at a moderate pace, with forecasts projecting a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of around 3-4% over the next few years. Factors driving market
growth include changing consumer lifestyles, urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and
increasing demand for convenience foods and healthy snacks.

Target Market:

• The target market of the Wisk & Wow it can vary depending on factors such as the type of
bakery, its location, product offerings, and brand positioning.
• Wisk & Wow: Targeting the Right Customers for success (Urban Residents in Major Indian


• Location: Major metropolitan cities and urban centres across India, including Mumbai,
Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Pune.
• Concentration in commercial districts, residential neighbourhoods, and areas with high foot
traffic such as shopping malls, office complexes, and tourist attractions. Accessible via
public transportation networks (metro, buses, trains) and frequented by residents,
commuters, and tourists.


• Age: Primarily adults aged 20-45, with a focus on young professionals, working adults,
and families.
• Gender: Equal distribution between males and females, reflecting the diverse population
of urban India.
• Income: Varied income levels, including middle to upper-middle-income earners working
in sectors such as IT, finance, healthcare, hospitality, and retail.
• Education: A mix of educational backgrounds, including graduates and postgraduates,
reflecting the educational diversity of urban residents.
• Occupation: Employed in a wide range of industries and professions, including corporate
jobs, entrepreneurship, freelance work, and service-oriented roles.
• Lifestyle: Fast-paced urban lifestyle characterized by busy schedules, career aspirations,
social engagements, and leisure activities.


• Busy professionals: Juggling work commitments, family responsibilities, and social

obligations, seeking convenient dining options for meals and snacks.
• Food Enthusiasts: Passionate about culinary experiences, willing to explore new Flavors,
textures, and cuisines, including bakery products from diverse cultures.
• Health-Conscious: Increasingly concerned about nutrition and wellness, interested in
healthier bakery options made with natural, organic, and low-fat ingredients.
• Value-Conscious: Price-sensitive consumers who seek value for money, looking for
affordable bakery products without compromising on quality or taste.
• Tech-Savvy: Comfortable using digital platforms and mobile apps for ordering food,
making reservations, and sharing dining experiences on social media.
• Cultural Diversity: Representing a mix of cultural backgrounds, preferences, and dietary
habits, reflecting the multicultural fabric of urban India.
• Rate of Growth in Each Market: The rate of growth in each market segment of the Wisk &
Wow bakery

• can vary based on factors such as changing consumer preferences, economic conditions,
technological advancements, competitive dynamics, and market trends.

Growth in Each Market:

• Artisanal Bakeries: Artisanal bakeries specializing in handcrafted, high-quality baked

goods may experience moderate to high growth rates driven by increasing consumer
demand for authentic and premium products. Growth in this segment is fuelled by
consumers' willingness to pay a premium for artisanal and locally sourced bakery items, as
well as the popularity of specialty bread, pastries, and desserts.
• Commercial Bakeries: Commercial bakeries producing mass-market baked goods for retail
and foodservice channels may see steady but relatively moderate growth rates. Growth in
this segment is influenced by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and rising
disposable incomes, which drive demand for staple bakery products like bread, rolls, and
packaged snacks.
• Online Bakery Retail: Online bakery retail channels, including e-commerce websites, food
delivery apps, and subscription services, are experiencing rapid growth rates as consumers
increasingly shop online for convenience and variety. Growth in this segment is accelerated
by the rise of digital platforms, mobile technology, and changing consumer shopping
behaviours, particularly among millennials and urban residents.
• Health-Conscious Bakery Products: Bakery products catering to health-conscious
consumers, such as gluten-free, low-sugar, and whole grain options, are experiencing
strong growth rates as consumers prioritize wellness and nutritional transparency. Growth
in this segment is driven by changing dietary trends, increased awareness of food
sensitivities and allergies, and demand for functional ingredients with health benefits.

