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Solutions Chapter 1 Teach Me to Listen, Lord

Word Power
A. The verbs in the table describe how loudly/softly a person is speaking and also, often, indicate mood.
Use a dictionary and find out what they describe or indicate.

Verb Pitch of the voice Most likely mood

whisper soft secretive

murmur soft romantic or complaining

mumble soft disturbed

mutter soft grumble

shout high disapproval

scream high fear or pain

shriek high jovial

B. Can you underline the silent letters in the following words?
Answer: psychic; comb; honest; Christmas; knowledge; farm.

A. Choose the correct option
Question 1.
According to the poet, the persons nearest to him are:
(i) members of his family
(ii) friends
(iii) co-workers
(IV) all of them.
(iv) all of them.
Question 2.
The poet has not mentioned people as far from him …………….
(i) Hopeless
(ii) down-trodden
(iii) forgotten
(IV) anguished.
(ii) down-trodden

Question 3.
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us against ………..
(i) helping the poor
(ii) worshipping the God
(iii) an exploitation
(iv) a sinful deed.
(iv) a sinful deed.

Question 4.
The poet wants us to reach to the ……….. and listen to their plea.
(i) criminals
(ii) oppressed people
(iii) good speakers
(iv) good listeners.
(ii) oppressed people

Question 5.
The poet wants us to listen to
(i) our own voice
(ii) Our friend’s advice
(iii) God’s voice
(iv) all of them
(iv) all of them

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct words from those given below :”

listening, heed, a good listener, a prayer, conscience

(i) This poem is in the form of ….
(ii) The poet wants us to be …………..
(iii) …….. is a skill which is acquired through dedication and practice.
(iv) Our …….. distinguishes between what is right and what is wrong.
(v) We should ……… the voices which may not be within earshot.
(i) a prayer
(ii) a good listener
(iii) listening
(iv) conscience
(v) heed.

Speaking Time
A. Read the following words aloud and mark the stress on the second

B. Listen to the pronunciation of the following words and transcribe them. Say whether a particular word
is a noun, an adjective, or a verb :

Reading Time
Read the following poem carefully : – We are the Future

Not just u or
Not just he or she, but we
We work as a team.
We live by our creed, coz we believe.
That we, are the future !!
We have the power, we have the strength
We’ll finish the race, no matter the length.
We work together, a team as a whole.
Accepting every challenge, every aim and every goal.
We, are the future !!
The future’s unknown, it’s a story untold. .
It’s a movie unseen, to be made by you and me.
No matter what they tell you, our future is bright.
We’ll face every hurdle, we’ll climb up the height.
We, are the future !!
From cities and towns, here we’ve come.
Together as one, to build our nation.
Young women and men, walking hand in hand.
We stand by our creed, proud to be Indians.
We, are the future !!
– Song by : Sonia Shirsat

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
‘We work as a team’. What does the poet really mean by the word ‘We’ in this line ?
By ‘We’ the poet really means Indians.

Question 2.
What makes ‘a team’ ‘a whole’ ? (2009)
Working together makes ‘a team’ ‘a whole’.

Question 3.
“We’ll face every hurdle”. What sort of hurdles the poet thinks about ?
The future is unknown and uncertain. We may come across many obstructions. They are called ‘hurdles’.

Question 4.
What will be the result if we face all the hurdles successfully ?
If we face all hurdles successfully the result will be that we’ll climb the height.

Question 5.
Where have we come from to build our nation ?
We have come from towns and cities to build our nation.

Question 6.
On what basis can we say that we are “proud to be Indians ?”
The basis of saying we are ‘proud to be Indian’s is that we walk hand in hand and we stand by our creed.

Question 7.
‘We, are the future !’ What are the poet’s expectations from ‘We’ ?
The poet’s expectations from ‘We’ are that their aim should be building our nation by co-operation. ‘We’
must work hand in hand. ‘We’ should stand by our creed and should be proud to be Indians.

Question 8.
Find out the words from the poem which mean the same as these words :
 a set of principles or religious beliefs – creed
 problems or difficulties – hurdles
 to get connected very closely – hand in hand
Question 9.
Summarise poem in about 80 words. (2009)
The poem is a pledge of the Indians to build the nation strong and prosperous. We possess the necessary
potential for it. Forgetting our differences we stand united. We will work as a team. Some people are
negative thinkers. But we firmly believe that future is ours. Inspire of all obstacles we will reach the
height walking hand in hand. Whether we are villagers or town dwellers we will co-operate with one
another. We will overcome all problems. We are proud to be Indians.

Additional Question
Question 1.
Why do we want live in Future ?
We live by our creed, because we believe that we are future.

Writing Time
Summarise in 60 words the ideas expressed in the poem ‘Teach me to Listen Lord’. Model your answer
on ‘PIOFER’ technique.
We should listen to those who are the nearest. They all want our attention and recognition. We should
listen to the voices of the oppressed and the suffering. We should also listen to our inner voice that tells us
what is right and what is wrong. Finally, we should listen to God’s voice which guides us everywhere and
at all times.

Chapter 2 A Friend Who Came From The Sky

Word Power
A. What other things do you think could be described by each verb besides those given here. Use a
dictionary if necessary.

flutter a flag the wings

sway a tree flags

crawl traffic a child

shoot a car a film

drift a cloud a boat

B. Match the birds with their related motions

1. bird – (a) flits
2. cock – (b) waddles.
3. crow; owl; sparrow -(c) swoops
4. duck – (d) flies
S. eagle – (e) struts
1. – (d), 2. – (e), 3. – (a), 4. – (b), 5. – (c).

C. Match the following adjectives for animals come from the Latin words.
1. leo – (a) fish
2. canis – (b) wolf
3. feus – (C) pig
4. porcus – (d) fox
5. vulpus – (e) horse
6. ursus – (f) dog
7. lupus – (g) lion
8. equus – (h) bear
9. piscis – (j) cat
1. – (g), 2. -. (f), 3. – (j), 4. – (c), 5. – (d), 6. – (h), 7. – (b), 8. – (e), 9. – (a).

A. Choose the correct alternative.

Question 1.
Mini’s mother asked her to go inside because …………..
(i) the weather was windy
(ii) it was likely to start raining
(iii) she didn’t want her to get wet
(iv) she didn’t want her to watch the children playing.
(i) the weather was windy

Question 2.
A person who has no control over his hands and legs from birth is called …………..
(i) a paralytic
(ii) a disabled
(iii) an insane
(iv) a spastic.
(iv) a spastic.

Question 3.
Mini’s favorite pastime was …………..
(i) to watch the children in the park
(ii) to watch the children at their play
(iii) to make fun with her friends
(iv) to enjoy her own solitude.
(ii) to watch the children at their play

Question 4.
………….. fed the duck with an ink-filler.
(i) Mini herself
(ii) Mini’s mother
(iii) Mini’s father
(iv) Mini’s friends.
(ii) Mini’s mother

Question 5.
…………..has been described as the avian friend.
(i) Anju
(ii) Mini
(iii) The duck
(iv) Priya.
(iii) The duck

Say whether the following statements are true or false by putting (✓) or (✗) in the boxes.
1. Mini could not walk, or button up her shirt but she could brush her teeth herself. [✓]
2. The children stopped their game because it started to rain heavily [✗]
3. Mini was expecting Mitra to wake her up at night. [✓]
4. The children were excited to see the duck being fed with an ink-filler. [✗]
5. Mitra, the duck, flew by himself and departed. [✗]
Language Practice
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

1. How………. milk do you buy daily ?

2. I have already spent ……… few rupees I had.
3. ………. book you want is not with me.
4. Have you ………. complaint against me.
5. more one has ………. more one wants.
6. ………. brother is very intelligent.
7. ………. grapes are sweet and juicy.
8. Are there girls in ………. class ?
9. Would you like to have ………. pen or pencil ?
10. The rays of the Sun fall on ………. flowers.

1. much
2. the
3. The
4. any
5. The, the
6. My
7. The
8. any, the
9. a
10. the.
B. Complete the following sentences with suitable determiners choosing proper words/phrases given in
the box.

Several days, every Sunday, that book, anything, for a week, some money, who speaks few words
1. Will you stay here ?
2. I don’t think that there is
3. I gave her
4. He gave me
5. He comes to my house
6. Happy is the man
7. The solution of this problem will take

1. for a week
2. anything
3. some money
4. that book
5. every Sunday
6. who speaks few words
7. several days.

C. Look at the sentences given below in a disorder form. Rearrange them to make meaningful sentences.

Question 1.
She put some ink in her pen.

Question 2.
you/say/in/what/no truth/is/there.
There is no truth in what you say.

Question 3.
social work/for/time/spare/ some/you can’t.
You can’t spare sometime for social work.

Question 4.
you/have/money/any/left/box/in/your ?
Have you any money left in your box ?

Question 5.
little/there is/success/hope/of/his.
There is little hope of his success.

Question 6.
work/much/yet/to be/done/is.
Much work is to be done yet.

Question 7.
the whistle/blows/there/any/danger/is/if.
If there is any danger the whistle blows.

Question 8.
five/of land/acres/no less than/he has.
He has no less than five acres of land.

Question 9.
He didn’t buy anything from the shop.

Question 10.
He has hardly any money.

Speaking Time
Listen to your teacher and decide whether the words you hear come from list A or list B. After deciding
the appropriate sound transcribe it in the blank space.

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

The world’s highest waterfall is situated in Eastern Venezuela in South America. It is known as the Angel
Falls. It has been named after Jimmy Angel, an aviator, who discovered it in 1935 while on a flying
mission. One has to travel by air past mist-covered cliffs and tall canyons, to get a glimpse of the falls that
hurtle down from the sides of Auyan Tepui. (The flat-topped, sheer-sided cliffs, rising above the deep
forests of Venezuela, are called Tepui.)

Many millennia of erosion has dug out huge crevices and fissures on Auyan Tepui’s flat top, which trap
the heavy tropical rainfall. This water flows under the surface of the Tepui and bursts through the fissures
in the cliff’s ancient sandstone, approximately 200 feet below the rim of the Auyan Tepui. It falls into a
large pool called the Angel Canyon at the cliff’s foot, which drains into the Churun River, a tributary of
the Caroni River.

At the bottom, the fall disperses into fine mist, giving a feather touch to the rocks of the bottom.
It hurtles down from a height of960 m, which is sixteen times than the height of the famous Niagara Falls
and provides a truly breathtaking view.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

‘A’ – ‘B’
1. cliff – (a) a stream or river that flows into a larger river.
2. canyon – (b) a high area of land with a very steep side.
3. crevice – (c) a narrow valley with very steep sides.
4. fissure – (d) a narrow crack or gap in rock or between large stones.
5. tributary – (e) a deep crack in r k or in the ground.
(1) – (b), 2. – (e), 3. – (d), 4. – (e), 5. – (a).

Question 2.
Which is the world’s highest waterfall and where is it ? (2009)
The world’s highest waterfall is Angel Falls. It is situated in Eastern Venezuela in South America.

Question 3.
How can one reach there to have a look at this great waterfall ?
To reach at the Angel Falls one has to travel by air.

Question 4.
What has caused the huge crevices and fissures on Auyan Tepui’s flat top ?
Many millennia of erosion has caused the huge crevices and fissures on Auyan Tepui’s flat top.

Question 5.
What is ‘the Angel Canyon’ ? And what is the ‘Churun River’ ? (2009)
The Angel Canyon is a large pool at the cliff’s foot. Churun River is a tributary of the Caroni River.

Question 6.
What gives a feather touch to the rocks at the bottom ?
At the bottom, the fall disperses into a fine mist giving feather touch to the rocks.

Question 7.
How is this waterfall compared to ‘Niagara Falls’ ?
It hurtles down from a height of 960 m which is 16 times more than the height of Niagara falls.

Question 8.
What do you understand by a truly breathtaking view ? Explain.
‘A truly breathe taking view’ means that we feel a great wonder to see the view.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
The World’s Highest Waterfall.
Writing Time
Question 1.
Read the following passage carefully and make notes using Topicalising technique. Use standard and
recognizable abbreviations where possible. Give the passage a suitable title also.

Environmental Protection
It was a rare occasion for ten students of this school’to participate in the National Exhibition on
‘Environmental Protection’ held at IIT, Powai, Mumbai. About two hundred students from various parts
of India took part in it. Many voluntary organizations and distinguished environmentalists also
participated in it. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra inaugurated the exhibition. The leading
themes of the exhibition were the protection of our forest wealth; keeping our rivers and lakes pollution
free; the hazards of air and sound pollution.

The biggest draw of the exhibition was the section on the Himalayas. The exhibition evoked a
spontaneous response among the local people, especially, the students. Such exhibitions are necessary to
educate the people regarding environmental pollution. Large-Scale deforestation, haphazard urbanization
and industrialization, have converted green belts into jungles of concrete. Environment pollution, smoke
and dirt have turned cities like Delhi into gas-chambers.

The people can learn the value of growing more trees and the dangers of deforestation. Our rivers, lakes
and streams have become the damping pools of the industrial waste. Green belts are disappearing fast.
Unplanned urbanization has brought only degradation of the environment. It is certain that the National
Exhibition will go a long way in educating the people and highlighting the need for preserving our
environment to them.
National Exhibition on ‘Environmental Protection, held at IT, Powai, Mumbai, about 200 students from
India took part, inaugurated by Hon’ble CM of Maharashtra, leading themes protection of forests, keeping
rivers & lakes polln. free, hzrds. of air & sound polln; evoked spntneous response.

Such exhbtns. necessary, deforstn., urbnztn. & indstrlztn. have dstryd. green belts; people to learn value
of trees & dangers of deforstn.; green belts disapprng. fast; unplnnd. urbnztn. has brght. degrdtn. of
environment. Ntnl.Exhbtn. will educate people.

Title—Protest against Environmental Pollution

Question 2.
Read the following passage carefully and make notes using Schematizing technique. Use standard and
recognizable . abbreviations where possible. Give the passage a suitable title also.

Coal Deposits of India

Coal is a natural resource, which constitutes approximately 85 per cent of the total fossil fuel reserves in
the world. The coal deposits of India occur in two distinct stratigraphic horizons Gondwana and its
territories. Gondwana coal contributes about 99% of the country’s coal resources. These mines are
located in peninsular India, in the South Eastern quadrant, bound by the 78° E longitude and the 24° N
latitude, thus, leaving a major part of the country devoid of any coal deposits. The major Gondwana
coalfields are represented

by isolated basins, which occur along prominent present day rivers such as Dantodar, Koel, Sone,
Mahanadi, Pench and Godavari. The relatively minor resource of tertiary coal is located on the either
extremities of peninsular India. Coal can be broadly classified in two categories coking and non-coking.
Coking coal are that which has cracking property and which is used in metallurgical industries. Again
depending on the quality of coke produced by this coal, it is sub-divided into prime coking coal, medium
coking coal and semi-coking coal. Similarly, non-coking coal is also categorised in seven grades (Grade
A to G), depending on its caloric value.

Chapter 3 A Father’s Letter

Word Power
A. Add more words to the word-bubble given in the book. Also consult dictionary for their meaning.

 Capital, Captive
 Intercept, receive.
 Capious, Caption
 Concept, deceive.
B. Match antonyms of the following:

‘A’ – ‘B’

1. aloof – (a) decent

2. idle – (b) like
3. despise – (c) amity
4. vulgar – (d) interested
5. pique – (e) busy
1. – (d), 2. – (e), 3. – (b). 4. – (a), 5. – (c).
A. Choose the correct alternative.

1. The author advises his son to learn never to (conceive/conceal) a prejudice against others.
2. The father wishes his son to keep up appearances himself as (anarrack/a defense) against the idle sneers
of the world.
3. The author wants his son never to (despise/dispose) anyone at ail.
4. Hazlitt tells his son that the first Lesson to learn is that there are other people in the world besides
5. True (insanity/equality) is the only true morality or true wisdom.

1. conceive
2. a defense
3. despise
4. himself
5. equality.

B. Say whether the following statements are true or false and put (✓) or (✗) in the boxes.
1. The author doesn’t feel himself physically fit. (True) [✓]
2. One should not anticipate evils because one cannot have things exactly as one wishes. (True)[✓]
3. The son was experiencing homely atmosphere at his school. (False) [✗]
4. A student feels the same freedom at his school as his own home. (False) [✗]
5. The son feels that his school fellows do not take care of him. (True) [✓]
Language Practice
A. Complete the sentence with ‘some of’/‘most’/‘any of’
1. Do you like this music ? ……… it.
2. I don’t go out very often. I’m at home ………. day.
3. Do you want to come to a party tonight.

1. some of
2. most
3. any of.
B. ‘A’ asks ‘B’ some questions. Use the given information in the box to write B’s answers.

don’t need a car. I have just had a cup of coffee.

Here is a chemist in Mill road. am going to buy a bicycle.
I haven’t got one. I havn’t got an umbrella.
1. A. Can you lend me a pen? – B. I’m sorry ……..
2. A. Would you like to have a car – B.No,,I ……..
3. A. Have you got a bicycle? – B. No, but I ……..
4. A. Can you lend me an umbrella? – B. I’m sorry but ……..
5. A. Would you like a cup of coffee? – B. No, thank you ……..
6. A. Is there a chemist near here? – B. Yes ……..

1. I haven’t got one

2. don’t need a car
3. am going to buy a bicycle
4. 1 haven’t got an umbrella
5. 1 have just had a cup of coffee
6. here is a chemist in Mill road.
C. Write these sentences using no as a determiner.

Question 1.
We haven’t got any money.
We’ve got no money.

Question 2.
There aren’t any shops near here.
There are no shops near here.

Question 3.
Karlm hasn’t got any free time.
Karim has got no free time.

Question 4.
There Isn’t light in this room.
There is no light in this room.

D. Write short answers (one or two words) to these questions. Use none where necessary.

Question 1.
how many letters did you write yesterday?
Two letters.

Question 2.
How many sisters have you got?
Two sisters.

Question 3.
How many apples did you eat yesterday ?
One apple.

Question 4.
How many photographs have you taken today ?
Ten photographs.
Question 5.
How many legs has a snake got ?

Speaking Time
Mark the stress of the following words.

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and
retiring, for ornament is in discourse, and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. For
expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one, but the general counsels, and plots
and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned.

To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make
judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar. They perfect nature and are perfected by
experience : for natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study; and studies themselves
do give forth directions too much, at large, except they be bounded in by experience.

