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Kibteeyah Apapa Centre

Abdu Gusau Polytechnic Cafeteria, Talata Mafara,
Zamfara State

AUDU MARIYAM - 2207111023


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Apapa is a Native food of Ebira people of
Kogi State Central part of Nigeria, which is usually called Beans Cake in
English Language. This business aims to establish itself as a premier
provider of delicious and high-quality bean cakes, targeting health-conscious
consumers seeking tasty alternatives to traditional desserts. Our focus on
using premium ingredients, innovative recipes, and efficient operations will
set us apart in the market. Through strategic marketing, exceptional
customer service, and streamlined operations, we aim to capture a significant
share of the growing health food market.
Vision Statement: To become the leading provider of high-quality,
nutritious, and delicious beans cakes, revolutionizing the perception of this
traditional snack as a healthy and trendy option globally.
Product Excellence: Develop a diverse range of beans cake varieties,
ensuring superior taste, nutritional value, and consistency in quality.
Market Penetration: Establish a strong presence in local markets through
strategic partnerships with cafes, bakeries, and supermarkets, while
simultaneously exploring opportunities for international expansion.
Brand Recognition: Build a recognizable brand synonymous with
innovation, quality, and health consciousness through effective marketing
and branding initiatives.
Customer Satisfaction: Prioritize customer satisfaction by offering
exceptional service, listening to feedback, and continuously improving our
products to meet evolving consumer preferences.
Sustainability: Source ingredients ethically and sustainably, minimizing
environmental impact while supporting local farmers and communities.

Profitability: Achieve sustainable profitability through efficient operations,
cost management, and revenue growth strategies.
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: Apapa (Beans Cake) will specialize in
producing bean-based cakes that are nutritious, flavorful, and appealing to
health-conscious consumers. The ingredients include Beans, Red oil,
Onions, Season, Pepper, Potash, wrapping leave, and water. Our product line
will include a variety of bean cake flavors, catering to different dietary
preferences and tastes. We will operate initially as a small-scale bakery,
focusing on local production and distribution.

Fig. 1.1 Image of Apapa (Beans Cake)

Overview: Kibteeyah Apapa Delights is a specialty bakery dedicated to crafting

delicious and nutritious bean cakes. Our mission is to provide a healthier
alternative to traditional baked goods by incorporating high-quality beans into our

recipes. With a focus on flavor, texture, and nutritional value, we aim to redefine
the concept of indulgence while promoting a balanced lifestyle.

Products: Our signature product is the bean cake, a unique twist on classic
desserts made primarily from beans such as black beans, chickpeas, or red beans.
These cakes come in a variety of flavors, from rich chocolate to tangy lemon,
offering something for every palate. In addition to cakes, we also offer bean-based
pastries, muffins, and cookies, all freshly baked using wholesome ingredients.

Target Market: Kibteeyah Apapa Delights targets health-conscious consumers

seeking guilt-free treats that don't compromise on taste. Our products appeal to
individuals with dietary restrictions such as gluten-free or vegan diets, as well as
those looking to incorporate more plant-based protein into their diets. We also
cater to customers interested in exploring innovative culinary experiences and
embracing alternative ingredients.

Differentiation: What sets Kibteeyah Apapa Delights apart is our commitment to

quality and innovation. Unlike traditional bakeries, we prioritize the use of beans
as a primary ingredient, leveraging their natural properties to create moist,
flavorful baked goods with added nutritional benefits. Our recipes are carefully
crafted to deliver a satisfying eating experience without the need for excessive
sugar or artificial additives.

Distribution Channels: Kibteeyah Apapa Delights operates both a physical

storefront and an online platform, providing customers with convenient access to
our products. In addition to direct sales, we partner with local cafes, health food
stores, and specialty markets to reach a wider audience. We also offer catering
services for events, parties, and corporate functions, showcasing the versatility of
bean-based desserts.

MARKET ANALYSIS: The market for healthy desserts is experiencing
rapid growth, driven by increasing consumer awareness of the importance of
nutrition and wellness. With rising concerns about sugar consumption and
the desire for guilt-free indulgences, there is a significant opportunity for
Apapa (Beans Cake) to capture market share. We will target health-
conscious individuals, fitness enthusiasts, and those with dietary restrictions,
positioning our products as a tasty and nutritious alternative to traditional


Rise in Health Consciousness: Consumers are increasingly seeking healthier food

options, including baked goods with higher nutritional value.