Present/Future Market:

Present Market:

• Diverse Product Offerings: The present bakery market is characterized by a diverse range
of products catering to varying consumer preferences. From traditional bread and pastries

to artisanal and specialty items like gluten-free, organic, and vegan options, bakeries offer
a wide selection to meet the demands of diverse consumer segments.
• Health and Wellness Focus: There's a growing emphasis on health and wellness among
consumers, leading to increased demand for healthier bakery products. Bakeries are
responding by offering options with reduced sugar, whole grains, and functional
ingredients to appeal to health-conscious consumers.
• Convenience and On-the-Go Consumption: Busy lifestyles have led to a rise in demand for
convenient bakery products that can be consumed on-the-go. Ready-to-eat snacks, grab-
and-go pastries, and single-serve baked goods cater to consumers looking for quick and
convenient options for breakfast or snacking.
• E-Commerce and Online Ordering: The proliferation of e-commerce platforms and food
delivery services has transformed the Wisk & Wow. Many bakeries now offer online
ordering and delivery options, allowing consumers to purchase bakery products with ease
and convenience from the comfort of their homes.
• Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing: Increasing awareness of environmental issues has led
to a greater focus on sustainability and ethical sourcing practices in the Wisk & Wow.
Consumers are seeking products made from responsibly sourced ingredients, with minimal
environmental impact and packaging waste.

Future Market:

• Innovative Product Development: Future trends in the Wisk & Wow will likely see
continued innovation in product development, with a focus on novel Flavors, ingredients,
and formats. Bakeries may explore incorporating alternative flours, plant-based
ingredients, and functional additives to meet evolving consumer tastes and preferences.
• Personalization and Customization: As consumers seek more personalized experiences,
bakeries may adopt technologies such as 3D printing and customization platforms to offer
personalized bakery products tailored to individual preferences. Customized cakes,
cookies, and pastries could become more commonplace in the future bakery market.
• Technology Integration: The integration of technology into bakery operations is expected
to increase efficiency, improve quality control, and enhance the customer experience.

Automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence may be employed to streamline production
processes, optimize inventory management, and personalize customer interactions.
• Health and Wellness Innovation: Future bakery trends will likely see further innovation in
health and wellness-focused products, with an emphasis on clean label ingredients,
nutritional transparency, and functional benefits. Bakeries may develop products targeting
specific dietary needs, such as keto-friendly, paleo, or low-carb options.
• Sustainable Practices: Sustainability will continue to be a key focus in the future Wisk &
Wow, with bakeries adopting eco-friendly practices throughout the supply chain. From
sourcing ingredients from local and sustainable sources to implementing energy-efficient
production methods and eco-friendly packaging solutions, bakeries will prioritize
environmental responsibility to meet consumer expectations.

Sales/Marketing Methods Utilized in Each Market:

Retail Market:

• In-store Sampling: Offering samples of freshly baked goods in the bakery to entice
customers and encourage purchases.
• Visual Merchandising: Creating visually appealing displays of bakery products in-store
to attract attention and stimulate impulse purchases.
• Promotional Events: Hosting special events such as themed baking classes, holiday
workshops, or dessert tastings to engage customers and drive foot traffic.
• Local Advertising: Utilizing local advertising channels such as newspapers, radio ads,
and community newsletters to promote bakery products and seasonal specials.
• Loyalty Programs: Implementing a loyalty program to reward frequent customers with
discounts, freebies, or special offers based on their purchases.

Wholesale Market:

• Sales Team Outreach: Assigning a dedicated sales team to reach out to potential
wholesale clients such as restaurants, cafes, and hotels to pitch Wisk & Wow Bakery

• Trade Shows Participation: Participating in food industry trade shows and exhibitions
to showcase Wisk & Wow Bakery offerings, network with potential buyers, and
generate leads.
• Online Catalos: Creating an online catalo or brochure showcasing Wisk & Wow
Bakery's product range and specifications to facilitate wholesale orders and inquiries.
• Customization Options: Offering customization options for wholesale clients, such as
private labelling or custom packaging, to meet their specific needs and preferences.
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implementing a CRM system to manage
and track interactions with wholesale clients, follow up on leads, and maintain customer

Online Market:

• E-Commerce Platform: Developing a user-friendly e-commerce website where customers

can browse, order, and purchase Wisk & Wow Bakery products online.
• Digital Marketing: Utilizing digital marketing channels such as social media advertising,
email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to drive traffic to the online store
and generate online sales.
• Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive
reviews and testimonials on the website or social media platforms to build trust and
credibility with potential online buyers.
• Special Online Promotions: Offering exclusive online promotions, discounts, or limited
time offers to incentivize online purchases and encourage repeat business.
• Convenient Shipping Options: Providing flexible shipping options, including standard,
expedited, or local delivery, to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of online

Specialty Market:

• Collaborations: Partnering with health food stores, fitness studios, or wellness centres to
cross-promote Wisk & Wow Bakery's offerings to their clientele.