Crafty men contemn studies; simple men admire them; and wise men use them : for they teach not their
own use : but that is a wisdom without them and above them, won by observation. Read not to contradict
and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested, that is
some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read but not curiously, and some to be read wholly
and with diligence and action. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by
others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books, else distilled
books are like common distilled waters, flashy things.
Now answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
Choose the word which does no4 carry the same meaning as the word given at the top or each group:

(A) admire
(i) praise
(ii) appreciate
(iii) condemn
(iv) respect.
(iii) condemn

(B) diligence :
(i) idleness
(ii) industry
(iii) hard work
(iv) thoroughness.
(i) idleness

(C) disposition:
(i) arrangement
(ii) willingness
(iii) nature
(iv) disapproval.
(iv) disapproval.

(D) sloth:
(i) laziness
(ii) idleness
(iii) unwillingness
(iv) promptness.
(D) (iv) promptness.

Question 2.
Who can plan and carry out the things in a better way?
The learned can plan and casry out things In a better way.

Question 3.
What is idleness according to the author? (2009, 15)
According tn the author to spend too much time in studies is sloth,

Question 4.
How does the author compare the crafty, simple and wise men?
Crafty men contem studies, simple men admire them and wise men use them.

Question 5.
‘Read not to contradict and confute’. Explain the statement in your own words. .
Our aim of reading should not be to deny the truth or to oppose others nor to prove someone false.

Question 6.
What are the Distilled books like ? . (2009)
Distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things.

Question 7.
In what categories does the author divide the books? (2014)
The author divides books in three categories

 Some books arc lo be read in parts.

 Others lo be read but flot curiously.
 Some to be read wholly with deligence and action.
Question 8.
Give a suitable title to die passage.
‘Of Studies’.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Imagine yourself to be the Export Manager of Deepati Overseas Ltd. Mumbai. You need chartered
accountants for Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore offices. Write an advertisement far a national daily
offering an Initial salary of Rs. 20,000/. per month with free accommodation. Complete the advertisement
in 50 words.
Chartered Accountants
For Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore offices with experience of two to three years. Initial salary Rs.
20,000/- p. m. + Free accommodation. Send your resume to the Export Manager, Deepali Overseas Ltd.,
Mumbai or mail to
Question 2.
Write a classified advertisement for ‘Lost and Found’ column of a local newspaper stating the loss of
your books and important documents while travelling in a local bus.
Lost and Found
Lost a bag containing books and other important documents.
On 15th March 20… at about 10:30 a. m. while travelling in Dhar-Indore MPRTC bus. Sender will be
Contact 9832590721 or (07292) 232436

Question 3.
Your father has been transferred to another city. You want to sell certain household goods. Design
suitable advertisement to be published in local newspapers.
One coloured T. V.-Videocon flat screen 20 model, good condition
under warranty period.
One Refrigerator-Voltas Co. Capacity 200 Lit. good condition.
Owner shifting to another city.
K. R Upadhyaya
Mob. No. 9826732395

Question 4.
Design an advertisement on behalf of the Ministry of Environment, M.R for publication in a newspaper
urging the people to get ‘Pollution Under Control Certificate’ for their vehicles. Mention the date, venue,
place and time of the programme. Make the people aware about the harmful effects of hydrocarbons and
carbon monoxide.
Pollution Control
Ministry of Environment Protection, M. P. urges its responsible citizens and vehicle users to get P. U. C.
(Pollution Under Control) Certificate for their vehicles in order to cut down the highly increased level of
pollution in our state, caused due to running vehicles, which emit harmful gases (like carbon-monoxide
and hydrocarbons). These are injurious to heart and may even cause skin and lung cancer and asthama
P. U. C. Certificates will be issued after checking your vehicle. Detailed information is given below.
Date : From 10/10/20… to 31.12.20…
Time : 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Venue : Municipal Corporation Office, Indore.

Chapter 4 Wonderful World

Word Power
A. Can you find out other pairs of rhyming words from the poem which add to the melody of the poem.
Also read them aloud.

 me – tree, mills – hills

 go – flow, isles – miles
 small – all, today – to say, dot – cannot.
B. Fill in the blanks from your memory.

1. Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world

2. With the wonderful water-round you furled.
3. And the wonderful grass upon your breast
4. World you are beautifully drest.
A. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
Which of the following words does not rhyme with ‘flow’:
(i) snow
(ii) go
(iii) now
(iv) no.
(iii) now

Question 2.
Read the poem carefully and find out how many rhyming word-pairs are there :
Tick out (✓) the correct one :
(i) Eight
(ii) Nine
(iii) Eighteen
(iv) Sixteen.
(ii) Nine

Question 3.
In the first stanza the poet describes the World’s
(i) beauty
(ii) greatness
(iii) values
(iv) vastness.
(iv) vastness.

Question 4.
How does the poet address the Earth in the third stanza ?
(i) beautiful
(ii) wonderful
(iii) friendly
(iv) great.
(iii) friendly

Question 5.
The poet finds himself very small when he compares himself to the Earth.
(i) big
(ii) great
(iii) vast
(iv) huge.
(ii) great

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct words from those given below :

natural, a human being, oceans, amazed, greenery.

(i) This beautiful world is covered with ….. and …………
(ii) This human civilization has made its mark on the ……….. landscape.
(iii) ……….. is the best creature on the earth.
(iv) We remain . when we think of the beauties of the wonderful world.
(i) oceans, greenery
(ii) natural
(iii) A human being
(iv) amazed.

Speaking Time
Put the stress mark before the appropriate syllable.


I want to buy a ‘pen We went to the ‘market ‘When are you ‘returning

He practiced ‘every day. I saw him on ‘Monday ‘What have you ‘forgotten

I’m going ‘back to ‘work He injured his shoulder ‘Do it in the ‘morning

The ‘students went ‘away The ‘patient ‘recovered ‘Ram has been’forgiven
Reading Time
Read the following poem carefully:

Beauty is seen
In the Sunlight
The trees, the birds,
Corn growing and people working
or dancing for their ha nest
Beauty is heard
In the night
Wind sighing, rain falling
Or a singer chanting
Anything is earnest
Beauty is in yourself
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work,
And even in your rest ……..E- Ye h-Shu re

Now answer the questions given bellow:

Question 1.
Pick the odd ones out:
(i) harvest, crop, yield, plough – plough
(ii) singing, chanting, chatting, humming. – chatting
(iii) opinion, view, thought, notion. – thought
(iv) earnest. honest, serious, solemn – serious
(v) dream, vision, nightmare, sensation – sensation

Question 2.
Note down the rhyming words of the poem.
Sunlight, night falling, chanting, harvest, rest.

Question 3.
What do people do for their harvest? (209)
They dance for their harvest.

Question 4.
What are the things that appear attractive when there Is sunlight? (2009)
The trees, the birds, corn growing and people working or dancing for their harvest

Question 5.
In the darkness of night how do you experience beauty?
We hear beauty in (he darkness of the night. We hear wind sighing, rain falling or a singer chanting.

Question 6.
What accounts for beauty In yourself’ (2009, 13)
Good deeds, happy thoughts account for beauty in ourselves.

Question 7.
Write down the central idea of the poem In about 80 words.
It is said that ‘A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.’ Here in this poem the poet says that beauty is not only
seen but also heard in nature. This beauty is everlasting. The sunlight, the birds, the growing corn and the
people dancing are a lovely scene of beauty. Beauty can be also heard in the night. The sighing of wind,
the falling of the rain and chanting of a singer are also beautiful. Beauty is in man himself too. They are
his good deeds and happy thoughts.

Question 8.
Summarize the poem ‘Beauty’ (2010)
Beauty is the poem of Nature. When beauty is in sunlight, it appears attractive.When it is in night, it
appears cool and calm. When it appears in ourselves, t is seen in our thoughts and deeds.

Writing Time
Question 1.
You are the head boy/girl of your school, Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for house captains and
vice captains to attend a meeting presided over by the principal to prepare a plan for the annual function.

Indian Public School, Indore


House Captains and Vice Captains of the school are hereby informed that a meeting is arranged to prepare
a plan for annual function of the school. All the House Captains and Vice Captains are required to attend
the meeting. The Principal of the school will preside over the meeting.

Date—26. 11.20…
Time—2 p. m. to 4 p. m.
Venue—The Assembly Hall.

Sumitra Jam
Head Girl.

Question 2.
Your books were lost when you were out in the games period. Draft a notice including details of the lost

Govt. H. S. School No. 1, Mandsaur

Lost : A bag containing books on 17th Aug., 20… at about 4.30 p. m. somewhere near the play ground.
The bag is green, normal size with Pushpak Tiwari written on it.
Contact—Pushpak Tiwari, Class X B or deposit with the librarian.

Question 3.
You are the cultural secretary of your school. Draft a notice giving information about the selection of two
participants from your school to take part in the inter-school debate competition.

Govt. Technical School, Dhar

The students of class XI and XII are informed that the selection of two participants from the school to
take part in the inter-school debate is to be done. The debate will be organised on 26th Jan., 20… at
School of Excellence, Dhar. Students willing to take part in the debate are required to contact me on or
before 20th Jan., 20… after school.
Subject of debate—Should students take part in politics.

By order of the Principal

Vinay Bhonsle
(Cultural Secretary)

Ten Natural Laws of Success Word Power

Match synonyms of the given words.

1. awareness – (a) promise

2. accomplishment – (b) respect
3. commitment – (c) consciousness
4. esteem – (d) achievement.
1. – (c), 2. – (d), 3. – (a), 4. – (b).

B. Fill each of the blanks to form a new compound dictionary if necessary.

1. water-proof

2. narrow-minded
3. block-headed

4. kind-hearted

Choose the correct alternative.

1. In Law-1 the author focuses on (time management/event control).

2. As per Law-2 highest priority should be given to (forming values/governing values). .
3. The Rule of governing values must be reflected in one’s (deeds/thoughts).
4. (Physical/Mental) comfort zones are more difficult to leave.
5. The Writer’s focus in Law-5 is on (daily/annual) Planning.
6. What one believes is reflected thorough one’s (attitude/behaviour).
7. When the results of our behaviour meet our basic needs, we have a (correct/incorrect) belief.
8. Negative behaviour defeats our (attempts/feelings) to take control of our life.
9. Our self-esteem and fulfillment come from our own (conscience/soul).
10. If we all (share/collect) our excess with others most of the world’s problems can be solved.

1. event control
2. governing values
3. deeds
4. Mental
5. daily
6. behaviour
7. correct
8. attempts
9. conscience
10. share.
Language Practice
A. Fill in the blanks with “the”/“a”/“an” where necessary.

1. My little brother will go to ……….. school next year.

2. My father left ……….. school many years ago.
3. I go to ………..temple twice a week.
4 ……….. cotton of Egypt is exported to many countries.
5. At what time is ……….. lunch ?
6. He can speak ……….. French.
7. Swimming is ……….. great fun.
8. The aeroplane makes ……….. noise.
9. What sort of ……….. boy is he ?
10. My uncle made ……….. fortune in Canada.
11. He has more than ……….. thousand rupees.
12. The train left half ……….. hour ago.
1. x
2. the
3. the
4. The
5. the
6. x
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. x
11. a
12. an.

B. In the following story, insert a/an or the where it is needed and rewrite it.

Once there lived in Varanasi king, named Vrahamadatta, who had beautiful daughter, named
Kanchanmaala. when princess was fourteen years of age, she had dream. In dream, she saw herself in city
made of gold, where she lived with her three sisters in magnificent palace; and four princesses were very,
very happy, when princess came out of dream, she cried for city of Gold. And when king, her father,
urged her to get married, she said : Father, I will not marry anyone except man who has visited city of
Once there lived in Varanasi a king named Vrahamadatta, who had a beautiful daughter named
Kanchanmaala. When princess was fourteen years of age, she had a dream. In the dream, she saw herself
in a city made of gold, where she lived with her three sisters in a magnificent palace; and the four
princesses were very, very happy. When princess came out of the dream, she cried for the city of Gold.
And when king, her father, urged her to get married, she said: Father I will not marry anyone except a
man who has visited the city of Gold.

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

The ability to motivate others well flows from the. importance that we attach to today.
What can we do today ?
John Wooden was the most successful college basketball coach of all time. His UCLA teams won 10
national championships in a 12 year time span. Wooden created a major portion of his coaching and
living philosophy from one thought—a single sentence passed on to him by his father when Wooden was
little boy: “Make each day your masterpiece.”

While other coaches would try to gear their players towards important games in the future, Wooden
always focused on today. His practice sessions at UCLA were every bit as important as any championship
game. In his philosophy, there was no reason not to play as hard in practice as you do in a game. He
wanted every player to go to bed each night thinking, “Today, I was at my best.”

Most of us, however, don’t want to live this way. The future is where our happiness lies, so we live in the
future. The past is where the problem began, so we live in the past. But every good thing that ever
happened, happened now, right now. Leadership takes place now, too.
The key to leading others is in your willingness to do important thing—but to do them now. Today is
your whole life in miniature. You were “born” when you woke up, and you1 ll “die” when you go to
sleep. It was deftgned this way so that you could live your whole life in a day. Do you still want to walk
around telling your team you’re having a bad day ? When your people see you making each day your
masterpiece they will pick it up as a way to live and work.

Now answer the questions given below.

Question 1.
Classify the following words into nouns and verbs :
motivate, succeed, miniature, lead, philosophy, direct, coach, champion, championship, create,
motivation, creature, willingness, will, perform.

Nouns Verbs

miniature, will, philosophy, coach, motivation,

motivate, succeed, lead, direct, create, perform
champion, creature, championship, willingness
Question 2.
From what did Wooden create the major portion of his coaching philosophy ? (2014)
Wooden created a major portion of his coaching and living philosophy from one thought “Make each day
your masterpiece.”

Question 3.
What did Wooden always focus on ?
Wooden always focused on today.

Question 4.
What did the other coaches try to do ?
Other coaches would try to gear their player towards important games in the future.

Question 5.
What did Wooden want his trainees to realise when they went to sleep ?
Wooden wanted his trainees to realise when they went to sleep that today they were at their best.

Question 6.
What do you understand by the statement ‘Make each day your masterpiece’ ? Explain.
We understand that we should do everything in the best possible manner. We must use our ability in full.
Question 7.
Why do we want to live in the future ?
We want to live in the future because happiness lies in future and we hope that we will become happy in

Question 8.
What does the author mean by ‘It was designed this way so that you could live your whole life in a day’ ?
We can act only in present.
“Trust no future, however pleasant
Let the past bury its dead present
Act-act in the Living Present.
Heart within and God overhead.” —Longfellow

Question 9.
What will happen when people find you making each day your masterpiece ?
They will pick it up as a way to live and work.

Question 10.
Give a suitable title to the passage
Live Well Today.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Your school is going to organise a cultural evening to collect funds for orphanage. The District Collector
has consented to be the Chief Guest. Design a poster to be displayed in different areas of your town.

Question 2.
Design an attractive and instructive poster on behalf of the Delhi Police to educate and warn the people
against unclaimed articles like dolls, tiffin-boxes, suitcases, bags, transistors, mobiles lying in public

Question 3.
You are the Secretary of Red Cross of your school. Design a suitable and attractive poster prompting the
citizens to volunteer themselves for ‘Blood Donation’ at the camp organised in your school. Create a
slogan of blood donation.

Chapter 6 The Face on the Wall

Word Power
A. Consult a dictionary to And out the full forms of the following abbreviations :

 A.I.D.S.—Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome

 P.M.—Prime Minister
 M.P.—Member of Parliament
 etc.—(etcetra) and the same
 i.e.—(id est) that is
 e.g.—(exempli gratia) for example
 P.T.O.—Please Turn Over
 N.B.—(Note Bena) Please note

B. Choose the correct spelling (British English). Consult a standard dictionary.


1. medieval
2. hygienic
3. illogical
4. etiquette
5. aesthetic.
6. condescend
7. elegant
8. trivialities.
A. Read the story carefully. Each of the places in the left column is related to an event in the right
column. Match the columns.

Place – Event

1. between Spezzia to Pisa – (a) the narrator saw the man in a taxi
2. Boulogne – (b) the man boarded a train
3. Charing Cross – (c) the man embarked a boat
4. Folkstone – (d) the narrator disembarked from the boat
5. Great Ormond Street – (e) the address on the card stated
6. Piccadilly – (f) the millionaire had a car accident
7. Pittsburg – (g) the narrator lived
1 – (f), 2.- (d), 3.- (b), 4.- (c), 5.- (g), 6.- (a), 7.- (e).

B. Each of the persons in the left column is related to an activity in the right column.

Match the columns :

Person- Activity
1. Dabney – (a) reminded the narrator to tell the thirdjAing
2. Ormond Wall – (b) had brought the little man with an anxious white face
3. Rudson-Wayte – (c) owned the place where the talk was going on
4. Spanton – (d) died in a car accident
1. – (c), 2.- (d), 3.- (b), 4.- (a).

Language Practice
A. Answer the following questions and arrange your answers in the form of a paragraph.
(i) When do you get up in the morning ?
I get up in the morning at 6 O’clock.

(ii) What time do you eat breakfast every morning ?

I take breakfast at 8 am.

(iii) What time do you go to school ?

I go to school at 10 am.

(iv) What time do you begin work ?

I begin work at 10.30 am.

(v) What time do you have lunch ?

I have lunch at 1.30 pm.

(vi) What time do you finish your work ?

I finish my work at 5 pm.

(vii) What time do you come home every evening ?

I come home at 5.30 pm.

(viii) What time do you have dinner ?

I have dinner at 7.30 pm.

(ix) How much time do you devote to computer ?

I devote 2 hours to computer.

(x) What time do you go to bed ?

I go to bed at 10.30 pm.

Paragraph form—I usually get up in the morning at about 6 O’clock. After taking and reading the
morning newspaper I take breakfast at 8 am. Then I study and do my home work. I go to school at 10 am
and reach there at 10.30. Lunch time is 1.30 to 2 pm. At 5 pm my periods are over. Then I come back
home at 5.30 pm. After watching some T.V. programmes or playing, I take my dinner at 7.30 pm. Then I
sit down at the computer table for two hours. Then I study again and do my home work. I go to bed at
about 10.30 pm.

B. Finish the paragraph given in the book using the simple present tense. Here is some more information
for you to include :

(i) the journey/take/two hours

(ii) coffee/tea/serve/passengers in the air
(ii) a bus/meet/aeroplane/at the airport.
(iv) the bus/take/the passengers into Delhi
(v) a return ticket/cost/Rs. 5000/-
Every day, a Boeing leaves Hyderabad for Delhi. It leaves Hyderabad at 20.05. The journey takes two
hours. Coffee/tea is served to the passengers in the air. A bus meets the aeroplane at the airport. The bus
takes the passengers into Delhi. A return ticket costs Rs. 5000/-

C. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the simple present or the present
continuous tense.

