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«SDU» University
Faculty of Education & Humanities

Pedagogical Internship Diary and Report

Kaskelen, 2024
Director of graduate programs_________________
«___» _________________ 2024


1. Master degree student: Tazhimuratov Sultan

2. Major: Chemistry
3. Department: Department Education and Humanity
4. Year of study: 2023-2025
5. Place of pedagogical internship: SDU University
6. Pedagogical internship mentor: Halit Yilmaz
7. Pedagogical internship supervisor: G. Bekenova
8. Duration of pedagogical internship: 29.01.24 – 16.02.24


1. Pedagogical internship is a type of learning activity that focuses on reinforcing students'

theoretical knowledge, as well as on gaining and developing practical skills and
competencies during the period of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical internship is an
essential part of postgraduate educational program.
2. Throughout the period of pedagogical internship, students must adhere to the
university's internal regulations and meet all requirements of the internship program.
3. Students may neither leave or extend their internship voluntarily during their
4. According to the internship program's requirements, students are required to submit a
report on the pedagogical internship at the end of the internship.
5. The following procedure should be accompanied when filling out a diary of
pedagogical internship:
a) the diary should be filled in daily according to the internship dates;
b) the diary should be checked weekly by the supervisor;
b) all task completed by student should be recorded in the diary;
c) pedagogical internship diary, signed by the practice supervisor, along with the practice
report, should be submitted to the department.
6. Without the Pedagogical Internship Diary, the internship report will not be accepted.
7. A committee reviews the internship report. The committee's members shall be
approved by the department.
8. During the internship, students are required to attend at least 2-3 classes on their major
taught by undergraduate instructors and to conduct two classes (1 class if the goal is
9. Students are required to attend activities (conferences, seminars, round tables, and so
on) organized by the department, faculty or university.


№ Activities Contents

Attendance at a practical During the meeting, students should obtain

1 training meeting organised information and guidance regarding pedagogical
by the department internship.
Participation in teacher-led classes is required
Engagement in classes To gain the necessary didactic and
taught by instructors methodological abilities through the attendance
to the lessons.
Conducting open classes for undergraduate
students who has same major, in consultation
3 Conducting open lessons with their mentor and internship supervisor. If a
student attains all of his/her objectives, he/she
may conduct no more than one open lesson.
At the end of the internship, submit all required
documents to the supervisor in a signed version
The storage of materials
(internship portfolio, open lesson plan, open
4 that are relevant to
lesson record, etc.). Upload to the shared
pedagogical internship
storage folder opened by the internship
supervisor once students go online.


Date A summary of the tasks that has been completed Mentor’s comment

06.02 I participated in the lecture given by Halit

Yilmaz to 2nd year students. Lecture topic
“Gravimetic Analysis and Titration".
13.02 I participated in the practical lesson conducted
by Halit Yilmaz for 2nd year students. The topic
of the practical lesson is "Qualitative analysis of
anions ". The students listened to the teacher's
lecture, and the students who did not understand
some parts of the lecture, I approached and
explained in detail.
20.02 I conducted an open class for 2nd year students.
Open lesson topic "Quantitative Analysis of
Cations (Gravemetric)".Discussed the basic
principles and stages of the analysis process.
Explained the principles of precipitation of the
precipitate.Conducted calculations to determine
the concentration of cations. Overall, students
gained the theoretical experience in conducting
gravimetric analysis of cations, enhancing their
understanding of quantitative analytical
techniques in chemistry.

Mentee’s observation report(s) for the classes s/he visited

Instructor’s/Lecturer's name,
Educational and methodological elements
Date practical or lecture / seminar
of the lesson
06.02 Lectructor: Halit Yilmaz At the beginning of the lecture, the
Topic: “Gravimetic Analysis and lecturer inquired about the mood of the
Titration” students, after which he smoothly began
to explain the topic. The students
maintained complete silence and listened
to the teacher. Halfway through the
lecture time, students in the front row
began asking questions regarding the
topic. Students began to actively
participate in the gravimetric analysis and

introduction to titration classes with
understanding and enthusiasm. Some
students showed their theoretical
knowledge by connecting material from
the lecture to previous courses.

01.02 Instructor: Halit Yilmaz The lesson began immediately with the
Topic: "Qualitative analysis of study of the material, the Teacher
anions" explained the qualitative analysis of
anions, while the practicing master's
students explained and gave a lecture on
the topic of quantitative analysis of
anions. The 1st lesson for the 2nd year
students was taught to teachers, and the
second lesson was taught to practicing
undergraduates. The teacher had reliable
material and high-quality presentation for
the lecture. In order not to get bored of
the students, the teacher made short
pauses and asked the students’ opinions.
Modern teaching methods and the
availability of video materials were used,
in addition, the lecturer gave additional
tasks for students, after solving which, he
explained and showed the correct answer.

When the students observe the instructor's lesson, they must consider the following:
1) the lesson's organization stage;
2) the topic's comprehensive disclosure in the lesson;
3) the instructor's creativity;
4) the lesson's methodological support;
5) the lesson's connection of theory and practice;
6) the instructor's oral language skills;
7) the ability to communicate with the audience and receive feedback;
8) the students’ activity;
9) instructor's competence;
10) the lesson's summary stage.



(Objective, theory, method adopted, illustration, and session notes. Each student is
responsible for filling out the outline for the open lesson)
I and Kunsulu gave a lecture to second-year students on the topic “Quantitative analysis
of cations (Gravimetric). We came to the lecture half an hour in advance to rehearse the
speech and go through the materials. The students immediately paid attention to us,
which created the seriousness of the practice. The first lecture was conducted by Halit
Yilmaz, the teacher explained qualitative analysis and slightly introduced the topic of
quantitative analysis. The students were responsive, in the second lecture when Kunsulu
and I began to explain the material, the students did not pay much attention to us. To
change the situation, I began to change my voice from low to loud and back again,
began to use facial expressions. After this, the students began to listen very well, while
showing experimental video material, they began to record and ask questions, and when
solving problems, try to remember them. I really liked this experience of giving a
lecture, because by giving knowledge to students, my teaching skills also improve , I
would like to give the lecture or practice given to the students again.




Assessed lesson elements Evaluation scale

1 2 3 4 5
The stage of organization of the lesson +

The topic is fully disclosed in the lesson +

Integrity and logical connection of the +
Availability of visual materials during the +
Usage of handouts during the lesson +
Use of innovative and interactive methods +

Effectiveness of the methods used +

Oral language skills, explanation of the +
Ability to communicate with the audience +

Engaging students in the class +

Participants of the open lesson: Halit Yilmaz, Tazhimuratov Sultan

Characteristics to the master student and evaluation of his\her work
(to be completed by the internship supervisor)

(His/her theoretical preparation, quality of work, labor discipline and internship results
should be mentioned)

During the internship period master student Tazhimuratov Sultan proved to be well-
attended in all the arranged lessons. During the lecture, he explained the topic of
Gravimetric Quantitative Analysis of Cations. He used quality materials and showed
relevant theoretical knowledge. He lacked some practical skills, but he managed to
clearly explain the material. The structure of the lesson was fully planned and worked
out, video materials and practical exercises were presented in the slides. The
organization and design, the relevance of the materials were of high quality. The large
audience was a limiting factor to limit his ability, but he was able to give a good lecture.
The score is to be 85.

Internship Supervisor: G.Bekenova

Date _______________

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