• Content Marketing: Creating educational content such as blog posts, videos, or social
media posts highlighting the health benefits, unique ingredients, and recipes of Wisk &
Wow Bakery's specialty products. Online Communities Engagement: Participating in
online communities, forums, or social media groups focused on specialty diets or lifestyles
to share information about Wisk & Wow Bakery's specialty offerings and connect with
potential customers.
• Sampling at Specialty Events: Attending specialty food expos, health fairs, or wellness
events to offer samples of Wisk & Wow Bakery's specialty products and educate attendees
about their features and benefits.

3. Competition

• Identifying the direct and indirect competition of Wisk & Wow Bakery in the market
involves looking at other bakeries and dessert establishments that offer similar products
and target similar customer segments. Here are some potential competitors:
• Local Bakeries: Nearby bakeries offering a variety of baked goods such as cakes, pastries,
bread, and cookies could pose direct competition to Wisk & Wow Bakery. These could
range from small family-owned bakeries to larger chains.
• Specialty Dessert Shops: Specialty dessert shops focusing on specific products like
cupcakes, macarons, or artisanal chocolates might attract a similar customer base as Wisk
& Wow Bakery, especially if they emphasize high-quality ingredients and creative Flavors.
• Cafes and Coffee Shops: Cafés and coffee shops that offer baked goods alongside coffee
and tea beverages could also compete with Wisk & Wow Bakery, particularly if they
provide a cozy ambiance and a place for customers to relax and socialize.
• Online Bakeries and Delivery Services: With the rise of online food delivery platforms,
online bakeries and dessert delivery services have become increasingly popular. These
businesses offer convenience and a wide selection of baked goods delivered directly to
customers' doorsteps, posing a competitive threat to traditional brick-and-mortar bakeries
like Wisk & Wow.
• Premium Dessert Brands: Premium dessert brands and patisseries known for their high-
end offerings and luxury experiences could attract customers who are willing to pay a
premium for gourmet baked goods. These brands often emphasize exquisite presentation
and sophisticated Flavors.
• Healthy Alternatives and Specialty Diets: Bakeries and dessert shops that cater to
customers with dietary restrictions or preferences, such as gluten-free, vegan, or organic
options, might appeal to health-conscious consumers who prioritize ingredients and
nutritional value.

Competitive Factors:

• Product Quality and Innovation: Wisk & Wow Bakery should focus on consistently
delivering high-quality baked goods that exceed customer expectations. Innovating
with unique Flavors, ingredients, and presentation can set them apart from competitors.
• Customer Experience: Providing exceptional customer service, personalized
interactions, and a welcoming atmosphere can enhance the overall experience for
patrons. This includes friendly staff, clean and inviting premises, and efficient service.
• Brand Reputation and Trust: Building a strong brand reputation based on reliability,
integrity, and excellence is crucial. Positive reviews, word-of-mouth recommendations,
and social proof can instil trust and loyalty among customers.
• Price and Value Proposition: Offering competitive pricing while maintaining quality is
essential. Wisk & Wow Bakery should provide value for money through portion sizes,
product freshness, and overall experience.
• Location and Accessibility: The bakery's location can significantly impact its
competitiveness. Being situated in high-traffic areas, near residential neighbourhoods,
or close to commercial centres can attract more customers. Additionally, providing
ample parking or easy access for pedestrians can enhance convenience.
• Product Range and Customization: Offering a diverse range of baked goods to cater to
different tastes and preferences can broaden the customer base. Additionally, providing
customization options for cakes and pastries can appeal to those looking for
personalized treats for special occasions.
• Continuous Improvement and Adaption: Staying agile and responsive to market trends,
customer feedback, and emerging technologies is vital for long-term success. Wisk &
Wow Bakery should continuously innovate, refine its offerings, and adapt to changing
consumer preferences to stay ahead of the competition.