1. My mother normally …… at home, but she …… this month in Simla. She …… in a summer school
there, (work, spend, teach)
2. A: Look, it again. B : Yes, it most days at this time of year. (rain)
3. Goodnight, I …… to bed. I always to bed early during the week, (go)
4. Most days, John to work, but since it …… today he …… his car to work. So Mary her shopping at the
local shop instead of the supermarket where she usually (cycle, rain, take, do, go)
5. A : Where are the children ? B : They …… in the garden. They …… home from school at about four
and usually…… straight out to play with their friends, (play, get, go)
6. A : What work …… ? B : He …… French and German; but he English as well, (your Father do)
7. We usually …… the news on TV at seven O’ clock, but tonight we, …… that new soap opera, (watch)

1. works, is spending, is teaching

2. is raining, rains
3. am going, go
4. cycles, is raining, is taking, does
5. are’ playing, go, get
6. i does your father do; teaches, teaches
7. watch, are watching.
D. Put verbs in the correct tense and insert “since” or “for”.

Question 1.
I (write) ten letters …… breakfast.
I have written ten letters since breakfast.
Question 2.
I (not see) him …… more than a week.
I have not seen him for more than a week.

Question 3.
“How long you (wait) ?” It …… half an hour.
How long have you been waiting ? It is since half an hour.

Question 4.
That boy (not wash) his face …… some time.
That boy has not washed his face for some time.

Question 5.
They (build) that bridge …… several months, but they (not finish) it yet.
They have been building that bridge for several months, but they have not finished it yet.

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

While out driving with my children one day, I noticed a woman statuling beside her car. I pulled up
behind her and discovered that not only was a tyre flat, but she wasn ’t sure how to change it. / offered to
fix it, and we were soon both on our way.

After a few hours, I decided to head home when I noticed steam rising from my bonnet. I pulled into a
restaurant car park and found a hole in the radiator. A truck had just driven in, and driver asked me what
the problem was, I explained, adding that my brother, Brad, was a mechanic and that I’d call him. When
he found out Brad lived an hour away, he took my kids into the restaurant and brought them supper,
refusing payment. Then he took us to his relative’s house nearby.

Not only did the man wait for Brad to arrive, but they drove off together to have a look at the car. After it
was fixed, I thanked the man for his overwhelming generosity. “It’s no trouble,” he said. ‘7 happened to
be ‘ driving down the highway a few hours ago and saw you helping a lady with her car troubles. What
goes around comes around.”

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the phrasal verbs from the passage which convey following meanings :
 to stop—pulled up
 to enter a station and stop—pulled into
 to get some information—found out
 to leave—on our way
 to drive quickly—drove off
Question 2.
Where did the author stop ? And what did he observe there ?
He stopped near the car of a woman. There he observed that not only was a tyre flat but she wasn’t sure
how to change it.

Question 3.
What did the author see in his bonnet ?
He noticed steam rising from his bonnet. Later he found a hole in the radiator.

Question 4.
Who took the kids into the restaurant ? (2013)
The truck driver took the kids into the restaurant.

Question 5.
Who went to have a look at the car ?
The truck driver and author’s brother Brad went to have a look at the car.

Question 6.
What did the truck driver say after checking the car ? (2014)
The truck driver asked him what the problem was.

Question 7.
What do you understand by “what goes around comes around ?”
We understand that he who helps other gets help in return.

Question 8.
Why did the author thank the truck driver ?
The driver took his kids to a restaurant, brought them supper, refusing payment. He also took them to his
relative’s house nearby and also went to the car with his brother. The author thanked him for his
overwhelming generosity.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
As you sow so shall you reap.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Write a paragraph in about 80 words on ‘Role of Computers in every day life.
Now-a-days computers have become popular in many fields. They have become part and parcel of our
lives. Computers are being used in banks, offices, factories, and shops. It has become our daily necessity.
We can call our age the computer age.

We can learn many things on internet. Video games are popular with children. Through the computer we
can send our letters and other communication through e-mail. In printing books and other material it is
very useful. We can say computers have become very essential now-a-days.

Question 2.
Write a paragraph on ‘Importance of trees’ in 80 words.
Trees are very important for us. They give us fruits to eat and firewood to bum. We build houses and
make furniture with their wood. Trees support the life of living beings. They give us oxygen to breathe.
They absorb the carbon dioxide which we exhale. They produce starch for our food. Trees cause rainfall.
Hot days are cooled by trees. They check the surface soil of the earth from being washed away by rains.
Trees also help to prevent sudden floods.

Chapter 7 In the Country

Word Power
A. Make sentences after suffixing ‘-less’ in the following words:
care, doubt, self, help, home, hope

1. Mohan is a careless person.

2. Our future is doubtless.
3. A saint is a self-less man.
4. He is helpless in this matter.
5. The flood left many people homeless.
6. Your talk is hopeless.

B. Match the synonyms of the following words

1. shun – (a) moan
2. starve – (b) gaze
3. misery – (c) famish
4. groan – (d) avoid
5. stare – (e) woe
1.- (d), 2.- (c), 3.- (e). 4.- (a), 5.- (b).

A. Choose the correct alternative :

Question 1.
“This life Is sweetest”. Which Life does the poet refer to?
(i) Life in the Cities
(ii) Life in great places
(iii) Life in the country
(iv) Life at borne.
(iii) Life in the country

Question 2.
“No doubt it is a selfish thing”. What Is a selfish thing?
(i) To fly from struggles
(ii) To fly from green trees
(iii) To fly from wolfish eye
(iv) To fly from human misery.
(iv) To fly from human misery.

Question 3.
What is meant by ‘wolfish eye’?
(i) Power
(ii) Hunger
(iii) Cheerfulness
(iv) Groan or sigh.
(ii) Hunger

Question 4.
Mark out the rhyming pairs:
(i) great-feet
(ii) eye.sigh
(iii) sad-win
(iv) food care.
4. (ii) eye-sigh.

B. Complete the following expressions choosing the correct word:

1. White with (nursery/suffering/care)
2. Power to help by (money/shelter/deed)
3. Few men (in need/great places)
4. Hand that is (full/empty/cheerful)

1. misery
2. deed
3. in need
4. empty.
C. Some verbal phrases have been used in the poem. Choose their correct meaning from the bracket:

1. To fly from ………. (run away from/take off)

2. Cursed with ………. (blessed with/suffering from)

1. run away from

2. suffering from.
Speaking Time

A. Put the accent marks in the following sentences and read them aloud.
1. Have you ‘heard the ‘latest ‘news ?
2. Did anyone ‘remember to ‘lock the ‘door ?
3. ‘Where are you ‘going on ‘Monday ?
4. He ‘doesn’t ‘want to ‘come ‘here.
5. ‘Oh, I ‘haven’t ‘got an ‘idea.
6. You ‘ought to ‘know ‘the ‘place by now.
7. He used to ‘come on ‘Sundays.

B. Put the accent marks in the following pairs of examples.

1.a. The ‘cheque he gave me was not post-dated

b. He gave me a ‘post-dated cheque.

2. a. I ‘always go second class.

b. Buy me a ‘second class ticket.

3. a. Your friend is ‘waiting ‘outside

b. He lives in the ‘outside ‘room.

Reading Time
Read the following poem carefully :

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.

To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feeling is to risk exposing your true self.
To place ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk being called naive.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risk must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.
Chained by their certitude, they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is truly free. —— Janet Rand
Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the poem for the following expressions :

1. to show something hidden – expose

2. a thing that can be dangerous – risk
3. lacking experience of life or knowledge – naive
4. a feeling of being certain – certitude
5. to have something taken away from you because you have done something wrong – forfeit
Question 2.
What risk do we face when we laugh ? (2009)
When we laugh we risk appearing a fool.

Question 3.
When do we risk exposing our true self ?
We risk exposing our true self, when we expose our feelings.

Question 4.
Why must we take risk ? (2009)
We must take risk because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

Question 5.
What does the poet say about the person who does not take risk in his life ?
The person who does not take risk in his life is nothing and becomes nothing.

Question 6.
What things will such a person miss ?
Such a person will miss learning, feeling, changing, growing, loving and living. ‘
Question 7.
Who is truly free and how ? Explain in your own words.
A truly free person is he who risks. No risk no gain goes the saying. If we want to achieve something we
must be ready to pay its price.

Question 8.
How can you say that the persons who do not risk are slaves ?
The persons who do not risk are slaves because they are chained by their certitude.

Question 9.
Write the central idea of the poem in about 80 words. (2014)
‘No risk, no gain’ goes the saying. ‘Man does not live by bread alone’, says the Bible. Needs of man are
many and of various types. Their fulfillment requires hard work. And there are many hazards, obstacles
and risks. Nature puts challenges and obstacles before him. And in this way his ability is developed.
There is risk in every field of life. A man who fears taking risks gets nothing. His life becomes useless.
He becomes nothing. The greatest risk in life is not to take any risk.

Writing Time
Question 1.
You have witnessed an accident. Write a report for a newspaper in 100 words about the accident using the
following details :
Where, when and how did the accident happen ?
People, vehicle involved, loss of life and property, The scene of the accident, details of casualties deaths,
injured, hospitalized. Concede with the negligence of the commuters, suggestions to the government and
Gwalior 5 Aug. 20 From our staff reporter Mohan. A very fatal accident took place on Gwalior-Agra road
at 12 noon. It was a serious and sudden collision between a lorry and a maruti car. The maruti car was
running at a break-neck speed. It was coming from Morena while the lorry containing 40 passengers took
a sudden turn from the bus stop to Delhi. The maruti car struck directly in the mouth of the lorry.

The driver breathed his last on the spot. The four other passengers laid serious injuries on their bodies.
The passengers sitting in the lorry got a heavy jerk and some of them bruises on their bodies. The victims
were taken to the hospital. The police came and registered a case. It was a shocking accident. To prevent
such type of accidents government should take certain measures such as arranging for traffic police on
important crossings of highways, improving the condition of roads etc. We should also be careful in
driving our vehicles to avoid a mishappening.

Question 2.
Write a newspaper report to be published in a newspaper giving the detailed account of the inauguration
ceremony of the annual function held in your school, using the following details.
Name of the event, occasion, date ‘, time, place.
Chief guest, guest(s) of honour and chairman of the function, welcome address, floral welcome, speeches
by the guests, vote of thanks.
“Inauguration, ceremony of the Annual Day of the School.’ From the correspondent Mahesh Sharma.
Annual function of the Dewas Public School, Dewas was celebrated on 24th Feb., 20… in the school
auditorium from 2 to 8 pm.

Mohan Kumar Mehta, the M.L.A. of the area inaugurated the event. He was the chief guest. In his speech
he exhorted students to become good citizens. The chairman of the function was the Collector, Dewas.
Several other dignetories were the honourable guests.

Earlier the Principal and the Secretaries of the Students Union honoured them by garlanding. One of the
lecturers presented the progress report of the school. The Principal also declared the list of the
programmes (cultural, literary and games) to be held during next two days. The function ended with the
thanks giving speech by the Principal and the recitation of the National Anthem.

Chapter 8 Ends and Means

Word Power
A. Choose the antonym from the given alternatives.

1. humble
(a) proud
(b) modest
(c) detached
(d) dull.
(a) proud

2. heaven
(a) paradise
(b) shelter
(c) hell
(d) garden.
(c) hell

3. pale
(a) yellow
(b) sallow
(c) youthful
(d) bright.
(d) bright.
4. prologue
(a) immortal
(b) epilogue
(c) preface
(d) perpetual.
(b) epilogue

5. Immortal
(a) incorruptible
(b) perishable
(c) corrupt
(d) perpetual.
(b) perishable

6. descend
(a) soar
(b) ascend
(c) come down
(d) climb.
(b) ascend.

B. Match the meanings of the following words, consult a dictionary if necessary.

‘A’ -‘B’
1. alms – (a) absolute freedom
2. prostrate – (b) false idea or belief
3. illusion – (c) food store
4. grocery – (d) donation
5. salvation – (e) to salute someone
1.- (d), 2.- (e), 3.- (b), 4.- e(c), 5.- (a).

A. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
Birju stayed back during the Swamiji’s speech
(i) to listen to Swamiji’s speech
(ii) to survey the crowd from the back
(iii) to get an opportunity to pick a pocket
(iv) to have a look at what was going on there.
(iii) to get an opportunity to pick a pocket
Question 2.
Birju approached Swamiji
(i) before the speech
(ii) after the speech
(iii) during the speech
(iv) when Swamiji was going to sleep.
(ii) after the speech

Question 3.
An ascetic’s life is very tough because it requires a lot of
(i) Determination
(ii) Dedication
(iii) Contentment
(iv) all of them.
(iv) all of them

Question 4.
Birju wanted to become Swamiji’s disciple because
(i) he would have a fine time with his team
(ii) it would be easier for him to keep on stealing
(iii) he was deeply moved by Swamiji’s speech
(iv) he had great faith in God.
(iii) he was deeply moved by Swamiji’s speech

Question 5.
Birjanand was wandering in the village at night
(i) to collect alms
(ii) to find a opportunity for theft
(iii) to get some firewood
(iv) to have a look at the sleeping village.
(iii) to get some firewood.

B. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct word from those given in the box.
a theft, nothing, hungry, speechless, annoyed, means

1. The children were huddled in a comer because they were very ………..
2. The mother had been sprinkling water on the pan because she had ……….. to cook.
3. Swamiji was very much ……….. because Birju had committed
4. Swamiji said that the end cannot justify the ………..
5. Swamiji stood ……….. as Birju followed Brahmadutt into the Pushpak Viman.
1. hungry
2. nothing
3. annoyed, a theft
4. means
5. speechless.
Language Practice
Write a paragraph similar to the one given in the book aboufcfour father.
My father was born at Indore in 19 He was brought up in Bhopal by his uncle as his parents died early.
Then he came to Indore to complete his studies. He studied engineering and got a B. E. degree. He
worked as Suprintendent Engineer at several places and got retired in 20 He now lives in Indore.

A. Combine each of the following sets of sentences using the past perfect:

(i) (a) He wrote to his father.

(b) After that he went to the library.
After he had written to his father, he went to the library.

(ii) (a) Sarweshwari waited for five minutes.

(b) After that the librarian gave her a book.
After Sarweshwari had waited for five minutes, the librarian gave her a book.

(iii) (a) Nisha read a few pages in the book.

(b) After that she returned it to the librarian.
After Nisha had read a few pages in the book, she returned it to the librarian.

(iv) (a) He came back to his room.

(b) After that he had a cup of coffee.
After he had come back in his room, he had-a cup of coffee.

(v) (a) He listened to the radio for some time.

(b) After that he read the newspaper.
After he had listened to the radio for some time, he read the news paper.

(vi) (a) Ashu finished his lunch.

(b) Then he went to a shop.
After Ashu had finished his lunch, he went to a shop.
B. Answer the questions using ‘for’

Question 1.
How long have you been living in this town ?
I have been living in this town for 15 years.

Question 2.
How long have you been attending this class ?
I have been attending this class for 6 months.

Question 3.
How long have you been studying English ?
I have been studying English for 7 years.

Question 4.
How long have you been attending this school ?
I have been attending this school for 4 years.

Question 5.
How long have you been working today ?
I have been working today for 5 hours.

C. Complete the conversation between ‘A’ and ‘B’ putting one In the simple past and one in the present
1. (A) We . in Indore from 1985 to 1990. (live)
(B) But we to Mumbai now. (move)

2. (A) I a great show at the metro this week. (see)

(B) Not this week. I it in Indore last week. (see)

3. (A) This is Pierna. I don’t think you her. (meet)

(B) Oh yes, we know each other well. We …. aL school together. (be)

4. (A) I to phone Jyoti, but she’s not at home. (try)

(B) She should be. She work an hour ago. (leave)


1. lived, had moved

2. saw, have seen
3. met, have been
4. tried, has left.
Speaking Time
Read twice the following sentences and decide whether the weak or strong form of the given auxiliary is
used in the following sentences. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Strong form Weak form

1. They can wait X Kan

2. How could he do it ? could X

3. We shall need to run ? X shall

4. Why should he care for anybody ? X should

5. You must try your best. must X

6. This watch will do. X wil

7. He would be happy. X would

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully:

The Gira is no! an aphorisric work; it is a great religious poem. The deeper you dive into ir, the richer the
meanings you get. li being meant for the people at large, there is pleasing repetition. With every age the
important word will carry new and expanding meanings. But its central leaching will never vary. The
seeker is at liberty to extract from this treasure any meaning he likes so as to enable him to enforce in his
life the central teaching.

Nor is the Geta a collection of do’s and don ‘ts. What is lawful for one may be unlawful for another. What
may be permissible ai one time, or in one place, may not be so at another rime, and in another places
Desire for fruit is the only universal prohibition. Desire lessness is obugatory. The. Gita has sung the
praises of knowledge, but iris beyond the mere

intellect: ir is essentially addressed to the heart and capable of being understood by the heart. Therefore
the Gua is not for those who have no faith. The author makes Krishna say:

“Do no: entrust this treasure to him who is without sacrifice, without devotion, without the desire for this
teaching and who denies Me. L4 the other hand those who will give this precious treasure to My devotees
will by the fact of this service assuredly reach Me. And those who, being free from malice, will with faith
absorb this teaching, shal having attained freedom, live where people of true merit go after death.”

Now answer the questions given below:

1. Match the words in column A to the words having almost the same meaning in column B.

‘A’ -‘ B’

1. aphoristic – (a) to Lake in or to grasp

2. prohibit – (b) hatred
3. obligatory – (c) a short statement of truth or wisdom
4. malice – (d) compulsory
5. absorb – (e) to SLOP by Law
1. – (c). 2. – (e), 3. – (d), 4. -.(b), 5. – (a).

Question 2.
‘The central teaching will never vary’. Then what things can vary when we go through the Gita?
With every age the important word (of Gita) can vary by carrying new and expanding meanings.

Question 3.
What do you understand by do’s and don’ts? (2012, 14)
do’s means the acts that are right and we should practice them.
don’ts means the acts that are wrong and we should not do them.

Question 4.
What has been recognized as the only universal compulsion .
Desire for fruit is the only universal compulsion.

Question 5.
Why is the Gita beyond the mere Intellect? (2009)
It is beyond mere intellect because it is essential addressed to the heart and capable of being understood
by heart.

Question 6.
Why does the author say that the Gita is not for those who have no faith? (2013,14)
He says so because it is beyond mere intellect; it is addressed to the heart and capable of being understood
by heart. Heart is beyond reason, it is based on faith.

Question 7.
Who will certainly reach to Lord Krishna?
Whosoever will give this precious treasure to his devotees will by fact of this service assuredly will reach
Question 8.
According to Lord Krishna who will attain the supreme place after death?
According to Lord Krishna those who being free from malice, will with faith absorb this teaching, shall,
having attained freedom, will attain the supreme place after death.