Plant-Based Movement: The growing popularity of plant-based diets has created

a demand for alternative sources of protein, such as beans, in various food

Gluten-Free and Allergen-Free Products: There's a significant market for

gluten-free and allergen-free baked goods, catering to individuals with dietary
restrictions or sensitivities.

Innovative Ingredients: Consumers are drawn to unique and innovative

ingredients in baked goods, driving interest in bean-based desserts as a novel and
nutritious option.

Consumer Preferences:

Taste and Texture: While health is important, consumers still prioritize taste and
texture in their food choices. Bean cakes must offer a satisfying sensory experience
to gain widespread acceptance.

Convenience: Convenience plays a role in purchasing decisions. Offering ready-
to-eat or grab-and-go options can appeal to busy consumers looking for quick and
nutritious snacks.

Price Sensitivity: Affordability is a consideration, especially for everyday

purchases. Balancing quality with price competitiveness is crucial for attracting
and retaining customers.


Traditional Bakeries: Traditional bakeries offering conventional baked goods

may pose competition, particularly in terms of taste and brand loyalty.

Specialty Bakeries: Specialty bakeries focusing on health-conscious or alternative

diets may offer similar products, albeit with different ingredients or recipes.

Supermarkets and Health Food Stores: Large supermarkets and health food
stores often stock a variety of baked goods, including gluten-free and vegan
options, which could compete for market share.

Growth Opportunities:

Diversification of Product Line: Expanding the product line to include a variety

of bean-based desserts such as pastries, muffins, and cookies can attract a broader
customer base.

Online Sales and Delivery: Leveraging online platforms for sales and delivery
can reach a wider audience beyond local markets, tapping into the growing trend of

Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with cafes, restaurants, or

health-focused businesses for cross-promotion or co-branded products can increase
visibility and sales.
Educational Marketing: Educating consumers about the nutritional benefits of
beans and promoting the unique selling points of bean cakes through content
marketing and social media can generate interest and build brand awareness.

MARKETING AND SALES STRATEGY: Our marketing strategy will

focus on highlighting the health benefits and delicious taste of our bean
cakes through social media, influencer partnerships, and local events. We
will also leverage word-of-mouth marketing by providing exceptional
customer experiences and encouraging customer reviews and referrals.
Additionally, we will explore partnerships with local cafes, gyms, and health
food stores to expand our distribution channels.

Developing a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy is essential for a

beans cake center to attract customers, drive sales, and build brand awareness.
Here's a strategic approach:

1. Define Target Audience:

Identify key demographic segments such as health-conscious consumers,

individuals with dietary restrictions (gluten-free, vegan), and those interested in
innovative food products.

2. Brand Positioning:

 Position the beans cake center as a provider of delicious, nutritious, and

innovative baked goods made primarily from beans.
 Highlight unique selling points such as health benefits, flavor variety, and
ingredient transparency.

3. Product Offering:

 Develop a diverse range of bean-based desserts, including cakes, pastries,
muffins, and cookies, to cater to different preferences and dietary needs.
 Regularly introduce new flavors and seasonal offerings to keep the menu
fresh and enticing.

4. Online Presence:

 Establish a professional website showcasing the product range, story behind

the brand, and ordering options for both pickup and delivery.
 Leverage social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest) to share
visually appealing content, engage with followers, and promote special
offers or events.

5. Local Marketing:

 Partner with local cafes, health food stores, and fitness centers to cross-
promote products and reach a wider audience.
 Attend farmers' markets, food festivals, and community events to offer
samples, distribute flyers, and interact directly with potential customers.

OPERATIONAL PLAN: Apapa (Beans Cake) will operate a small-scale

production facility equipped with modern kitchen equipment to ensure
efficiency and quality control. We will source high-quality ingredients from
trusted suppliers and maintain strict hygiene and sanitation standards. Our
team will consist of experienced bakers and customer service staff dedicated
to delivering exceptional products and service.