Planned Market Share:

Market Analysis:

• Wisk & Wow Bakery would conduct a thorough analysis of the bakery market in their
target region(s). This includes understanding the size of the market, growth trends,
customer preferences, and the competitive landscape.
• Competitor Analysis:
• They would analyse the market share of existing competitors, identifying their
strengths, weaknesses, and areas where they can differentiate themselves.

SMART Goals:

• Using the information gathered from the analysis, Wisk & Wow Bakery would set
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for their
market share. For example, they might aim to capture 10% of the local bakery market
within the next two years.
• Strategies and Tactics: Based on their goals, Wisk & Wow Bakery would develop
strategies and tactics to achieve them. This could include expanding their product line,
investing in marketing campaigns, improving customer service, or opening new


Promotional Concepts:

We will be doing online marketing and promotion of our products, as it cuts down the excessive
expenditure on the marketing and promotion. Plus, to increase our reach we will tie up with food
delivery company. Following are the methods to be used in marketing and promotion:

• Social Media Promotion: We will be posting pictures of our cakes and pastries on social
media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest to increase our reach and visibility.
Almost our entire audience is on social media nowadays as it is free of cost. If social media
is used properly, it can give tremendous results, compared to traditional and Television
marketing. We will run various contests or campaigns to increase engagement. This will
automatically increase our sales.
• Product Review: We will encourage our consumers to share their opinions and reviews on
social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, just dial etc. This will help us to create a
positive impact on the customer’s mind.
• Store Merchandising: Storing and displaying the cakes and other products is the most
important part of marketing the product, as that is half of sales of the product. We will
display our main exclusive products in such a way, which will force customers to make
purchase decisions. After all, nothing comes above tasty and quality food. We will paint
our walls with superhero characters to create an interactive and positive ambience which
will lead to more customer engagement.
• Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing is one the best ways to market a product to the
masses. We will promote our products through a social media influencer. He or she can
make a 11 reel about or make a post on a social media account. Audiences are emotionally
connected with such influencers, as they believe they are equal to them. Therefore, their
audience tends to buy products promoted by them.
• Distribution Channel: There won’t be any personal distribution channel like delivery boy
or something. But people nowadays don’t mind spending a little more if they are getting
their food delivered at their doorstep. Therefore, we will tie up with Zomato, Swiggy, Blink
it to increase our reach and create brand awareness.

Sales Compensation:

• As a new shop with limited financial backing, we won’t be having a big staff. As a co-
owner and a person to look after finances, marketing other management activities, I will
be taking 25,000 per month.
• My elder sister, as head chef who will prepare cakes, look after raw material requirements,
and understand customer preference will be getting a fixed salary of 25,000 per month.
• We will hire an assistant who will assist the Head chef in preparing the cakes and pastries.
He/she will get Rupees15000 per month.
• Depending upon the performance, profit and customer feedback we will be allotting
incentives to each one of us.

Pricing Strategy:

Penetration Pricing: We will be using a penetration pricing strategy. This pricing strategy is very
useful for new businesses who have just entered the market, helps to penetrate the market quickly.
But we will 12 clearly inform the customers that, in the initial stage offered price will not the fixed
price. Product price will be increased once products is well established.

Psychological Pricing: In this pricing method we try to convince customers that our product is
actually cheaper than other brand products. For e.g., we will keep rs.59 for a chocolate pastry
instead of rs.60.


Description of current facility:

• Our current facility is a 330sq.ft shop located near Vandana Talkies. 200sq.ft will be our
main display area where the display refrigerator will be kept.
• 4 seats will be there just in case the customer wants to eat his pastry in the shop time only
or in case he is waiting for his order.
• Wall will be painted with superheroes painting, just to engage customers and create
friendly, positive ambience especially for kids.
• Remaining 130sq.ft will be our production and storage area, where we will keep equipment
and cake preparation will be done over there only.