Question 9.
The Teachings of the Gita.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Write a letter to your friend describing a recent exciting criaet match in which your team won.
Govt. H. S. School No. 2,
Hoshangabad (M.P.)
Dt. 7th Jan., 20
Dear Mahesh,
I hope you are doing well there.
Yesterday I winessed a very exciting and interesting match in our school. We played a match of 20 overs
with the team of H. S. S. No.1. I was one of the players of my team. Our captain won the toss and offered
the opposite team to bat. There was great excitement in both the sides.

We took the position in the field. We were in high spirits. We had two fast bowlers with us. The four
batsmen were caught up. Their score was 99 runs at the fall of 6th wicket. When their score was 152, 20
overs were completed with 2 wickets in their hands.

Then we started batting. Our first two batsmen scored 30 runs. The score stood at 55 when I started
playing. I made 33 runs. I was declared LBW out. Our score crossed 151 when the last ball was to be
thrown. There was a great excitement. The last ball might prove defeat or tie or victory. The batsman was
a bowler actually. We had least hope. Lo ! there was a miracle when the ball was thrown and hit, it was a
boundary. We scored 155 against their 152 and we won the game. All congratulated us.
I hope you will enjoy the above description.
Your sincerely,

Question 2.
Write a letter to your brother telling him how you have spent your summer vacation.
17, Jawahar Marg,
Neemuch (M.P.)
June 20, 20
Dear Sonu,
I hope you are quite well and OK there.
Received your letter, thanks for the congratulations. You have asked me how I spent my vacations.
My aunt at Nekpur (Bareli) had been inviting me to spend my vacations with their family from 3-4 years.
So this year I decided to go there. I reached there on 15th May 20 and returned yesterday. I spent a very
jolly time in the sweet company of my cousins.

There is a joint family. It consists of fifteen members. The house is big and spacious. There is always
hustle and bustle in the big house. We went out for long walks both in the morning and evening. The cool
and fresh air pleased the mind and heart. Green fields were atractive.

A canal flows at a short distance from there. We enjoyed swimming in the cool water. The mango season
was in full swing. They were very cheap there. I ate them to my heart’s content. All our time was spent in
eating, playing and swimming. Every body was good to me. I felt at home there.
Yours truly,

Question 3.
Write a letter to your friend advising him to study English, Maths, general knowledge and reasoning for
competitive examination.
170, Rambagh,
Indore (M.R)
17 July, 20
Dear Ramesh,
I hope you are doing well there.
Received your letter. You have asked me to advise you about your future plans. You have expressed your
desire to enter some administrative jobs. For this you will have to appear in the competitive examinations.
Thousands of candidates apply for these jobs and a few are to be selected. So these examinations are very
tough. For this you will have to study hard. You must pay special attention to the study of English, Maths
and general knowledge. I shall help you as far as possible.
Rest is OK.
Yours truly,

Chapter 9 I’m Joe’s Brain

Word Power
A. Complete the following table.
B. Choose the correct spelling (British English)

1. myriad
2. versatility
3. mementos
4. hallucinogenic
5. anaesthetic
6. fascinating
7. neanderthal.
A. Fill in the blanks using the correct word from those given in the box :
enormous, ecstatic, information, ability to walk, firing, sensors

1. Ears, tongue and fingers collect ……….. only.

2 ……….. inform the brain that carbon dioxide is rising in one’s blood.
3. Little jolts of electricity can transform a depressed person into an ……….. one.
4. At each one nerve chemically communicates with another.
5. The left hemisphere controls one’s ………..
6. Brain’s potential is ………..

1. information
2. sensors
3. ecstatic
4. firing
5. ability to walk
6. enormous.

B. Find out the correct logical order in each of the following groups a, b, c and d. Possible order is given
at the end of group in numerals :

1. One knows if he is hurt.
2. Finally, if he hits the ground.
3. When someone slips on the ground
4. it signals the arms to break the fall.
5. brain immediately directs to regain balance.
(i) 4, 4, 3, 2, 1
(ii) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
(iii) 3, 4, 2, 1, 5
(iv) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1.
(ii) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1

1. If I lose one of my cells it is lost forever.
2. Skin, liver, tissue, blood cells can be replaced after damage or loss.
3. But I compensate.
4. Death of cells might be disastrous
5. I will take care of the really important jobs.
(i) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
(ii) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5
(iii) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2
(iv) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.
(iv) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.

1.7 am able to set up compensatory networks of nerve connections.
2. My most striking feature is my backup system.
3. Speech may return, life may come back to paralysed limbs.
4.1 store each memory in various places.
5. It is possible for Joe to manage quite nicely even with part of me destroyed.
(i) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5
(ii) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
(iii) 2, 4, 1, 3, 5
(iv) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4.
(iv) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4.

1. A clot forms in one of my blood vessels
2. Stroke is another major problem.
3. Rehabilitation is possible in some cases.
4. Little can be done to correct the effects of stroke.
5. Or one of my small arteries weakens and bursts.
(i) 2, 3, 5, 4, 1
(ii) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3
(iii) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2
(iv) 2, 1, 5, 4, 3
(iv) 2, 1,5, 4, 3.

Language Practice
A. Fill in the blanks with either the ‘going to’ or ‘will/shall’ form (shall with the first person)

1. The child has grown very naughty. I ……… to his parents, (write)
2. The walls have been white washed. Now we ……… the door and windows, (paint)
3. I ……… such interference in my work, (not tolerate)
4. My son is not at home in Mathematics. I ……… a tutor. (arrange)
5. He ……… a surprise if he comes to me now. (get)
1. shall write
2. will paint
3. am not going to tolerate
4. shall arrange
5. is going to get.
B. Rewrite the following sentences using is/am/are + going to + verb instead of intend/intends to + verb

Question 1.
They intend to buy a new car.
They are going to buy a new car.

Question 2.
We (go) out in the evening.
We shall go out in the evening.

Question 3.
She (play) table tennis in the afternoon.
She is going to play table tennis in the afternoon.

Question 4.
Teacher intends to teach us today.
The teacher is going to teach us today.

Question 5.
We intend to write a book on English grammar.
We shall write a book on English grammar.

Question 6.
They intend to construct a school building.
They will construct a school building.

Question 7.
I intend to have my breakfast.
I am going to have my breakfast.

Question 8.
We intend to have a meeting on Monday.
We are going to have a meeting on Monday.

Question 9.
We intend to visit Rekha on Friday.
We shall visit Rekha on Friday.

Question 10.
He intends to sell his house.
He is going to sell his house.

C. What would you say in the given situations ?

Question 1.
The sky is full of dark clouds.
It’s going to rain.

Question 2.
Now it’s starting to rain. There’s nowhere to shelter, and you haven’t got an umbrella.
You are going to wet.

Question 3.
You are playing scrabble. The game is nearly over and you are 100 point behind.
You are going to lose the game.

Question 4.
You feel awful. There’s terrible feeling in your stomach.
You are going to be sick.

Question 5.
You can see a plane coming down. It’s out of control and falling to the ground.
The plane is going to crash.

Question 6.
It’s raining cats and dogs.
It is not going to stop.
Speaking Time


Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully:

“B. still, and know that I am GOD’

The ultimate challenge is to make your mind calm. And the ultimate solution is meditation. In today’s age
every second person recommends meditation to, the first And for a student, there can’t be a more
powerful technique to improve long term performance in studies.

Calm mind, better retention. Better health, focus and concentration are the obvious benefit You will
realise the benefits, as you practice includes a general sense of well being and happiness and spiritual
growth. The “mood” problem can be taken care of by this way meditation.

There are many types of meditation. The simplest is of course, focusing, on breathing. Since your breath
is always with you, it can be done anytime, any place to: the be.c: is to settle down in a cool place that has
dim light and is relatively quiet.

You must focus all your attention on your breathing. Observe your breath as it comes in and goes out.
You will see that your mind will tend to wander a lot-but soon you will be able to bring it back on
breathing. Don ‘t obstruct thoughts. let them go off All you need to do is to keep your focus on breathing.
When you try this initially. You’ll see how difficult to do Bus soon, you’ll gain mastery over it and who
knows you might end up as a Zen master or a spiritual guru

Now answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which carry opposite meaning to the wards given below:

 prohibit— let them go off

 deteriorate—improve
 disturbance—quiet
 simple— difficult
 strain—calm mind
Question 2.
For what Is meditation an ultimate solution ?
Meditation is an ultimate solution to make our mind calm.

Question 3.
What are the benefits of meditation? (2013, 14)
Better health, focus and concentration are the benefits of meditation.

Question 4.
What is he simplest form or meditation ? (2009, 10, 12)
The simplest form of meditation is focusing on breathing.

Question 5.
Which Is the best place considered (or meditation? (2015)
A cool place with dim light and which is relatively quiet is the best place considered for meditation.

Question 6.
What thing must one focus on at the time of meditation?
One must focus all our attention on breathing at the Lime of meditation.

Question 7.
What do you understand by a ‘spiritual guru’?
A spiritual guru is one who directs and helps others in making their minds calm.

Question 8.
How can one attain mastery in the art of meditation? (2012)
One can attain mastery in the art of meditation by focusing on breathing. Since our breath is always with
us. it can be done any time, any place. But (he best is lo settle down in a cool place (hat has dim light and
relatively quiet. You must focus attention on your breathing. Observe your breath as it comes In and goes
out. In this way, we can attain mastery the art of meditation by pursuing it with patience and forbearing.
Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Meditation: The Ultimate Solution.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Old Students Association of Model School, Indore Is going to organize the Alumni Meet (meeting of old
students). Draft an Invitation letter to he sent to the old students of (he school to attend the Alumni Meet.

Old Students Association, Model School, Indore

Dear ……….
We are glad to inform you that the Alumni Meet of the Old Students of the school is going to be held on
15th August. 20… on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of the School.
You are cordially invited to attend the meeting.
Date — 15th August 20…
Time — 11 2 p.m.
Venue Model School Assembly Hall
Hon. Guest Dr. Robit Sharma.
Dean of Physics.
Holkar Science College, Indore.

Question 2.
You are secretary of the cultural club of our school. Write an Invitation letter to the M. L. A. of your area
to be the Chief Guest of the cultural charity show organized for the benefit of spastic children.

Hon. Govind Rhatele.
M. L. A. Khandwa Constituency,
Khandwa (M. P.)
Honourable Sir,
I am glad to inform you that our school has arranged a charity show of the film “Tare Zamin Par” at the
Laxmi Talkies on 10th August, 2.00 … at 3 p. m. The full income of this charity show will be donated for
the benefit of spastic children. We want that your honour should be the chief guest of this show. Kindly
send us your consent.
Thanking you.

Yours humbly
Mukesh Sinha
Secretary—Cultural Club,
Nutan H. S. School,
Khandwa (M. P.)
Chapter 10 The Hill-Top Temple

Word Power
A. Can you fill up the word-fork given in the book with words synonymous with God or words that
express one of his qualities.

 The soul of all

 Secret spirit
 Infinite
 Eternity
 Vast.
B. Select one word from the given ones for the following expressions :
inexpressible, imperceptible, inexhaustible, omnipotent, eternal, immortal, omniscient, panacea.

 Having no beginning or end to its existence—Eternal

 Which never dies—Immortal
 A cure for all diseases—Panacea
 Being all powerful—Omnipotent
 Incapable of being expressed—Inexpressible
 Incapable of being tired out—Inexhaustible
 Incapable of being perceived by the senses—Imperceptible
 Knowing everything—Omniscient
Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
The earth’s head brilliant with Sun refers to
(i) the horizon
(ii) the hill top
(iii) the goddess
(iv) the top of a tree.
(ii) the hill top

Question 2.
The goddess is immobile because
(i) it is in the form of stone statue
(ii) it loves to stand in one place
(iii) it is placed very high on the hill
(iv) the doors of the temple are closed.
(i) it is in the form of stone statue

Question 3.
The temple was built on the high hill top so that
(i) no one may reach there
(ii) no one may steal the statue
(iii) only true devotees may reach there
(iv) wild animals may not enter the temple.
(iii) only true devotees may reach there

Question 4.
‘Some Vast’ refers to
(i) the all-pervasive spirit of God
(ii) the vast air
(iii) the oceans that surround our Earth
(iv) the dense forest that surrounded the hill.
(i) the all-pervasive spirit of God

Question 5.
The last four lines of the poem mean that human life is
(i) an image of the eternity
(ii) an image of God
(iii) an image of life after death
(iv) an image of life to come.
(i) an image of the eternity

Speaking Time
Complete the weak and strong forms of the words given below, with examples.

Reading Time
Read the following poem carefully :

A Psalm of Life
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
‘Life is but an empty ’ dream !
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal,
‘Dust thou art, to dust returnest ’
Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment and not sorrow
Is our destined end or was,
But to act, that each tomorrow
Finds us farther than today.
In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life,
Be not like dumb driven cattle.
Be a hero in the strife !
Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant,
Let the dead past bury its dead,
Act, act, in the living present,
Heart within and God o’erhead. —H. W. Longfellow

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

‘A’ – ‘B’
1. slumber – (a) decided by fate
2. earnest – (b) a temporary camp or shelter
3. destined – (c) struggle
4. bivouac – (d) sleep
5. strife – (e) serious and real
1. (d), 2. – (e), 3. – (a), 4. – (b), 5. – (c).

Question 2.
What, according to the poet, is the nature of life ? (2009, 12)
According to the poet, life is a real thing. It is a serious matter. It is not
an empty dream.

Question 3.
If the death is not our life’s goal then what is the real end of life ?
The real end of life is to act and live in the manner that everyday we must be ahead of yesterday.

Question 4.
Explain the following lines in simple English :
But to act, that each tomorrow.
Finds us farther than today.
It means that we must make progress daily. We should find or do something new every day. We must be
always learning.

Question 5.
The poet says ‘The world is like a field of battle’. Do you agree ? Write your response in your own words.
Yes, we do agree. Life is not a bed of roses. Man has to struggle for achievements and survival. He has to
earn his food. He has to make his life meaningful.
Question 6.
What does the poet say about the Past and the Future ?
He asks us not to trust the Future however pleasant it may look. And we must not feel regret of our past
life. Forget the unpleasant experiences of the past

Question 7.
‘Act, act in the living present ’. What does the poet really mean by these words ?
Our life should be active. A man sitting idle is like a dead person^What we can do today should not be
left for tomorrow.

Question 8.
The title of the poem is ‘A Psalm of Life’. Psalm means a devotional or inspiring song. Do you agree with
the title ? Answer in about 80 words. (2009)
Justify the title ‘A Psalm of Life’. (2010)
‘A Psalm of Life’ is an inspiring song for it directs the man to live in the present and forget past and
future. The poet tries to inspire by saying that the life is real and one should make use of it. We should act
for now.

In this poem, H.W. Longfellow talks about our actions like the Gita. He feels the world is like a battle
field and like a good soldier we should fight out and live like heroes. We should act in the present like a
hero, be not . dumb animals. We are the only creatures who have the power to understand. God up is
watching and we have heart within us therefore we should act and struggle for now. Hence the title is
justified and we agree with it.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Your school is organizing annual function. Draft a formal invitation to be printed, you are writing on
behalf of the principal. Write the name of the chief guest and the guest of honour.

Govt. Higher Secondary School,

Maheshwar (M. P.)
Coordially invites you to its annual function which is going to be celebrated on 22nd Dec. 20… to 23rd
Dec. 20… as per programme listed below. Mr. Y. N. Mehta, Dy. Commissioner, Adiwasi Vikas has
consented to be the chief guest and Mr. B. N. Shukla, the Principal, Govt. College, Maheshwar will be the
guest of honour.

Rupesh Verma
(Gen. Secretary, Students’ Union)
On behalf of the Principal

Inauguration — 22.8.20… 9 a. m.
Literary programmes — 12 p. m.
Cultural programmes — 8 p. m.
Prize Distribution — 23.8.20… 4 p. m.

Question 2.
Write a formal invitation letter to the students of your school to attend the career counselling programme
to be held in your school on IIT-JEE and PMT.

Guna Public School, Guna (M. P.)

Dt. 17-8-20…

Ravindra Moghe
15, M. G. Road, Gali No. 1
Guna (M. P.)
Subject—Career Counselling Programme on IIT-JEE-PMT.
Ref—Your Application dated 31.7.20…
You are hereby informed that counselling program on IIT-JEE & PMT is arranged on 20th Aug. 20…
from 9 a. m. onwards. You are required to bring photo state copies of all your documents along with other
details. Report yourself at the reception counter
at 8 a. m.

Venue —Guna Public School, Guna.

Assembly Hall

Guna Public School, Guna.

Question 3.
Write a formal reply expressing your inability to attend the career counselling programme due to some
The Organiser,
Guna Public School,
Guna (M. P.)
I am in receipt of your letter No. Career/IIT/JEE/PMT dated 17th Aug. 20… . Thank you for the same. As
I have been suffering from viral fever for 10 days. I have become very weak. So, I am unable to attend the
said counselling programme. Kindly excuse my absence.
Yours faithfully,
Ravindra Moghe,
15, M. G. Road, Gali No. 1,
Guna (M. P.)

Question 4.
Write an informal reply accepting the marriage invitation of your friend’s sister.

171, M. G. Road,
Sohagpur (M. P.)
Dt. 20th Feb. 20…

Dear Sudhir,
Namaste! I hope you are quite O. K. there. I received the invitation-card of the marriage of your sister and
became very glad to know that your family was able to find a suitable life partner for your sister.

I will certainly attend the wedding ceremony. I will be reaching there on 18th March.
Rest on meeting.

Yours true friend

Raghu Shinde

Chapter 11 The Rightful Inheritors of the Earth

Word Power
A. Draw a line from the left hand column to the right hand column joining collective words with their
appropriate nouns.

B. Can you change the following objects into their smaller versions.

 book — book let

 cigar — cigarette
 isle — islet
 leaf — leaf let
A. Read the story and draw connectors to join the consumers and consumables as given in the story.

 coconuts – bats
 sapotas – bats
 guavas – bats
 mangoes – bats
 chicks – crows and hawks
 hens – mangooses
 jack fruit – squirrels and crows.

B. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Soon there were mongooses in the ………. thickets. (bamboo/coconut)

(ii) There emerged a fierce creature without hands or ……… or wings. (head/legs)
(iii) In four days, five hens, …….. squirrels, two hundred rats and a cat died. (six/twelve)
(iv) The gratified bats flew away after eating the (kemels/coconuts)
(v) In a split second, about a people surrounded us. (hundred/thousand)
(i) bamboo
(ii) legs
(iii) twelve
(iv) kernels
(v) hundred.