Creating an operational plan for a beans cake center involves detailing the day-to-
day processes and procedures necessary to run the business smoothly and
efficiently. Here's a structured operational plan:

1. Location and Facilities:

 Secure a suitable location for the beans cake center with sufficient space for
baking, storage, and customer service areas.
 Ensure the facilities comply with health and safety regulations, including
proper ventilation, sanitation, and food handling practices.

2. Procurement and Inventory Management:

 Source high-quality ingredients, packaging materials, and equipment from

reputable suppliers.
 Establish inventory management systems to monitor ingredient levels, track
expiration dates, and optimize stock levels to minimize waste.

3. Production Process:

 Develop standardized recipes and baking procedures for consistent quality

and efficiency.
 Schedule production batches based on demand forecasts, seasonality, and
shelf life considerations.
 Implement quality control measures to ensure that finished products meet
established standards for taste, texture, and appearance.

4. Staffing and Training:

 Hire skilled bakers, pastry chefs, and customer service personnel with a
passion for baking and a commitment to excellence.
 Provide comprehensive training on baking techniques, food safety protocols,
and customer service standards.
 Develop a staffing schedule to ensure adequate coverage during peak hours
and special events.

5. Customer Service:

 Design a welcoming and visually appealing storefront layout that showcases

the product offerings and encourages browsing.
 Train staff to provide friendly and knowledgeable assistance to customers,
answer questions, and make product recommendations.
 Implement an efficient order-taking and payment system to minimize wait
times and streamline transactions.
FINANCIAL PLAN: The financial plan for Apapa (Beans Cake )will
include startup costs for equipment, ingredients, marketing, and initial
inventory. We will generate revenue through direct sales from our bakery
storefront, online orders, and wholesale partnerships. Profit margins will be
carefully monitored, and cost-saving measures will be implemented to
ensure profitability and sustainability. As the business grows, we will
reinvest profits into expanding production capacity and marketing efforts.

1. Startup Costs:

 Equipment: Estimate the cost of purchasing baking equipment, refrigeration

units, display cases, and other necessary machinery.
 Ingredients and Supplies: Calculate the initial investment required to stock
up on ingredients, packaging materials, and other supplies.

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 Renovation and Setup: Budget for any renovations or setup costs associated
with preparing the storefront or production facilities.
 Licenses and Permits: Include expenses related to obtaining business
licenses, health permits, and insurance coverage.
 Marketing and Branding: Allocate funds for marketing materials, signage,
website development, and initial promotional activities.

2. Operating Expenses:

 Rent: Estimate monthly rental expenses for the storefront or production

space, including utilities and maintenance fees.
 Labor Costs: Budget for wages, salaries, and benefits for employees
involved in baking, customer service, and administrative tasks.
 Ingredients and Supplies: Forecast ongoing expenses for purchasing
ingredients, packaging materials, cleaning supplies, and other consumables.
 Marketing and Advertising: Allocate funds for ongoing marketing
campaigns, social media advertising, and promotional activities to attract
and retain customers.
 Utilities and Overheads: Estimate monthly costs for utilities such as
electricity, water, and gas, as well as other overhead expenses like internet
and phone bills.
 Insurance and Taxes: Include expenses for business insurance premiums,
property taxes, and other applicable taxes or fees.

3. Revenue Projections:

 Sales Forecast: Estimate monthly or quarterly sales based on market

research, demand analysis, and anticipated customer traffic.

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 Product Pricing: Determine the pricing strategy for bean cakes and other
baked goods, considering factors such as ingredient costs, competitor
pricing, and perceived value.
 Customer Acquisition: Project the number of new customers acquired each
month through various marketing channels, such as online advertising, local
promotions, and word-of-mouth referrals.

4. Profitability Analysis:

 Gross Profit Margin: Calculate the gross profit margin by subtracting the
cost of goods sold (COGS) from total revenue and dividing by total revenue.
This provides insight into the profitability of each sale before deducting
operating expenses.
 Net Profit Projection: Estimate the net profit by subtracting total operating
expenses from gross profit. This reflects the overall profitability of the
business after accounting for all expenses.
 Break-Even Analysis: Determine the sales volume needed to cover fixed and
variable costs and reach the break-even point. This helps assess the
business's financial viability and sustainability.

5. Cash Flow Management:

 Cash Flow Forecast: Prepare a cash flow forecast outlining expected cash
inflows and outflows on a monthly basis. This helps anticipate any cash
shortages or surpluses and plan accordingly.