Product Strengths:

• As our storage facilities are small, whatever cake and pastry products we provide are
freshly made.
• We use small but quality equipment which helps us to make quality cakes and pastries.
• Expert chef with 8 years of baking experience.
• Making custom cakes is no more a great USP, as it has become very common in new cake
shops. But still customers are always looking for something different and better. Therefore,
it can be considered as a product strength.
• Nowadays cake is not just a sweet. It has become a piece of art. Therefore, custom made
cakes with artistic design done with different creams and toppings gives us an upper edge.

Product Limitations:

• Product wise that is the quality of the cakes and pastries we believe is better that our
competitors. Still there are some weaknesses or we can say limitations to our product and

• As our Wisk & Wow Bakery is new in the market, it will take time and a lot of efforts to
popularise the brand name, create a loyal customer base.

If our competitors who are in the business for years with a set customer base start to provide the
same services as we do, it will become very difficult to run the business.

Machinery and Equipment:

Machine Unit Rate Price

Weighing scale (30 1 4000 4000

Batter mixer machine 1 30000 30000

(Capacity 25 kg)

Baking oven 1 62500 62500

De- panning - 20000 20000
Cake Icing 1 24000 24000

Display Refrigerator 2 110000 220000

Approximately the total machinery cost would be Rs.3,60,500 excluding GST and transportation


As of now there are no plans of expansion. After the Pandemic market has just started to pick up
pace. So do our competitors are coming with their best game, new ideas, new cake flavours, new
marketing and promotion strategies.

One major drawback this covid pandemic has given to baking industry apart from closing our
businesses for 2 continuous years is that people have started to make cakes at their home by
watching videos on YouTube. Still there is certain number of people who take joy in preparing
cakes on special occasion. This saves a lot of cost, and cakes can be done according to the customer
needs like amount of sugar to be added, quantity etc.

Due to this a lot of housewives have started an online cake business from their home by investing
less than 15% of the capital required even for a small cake outlet.

If everything goes according to the plan, we might plan to open another shop nearby Thane station.


Key Management Positions:

In a bakery business like Wisk & Wow Bakery, key management positions play crucial roles in
ensuring smooth operations, maintaining quality standards, and driving business growth.


• The owner or founder of Wisk & Wow Bakery is typically responsible for setting the overall
vision, mission, and strategic direction of the business. They oversee all aspects of the
bakery's operations, including product development, marketing, finance, and personnel

General Manager or Operations Manager:

• The general manager or operations manager is responsible for day-to-day operations and
ensuring the bakery runs efficiently. They oversee production schedules, inventory
management, staffing, and quality control processes. They may also handle vendor
relationships, equipment maintenance, and compliance with health and safety regulations.

Head Baker or Executive Chef:

• The head baker or executive chef is responsible for recipe development, menu planning,
and maintaining the quality and consistency of baked goods. They oversee the bakery's
production kitchen, manage baking staff, and ensure adherence to food safety and
sanitation standards. They may also experiment with new Flavors, techniques, and trends
to keep the bakery's offerings fresh and exciting.

Sales and Marketing Manager:

• The sales and marketing manager is responsible for developing and executing marketing
strategies to attract customers and drive sales. They oversee advertising campaigns, social
media marketing, email marketing, and other promotional activities. They may also analyse
market trends, customer feedback, and sales data to identify opportunities for growth and

Finance Manager or Controller:

• The finance manager or controller is responsible for managing the bakery's financial
activities, including budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting. They oversee payroll,
accounts payable and receivable, tax compliance, and cash flow management. They may
also provide financial analysis and forecasting to support strategic decision-making.

Human Resources Manager:

• The human resources manager is responsible for recruiting, training, and managing bakery
• They oversee employee relations, performance evaluations, and compliance with
employment laws and regulations. They may also handle benefits administration, employee
development programs, and workplace safety initiatives.
• Customer Service Manager: The customer service manager is responsible for ensuring
exceptional customer experiences and handling customer inquiries, complaints, and
feedback. They train frontline staff in customer service best practices and monitor customer
satisfaction metrics.
• They may also implement customer loyalty programs and initiatives to enhance customer

Marketing & Promotion:

• Creating a website for displaying our products.

• Online/Social media marketing by creating our shop account on platforms like Instagram,
Facebook, Pinterest to increase our reach and engage with our audience & market our
products at low cost. Sponsoring a social media influencer for promoting our product and
look for other options as well.