Language Practice
A. Use the third form of the appropriate verb in the sentences given below.

1. Cotton is in Egypt.
2. The money was by the thief.
3. Our jewels were in a locker.
4. English is in many countries.
5. This book is by an Indian.
6. All the ice-cream was yesterday.
7. The rooms were last evening.
8. I was by a mad dog.

1. grown
2. stolen
3. kept
4. spoken
5. written
6. eaten
7. swept
8. bitten.
B. Write questions using the passive.

Question 1.
Ask about the telephone. (when/invent)

Question 2.
When was the telephone invented ?
Ask about glass. {how/make)

Question 3.
How was glass made ?
Ask about Australia. (when/discover)

Question 4.
When was Australia discovered ?
Ask about silver. (what/use for)
Question 5.
What is silver used for ?
Ask about television. (when/invent)
When was television invented ?

C. What do these words mean ? Use ‘it can’………….or ‘it can’t’


1. washable, it can be washed.

2. unbreakable, it can’t be broken.
3. edible, it can be eaten.
4. unusable, it can’t be used.
5. invisible, it can’t be seen.
6. portable, it can be moved.
D. Rewrite these sentences instead of using ‘somebody’ or ‘they’, write a passive sentence.

Question 1.
Somebody has cleaned the room.
The room has been cleaned.

Question 2.
They have postponed the concert.
The concert has been postponed.

Question 3.
Somebody is using the computer at the moment.
The computer is being used at the moment.

Question 4.
When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game.
When we got to the stadium we found that the game had been cancelled.

Question 5.
They are building a new ring road round the city.
A new ring road is being built round the city.

Speaking Time
List the following words under the four columns according to the sound.


Reading Time
Read the given passage carefully :

Nature’s bounty is boundless. If you try to list the millions of-things all around you, there will be no end
to it. Everything in nature is a marvel in itself. Even the simplest things which you take for granted are
not really simple. For example, you have seen colourful pretty flowers and enjoyed the sweetness of
various fruits. And imagine, it is the soil that helps the plants create such riot of colours and variety of
tastes !

There is scientific explanation involving genes and chromosomes— behind the evolution of every living
thing. Yet the sight of a green-covered, red-fleshed watermelon or a fragrant bright rose growing makes
you think. These are just a few examples of the fascinating variety that nature offers.

There are thousands of other things in nature’s treasure trove, which are absolutely different from what
you come across in your daily life. Have you ever heard of an entire range of high hills smoking fumes in
the air for years together ? Or about a city in England having received frog rain’ ? Or of a reptile that can
actually walk on water ?

There are many such unusual facts about your natural surroundings which, when brought to light, surprise
you and trigger your curiosity to know more. For instance, even a child knows about an elephant, but how
many of you know that an elephant’s trunk comprises of more than forty thousand muscles ?
Such intriguing facts make the study of nature interesting.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which can function as nouns and as verbs as well.
marvel, walk, surprise, trigger.

Question 2.
How can you say that nature’s bounty is boundless ? (2010)
‘Nature’s bounty is boundless’. Explain it. (2009)
We can say that nature’s bounty is boundless because there are millions of things that nature has given to
us. Nature is very generous. For millions of years it is giving millions of people food, clothing and other
necessary articles. It has a great stock. Some people fear that what will . happen in future. In olden days
people thought that when wood is exhausted how will we get energy. Then coal came, then gas, petrol
and atomic energy. So we say that nature’s bounty is boundless.

Question 3.
What helps plants create colours and variety of tastes ?
The soil helps plants create colours and variety of tastes.

Question 4.
What things in nature make you think ?
The sight of a green covered, red-fleshed watermelon or a fragrant bright rose growing makes us think.

Question 5.
What kind of fascinating varieties of nature you can think of ?
There are a number of fascinating varieties of nature we can think of.

Question 6.
‘Treasure trove’ means valuable things that ‘are found hidden. Mention such a thing which you consider
as a treasure trove.
In some old places and buildings valuable things were buried underground. It is a treasure trove according
to me.

Question 7.
What things in nature arouse your curiosity ? (2009)
The Etna volcano Italy, the Barmuda Triangle, arouse our curiosity. These things possess great mystery
and wonder. The Etna volcano is erupting for so many years and still is not ending. In the Barmuda
Triangle many ships and aeroplanes were lost mysteriously. No one knows the answer. So these things
arouse our curiosity.
Question 8.
What facts make the study of nature interesting ?
Various facts about human body as the working of the heart and knowledge that it works only 9 hours
each day and rest for the rest part. Such facts make the study of nature interesting.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Nature : A Mysterious Thing.

Writing Time
Question 1.
You are a Librarian. Write a letter to a firm enquiring about some books that you urgently require for
your library.
M/s Sahitya Pustak Bhandar,
Book sellers and stationers,
Hospital Road,
Bhopal (M. P.)
Subject—Enquiry about some books.
We need some books for our library. Hence you are requested to send your price list alongwith the terms
and conditions.

 Advance Grammar and Composition by Dr. C. S. Mehta.

 Super Physics by Dr. H. N. Miranda.
 Chemistry for H. S. Classes by D. P. Mule.
 Hindi Grammar & Composition by J. V. Upadhyaya.
Please send the required information at your earliest.
K. Joshi Librarian
Model H. S. School, Ratlam

Question 2.
Last month you bought a digital camera from Modern Electronics, Jabalpur. Now you And something
wrong with it. It is not working properly. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the problem.
Suresh Ahirwar 181, Tal Katora Jabalpur (M. P.)
17 Oct., 20…
Modem Electronics,
Sadar Market,
Jabalpur (M. P.)
I bought a digital camera from your shop on 1st Sep., 20… Vide Cash Memo AWH/5/24/4 dated 1-9-
20… The camera has a one year guarantee. But suddenly it developed technical defects. Its switch is not
working properly. Flash bulb has gone out and the pictures are also not clear.Since the Camera is within
the guarantee period, I request you to replace it at your own expenses.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
s. Ahirwar

Chapter 12 The Value of Man

Word Power
A. Given below are some crimes. Complete the following table. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Crime Criminal Verb Definition

terrorism terrorist terrorise using violence for political end.

blackmail blackmailer blackmail obtaining money by threatening to harm someone.

forgery forger forge some one who makes forged copies.

assault assaulter assault attacking someone violently.

pickpocket pickpocket a thief who steals things out of pocket, bags, esp. in a crowd.

mugging mug mug attacking a person and stealing their money.

B. Differentiate between the meanings of the given pairs or groups.


 Adept = expert fastes; Adopt = take to an idea or custom किसी विचार को अपना बना लेना; Adapt = make
suitable अपने योग्य बनाना ।
 Birth = process of being born जन्म; Berth = Sleeping place in a train etc. सोने की सीट।
 Beneficial = helpful सहायता; Beneficient = helping people and doing good acts सहायता करने वाला।
 Liar = one who tells lies झूठ बोलने वाला; Lawyer = person who practises law वकाल; Lyer = a stringed
musical instrument एक तार वाला वाद्य यंत्र।
 Loose = free, not tied up ढीला;Lose = to come to be without हानि होना, खो देना।
A. Choose the correct option.
Question 1.
Gbasi did not purchase a bicycle because:
(a) he thought that purchasing an ass was profitable
(b) a bicycle was costlier than an ass
(c) the villagers would appreciate the ass more
(d) he was afraid he might fall and break his Limbs.
(d) he was afraid he might fall and break his Limbs.

Question 2.
Mohan regretted the decision of his father to buy an ass because:
(a) he had to give up his studies for tending the animal
(b) he was young and wanted a bike instead
(C) he did not want to upset Netaji as the ass grazed in his orchard
(d) he did not like to be ridiculed as the owner of an ass.
(a) he had to give up his studies for tending the animal

Question 3.
Who was the final witness?
(a) Netaji
(b) Kanchhcdi
(c) Masteiji
(d) The ass.
(d) The ass

Question 4.
Ghasi round his ass tethered at:
(a) Kanchhedi’s place
(b) Netaji’s orchard
(c) Masterji’s school
(d) Mukhiya’s house.
(a) Kanchhedi’s place

Question 5.
The panchayat was held:
(a) under a hanyan tree
(b) near an orchard
(c) at the Sarpanch’s house
(d) at the school.
(a) under a hanyan tree

B. Fill in the blanks:

(i) The character in the play who wears spectacles is ………….. (SarpanchlMaserji)
(ii) ….. is addressed to as ‘tenderer of asses’.(Ghasi/Masterji)
(iii) The name of Netaji is ……… in the play. (Kanchhedílundisclosed)
(iv) Masterji was named as witness by …………. (Kanchhedi 1G ha si)
(v) …………. was asked to give first aid to Kanchhedi. (Marte rj i/Mukhi ya)
(i) Sarpanch.
(ii) Masterji
(iii) undisclosed.
(iv) Kanchhedi,
(v) Mukhiya.

Language Practice
A. Change the order of words or group of words to make a correct sentence.

Question 1.
1. otherwise you, 2. work, 3. will fail, 4. hard
Work hard otherwise you will fail.

Question 2.
1. and, 2. the sun set. 3. ii, 4. grew dark.
The sun set and it grew dark.

Question 3.
1. the teacher, 2. the student went, 3. as well as, 4. to the police.
The teacher as well as the student went to the police.

Question 4.
1. handed over, 2. the thief was, 3. to the police, 4. not only eaten but also.
The thief was not only beaten but also handed over to the police.

Question 5.
1. both smart, 2. she, 3. and honest, 4. is.
She is both smart and honest.

Question 6.
1. missed, 2. he ran fast, 3. but, 4. the bus.
He ran fast but missed the bus.
B. Combine the following pairs of sentences using the co-ordinating conjunctions given in the box.
otherwise, or, therefore, neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also, both…and, as well as

Question 1.
(a) Hurry up.
(b) You will miss the show.
Hurry up or you will miss the show.

Question 2.
(a) He is ill.
(b) He cannot go to the office.
He is ill therefore he cannot go to the office.

Question 3.
(a) I took meat.
(b) I took eggs.
I took both meat and eggs.

Question 4.
(a) He teased her.
(b) She slapped across his face.
He teased her therefore she slapped across his face.

Question 5.
(a) We dropped in on you yesterday.
(b) You were not at home.
We dropped in on you yesterday but you were not at home.

Question 6.
(a) Bagdiram works in a shop.
(b) He studies in a school.
Bagdiram not only works in a shop but also studies in a school.

Speaking Time
Split the following words into syllables.


Monosyllable Bisy Habit Trisyllabic Polysyllabic

awe tem + per im + port + ant Plan + et + ar +ium

ob + serv +
call mis + ery

awl hu + man hap + pi + ness

cow pen + cil lab + ora + tory

mathe + mat +
ca + pable

win + dow

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

Education is a sub-system of the wider social system. Although it functions autonomously, it has linkage
with the economic, political, religious and other sub-systems which exert a powerful influence on the
goals of the educational sub-systems.

Education can rarely free itself from social and cultural norms and has to relate itself to the needs of
society. Due to globalization and modernization, our society is passing through momentous changes in its
value system. Values of yesteryear have taken a backseat and materialism, corruption, dishonesty and
other negative values have come to the fore.

At this junction, all formal and informal agencies of education like family, school and community should
realise the explosiveness of the situation. It is rightly said values cannot be taught, they are caught. All the
agencies should become role models if we want our youth to be on the right path.
Absence of a congenial and loving atmosphere and quarrel among parents are the major hurdles in this
direction. In a nutshell, the family has ceased to be an institution for providing cultural, aesthetic and
moral education.

On the other hand, formal education is squeezed between memory and mechanisation. The teacher has
become a businessman doing private tuition instead of institutional teaching. Race for degrees and jobs
has deteriorated the situation further.

The National Policy of Education (1986) has shown concern in this regard when it says, “The growing
concern over the erosion of essential values and an increasing cynicism in society has brought to focus the
need for re-adjustment in the curriculum in order to make education a forceful tool for the cultivation of
social and moral values.”

The whole system of education needs complete over-hauling. If at all, we the citizens are desirous of
thwarting deterioration in values, teaching at all levels must emphasise on moral education and character
building. Intellect without wisdom can be suicidal.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage for the following expressions :

 appreciation of beauty in nature – aesthetic

 pleasant – congenial
 to press something firmly – squeeze
 lack of faith in the goodness of things and people – cynicism
 to prevent somebody from doing what he wants to do – thwart
Question 2.
What are the things education is linked with ? (2012,14)
Education is linked with the economic, political, religious and other systems.

Question 3.
Why is our society passing through changes in its value system ?
Due to globalization and modernization, our society is passing through momentous changes in value

Question 4.
What is the saying about the values ?
The saying is values cannot be taught, they are caught.
Question 5.
What are the major obstacles in establishing human values ?
The major obstacles are that the family has ceased to be an institution for providing cultural, aesthetic and
moral education.

Question 6.
What change do we observe in the teacher’s attitude these days ?
The teacher has become a businessman doing private tuition instead of institutional teaching.

Question 7.
What has happened to formal education ?
Formal education is squeezed between memory and mechanism.

Question 8.
Do you agree that the whole system of education needs complete over-hauling ? Answer in your own
Yes, we agree that the whole system of education needs complete over-hauling because the essential
values have been eroded and cynicism has increased in the society.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Need for Overhauling of Education System.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Write a letter to M/s Deepali Stationery Mart, New Market, Ratlam asking them to send their rates and
terms of supply of stationery items.
Office of the Principal, Govt. Higher Secondary School,
Manik Chowk, Ratlam (M. P.)
Ref. No. 73
M/s Deepali Stationery Mart,
New Market,
Ratlam (M. P.)
Date : 10 Feb., 20…

Subject—Rates of Stationery Items.

Our office needs some stationery to be purchased.
Hence, I request you kindly to send us the rates and terms of supply of these articles. A list of
requirements is attached here with.
Your reply must reach us within three days.

Sd.—Mohan Senger
Govt. H. S. School
Manik Chowk

Question 2.
Write a letter to the collector of your district about the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the
government hospital of your area.
113, Main Road (Opposite Kila)
Sendhwa (M. P.)
Dt. 17 June, 20…
The Collector,
Dist. Barwani Barwani (M. P.)
I would like to draw your kind attention to the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the government
hospital, Sendhwa and request you to take suitable action so that people may be able to get medical
facilities properly.

The hospital has only one doctor and two nurses. They cannot serve the patients because their number is
too many. They cannot give proper attention. The X-ray department is also malfunctioning, it seldom
operates properly. There is no facility for sonography. The patients have to go to private clinics and they
are too expensive. The wards are not properly cleaned and dirty smell persists everywhere.
I hope you will kindly look into the matter soon.

Yours faithfully,
Rajesh Vohra

Chapter 13 Forest and River

Word Power
A. Tick in the right box.

vigorous-intense ✓ same opposite

silence-din same ✓ opposite

wither-decline ✓same opposite

seclusion-solitude ✓same opposite

bewilderment-certainty same ✓ opposite

B. Can you write down related words to the given words?


 Forest – River
 Captive, chained – vigorous, eternal flow
 Silence, wither – spirit, journey
 Ashes intense – bewilderment.
The poem has three characters-the forest, the river and the passer-by. Which terms refers to which

 shadow – The passer-by

 half-asleep – Forest
 liquid turquoise of light – River
 spirit of life – River
 mirror – Forest
 captive – Forest
 living emerald – Forest
Speaking Time
Complete the weak and strong forms of the words given below, with examples.
Reading Time
Read the following poem carefully :

I am a cloud
I fly through the transparent sky
And in the heavens
I bloom into a lotus.
I am a breeze
I glide over the bed of flowers
And gently
I shake down a dream
I am water
I flow into the sleeping rainbow
And go in pursuit
Of the sound of the temple gong.
I am a fog.
1 look forward to the rising of the red sun
over the towering peak
And return to it
Its gentle beauty.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the poem which have the following meanings.

secretly – Stealthily

softly – Gently

slowly – Leisurely

timidly – Shyly
Question 2.
Pick out the relevant words from the poem and write them in the blanks.

i. cloud fly though the sky quietly

ii. breeze glide over the bed of flowers stealthily

iii. water rainbow leisurely

iv. I look forward to the rising sun shyly

Question 3.
How does a cloud feel when it travels in the sky ?
The cloud feels a quietness.

Question 4.
What is the breeze responsible for, when does it glide ?
When the breeze glides over the bed of flowers it shakes down a dream.

Question 5.
Where does the water flow ?
The water flows in the sleeping rainbow.
Question 6.
In the line ‘And return to it, its gentle beauty’, what does ‘it’ refer to ?
It refers to the rising of the red sun.

Question 7.
What do you understand by the red Sun ?
When the sun rises its colour is quite red.

Question 8.
Summarise the poem in about 80 words. (2009)
The cloud flies through the sky and in heavens it looks like a blooming of lotus flower. It is like a breeze
that blows silently and its drops can be looked on the flowers. Its drops of water make the rainbow appear
in the sky. It also takes the shape of the fog. It waits for the sun to rise and at the rising of the sun it
disappears returning it its beauty.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, expressing . your concern over the increase in rate of
road accidents, rash driving and suggesting ways to curb the accidents. Give possible solutions.
B. N. Dixit,
12, Rambagh,
Indore (M. P.).
The Editor,
Free Press,
Indore (M. P.)
Sub : Increase in the rate of road accidents.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to express my concern at the increase in the
rate of road accidents in the city. Everyday we hear of road accidents and deaths on the roads of Indore.
Of late, the spurt in the accidents and the loss of precious lives in them have unnerved the citizens of the

The CMW car tragedy highlighted the callous attitude of the neo-rich towards human lives on the roads.
Drinking and driving can’t go together. The erring drivers should be given exemplary punishments.
Another cause of frequent accidents is the rash-driving. Most of the drivers ignore road-cautions and
signals. Indore simply lacks the culture of the road.

Human lives are precious. They can’t be left at the mercy of rash and negligent drivers. The traffic-police
need to be streamlined and made an effective force. Regular patrolling and prompt booking of erring
drivers can serve an effective deterrent. The Dope-tests should be conducted more frequently and
effectively. The speed limits should be strictly enforced. All these measures will help to make the roads of
Indore safe for the motorists and the pedestrians as well.

Yours faithfully
B. N. Dixit.