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 Working Capital: Ensure sufficient working capital to cover day-to-day
expenses, such as payroll, inventory purchases, and overhead costs, without
experiencing liquidity issues.

6. Financial Controls and Monitoring:

 Budget Monitoring: Regularly review actual financial performance against

budgeted targets to identify variances and adjust spending or revenue
strategies as needed.
 Financial Reporting: Implement systems for generating financial reports,
such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to
track business performance and communicate with stakeholders.
 Risk Management: Identify potential financial risks and develop strategies to
mitigate them, such as diversifying revenue streams, maintaining adequate
insurance coverage, and building cash reserves.

Risk Management: Key risks for Apapa (Beans Cake )include fluctuating
ingredient costs, competition from established bakeries, and potential health
and safety concerns. To mitigate these risks, we will maintain strong
supplier relationships, closely monitor market trends, and adhere to strict
quality control and food safety protocols. Additionally, we will diversify our
product offerings and explore new markets to minimize dependence on any
single revenue stream.

Month 1-2: Secure funding, finalize business plan, and secure


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Month 3-4: Set up production facility, hire staff, and procure equipment and

Month 5-6: Develop recipes, conduct market research, and finalize branding
and packaging.

Month 7-8: Launch marketing campaigns, establish online presence, and

begin production.

Month 9-12: Evaluate performance, adjust marketing strategies, and explore

expansion opportunities.

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CONCLUSION: Apapa (Beans Cake) is poised to capitalize on the growing
demand for healthy desserts by offering delicious and nutritious bean cakes
to health-conscious consumers. With a focus on quality, innovation, and
customer satisfaction, we are confident in our ability to succeed in the
competitive bakery market. Through strategic planning, diligent execution,
and a commitment to excellence, Apapa (Beans Cake) will become a trusted
brand synonymous with guilt-free indulgence and culinary delight.

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"Business Plan Definition - Entrepreneur Small Business

Encyclopedia". Entrepreneur. Retrieved 2018-10-29. Business Plan -
Definition: A written document describing the nature of the business, the
sales and marketing strategy, and the financial background, and containing a
projected profit and loss statement[.] A business plan is also a road map that
provides directions so a business can plan its future [...].
Bida Journal of Management and Technology. 1 (1). Bida: School of Business and
Management, Federal Polytechnic: 113.
2008 Retrieved 21
December 2020. [...] business plan [...] a guide or roadmap for any business
activity. A business plan can also be referred to as a blue-print or scheme of
a business enterprise. {{cite journal}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
Boston College, Carroll School of Management, Business Plan
Project Archived 2008-01-16 at the Wayback Machine The business school
advises students that "To create a robust business plan, teams must take a
comprehensive view of the enterprise and incorporate management-practice
knowledge from every first-semester course." It is increasingly common for
business schools to use business plan projects to provide an opportunity for
students to integrate knowledge learned through their courses.
Chechi, Haris (2023-08-01). "Strategic planning vs business planning: how they're
both key to success". Glion. Retrieved 2024-02-15.
Contributor (7 January 2012). "How To Create An Early-Stage Pitch Deck For
Investors". {{cite web}}: |last= has generic name (help)
Jump up to:a b Eric S. Siegel, Brian R. Ford, Jay M. Bornstein (1993), The Ernst &
Young Business Plan Guide (New York: John Wiley and Sons) ISBN 0-471-
M&M Consultants Archived 2020-11-13 at the Wayback Machine You might
know where we’re going with this – "potential investors, banks, private
equity, and funding. People and institutions you want money from. If that’s
the case, your business plan, and the way you present it, might be crucial to
your success. If it’s not convincing, your business won’t be convincing
either." Thus resulting in you not getting an investment.
Small Business Notes Archived 2010-11-26 at the Wayback Machine business
plan outline for small business start-up

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State of Louisiana, USA Archived 2012-09-15 at the Wayback
Machine government agency operational plan
Tasmanian government project management knowledge base government project
plan Archived June 22, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
U.S. Small Business Administration "Business Plan" (n.d.) [1] Retrieved 2020
December 28.
U.S. Small Business Administration, "Business Plan Template", accessed 28
December 2020

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