Quality Assurance:

• Specifications for raw materials (wheat flour, yeast, sugar, etc.)

• Specifications for finished products (bread, buns, cakes, etc.)
• Specifications for packaging materials (boxes, bags, etc.)


Funds Required:
Item Unit Rate Price
Weighing scale (30 kg) 1 4,000 4,000
Batter mixer machine (Capacity 25 kg) 1 30,000 30,000
Baking oven 1 62,500 62,500
De-panning - 20,000 20,000
Cake Icing & Decorating Machine 1 24,000 24,000
Display Refrigerator 2 1,10,000 2,20,000
Total 6 3,60,500

Particulars Monthly Salary

Shop Manager 25,000
Head Chef 25,000
Assistant Chef 13,000
Total 63,000

Working Capital

Sr Particulars Amount
1 Raw Material Cost
- Sugar: 90kg 40,000

- Cocoa powder: 45kg
- Flour: 90kg
- Baking powder: 60kg
- Eggs: 300
- Vanilla extract: 1500ml
- Milk: 90 liter
- Dry fruits: 10kg
2 Power Charges 2400Kwh × Rs.5 =
3 Indirect Expenses
- Salary of manager (25,000)
- Salary of head chef (25,000)
- Salary of assistant (13,000)
- Rent: Rs.22,500
Working Capital Total/ Month 1,37,000

Cost of Project:

1 Plant & Machinery 4,85,500

2 Furniture & fixture 4,992

3 Working Capital Requirement (monthly) 1,37,000

4 Laptop 15,990

Total 6,43,482

Means of Finance:

Promoters’ equity 600,000

Bank loan 13,10,000

Total 19,10,000

Projected Income Statement (Amount in Lacs)

Sr no. Particulars

1 Income 1 2 3 4 5
Sales 1,800,000 2,040,000 2,280,000 2,400,000 3,000,000

Total income 1,800,000 2,040,000 2,280,000 2,400,000 3,000,000

2 Direct expenses

Raw material 5,10,000 5,88,000 6,24,000 6,60,000 7,08,000

Power charges 1,44,000 1,68,000 1,80,000 2,04,000 2,10,000

COGS 6,54,000 7,56,000 8,04,000 8,64,000 9,18,000

3 Gross Profit 1,146,000 1,284,000 1,476,000 1,536,000 2,082,000

4 Indirect expenses

salary 63,000 74,000 80,000 97,000 1,20,000

Monthly EMI 3,41,796 3,41,796 3,41,796 3,41,796 3,41,796
Rent 2,70,000 2,88,000 3,24,000 3,48,000 3,84,000
Total 6,74,796 7,03,796 7,45,796 7,86,796 8,45,796

5 Operating Profit 4,71,204 5,80,204 7,30,204 7,49,204 12,36,204

6 Less: 36,177 36,177 36,177 36,177 36,177


7 Profit before tax 4,35,027 5,44,027 6,94,027 7,13,027 1,200,027

8 Income tax 78,304 97,924 1,24,924 1,28,344 2,16,004

Profit After Tax 3,56,723 4,46,103 5,69,103 5,84,683 9,84,023

Project Balance Sheet:

Particulars Year

1 2 3


Fixed assets 5,06,482 4,70,305 4,34,128

Cash in hand 3,56,723 4,46,103 5,69,103

Total Assets 8,63,205 9,16,408 1,003,231


Accounts payable 5,10,000 5,88,000 6,24,000

Power charges 1,44,000 1,68,000 1,80,000

Rent & tax 2,09,205 1,60,408 1,99,231

Total liabilities 8,63,205 9,16,408 1,003,231


Trade fair for bakery industry - (n.d.).

Flats, houses, apartments for rent, buy, sale without brokerage in India. (n.d.). NoBroker.

How to start a bakery business in India. (2021, September 10). Floweraura Blog.

McCarthy, D. (2023, September 5). How to start a Bakery Business in India | 2023 Guide. The

Restaurant Times.


Check out this news article from Bakery Business! (n.d.).

Lambrechts, A. (2023, November 17). How to start a home bakery business - the ultimate guide!

Philosophy of Yum Blog.



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