Question 2.
You have noticed many stray animals on the road during busy hours of the day. These animals cause
traffic jams and even accidents. Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper telling him about the
nuisance created by the stray animals.
Preeti Jain
C/5, Ramesh Apartments, Bhopal.
The Editor,
The Indian Express,
Sub—Nuisance created by stray animals.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned
authorities of the Municipal Corporation regarding the plight of the residents of Bow Bazar. While going
to school at 8 . 50 am. I notice many stray animals wandering here and there . on the busy market roads.
The position is almost the same—a repeat

performance in the afternoon. Sometimes these animals cross the roads in a long ending array, thus
causing traffic blocks as well as accidents. These animals create a health hazard too by urinating
everywhere. Huge heaps of dung are lying here and there. Flies over hover them and insects breed inside

We have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. The authorities
are requested to depute officials to catch these stray animals and send them to the police pen. If
unclaimed, these might be auctioned. It is hoped that an early action will be taken by concerned

Yours truly
Preeti Jain.

Solutions Chapter 14 India: Vision 2020

October 28, 2019 by Bhagya

MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 India: Vision 2020

Word Power
Fill up the following blanks with suitable words:
Parliament in UK consists of two houses the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In the House of
Commons there are 650 members each representing one constituency. The ruling party in the Commons
is the one which gains a majority of seats. The main figure in (hat party is called the leader. The
Commons is elected for a maximum period of 5 years althrough the X Prime Minister may call a
genera election at any time with in that period.
A. Choose the correct option.

(i) The explosive growth in television Ls mainly due to……

(a) better purchase power of people
(b) electrification of the villages
(c) development in satellite communications
(d) non-compulsion of obtaining licenses.
(c) development in satellite communications

(ii) The second Green Revolution would help the farmers by……
(a) providing them with surplus food products
(b) giving them better monetary returns
(c) making them food exporters
(d) liberating their minds.
(c) making them food exporters

(iii) Which of the following sectors/industries is not mentioned in vision 2020?

(a) manufacturing
(b) defense
(c) service
(d) space exploration.
(d) space exploration.

(iv) Singapore has presented Itself as glorious example of its citizens……

(a) doing their civic duty
(b) being industrious
(c) becoming self-reliant
(d) learning governance.
(a) doing their civic duty

(v) Which of the following points is not covered In the ten-point oath:
(a) spreading literacy
(b) being religious
(c) being righteous
(d) being honest.
(b) being religious

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the box.

critical, greedy, young, indomitable, global

1. One of India’s greatest assets is its people.

2. India will be self reliant in the elements of the strategic sectors.
3 politicians are a hindrance to improvement.
4. India will become a leader in the service sector.
5. The youth of India should have an spirit.

1. young
2. critical
3. greedy
4. global
5. indomitable.
Language Practice
A. Complete the sentences choosing the correct group of words given below.

Question 1.
When I left home my uncle gave me some advice. He said ………. give up hope.
(a) I don’t
(b) that I shouldn’t
(c) that shouldn’t
(d) that I don’t.
(b) that I shouldn’t

Question 2.
My teacher predicted receive a lot of praise for my work.
(a) that would I
(b) that I would
(c) that I
(d) what I would.
(b) that I would

Question 3.
The old lady next door must have a lot of cats. I don’t know how many
(a) cats has she
(b) cats does she have
(c) cats she has
(d) she he cats.
(c) cats she has
Question 4.
My boss wants this report immediately. He demanded that it ready by 5 : 00.
(a) will be
(b) was
(c) should be
(d) is.
(c) should be

Question 5.
Rajesh saw an accident. He told me at the scene of the accident.
(a) if he had seen
(b) what he’d seen
(c) what he saw
(d) that he had seen.
(b) what he’d seen

B. Change each of the following questions/sentences into a noun clause and complete the sentences :

Question 1.
Who are they ? I don’t know.
I don’t know who they are.

Question 2.
Why is Pankaj angry ? Do you know ?
Do you know why Pankaj is angry ?

Question 3.
When will the next meeting be held ? has not been announced.
When the next meeting will be held has not been announced

Question 4.
Who am I ? He doesn’t know.
He does not know who I am.

Question 5.
I don’t know where is the library ?
I don’t know where the library is.
Question 6.
We wondered …… what should we do next ?
We wondered what we should do next.

Question 7.
Ruby’s dream was she should have a car of her own.
Ruby’s dream was that she should have a car of her own.

Question 8.
Can he get a better job ? is not certain.
That he can get a better job is not certain.

C. Rewrite the sentences using noun clause :

Question 1.
She was happy to have finished the work.
She was happy that she had finished the work.

Question 2.
He promised to give me the book.
He promised that he would give me the book.

Question 3.
My friend reminded me to catch the early morning train.
My friend reminded me that I should catch the early morning train.

Question 4.
It seems to have rained here.
It seems that it has rained here.

Question 5.
The teacher told us to exercise in the open.
The teacher told us that we should exercise in the open.
D. Fill in the blanks with correct relative pronouns :

1. The people………… built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago.

2. The huge stones ……. are more than 6 meters high weigh about 45 tones.
3. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tones and are from an area in Wales ……… is 400 kilometers away
from Stonehenge.
4. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists come to this place can already see the stones from a
5. Everybody …………. has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

1. who
2. which
3. which
4. who
5. who.
E. Arrange the following groups of words in meaningful sentences with relative clauses :

Question 1.
who makes/laugh/a clown/you/a person/is.
A person who makes you laugh is a clown.

Question 2.
an elephant/which/in hot countries/an animal/lives/is.
An animal which lives in hot countries is an elephant.

Question 3.
where/always/the sun/go to/let’s/the country/shines.
Let’s go to the country where the sun always shines.

Question 4.
I met/this morning/whom I/my friend/for ages/hadn’t seen.
I met this morning my friend whom I hadn’t seen for ages.

Question 5.
Whose roof/we live/is full of holes/in the house.
We live in the house whose roof is full of holes.

F. Complete the sentences with relative clauses in simple present tense. Use ‘who’/‘which’

Question 1.
The tree (grow in the garden) is an apple tree.
The tree which grows in the garden is an apple tree.

Question 2.
The man (go jogging) every Friday is my neighbour.
The man who goes jogging every Friday is my neighbour.

Question 3.
The elephant (live in Africa) have big ears.
The elephant which lives in Africa has big ears.

Question 4.
Turn left at the yellow building (be opposite) the post office.
Turn left at the yellow building which is opposite the post office.

G. Combine the following pairs of sentences by using relative pronouns.

Question 1.
(a) The bag was yellow.
(b) The bag contained money.
The bag which contained money was yellow.

Question 2.
(a) This is Mrs. Khan.
(b) Her son won the championship last year. .
This is Mrs. Khan whose son won the championship last year.

Question 3.
(a) I was sitting in a chair.
(b) It suddenly collapsed (begin that sentence with The chair…)
The chair in which I was sitting suddenly collapsed.

Question 4.
(a) I was waiting for a man.
(b) He did not turn up. (The man…)
The man for whom I was waiting did not turn up.
Question 5.
(a) We will stay at a hotel.
(b) The hotel is not far from the beach. (The hotel…)
The hotel where we will stay is not far from the beach.

Question 6.
(a) A girl is talking to Raju.
(b) Do you know the girl ?
Do you know the girl who is talking to Raju

Question 7.
(a) The boy is very nice.
(b) We met the boy yesterday.
The boy whom we met yesterday is very nice.

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

Jamshedji Tata wanted to make textiles in Nagpur in the 1800s with the cotton grown there. Nagpur had
no textile industry then, and in Manchester Jamshedji was told that Nagpur’s weather was not suitable as
it was too dry. He said, ‘Alright, I will bring the Manchester weather to Nagpur.’ He imported humidifiers
and started India’s first textile mill in 1874.

Jamshedji started the Tata Iron and Steel Company and wanted to export steel rails to Britain. A Britisher
called Sir Frederick Upcourt scoffed, “If Tatas makes steel rails to British specifications, I will undertake
to eat every pound of rail that they make ”. History stands testimony to the fact that Tatas did manage to
make steel rails and export them to Britain. No accounts are available about Upcourt tryst with gastric
challenges. In fact, world war 11 British tanks were called Tatanagars because the steel was made in

Jamshedji pursued his dreams, put together a team, raised the capital, created a product, and
mainstreamed it. He did it sitting in India 125 year ago when India’s technical capabilities were far less
than they are now. When you dream, surely some of it gets translated into reality. A century ago,
Jamshedji took some foreign visitors to the Majestic Hotel in Mumbai but was denied entrance because
he was an Indian. Jamshedji simply resolved to build a hotel that was even finer, and which would not
discriminate against people based on colour or race.

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which convey the following meanings :
declaration of truth or fact—testimony of the stomach—gastric to chase or follow (a goal)—pursue to
treat people with bias or prejudice—discriminate

Question 2.
What was Jamshedji told in Manchester ? (2009,11)
Jamshedji was told in Manchester that Nagpur’s weather was not suitable for textiles as it was too dry.

Question 3.
How did he respond to it ?
He responded to it by saying that he would bring the Manchester weather to Nagpur.

Question 4.
What was Upcourt’s challenge to Tatas ?
Upcourt’s challenge to Tatas was that if Tatas made steel rails to British expectations he would undertake
to eat every pound of rails that they make.

Question 5.
Why were the British tanks called Tatanagars ?
British tanks were called Tatanagars because the steel for them was made in Tatanagar.

Question 6.
What happens when you dream big ?
When you dream big, surely some of it gets translated into reality.

Question 7.
How did Jamshedji fulfill his dreams ?
Jamshedji fulfilled his dreams by putting together a team, raising the capital, creating a product and brain
streaming it.

Question 8.
Why was Jamshedji prohibited from entering the Majestic Hotel ? (2010)
Jamshedji was prohibited from entering the Majestic Hotel because he was an Indian.

Question 9.
What was the result of this incident ?
The result of this was that Jamshedji resolved to build a hotel that was even finer and which would not
discriminate against people based on race.
Question 10.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Jamshedji Tata : An Enterprising Person.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Write a job application and a resume for the post of a Mechanical Engineer in Indian Oil Corporation.
Send your application to The Managing Director, Indian Oil Corporation, Bandra Kurla Complex,
54-A Gulab Nagar,
Ratlam (M. P.).
20th May, 20…
The Managing Director,
Indian Oil Corporation,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Sub : Application for the post of Mechanical Engineer in Indian Oil Corporation.
With reference to your advertisement in the Hindustan Times on 10th
May, 20 for the selection of Mechanical Engineer, I wish to offer myself as a candidate for the same. I am
giving a brief resume of myself to enable you to asset my suitability for the post.


Name : Aman Kumar

Father’s name : Sri Surest) Kumar
Date of birth : 20th July, 19
Permanent Address : 54-A Gulab Nagar, Ratlam.

Educational Qualifications :

Year – Examination – % Marks – Board/InstHution

19 – Sr. Secondary Exam. – 80 – Delhi Board
20 – B.Sc. – 80 Luknow University
20 – B. E. (Mechanical) – 90 – Lucknow Engg. College

Extra Curricular Activities :

 Participated in All India Inter School Games at Pune in 19

 Represented Lucknow University in Inter-University Cricket
 Tournament at Mumbai in 20 ………
Work Experience :

 Worked as Mechanical Engineer in Rashtriya Metal Industries for 4 years.

 Working in Raymond Steel Industries for 2 years.
Salary best drawn : 20,000 p. m.
Languages known : English, Hindi and Urdu.
References :

 Sh. R. B. Sharma Principal, K. M. College, Delhi

 2. Sh. R. K. Kapoor . Managing Director, Ranbaxy Industrial Estate, Okhla. Attested copies of all
certificates are attached herewith.
I have no doubt that my academic and technical qualifications and other achievements will make me a
suitable candidate for the job.
Yours faithfully,

Chapter 15 The Eyes are not Here

Word Power
A. Arrange the following objects on small to large scale.
hillock, hill, mountain, stream, brook, river, pond, lake, puddle, forest,wood, copse, cove, gulf, bay, road,
lane, footpath

Small targe Larger

1. hillock hill mountain

2. brook stream river

3. puddle pond lake

4. copse wood forest

5. cove bay gulf

6. footpath lane road

B. Match the following:

1. herbs in the kitchen – (a) scented

2. old socks – (b) sweet-smelling
3. rotten eggs – (c) aromatic
4. roses – (d) smelly
5. freshly baked chapaties – (e) evil-smelling
6. a costly soap – (f) fragrant
1. – (c), 2. – (d), 3. – (e), 4. -(f) ,5. – (b), 6. – (a).

A. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
The girl boarded the train at
(a) Dehradun
(b) Mussoorie
(c) Rohana
(d) Saharanpur.
(c) Rohana

Question 2.
The girl alighted at……
(a) Dehradun
(b) Mussoorie
(c) Rohana
(d) Saharanpur.
(d) Saharanpur

Question 3.
‘October Is the best time to go to Mussoorle.’ Which of the following facts does not support the
(a) Most of the tourists have left
(b) The roads are quiet and almost deserted
(c) The hills are covered with wild dahlias
(d) Hardly any animals are left in nearby forests.
(d) Hardly any animals are left in nearby forests.

Question 4.
The girl called the author gallant because :
(a) She liked the way he referred to her face
(b) She felt that he was a serious person
(c) She felt apprehensive
(d) She felt troubled and lonely.
(a) She liked the way he referred to her face

Question 5.
Which of the following things about the girl puzzled the author even after she had left the train.
(a) The sound of her voice
(b) her laughter
(c) her hair
(d) the perfume she wore.
(c) her hair

B. Arrange the events in the order they happen in the story. Write the sequence number in the given box :

1. The girl got down at Saharanpur. [4]

2. The author tried to prevent the girl from knowing he was blind. [3]
3. The author came to know that the girl was also blind. [5]
4. The girl did not see the author who was sitting in a comer. [2]
5. The author was going to Dehradun by train. [1]
Language Practice
A. Rewrite the following sentences with adverb clauses. Use the connectives given in the brackets making
necessary changes.

Question 1.
He works hard to pass in the examination. (so … that)
He works hard so that he may pass in the examination.

Question 2.
She is too tired to walk. (so…that)
She is so tired that she cannot walk.

Question 3.
At the sun set they returned home. (when)
When the sun set they returned home.

Question 4.
In spite of hard work he would not get through the examination. (though)
Though he worked hard, he could not get through the examination.

Question 5.
On seeing the principal, the students entered the class, (as soon as)
As soon as the students saw the principal, they entered the class.
Question 6.
He couldn’t attend the meeting on account of illness. (because)
He couldn’t attend the meeting because he was ill.

Question 7.
Without your help, I would have failed in the examination. (if)
If you had not helped me, I would have failed in the examination.

Question 8.
Being very tired, she lay down. (as)
As she was tired, she lay down.

Question 9.
Don’t leave the place without my permission. (unless)
Don’t leave unless I permit you.

Question 10.
I went to the station in a taxi for fear of being late. (lest should)
I went to the station lest I should be late.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Question 1.
Volkswagen cars are cheap …… they last a long time.
(a) because
(b) in order that
(c) although
(d) after.
(a) because

Question 2.
You should give the iron time to heat up ………. you iron your clothes.
(a) because
(b) so that
(c) before
(d) until.
(c) before

Question 3.
You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountain ………. the ground is rough and hard.
(a) because
(b) so that
(c) even though
(d) before.
(a) because

Question 4.
Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing …… they don’t get hurt.
(a) because
(b) in order that
(c) though
(d) after.
(b) in order that

Question 5.
You will have to pay higher insurance …… you buy a sports car.
(a) if
(b) so that
(c) although
(d) before.
(a) if

Question 6
the dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish, it is a mammal.
(a) whether
(b) so that
(c) although
(d) before.
(c) although

Question 7.
You may get malaria …… you are bitten by a mosquito.
(a) so that
(b) if
(c) though
(d) before.
(b) if

C. Combine each of the following pair of sentences using an adverb clause :

Question 1.
(a) You save money.
(b) You will be able to go to college.
If you save money, you will be able to go to college.

Question 2.
(a) Preeti has a master’s degree.
(b) She works as store keeper.
Although Preeti has a master’s degree, she works as a store keeper.

Question 3.
(a) She took a computer course.
(b) She wanted to get a better job.
She took a computer course because she wanted to get a better job.

Question 4.
(a) I did not call her.
(b) I am shy.
I did not call her as I am shy.

Question 5.
(a) The fruit is harvested.
(b) It is sold at the market.
After the fruit is harvested, it is sold at the market.

Question 6.
(a) There are computers.
(b) There is Microsoft software.
Where there are computers, there is Microsoft software

D. Fill in the correct form of the verb and rewrite the sentences :

Question 1.
If she (come) to college we’ll talk to her.
If she comes to college, we’ll talk to her.

Question 2.
I (take) Ruby to Kanpur, if I visit Lucknow.
I shall take Ruby to Kanpur, if I visit Lucknow.

Question 3.
If she (have) money, she will buy a book.
If she has money, she will buy a book.

Question 4.
If they (take) rain coats, they would not have got wet.
If they had taken rain coats, they would not have got wet.

Question 5.
Had I known she was ill, I (visit) her in the hospital.
Had I known she was ill, I would have visited her in the hospital.

Question 6.
If you stopped smoking, you (be) much healthier.
If you stopped smoking, you would be much healthier.

E. Change the order of the words or group of words to make correct sentences.

Question 1.
1. to sleep
2. we’re tired
3. if 4. we’ll go.
If we’re tired, we’ll go to sleep.

Question 2.
1. you had written
2. if
3. to me, I
4. a taxi for you
5. would have arranged.
If you had written to me, I would have arranged a taxi for you.

Question 3.
1. the truth
2.I met him
3. if
4. I would tell
5. him.
If I met him, I would tell him the truth.

Speaking Time
Read carefully and mark the stress on the words where necessary. Consult your teacher.
(Note: Parts of speech)
किसी sentence में कु छ शब्द, अन्य शब्दों की अपेक्षा ज्यादा सूचना प्रदान करते हैं। इनमें Nouns, Main Verbs, Adjective, Adverbs a
demonstrative pronouns होते हैं। इन्हें बोलते समय stress डाला जाता है | Articles, prepositions तथा helping verbs की
सामान्यतया stress नहीं किया जाता।)

 ‘English has ‘prepositions but not ‘post ‘positions.

 When you’ve ‘bought the ‘book, I’ll be ‘able to ‘borrow it.
 Try to ‘touch the ‘tiger’s ‘tail.
 I ‘watched him ‘teaching ‘children.
 We’re ‘obliged to ‘adjust the ‘arrangements.
 We’ve ‘enough ‘food to ‘feed’ forty.
 ‘Tomorrow is my ‘thirty-third’ birthday.
 ‘Leather ‘shoes ‘last ‘longer.
 ‘Put some ‘salt in the ‘stew.
 The ‘bees ‘buzzed ’round the ‘hives.
 ‘Drive ‘cautiously and you’ll ‘get a ‘remission on your ‘insurance.
 ‘Measure the ‘degree of ‘corrosion.
 I ‘hear it’s ‘hot and ‘humid in ‘Chennai.
 We ‘measure by the ‘metric ‘system.
 Ten ‘nines ‘are ‘ninety.
Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

The United State Army has discovered by repeated tests that even young men—men toughened by years
of army training—can march better and hold up longer if they throw down their packs and rest ten
minutes of every hour. So the army forces them to do just that.

Your heart is just as smart as the U. S. Army. Your heart pumps enough blood through your body every
day to fill a railway tank car. It exerts enough energy every twenty-four hours to shovel twenty tons of
coal onto a platform three feet high. It does this incredible amount of work for fifty, seventy, or may be
ninety years. How can it stand it ? Dr. Walter B. Cannon of the Harvard Medical School explained it to
me. He said,

“Most people have the idea that the heart is working all the time. As a matter of fact, there is a definite
rest period after each contraction. When beating at a moderate rate of seventy pulses per minute, the heart
is actually working only nine hours out of the twenty-four. In the aggregate, its rest periods total a full
fifteen hours per day.”
During World War II, Winston Churchill in his late sixties and early seventies, was able to work sixteen
hours a day, year after year, directing the war effort of the British Empire. A phenomenal record. His
secret ? He worked in bed each morning until eleven o’clock, reading reports, dictating orders, making
telephone calls, and holding important conferences. After lunch he went to bed again and slept for an
hour. In the evening he went to bed once more and slept for two hours before having dinner at eight. He
didn’t cure fatigue. He didn’t have to cure it. He prevented it. Because he rested frequently, he was able to
work on fresh and fit until long past midnight.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which convey following meanings :
to make something stronger – toughen
staying within limits – moderate
the part of a large machine that digs/moves earth – shovel
that can not be believed incredible very great or impressive – phenomenal.

Question 2.
What has the United State Army discovered ? (2009)
The United State Army has discovered that even young men—men toughened by years of army-training
—can march better and hold up longer if they throw down their packs and rest ten minutes of every hour.

Question 3.
Why does the author say, ‘your heart is just as smart as the U. S. Army’ ? (2011, 15)
He says, “Your heart is just as smart as the U. S. Army” because the job in the U. S. Army is very hard
and so is the job of heart. We think heart is a delicate thing, but it is not so. It pumps enough blood
through our body every day to fill a railway tank car. It exerts enough energy every 24 hours to shovel 20
tons of coal on a plat form 3 feet high and so it is compared with the U. S. Army.

Question 4.
Does the heart work all the time ? (2015)
No, it does not.

Question 5.
How much does the heart work in a day ?
It works only nine hours in a day.

Question 6.
When does the heart get rest ? How much does it rest in a day ? (2011)
When beating at a moderate rate of seventy pulses per minute it rests for 15 hours in a day.

Question 7.
What was the secret of Winston Churchill’s working sixteen hours daily ?
The secret of Winston Churchill’s working sixteen hours daily was that he took frequent rests.

Question 8.
Why did he not need to cure his fatigue ?
He did not need to cure his fatigue because he prevented fatigue.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Don’t Cure Fatigue : Prevent It.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Your friend is worried about the coming examination. Send an e-mail to him giving moral support for
success in the examination.
From : ketan
To :
Subject: Regarding Examinations
Dear Mahesh,
I think you are O.K. there. I have received your letter and noted the contents. I am sorry to note that you
are worried about your examination. Why is it so? You should not have a negative attitude. You have
studied well. Though due to changes in the course are facing certain problems, but I think losing courage
won’t do. Get the help of your friends and your teacher. I think you will get success. Haven’t you read the

Count your garden by the flowers

Never by the leaves that fall.

Have a positive attitude and you will be successful. I stand by you.

Don’t worry.
Rest on meeting.
Truly yours
Question 2.
Send an e-mail to your father congratulating him on his birthday.
From :
To :
Subject : Congratulations Respected Father,
High Regards. I hope you are doing well there. I am very glad today. It is great day for me. Happy
Birthday. Many happy returns of the day. You are a luminous star for the family. You have supported us
in every respect despite many difficulties. I am proud of you. Whatever I am today, it is because of you.
Thanks for all you have done for us: hope you will have nice days now.
Asking your blessings Your loving son Raju.

Question 3.
Your friend has sent a book on your birthday. Send an e-mail thanking him for the gift.
With the help of above two questions, students should do it themselves.

Chapter 16 The English Language

Word Power
Match the following and find out what the jokes are:

‘A’ – ‘B’

1. What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? – (a) because it’s got a tender behind.
2. What did one lift say to the other lift? – (b) a nervous wreck.
3. What did the south wind say to the north wind? – (c) He wanted to draw a curtain.
4. Why did the man take his pencil to bed? – (d) I think I am going down with something.
5. Why is history the sweetest lesson? – (e) Let’s play draughts.
6. Why can’t a steam engine sit down? – (f) You are too young to smoke.
7. What’s pale and trembles at the bottom of the sea? – (g) Because it’s full of dates.
1. – (f), 2. -. (d), 3. -. (e), 4. – (c), 5. – (g), 6. – (a), 7. -(b).
Write down the words from the poem which mean:

 a utensil – copper
 a dress – jumper
 an insect – cricket
 a snake – adder
 a journey – trip
Speaking Time
Read out these sentences twice. Listen carefully and mark each sentence with the correct stress and

 Don’t ‘ask ‘foolish ‘questions?

 Did you ‘have a ‘good’ holiday?
 What a ‘brilliant ‘idea!
 ‘That’s the ‘one I ‘meant.
 ‘When will they ‘return ?
 Do you ‘mind if I ‘open the ‘window ?
 You must ‘learn how to ’do it.
 ‘Put it ‘back when you’ve ‘finished.
 You ought to be ‘more ‘careful.
 Don’t ‘disturb the ‘baby.
Reading Time
Read following poem carefully :

Some words are happy and some words are sad.
Some words are scented and others smell bad.

Some words are open and some words are sly.

Some words are slimy and others are dry.

Some words are cold and some words are hot.

Some words are tender and others are not.

Some words are honest but other words cheat.

Some words are bitter and others are sweet.

Some words move quickly, some words are slow.

Some words are shrinking, while some others grow.

Some words are remembered, some words forgot.

Some words we use little and some quite a lot. —Carl Sandburg

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage for the following meanings :

 muddy – sling
 soft – tender
 spiteful – hot
 diminishing – slow
Question 2.
Give a few examples of words that are ‘happy’ and words that are ‘sad’.
happy – sad
enjoy, bright, sunny, strenous – gloomy, depression
Question 3.
How will you distinguish between ‘open’ and ‘sly’ words ?
Open words are those that are used by a simple and honest man. Sly words are used by cunning and
cheating persons.

Question 4.
What does the poet mean by ‘honest’ and ‘cheat’ ?
By honest words he means words that have single and straight meaning. By cheat words he means those
which have double meaning.

Question 5.
How can words move quickly or slowly ? Give a few examples.
A talkative man’s words move quickly. An ignorant and simple person’s words move slowly.

Question 6.
Give a few examples of ‘shrinking’ and ‘growing’ words.
Examples of ‘shrinking’ words—grief, defeat.
Examples of ‘growing’ words—sunshine, victory.

Question 7.
Do you agree with the poet’s classification of words.
Yes, we do agree.

Question 8.
Summarise the poem in about 80 words.
The poet has classified the words in several groups. Sad, scented and bad smelling words. Words are
open, sly, slimy and dry. They are also cold, hot, tender and hard. There are also honest, cheat, bitter and
sweet words. You will find some words moving quickly, some slow. Shrinking and growing words are
also there. Some words we remember some we forget. Some are used a lot and some little.

Writing Time
Question 1.
Write a speech on the importance of English in everyday life.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad, our first President has said, “The English language is an advanced and flexible
language.” In spite of the irregularities in grammar, spelling and pronunciation, English is one of the most
effective instruments of expression. It is a language which is rich, subtle and capable of expressing
minute shades of meaning. There is no language in the world which has a richer vocabulary than English.
It is said that every year ten thousand words are added to the English dictionary.
Great poets, dramatists, novelists and critics have enriched the English language beyond measure. It
throps with new life. Besides this it is used in every field of study, science, technology, medicine and
other daily useful arts.

Another fact which makes English a necessity is that it possesses the unrivaled position being a world
language, not merely of trade and commerce but for social intercourse and diplomacy. It also gives us the
key to modem scientific knowledge and learning.Pearl Buck has said that Indians have put to good use
the benefits of English. Their pronunciation of English is pure, exquisite.

Question 2.
Write an article on the Importance of Co-curricular Activities in shaping the personality of students.
In a school, several co-curricular activities are arranged. It is very important for students to take part in
these activities, as they help in shaping and developing their personality and ability. Mere study of the
subjects taught in the school is not sufficient. They merely give bookish knowledge. Activities like essay-
competition, debates and discussions, science and arts exhibitions etc.

support the minds of the students. It is said that reading makes a full man, writing an exact man and
conference a ready man. If one has great knowledge, but he cannot express it, then he will not get any
appreciation from the public. What talent you possess comes out in these activities. Further it increases
the knowledge you have got from books. It also helps to gain practical knowledge.

Your personality is shaped and appreciated. Even if you are not one of those who speaks or expresses his
knowledge in the activities, if you attend these activities as listeners or spectators you are benefited by it.
Other extra-curricular activities too teach the students. Hence it is necessary to participate in these

Chapter 17 The Fun They Had

Word Power
A. Here are some prefixes/roots. Relate them with the words given in the box.
between, circle, to live, to turn, foot, one, within, year

 vivo-as in survive—to live

 podos-as in podium—foot
 kyklos-as in unicycle—circle
 annus-as in anniversary—year
 verlo -or versus as in universe—to turn
 unus-as in university—one
 inter-as in interstate—between
 intra-as in intrapsychic—within

B. Match the following rooms/places with their meanings:

‘A’ – ‘B’
1. attic – (a) open as you come into a house.
2. loft – (b) covered area before an entrance-door.
3. cellar – (c) large cupboard (big enough to walk into) for storing food.
4. basement – (d) room in the roof space of a house (could be lived in)
5. hall – (e) space in the roof of a house usually used only [or a storage.
6. porch – (f) paved area between house and garden for sitting and eating etc.
7. pantry or larder – (g) room below ground level, no windows,used for storage.
8. terrace or patio – (h) room below ground level, windows for living and working,
1. – (d), 2. -b, (e), 3. – (g), 4. – (h), 5. – (a), 6. -. (b), 7. -e (c), 8. -. (f)

A. Choose the correct alternative.

Question 1.
The story ‘The fun they Had’ can be best described as:
(a) a funny story
(b) a fairy tale
(c) science fiction
(d) an event from history.
(c) science fiction

Question 2.
Who told Margie that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper?
(a) Tommy
(b) the County inspector
(c) her grandfather
(d) her grandfather’s grandfather.
(a) Tommy

Question 3.
Which of the following statements does not apply to Margie’s teacher:
(a) It was large. black and ugly
(b) It calculated the marks instantly
(c) It had tinny, robotic voice
(d) It taught at regular hours.
(c) It had tinny, robotic voice

B. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Margie was doing badly in her tests. (history/geography)

(ii) The sector of Tommy’s teacher had blanked out completely. (history/geography)
(iii) Tommy claimed that his was as smart as a teacher. (father/grandfather)
(iv) Margie’s schoolroom was right next to her (bedroom/play pen)
(v) Tommy was …… than Margie. (younger/older)
(i) geography
(ii) history
(iii) father.
(iv) bedroom
(v) older.

Language Practice
A. Say what each speaker did. Use the following verbs before a ‘to infinitive clause’.
decide. offer, promise. threaten

Question 1.
Sallm : I’ll put the shelves up room. I promise.
I promise to put the shelves up room.

Question 2.
Yaqub: O. K. I’ll buy both the dresses.
I decide to buy both the dresses

Question 3.
Sameeria: I’ll cook the meal if you like.
I offer to cook the meal.

Question 4.
Shakil : If you don’t control that dog, Jameel, I’ll shoot It.
If you don’t control that dog, I threaten to shoot it.

B. Rewrite the following sentences using non-finite clauses:

Question 1.
She was sorry that she had missed the meeting.
She was sorry for missing the meeting.

Question 2.
I hope that I’ll this novel by tomorrow.
I hope to finish this novel by tomorrow.
Question 3.
Ruby promised that she would give me the book.
Ruby promised me to give the book.

Question 4.
RashId was hurt when he learnt that Shahnawaz had not done his home work.
Knowing that Shahnawaz had not done his home work, Rasbid was hurt.

Question 5.
Anand will be surprised when he sees you.
Anand will be surprised to sec you.

C. Combine the following pair of sentences using non- finite clause beginning with a participle (-ing/-ed)

Question 1.
(a) The girl was injured in the accident.
(b) The girl was taken to hospital.
Being injured in the accident, the girl was taken to hospital.

Question 2.
(a) The car broke down.
(b) The car was taking us to the air port.
The car taking us to the air port broke down.

Question 3.
(a) At the end of the street there is a path.
(b) The path leads to the river.
The path at the end of the street leads to the river.

Question 4.
(a) The king was armed with his sword, bow and arrow.
(b) The king reached the forest.
The king armed with his sword, bow and arrow reached the forest,

Question 5.
(a) He looked over his shoulder.
(b) He saw the police chasing him.
Looking over his shoulder, be saw the police chasing him.

D. Combine the following pair of sentences in such a way that sentence

(b) is changed Into a non-finite clame.

Question 1.
(a) Priyanka loves coffee.
(b) Priyanka drinks hot coffee.
Priyanka loves drinking bot coffee.

Question 2.
(a) Ruby believes in something.
(b) She works hard.
Ruby believes in working hard.

Question 3.
(a) She denied.
(b) She stole my wallet.
She denied to have stolen my wallet.

Question 4.
(a) I am looking forward to.
(b) I attend your wedding tomorrow.
I am looking forward to attend your wedding tomorrow.

Question 5.
(a) She poured me a drink.
(b) She spill most of it on the table.
She poured me a drink spilling most of it on the table.

Question 6.
(a) Rakhee just stood there.
(b) She felt completely lost.
Rakhee just stood there feeling completely lost.

Speaking Time
Here some incomplete statements are said with a rising tom., followed by a falling tone to show
completion of statements. You have to mark both parts of the statements.
Students should do themselves.

Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully:

1. How can you best improve your English depends on where you live and particularly on whether or not
you live in an English speaking community. If you hear English spoken everyday and mix freely wish
English speaking people, that is on the whole an advantage. On the other hand, it is often confusing to
have the whole language poured over you at once. Ideally, a step course should accompany or
lead up this experience. It will also help a great deal if you can easily get the son of English books in
which you are interested.

2. To read a lot is essential. h is stupid not to venture outside the examination set book or the textbooks
you have chosen for intensive study. Read as many books you find, with the idea of listing and learning as
many new words as possible. Choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in advance that it Is nor
zoo hardy You should no: have to be constantly looking up new words here and there, but as a general
policy, try to push ahead, guessing what words mean from the context. It is extensive and not intensive
reading that normally helps you to get Interested in extra-reading and thereby improve your English.

You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives of having some command of the language.
As you read you will become more and more familiar with words and sentence patterns you already
know, understanding them better as you meet them in more and more context some of which may deffer
slightly from others.

3. Some people say that we cannot learn or speak a language better with the help of a book. To believe
this is to believe that the spoken language and the written language are quite different things. This is not
so. There is a very great deal of link between the two. In learning the patterns and vocabulary of the
written form we are learning to a considerable extent those of the spoken form too. We are, In fact
learning the language and not merely one form of the language.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which convey the same meanings as the words given below.

 go with – accompany
 necessary – essential
 deep – intensive
 wide – extensive
 only – merely
Question 2.
On what does the improvement of your English depend ? (2009,10,11)
The improvement of our English depends on where we live and particularly or not we live in an English
speaking community. It is not possible that the whole language is poured on us at once. Ideally, a step by
step course should accompany or lead up this experience. We should read a lot of books in English. In
this way we can improve our English.

Question 3.
What will help you to improve your English at the beginning ? (2012)
If we hear English spoken every day and mix freely with English speaking people, it will help us to
improve our English at the beginning.

Question 4.
How does reading help you in improving English ?
Reading helps us in improving English in the way that we learn many new words.

Question 5.
The author discusses two types of reading. What are they ?
They are extensive and intensive reading.

Question 6.
What do you understand by ‘intensive reading’ ?
By intensive reading we understand that we try to understand the full meaning of the matter we read,
knowing the correct meaning of each and every word.

Question 7.
How are spoken and written language two different things ? (2009)
The writer says that they are not two different things. There is a very great deal of link between the two.
In learning the patterns and vocabulary of the written form, we are learning those of the spoken form to a
considerable extent too.

Question 8.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
How to Improve Learning English Best ?

Writing Time
Question 1.
By taking ideas from the visual (given in the book) together with your own ideas write an article on
‘Global Warming—a Global Threat’ in 200 words.
Global Warming—a Global Threat
Today man has done great progress in several fields. Science has given a great power in the hands of man.
Man has created many things for his comfort and luxury. His houses, his roads, his communication, his
transport facilities and many things has made his life easier and happier. We can see big factories, big
machines, railways, ships and other things working twenty four hours in the service of man.

Yet, if we think deeply we see that the same things have posed a great threat to his own existence. All
these things have become possible by the increased use of energy. And energy is produced by burning
fuel. This burning has made our globe warmer and warmer, thus presenting a great problem.

Over the last decade the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere has been slowly but surely rising and it
may not be long before our whole atmosphere is almost totally enveloped by this death-knell of the gas,
carbon-dioxide. Due to the high content of carbon-dioxide in the air the global warming has also been on
a steady rise. One of the major reasons for this rise in carbon-dioxide level has been due to vehicular
smoke and smoke emitted by the factories, mills and other industries. If effective and concrete steps are
not taken up immediately to improve this present situation, it will not be long before this problem
assumes unmanageable proportions.

The snow of the mountains is melting, the rivers have become polluted, the air is also polluted. There is
less rainfall and the level of underground water has gone deep. This problem should be dealt with
seriousness because future of the whole human race is at stake. In the ultimate analysis, the problem of
rise in the carbon-dioxide level in the air has posed a great threat to the existence of life on earth.

Question 2.
Watch the visual input (given in the book) very carefully and write an article in 200 words on ‘Water

Water Pollution
Water is life. All know how much essential pure water is for us. In the olden days life was simple. All the
necessary things for life were easily available. There was sufficient rainfall. Our water resources over
flowed. The rivers flowed throughout the year, our wells were full of water. The streams and brooks were
always running. But with the progress of man in the field of science, several problems arose and the life
started becoming difficult.

Due to rise of carbon-dioxide content in the air, the problem of global warming started. The excess use of
energy made the availability of water scarce. Due to shortage in rainfall the flow of water in the rivers
reduced. Other sources of water too became less and less. Small streams and rivers dried up completely.
The problem became serious with throwing of refuse and other material in the rivers. The wastage of the
industries has posed a major problem. All our rivers have become contaminated.

Their water is unusable not only for drinking but in other purposes also. The big rivers like Ganga and
Yamuna have been converted into gutters. The water polluted cannot be made clean again by any process.
The same case is of the lakes and ponds. People carelessly make the water dirty by throwing refuse,
washing clothes and bathing the animals.
The pollution of water has threatened the existence of the life man. All concerned should be aware of the
seriousness of the situation and do whatever possible to keep water clean and pure.

Question 3.
Write an article on importance of ‘Rain Water Harvesting’ based on the visual input (given in the book).

Rain Water Harvesting

In earlier times, there was plenty of water available in the rivers, lakes and wells. But with the progress in
the field of technology, there is great advancement in life. In big cities, big buildings, roads and other
constructions have started. In villages too this trend has developed. Due to global warming and incessant
falling of trees there is a shortage of rainfall almost everywhere.

Our rivers and streams have dried. Due to building of houses and roads built by cement and other causes,
the level of underground water has gone very deep. As such a great problem of drinking water has risen.
It has become a difficult task for many people to get sufficient water.

To solve this problem the technique of rain water harvesting has been developed. In this technique, there
is an attempt to allow water to go deep down earth. For this a hole is dug deep. In it pieces of brick,
stones and large pebbles of sand are buried. It works as a filter. The rain water collected on the roofs of
the houses is brought through pipes and left in these holes thus, allowing water to get absorbed in it.

The aim is to raise the under ground water level. This technique has also been developed near the small
streams and brooks. The results have shown an improvement. Hence, its adoption by the citizens is urged.
Govt, provides technical help and also gives some economic help in order to promote it. It is the duty of
the people to pay attention to this plan.

Chapter 18 India through a Traveller’s Eyes

Word Power
A. Find out the difference in the meanings of the following pairs of words, and use them in sentences of
your own :

I. accept—He accepted our proposal.

except—Except Ram everyone accepted the proposal.

II. advise—I advised him not to do it.

advice—He did not heed to my advice.

III. affect—The medicine affected adversely,

effect—This medicine has no after effects.

IV. aisle—The aisle of the Church was full of people,

isle—There was a temple on the isle.
V. beside—He sat beside me.
besides—I don’t like that new dictionary besides it is too expensive.

VI. breath—He held his breath

breathe—He breathed his last.

Tick [✓] S for same, O for opposite, and D for different meanings of the following words.

I. sweet-sour S ✓O D

II crazy-insane ✓S 0 D

III. stout-fat S 0 ✓D

IV. big-angry S 0 ✓D

V. danger-peril ✓S 0 D

VI. splendid-magnificent ✓S 0 D

VII. furious-violent ✓S 0 D

VIII. strange-familiar s ✓O D

IX. growl-weep s ✓O D

X. idle-working s ✓o D

A. Choose the correct alternative.

Question 1.
What conclusion regarding the skin colour of Caucasiaiban be drawn from the lesson.
(a) They have fair skin
(b) They have creamy skin
(c) The colour of their skin is dark
(d) Their skin has a variety of hues.
(d) Their skin has a variety of hues.
Question 2.
Pearl Buck wrote the travelogue :
(a) when India was under the British Raj
(b) when India had just won freedom
(c) when India hosted the non-aligned movement
(d) when India tested its first nuclear device.
(b) when India had just won freedom

Question 3.
Pearl Buck had visited India.
(a) when India was under the British Raj
(b) when India had just won freedom
(c) when India hosted the non-aligned movement
(d) when India tested its first nuclear device.
(a) when India was under the British Raj

Question 4.
Pearl Buck found the real indictment against British colonialism :
(a) in the villages of India
(b) among thousands of young intellectuals
(c) among the cultured and well educated Indians
(d) in the religions minded Indians.
(a) in the villages of India

Question 5.
To the author, the serving of food on banana leaves :
(a) signified in hospitality
(b) symbolized untouchability and caste system
(c) implied cleanliness
(d) indicated devotion.
(c) implied cleanliness

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. The author’s friend married a Kashimiri with ……. eyes, (green/blue)

2. The first woman president of the …….. was an Indian. (UN General Assembly/UN Security Council)
3. Only the …… peasant could compare with the Indian village. (Chinese/Russian)
4. The eldest brother lived in a ………. outside the house. (cave/cage)
5. ……….. is ever-present in Indian life. (Religion/Idealism)

1. green
2. U. N. General Assembly
3. Russian
4. Cage
5. Religion.
Language Practice
A. Correct the following sentences and write them.

Question 1.
I think you should worked harder.
I think you should work hard.

Question 2.
Do you can speak English ?
Can you speak English ?

Question 3.
Ruby thinks it mays rain later.
Ruby thinks it may rain later.

Question 4.
Sami musts go to the dentist soon.
Sami must go to the dentist soon.

Question 5.
They maying go to Mandsaur in December.
They may go to Mandsaur in December.

Question 6.
Could you lent me your dictionary?
Could you lend me your dictionary ?

B. Complete the following dialogue using correct “modal verbs.”


 Shahbaz : If I won the ten million dollar lottery jackpot, I will afford to quit my job and travel the
 Samarth : Where can you go if you had that much money?
 Shahbaz : I don’t know, I may choose to spend a year in London or perhaps I may go to America.
 Samarth : How often do you buy lottery tickets ?
 Shahbaz : Never, I guess if I want to win the lottery, I will try buying some tickets.
 Samarth : That won’t help.
C. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘can’, or ‘could’.

Question 1.
Sami is able to drive a car.
Sami can drive a car.

Question 2.
I was able to attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.
I could attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.

Question 3.
He is able to walk 15 kilometers every day.
He can walk 15 kilometers every day.

Question 4.
My brother was not able to swim.
My brother could not swim.

Question 5.
We were not able to operate this machine when we were young.
We could not operate this machine when we were young.

D. Rewrite the following sentences as a request or as a suggestion with the help of the modal verb given
in the brackets.

Question 1.
You may show me that photograph. (a request, with ‘would’)
Would you show me that photograph ?

Question 2.
I want the salt, please. (a request with ‘could’)
Could give me the salt ?

Language Practice
A. Correct the following sentences and write them.
Question 1.
I think you should worked harder.
I think you should work hard.

Question 2.
Do you can speak English ?
Can you speak English ?

Question 3.
Ruby thinks it mays rain later.
Ruby thinks it may rain later.

Question 4.
Sami musts go to the dentist soon.
Sami must go to the dentist soon.

Question 5.
They maying go to Mandsaur in December.
They may go to Mandsaur in December.

Question 6.
Could you lent me your dictionary?
Could you lend me your dictionary ?

B. Complete the following dialogue using correct “modal verbs.”


 Shahbaz : If I won the ten million dollar lottery jackpot, I will afford to quit my job and travel the
 Samarth : Where can you go if you had that much money?
 Shahbaz : I don’t know, I may choose to spend a year in London or perhaps I may go to America.
 Samarth : How often do you buy lottery tickets ?
 Shahbaz : Never, I guess if I want to win the lottery, I will try buying some tickets.
 Samarth : That won’t help.

C. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘can’, or ‘could’.

Question 1.
Sami is able to drive a car.
Sami can drive a car.

Question 2.
I was able to attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.
I could attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.

Question 3.
He is able to walk 15 kilometers every day.
He can walk 15 kilometers every day.

Question 4.
My brother was not able to swim.
My brother could not swim.

Question 5.
We were not able to operate this machine when we were young.
We could not operate this machine when we were young.

D. Rewrite the following sentences as a request or as a suggestion with the help of the modal verb given
in the brackets.

Question 1.
You may show me that photograph. (a request, with ‘would’)
Would you show me that photograph ?

Question 2.
I want the salt, please. (a request with ‘could’)
Could give me the salt ?

Question 3.
You walk down to the market. (a suggestion with ‘could’)
You could you walk down to the market.

Question 4.
You lend me your pen please. (a request wit&’could’)
Could you lend me your pen ?
Question 5.
We may have coffee now. (a suggestion with ‘shall’)
Shall we have coffee now ?

Question 6.
You may switch on the light please. (a request with ‘will’)
Will you please switch on the light ?

Rewrite the following sentences using may/might/could 4- have + past participle

Question 1.
Perhaps she watched T. V. yesterday.
She might have watched T. V. yesterday.

Question 2.
It is possible they reached the station late.
They may have reached the station late.

Question 3.
Perhaps they had an accident.
They might have had an accident.

Question 4.
It is possible he missed the bus.
He may have missed the bus.

Complete the sentence using might not have + participle or could not have + past participle.

Question 1.
A : Don’t you think she saw you ?
B : No she was too far away. She might not have seen me.

Question 2.
A : I wonder why she did not say hello. Perhaps she did not see me.
B : That’s possible. She could not have seen me.
Question 3.
A : I wonder why Nasim did not come to the party. Perhaps she wasn’t invited.
B : Yes it is possible. She might not have been invited.

Question 4.
A : I wonder how the fire started. Do you think it was an accident?
B : No the police say it might not have been an accident.

Question 5.
A : How did the fire started. I suppose it was an accident.
B : Well, the police aren’t sure. They say it could not have been an accident.

Speaking Time
Each of the following sentences will be read twice. Listen carefully and mark them with the correct stress
and intonation.

 It’s ‘time the ‘children ‘went to ‘bed.

 Can you ‘buy me a ‘second ‘copy ?
 I ‘think it’s quite ‘fair, on the ‘whole.
 Will you be ‘staying there ‘long ? ,
 if it’s ‘all the ‘same to you I’d rather ‘walk.
Reading Time
Read the following passage carefully :

Chitrakoot, ‘the hill of many wonders,’ nestles peacefully in the northern spurs of the Vindhyas, a place
of tranquil forest glades and quiet rivers and streams where calm and repose are all pervading. This
loveliest of nature’s gifts is also hallowed ground, blessed by the gods and sanctified by the faith of

For Chitrakoot’s spiritual legacy stretches back to legendary ages : it was in these deep forests that Rama
and Sita spent eleven of their fourteen years of exile; here the great sage Atri and Sati Anusuya meditated;
and here where the principal trinity of the Hindu pantheon, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, took their

Sufferers and seekers, poets and visionaries, princes and noblemen have, through the ages, sought and
found solace in Chitrakoot, drawn inspiration from its sublime natural beauty, gained spiritual strength
from its serene temple and in turn, become part of the hallowed legend that is Chitrakoot.

Places to see

 Ramghat : With the very first rays of dawn that gleam upon the river, Ramghat stirs into life as
the devout of all ages take the ritual, purifying dip in the waters and invoke the blessings of the
 Kamadgiri : Kamadgiri the original Chitrakoot, is venerated today as the holy embodiment of
 Janki Kund : It is said that Sita would bathe in this kund during the years of her exile with Rama.
 Sati Anusuya : It was here that Atri Muni, his wife Anusuya, and their three sons are said to have
Some other places like Sphatic Shila, Gupt-Godavari, Hanuman Dhara, Bharat koop, etc., have not only
their religious significance but they are the places of natural beauty as well.

How to Reach

 By Air : The nearest airport is at Khajuraho (175 km), connected with Delhi, Agra and Varanasi.
 By Rail: The nearest railhead is at Chitrakoot Dham (11 km) on the Jhansi-Manikpur main line.
 By Road : Regular bus services connect Chitrakoot with Jhansi, Mahoba, Chitrakoot Dham,
Harpalpur, Satna and Chhatarpur.
Best Season : Best season to visit Chitrakoot is considered October to March.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage for the following expressions :

 quiet and peaceful — tranquil

 holy — sanctified
 away from home — exile
 a group of three — glades
 all the gods — trinity
Question 2.
Where is Chitrakoot situated ? (2015) How can we reach Chitrakoot ? Mention all the three ways.
Chitrakoot is situated in the northern spurs of the VindyasfVe can reach Chitrakoot in the following three
ways :

 By Air : The nearest airport is at Khajuraho (175 km), connected with Delhi, Agra and Varanasi.
 By Rail: The nearest railhead is at Chitrakoot Dham (11 km) on the Jhansi-Manikpur main line.
 By Road : Regular bus services connect Chitrakoot with Jhansi, Mahoba, Chitrakoot Dham,
Harpalpur, Satna and Chhatarpur.

Question 3.
Why does the author describe Chitrakoot as ‘the loveliest of Nature’s gift’ ?
It is described as the loveliest of Nature’s gift because, one can enjoy here both the beauty of nature and
holiness of the place.

Question 4.
Who are considered as Trinity of the Hindu pantheon ?
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are considered as Trinity of the Hindu pantheon.

Question 5.
How do people get inspired from Chitrakoot ?
They get inspired from Chitrakoot’s sublime natural beauty.

Question 6.
What do you understand by ‘Purifying dip’ in water ?
After taking bath in the river people consider that their life has become pure. All their sins have been
washed away. This means ‘purifying dip’ in water.

Question 7.
How far is Chitrakoot from Chitrakoot Dham ?
It is 11 km far from Chitrakoot Dham.

Question 8.
Mention the best time to visit Chitrakoot. (2011)
The best time to visit Chitrakoot is from October to March.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Chitrakoot: The Hill of Many Wonders.

Writing Time
Write an essay in 300 words on any one of the following topics :
1. Pollution problem
2. Importance of Games and Sports
3. Corruption in every day life.
1. Pollution Problem
The thin cover of air and water that surrounds earth protects and keeps life. It is known as biosphere. It
contains oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water-vapour etc. The green plants produce oxygen and supply
us fresh air. Pure water is also supplied by nature that we require most.

Man has made a great progress with the help of science for supplying him several necessary things. He
thinks that the sort of progress he is making is an unmixed blessing. He has seldom thought that the air,
the water or the food could end. He has little thought that the progress of science and technology is
seriously disturbing the life-system balance. It would lead to the breakdown of the life supporting system
on the earth.
Nature has been suffering for the past several hundred years. Now, the problem has become serious. The
great technological break-through arc doing a great damage to the environment. The highly developed
countries were the first to experience the environmental diseases. The increased industrial activity has
brought along air, water and noise pollution. These pollution’s are making living difficult and resulting
into poor health and several diseases. These are also having negative influence on the working capacity of
men in general.

One of the chief air pollutants is smoke from our factories and is harmful for our lungs. The ever rising
number of vehicles spreading foul smoke is also polluting the air. Human waste, animal bathing, industry
waste etc., are polluting water. Even major rivers have become very much polluted. Loud horns, loud-
speakers, musical systems etc., are creating noise pollution. It is disturbing the peace of mind of men.
Atomic tests are also polluting the atmosphere.

If we have not checked these pollution, it would become impossible for people to survive. The factories
and mills must be erected outside the cities. Vehicles should be tuned to produce less smoke. Dirty things
should not be allowed to mix in water. The vehicles should be compelled to produce little sound and there
should be complete ban on nuclear tests.

The anti-pollution laws are being made. Our government and people have become aware of the problem.
We must fully co-operate in making our environment neat and clean.

2. Importance of Games and Sports

“He who has health has hope, and. he who has hope has everything.” —Arabian Proverb

Games and sports are an important part of education. They help in the development of the physique and
mind of the student. A sound body possesses a sound mind. If we are weak and sick we cannot have a
fertile brain. Games and sports keep us healthy. They keep us active, make us smart.

Gandhiji said, “Physical training should have as much place in curriculum as mental training” Mere
bookish knowledge would not lead to proper development of a personality. All work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy. Mere studies would not suffice. Similarly mere sports won’t do. The two should be
blended in a suitable proportion so that the students can have the best of them. They should not only
develop the mind but also the body. Both are essential for a wholesome personality.

Games and sports do not merely keep us healthy and physically fit, they also inculcate in young people
the duty of loyalty. These qualities can be summed up in a word ‘sportsmanship’. The first and the
foremost thing that games teach us is to take victory and defeat alike. In every game, there are two
parties. One wins and the other loses. The winners need not be over-zealous and the loser ones should not
get asperated. Both the parties should greet each other heartily after the game.

Secondly, games and sports teach us discipline. Every player must obey his or her captain. He has to play
obeying all the rules of the games. He has also to abide by the decision of the referee or umpire. Thirdly,
games broaden our outlook. The players ought not to differentiate between one another on the basis of
nationality, caste, creed or colour. The games promote international brotherhood and affection amongst
the people of the world. Thus, they promote world peace too. The Reliance Cup 1987 organised jointly by
Pakistan and India is an example.

Games are beneficial not only to players; they are equally beneficial to the public at large. When a match
is being played, spectators also enjoy it. They become one with the game and in a way take active part in
it. Besides enjoying the game, they learn many things from them. Radio and T.V. have increased the
number of people taking interest in games. Now-a-days, people in any part of the world can enjoy
listening to running commentaries of matches on radio or watching them on the Television.

Games and sports have great value in student’s life. The foundation for a virtuous life is laid in school. If
at an early age a student develops the taste for studies and sports in a proper way, he can become an ideal
citizen in his later life. The sports arena teaches many things to the students. It gives him discipline. It
develops his sportsman spirit, mental outlook, cheerful nature, sense of humour and strong physique—all
these are important traits of a successful life. If a student studies seriously and diligently and still takes
part in sports and games he would make an ideal personality.

3. Corruption in Everyday Life

Corruption has become a way of life in India. It has entrenched itself deeply in the social, political,
economic and religious life of the nation. To be true, right from the Prime Minister down to the ordinary
clerk in the office, no one is free from the suspicion of being a corrupt person. Criminalisation of social
and political life has only sanctified corruption in every walk of life. Rajiv Gandhi’s government was
bundled out because of Before deal. Narsimha Rao has been implicated in a number of cases by the CBI.
It seems corruption has percolated from the top to the bottom. In India, a parallel economy of black
money operates. It is controlled and regulated by the dons of the underworld.

Simple living and high thinking used to be the high ideals of our leaders during the struggle for
independence. But now the priorities have changed. Moreover, the greed for wealth, has corrupted their
minds and morals. Top posts and jobs can be bought. The members of the State Legislatures and the
Parliament are vulnerable to corrupt practices and bribery. Even the security of the nation is compromised
by the self ‘ serving politicians and their agents and power-brokers. The need of the hour is an inspiring
leadership equipped with a firm political will to fight out the growing cancer of corruption.

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